218 research outputs found

    The ‘Pritchard Trap’: a novel quantitative survey method for crayfish

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    1. As crayfish invasions continue to threaten native freshwater biota, a detailed understanding of crayfish distribution and population structure becomes imperative. Nonetheless, most current survey methods provide inadequate demographic data. The quantitative ‘Triple Drawdown’ (TDD) dewatering method has highlighted the importance of such data, yet practical constraints prevent its large-scale application. 2. Here, we introduce the ‘Pritchard Trap’, a novel passive sampling method that reliably generates quantitative crayfish population data while requiring substantially lower sampling effort than TDDs. This quadrat-style sampler was extensively tested in headwater streams of North Yorkshire, England, along an invasion gradient for signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) from well-established sites to mixed populations of signal crayfish and native white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes). 3. The Pritchard Trap was trialled over several time intervals to determine the minimum required trap deployment time. TDDs at the same sites allowed for a robust evaluation of Pritchard Trap sampling accuracy in representing crayfish densities and population structure. 4. The Pritchard Trap successfully sampled both invasive and native crayfish (8–42 mm carapace length). A minimum passive deployment time of 4 days was required. At low crayfish densities (0.5 individuals m−2), increased trapping effort was necessary to achieve accurate population density and size class distribution estimates. The Pritchard Trap required substantially less sampling effort (working hours) and resources than the TDD, whilst also posing less risk to non-target species. 5. The Pritchard Trap, for the first time, affords logistically simple, truly quantitative investigations of crayfish population demographics for headwater systems. It could be integrated into crayfish research and management, for example to explore density-dependent ecological impacts of invasive crayfish and their management responses or to monitor populations and recruitment in native crayfish conservation initiatives

    Invasive Signal Crayfish in the UK: Survey Methods to Inform Evidence-based Management

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    With invasive crayfish becoming increasingly widespread, evidence-based management is crucial to protect freshwater ecosystems. Knowledge of the structure and function of invasive crayfish populations allows for an effective evaluation of management efforts. Recent methodological developments have enabled the first truly quantitative studies of UK invasive crayfish populations in the field. This was achieved by the ‘triple drawdown’ (TDD) survey approach. In this article, we explore current survey approaches and their limitations, and we introduce the TDD method with its implications for crayfish survey, policy development and management

    Consequences of pond management for chironomid assemblages and diversity in English farmland ponds

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    Ponds represent a large potential resource for biodiversity in agricultural areas of lowland Europe though many are lost through natural succession towards damp woodland depressions (terrestrialisation). Managing ponds back towards their former open-water state may result in dramatic increases of biodiversity, even on heavily farmed land. Here, evidence is presented of the effects of terrestrialised farmland pond restoration on chironomid assemblages. Chironomid pupal exuviae were collected from three terrestrialised ponds on intensively-farmed land in North Norfolk, Eastern England. Two of the ponds had trees, scrub and sediment removed, while the third pond remained undisturbed as a control. Pupal exuviae collection resumed after the restoration period. In addition, nine unmanaged farm ponds and two formerly restored ponds were sampled. Nearby, another five restored ponds were also sampled for chironomid pupal exuviae. Water data revealed alkalinity, conductivity and phosphorus decreased while pH and dissolved oxygen increased after pond restoration. Chironomid species diversity, similarity and species compositional change were compared pre- and post-restoration. Assessments were made of chironomid species associated with colonisation of restored ponds as well as ponds without such management. After scrub and sediment removal the earliest colonisation of the ponds was by mud-eating species with rapid colonisation traits such as parthenogenesis, multiple generations in one year and tolerance of low oxygen conditions. Subsequent plant growth due to the opening up of the canopy led to consequent improved oxygenation and habitat structure. Other chironomid species dependent on these conditions were then able to compete with the early colonisers. Restoration also made a significant improvement in the number of chironomid species, as assessed by rarefaction curves

    Revisiting hydro-ecological impacts of climate change on a restored floodplain wetland via hydrological/hydraulic modelling and the UK Climate Projections 2018 scenarios

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    The hydro-ecological impacts of 40 UK Climate Projections 2018 scenarios on a restored lowland England river floodplain are assessed using a MIKE SHE / MIKE 11 model. Annual precipitation declines for 60% of scenarios (range: -26%–21%, with small, <5%, declines for the central probability level). Potential evapotranspiration increases for all probability levels except the most extreme, very unlikely, 10% level (range: -4%–43%, central probability 9%–20%) Mean, peak and low river discharges are reduced for all but the extreme 90% probability level. Reduced frequency of bankfull discharge dominates (at least halved for the central probability level). Floodplain inundation declines for over 97% of 320 scenario-events. Winter water table levels still intercept the surface, while mean and summer low levels are reduced. Declines in mean summer floodplain water table levels for the central probability level (0.22 m and 0.28 m for the 2050s and 2080s, respectively) are twice as large as those in the more dynamic riparian area. Declines reach 0.39 m for some 10% probability level scenarios. Simulated hydrological changes differ subtly from a previous assessment using earlier UK climate projections. A soil aeration stress index demonstrates that, under baseline conditions, prolonged high winter floodplain water tables drive long periods of low root-zone oxygen, in turn favouring vegetation communities adapted to waterlogged conditions. Climate change reduces aeration stress and the extent of appropriate conditions for these plant communities in favour of communities less tolerant of wet conditions

    Spectral fingerprints or spectral tilt? Evidence for distinct oscillatory signatures of memory formation

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    Decreases in low-frequency power (2-30 Hz) alongside high-frequency power increases (>40 Hz) have been demonstrated to predict successful memory formation. Parsimoniously, this change in the frequency spectrum can be explained by one factor, a change in the tilt of the power spectrum (from steep to flat) indicating engaged brain regions. A competing view is that the change in the power spectrum contains several distinct brain oscillatory fingerprints, each serving different computations. Here, we contrast these two theories in a parallel magnetoencephalography (MEG)-intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) study in which healthy participants and epilepsy patients, respectively, studied either familiar verbal material or unfamiliar faces. We investigated whether modulations in specific frequency bands can be dissociated in time and space and by experimental manipulation. Both MEG and iEEG data show that decreases in alpha/beta power specifically predicted the encoding of words but not faces, whereas increases in gamma power and decreases in theta power predicted memory formation irrespective of material. Critically, these different oscillatory signatures of memory encoding were evident in different brain regions. Moreover, high-frequency gamma power increases occurred significantly earlier compared to low-frequency theta power decreases. These results show that simple "spectral tilt" cannot explain common oscillatory changes and demonstrate that brain oscillations in different frequency bands serve different functions for memory encoding

    Unmasking selective path integration deficits inAlzheimer’s disease risk carriers

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) manifests with progressive memory loss and spatial disorientation. Neuropathological studies suggest early AD pathology in the entorhinal cortex (EC) of young adults at genetic risk for AD (APOE4-carriers). Because the EC harbors grid cells, a likely neural substrate of path integration (PI), we examined PI performance in APOE4-carriers during a virtual navigation task. We report a selective impairment in APOE4-carriers specifically when recruitment of compensatory navigational strategies via supportive spatial cues was disabled. A separate fMRI study revealed that PI performance was associated with the strength of entorhinal grid-like representations when no compensatory strategies were available, suggesting grid cell dysfunction as a mechanistic explanation for PI deficits in APOE4-carriers. Furthermore, posterior cingulate/retrosplenial cortex was involved in the recruitment of compensatory navigational strategies via supportive spatial cues. Our results provide evidence for selective PI deficits in AD risk carriers, decades before potential disease onset

    A second horizon scan of biogeography:golden ages, Midas touches, and the Red Queen

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    Are we entering a new ‘Golden Age’ of biogeography, with continued development of infrastructure and ideas? We highlight recent developments, and the challenges and opportunities they bring, in light of the snapshot provided by the 7th biennial meeting of the International Biogeography Society (IBS 2015). We summarize themes in and across 15 symposia using narrative analysis and word clouds, which we complement with recent publication trends and ‘research fronts’. We find that biogeography is still strongly defined by core sub-disciplines that reflect its origins in botanical, zoological (particularly bird and mammal), and geographic (e.g., island, montane) studies of the 1800s. That core is being enriched by large datasets (e.g. of environmental variables, ‘omics’, species’ occurrences, traits) and new techniques (e.g., advances in genetics, remote sensing, modeling) that promote studies with increasing detail and at increasing scales; disciplinary breadth is being diversified (e.g., by developments in paleobiogeography and microbiology) and integrated through the transfer of approaches and sharing of theory (e.g., spatial modeling and phylogenetics in evolutionary–ecological contexts). Yet some subdisciplines remain on the fringe (e.g., marine biogeography, deep-time paleobiogeography), new horizons and new theory may be overshadowed by popular techniques (e.g., species distribution modelling), and hypotheses, data, and analyses may each be wanting. Trends in publication suggest a shift away from traditional biogeography journals to multidisciplinary or open access journals. Thus, there are currently many stewardship of, the planet (e.g., Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). As in the past, biogeographers doubtless will continue to be engaged by new data and methods in exploring the nexus between biology and geography for decades into the future. But golden ages come and go, and they need not touch every domain in a discipline nor affect subdisciplines at the same time; moreover, what appears to be a Golden Age may sometimes have an undesirable ‘Midas touch’. Contexts within and outwith biogeography—e.g., methods, knowledge, climate, biodiversity, politics—are continually changing, and at times it can be challenging to establish or maintain relevance. In so many races with the Red Queen, we suggest that biogeography will enjoy greatest success if we also increasingly engage with the epistemology of our disciplinePeer reviewe

    The Sleeping Brain's Influence on Verbal Memory: Boosting Resistance to Interference

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    Memories evolve. After learning something new, the brain initiates a complex set of post-learning processing that facilitates recall (i.e., consolidation). Evidence points to sleep as one of the determinants of that change. But whenever a behavioral study of episodic memory shows a benefit of sleep, critics assert that sleep only leads to a temporary shelter from the damaging effects of interference that would otherwise accrue during wakefulness. To evaluate the potentially active role of sleep for verbal memory, we compared memory recall after sleep, with and without interference before testing. We demonstrated that recall performance for verbal memory was greater after sleep than after wakefulness. And when using interference testing, that difference was even more pronounced. By introducing interference after sleep, this study confirms an experimental paradigm that demonstrates the active role of sleep in consolidating memory, and unmasks the large magnitude of that benefit
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