800 research outputs found

    Sun-Sized Water Vapor Masers in Cepheus A

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    We present the first VLBI observations of a Galactic water maser (in Chepeus A) made with a very long baseline interferometric array involving the RadioAstron Earth-orbiting satellite station as one of its elements. We detected two distinct components at -16.9 and 0.6 km/s with a fringe spacing of 66 microarcseconds. In total power, the 0.6 km/s component appears to be a single Gaussian component of strength 580 Jy and width of 0.7 km/s. Single-telescope monitoring showed that its lifetime was only 8~months. The absence of a Zeeman pattern implies the longitudinal magnetic field component is weaker than 120 mG. The space-Earth cross power spectrum shows two unresolved components smaller than 15 microarcseconds, corresponding to a linear scale of 1.6 x 10^11 cm, about the diameter of the Sun, for a distance of 700 pc, separated by 0.54 km/s in velocity and by 160 +/-35 microarcseconds in angle. This is the smallest angular structure ever observed in a Galactic maser. The brightness temperatures are greater than 2 x 10^14K, and the line widths are 0.5 km/s. Most of the flux (about 87%) is contained in a halo of angular size of 400 +/- 150 microarcseconds. This structure is associated with the compact HII region HW3diii. We have probably picked up the most prominent peaks in the angular size range of our interferometer. We discuss three dynamical models: (1) Keplerian motion around a central object, (2) two chance overlapping clouds, and (3) vortices caused by flow around an obstacle (i.e., von Karman vortex street) with Strouhal number of about~0.3.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, February 16, 201

    Investigation of the obscuring circumnuclear torus in the active galaxy Mrk231

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    Here we report on observations of powerful hydroxyl (OH) line emissions that trace the obscuring material within the circumnuclear environment of the galaxy Markarian 231. The hydroxyl (mega)-maser emission shows the characteristics of a rotating, dusty, molecular torus (or thick disk) located between 30 and 100 pc from the central engine. We now have a clear view of the physical conditions, the kinematics and the spatial structure of this material on intermediate size scales, confirming the main tenets of unification models.Comment: 10 pages, including 3 Figures, published in Nature Vol 421 2003; the published pdf--file and higher quality images are available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~hrkloeck/np/pubmrk231.htm

    Black hole in the West Nucleus of Arp 220

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    We present new observations with the IRAM Interferometer, in its longest-baseline configuration, of the CO(2-1) line and the 1.3mm dust radiation from the Arp 220 nuclear region. The dust source in the West nucleus has a size of 0.19 x 0.13 arcsec and a 1.3mm brightness temperature of 90K. This implies that the dust ring in the West nucleus has a high opacity, with tau = 1 at 1.1mm. Not only is the dust ring itself optically thick in the submm and far-IR, but it is surrounded by the previously-known, rapidly rotating molecular disk of size 0.5 arcsec that is also optically thick in the mid-IR. The molecular ring is cooler than the hot dust disk because the CO(2-1) line is seen in absorption against the dust disk. The dust ring is massive (1E9 solar masses), compact (radius 35pc), and hot (true dust temperature 170K). It resembles rather strikingly the dust ring detected around the quasar APM 08279+52, and is most unlike the warm, extended dust sources in starburst galaxies. Because there is a strong temperature gradient from the hot dust ring to the cooler molecular disk, the heating must come from a concentrated source, an AGN accretion disk that is completely invisible at optical wavelengths, and heavily obscured in hard X-rays.Comment: Reference list updated for 2007 publications; estimated position errors increase

    Sosialisasi Sport Massage pada Atlet Sepak Takraw SMANOR Tadulako Palu

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    Sosialisasi Sport Massage pada Atlet Sepak Takraw SMANOR Tadulako Palu. Masalah dalam pengabdian ini adalah (1) Masih rendahnya pemahaman Atlet Sepak Takraw SMANOR Tadulako Palu dalam memanfaatkan Sport Massage (2) Masih rendahnya peranan pelatih dalam memberikan pertolongan pertama pada cedera di SMANOR Tadulako Palu. Target dalam pemecahan masalah mitra adalah (1) Meningkatkan pemahaman Atlet dalam memanfaatkan Sport Massage dan (2) Meningkatkan peranan Pelatih Sepak Takraw SMANOR Tadulako Palu dalam mengantisipasi cedera. Luaran yang di capai adalah (1) Peningkatan Penerapan Iptek di Masyarakat (Mekanisasi, IT, dan Manajemen), (2) Perbaikan Tata Nilai Masyarakat (Sosial, Keamanan, Ketentraman, Pendidikan). Metode yang digunakan untuk mendukung tercapainya solusi dan target yang ingin dicapai adalah (1) Sosialisasi yang dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi  dan data-data tentang kegiatan pengabdian, (2) Pendampingan terhadap mitra pengabdian dimaksudkan agar dapat membimbing Atlet dan Pelatih Sepak Takraw SMANOR Tadulako Palu dalam menerapkan konsep yang telah diberikan

    A new period of activity in the core of NGC 660

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    The core of the nearby galaxy NGC 660 has recently undergone a spectacular radio outburst; using a combination of archival radio and Chandra X-ray data, together with new observations, the nature of this event is investigated. Radio observations made using e-MERLIN in mid-2013 show a new compact and extremely bright continuum source at the centre of the galaxy. High angular resolution observations carried out with the European VLBI Network show an obvious jet-like feature to the north east and evidence of a weak extension to the west, possibly a counter-jet. We also examine high angular resolution Hi spectra of these new sources, and the radio spectral energy distribution using the new wide-band capabilities of e-MERLIN. We compare the properties of the new object with possible explanations, concluding that we are seeing a period of new AGN activity in the core of this polar ring galaxy

    Shifting hospital care to primary care: An evaluation of cardiology care in a primary care setting in the Netherlands.

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    In an attempt to deal with the pressures on the healthcare system and to guarantee sustainability, changes are needed. This study is focused on a cardiology Primary Care Plus intervention in which cardiologists provide consultations with patients in a primary care setting in order to prevent unnecessary referrals to the hospital. This study explores which patients with non-acute and low-complexity cardiology-related health complaints should be excluded from Primary Care Plus and referred directly to specialist care in the hospital

    Photon Orbital Angular Momentum and Mass in a Plasma Vortex

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    We analyse the Anderson-Higgs mechanism of photon mass acquisition in a plasma and study the contribution to the mass from the orbital angular momentum acquired by a beam of photons when it crosses a spatially structured charge distribution. To this end we apply Proca-Maxwell equations in a static plasma with a particular spatial distribution of free charges, notably a plasma vortex, that is able to impose orbital angular momentum (OAM) onto light. In addition to the mass acquisition of the conventional Anderson-Higgs mechanism, we find that the photon acquires an additional mass from the OAM and that this mass reduces the Proca photon mass.Comment: Four pages, no figures. Error corrections, improved notation, refined derivation