494 research outputs found

    Dairy bioactives and functional ingredients with skin health benefits

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    The potential of whey from Italian cheese productions to support skin health and anti-ageing mechanism was studied. The effect of whey on dermal and epidermal cells was evaluated. Whey inhibited the activity of elastase and tyrosinase enzymes by 60% and 32%, respectively. Whey cytotoxicity against tested skin cell lines, human fibroblasts (HDFa) and keratinocytes (HaCaT) was not observed. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the samples was noted, after treatment with whey intracellular ROS level was decreased by 87% in comparison with the hydrogen peroxide-treated cells. Fibroblasts produced a significant amount of extracellular matrix molecules, collagen I, elastin and glycosaminoglycans as a result of treatment with tested whey. In addition, the ability of samples to improve the cell barrier integrity of keratinocytes was proven. The obtained results indicate that pure whey supports skin health and shows potential to be used by the cosmetic industry

    Particle detection experiment for Applications Technology Satellite 1 /ATS-1/ Final report

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    Applications technology satellite particle detection experiment for measuring energy spectra of earth magnetic fiel

    Photochemical properties of the cyclopentadienyliron complex of phenothiazine

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    Publisher's version/PDFPhotolysis of [([eta superscript 6]-phenothiazine)([eta superscript 5]-cyclopentadienyl)]iron(II) hexafluorophosphate (1) has been examined in various solvents such as MeOH, DMSO, THF, MeCN, furan, CH[subscript 2]Cl[subscript 2], CF[subscript 3]CH[subscript 2]OH and (CF[subscript 3])[subscript 2]CHOH. Photoreactions are induced by excitation at [lambda] = 254, 313, 337, 366, 514.5 and 647.5 nm. The major reaction leads to the photorelease of phenothiazine (2) which does not react further under the reaction conditions. Quantum yields of photolysis of 1, [phi](1), and photorelease of 2, [phi]([subscript 2]), are independent of concentration in the range of 1 × 10[superscript –4]–1 × 10[superscript–2] mol dm[superscript–3], wavelength of excitation and light intensity and in MeOH, MeCN, furan and THF, [phi]([subscript 1]) = [phi]([subscript 2]) = ca. 1. The quantum yields are lower in solvents of lower nucleophilicity and in CH[subscript 2]Cl[subscript 2], CF[subscript 3]CH[subscript 2]OH and (CF[subscript 3])[subscript 2]CHOH the [phi]([subscript 1]) values are 0.45, 0.26 and 0.03, respectively. In some solvents ferrocene formation is also observed. Applying oxygen as a quencher it is found that photochemical decay of 1 takes place from the excited state [superscript 3]E[subscript 1], with a lifetime of [tau][subscript 3][Epsilon][subscript 1] < 10[superscript –8]s and leads to formation of 2

    Spin tune mapping as a novel tool to probe the spin dynamics in storage rings

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    Precision experiments, such as the search for electric dipole moments of charged particles using storage rings, demand for an understanding of the spin dynamics with unprecedented accuracy. The ultimate aim is to measure the electric dipole moments with a sensitivity up to 15 orders in magnitude better than the magnetic dipole moment of the stored particles. This formidable task requires an understanding of the background to the signal of the electric dipole from rotations of the spins in the spurious magnetic fields of a storage ring. One of the observables, especially sensitive to the imperfection magnetic fields in the ring is the angular orientation of stable spin axis. Up to now, the stable spin axis has never been determined experimentally, and in addition, the JEDI collaboration for the first time succeeded to quantify the background signals that stem from false rotations of the magnetic dipole moments in the horizontal and longitudinal imperfection magnetic fields of the storage ring. To this end, we developed a new method based on the spin tune response of a machine to artificially applied longitudinal magnetic fields. This novel technique, called \textit{spin tune mapping}, emerges as a very powerful tool to probe the spin dynamics in storage rings. The technique was experimentally tested in 2014 at the cooler synchrotron COSY, and for the first time, the angular orientation of the stable spin axis at two different locations in the ring has been determined to an unprecedented accuracy of better than 2.8μ2.8\murad.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, 7 table

    Phase Measurement for Driven Spin Oscillations in a Storage Ring

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    This paper reports the first simultaneous measurement of the horizontal and vertical components of the polarization vector in a storage ring under the influence of a radio frequency (rf) solenoid. The experiments were performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY in J\"ulich using a vector polarized, bunched 0.97GeV/c0.97\,\textrm{GeV/c} deuteron beam. Using the new spin feedback system, we set the initial phase difference between the solenoid field and the precession of the polarization vector to a predefined value. The feedback system was then switched off, allowing the phase difference to change over time, and the solenoid was switched on to rotate the polarization vector. We observed an oscillation of the vertical polarization component and the phase difference. The oscillations can be described using an analytical model. The results of this experiment also apply to other rf devices with horizontal magnetic fields, such as Wien filters. The precise manipulation of particle spins in storage rings is a prerequisite for measuring the electric dipole moment (EDM) of charged particles

    Phase locking the spin precession in a storage ring

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    This letter reports the successful use of feedback from a spin polarization measurement to the revolution frequency of a 0.97 GeV/cc bunched and polarized deuteron beam in the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) storage ring in order to control both the precession rate (121\approx 121 kHz) and the phase of the horizontal polarization component. Real time synchronization with a radio frequency (rf) solenoid made possible the rotation of the polarization out of the horizontal plane, yielding a demonstration of the feedback method to manipulate the polarization. In particular, the rotation rate shows a sinusoidal function of the horizontal polarization phase (relative to the rf solenoid), which was controlled to within a one standard deviation range of σ=0.21\sigma = 0.21 rad. The minimum possible adjustment was 3.7 mHz out of a revolution frequency of 753 kHz, which changes the precession rate by 26 mrad/s. Such a capability meets a requirement for the use of storage rings to look for an intrinsic electric dipole moment of charged particles

    Beam-helicity asymmetries for single-hadron production in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from unpolarized hydrogen and deuterium targets

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    A measurement of beam-helicity asymmetries for single-hadron production in deep-inelastic scattering is presented. Data from the scattering of 27.6 GeV electrons and positrons off gaseous hydrogen and deuterium targets were collected by the HERMES experiment. The asymmetries are presented separately as a function of the Bjorken scaling variable, the hadron transverse momentum, and the fractional energy for charged pions and kaons as well as for protons and anti-protons. These asymmetries are also presented as a function of the three aforementioned kinematic variables simultaneously

    Measurement of the Spin-Dependence of the pbar-p Interaction at the AD-Ring

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    We propose to use an internal polarized hydrogen storage cell gas target in the AD ring to determine for the first time the two total spin-dependent pbar-p cross sections sigma_1 and sigma_2 at antiproton beam energies in the range from 50 to 450 MeV. The data obtained are of interest by themselves for the general theory of pbar-p interactions since they will provide a first experimental constraint of the spin-spin dependence of the nucleon-antinucleon potential in the energy range of interest. In addition, measurements of the polarization buildup of stored antiprotons are required to define the optimum parameters of a future, dedicated Antiproton Polarizer Ring (APR), intended to feed a double-polarized asymmetric pbar-p collider with polarized antiprotons. Such a machine has recently been proposed by the PAX collaboration for the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. The availability of an intense stored beam of polarized antiprotons will provide access to a wealth of single- and double-spin observables, thereby opening a new window on QCD spin physics.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, proposal submitted to the SPS committee of CER