50 research outputs found

    A study protocol to investigate the relationship between dietary fibre intake and fermentation, colon cell turnover, global protein acetylation and early carcinogenesis: the FACT study

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    Background: A number of studies, notably EPIC, have shown a descrease in colorectal cancer risk associated with increased fibre consumption. Whilst the underlying mechanisms are likely to be multifactorial, production of the short-chain fatty-acid butyrate fro butyratye is frequently cited as a major potential contributor to the effect. Butyrate inhibits histone deacetylases, which work on a wide range of proteins over and above histones. We therefore hypothesized that alterations in the acetylated proteome may be associated with a cancer risk phenotype in the colorectal mucosa, and that such alterations are candidate biomarkers for effectiveness of fibre interventions in cancer prevention. Methods an design: There are two principal arms to this study: (i) a cross-sectional study (FACT OBS) of 90 subjects recruited from gastroenterology clinics and; (ii) an intervention trial in 40 subjects with an 8 week high fibre intervention. In both studies the principal goal is to investigate a link between fibre intake, SCFA production and global protein acetylation. The primary measure is level of faecal butyrate, which it is hoped will be elevated by moving subjects to a high fibre diet. Fibre intakes will be estimated in the cross-sectional group using the EPIC Food Frequency Questionnaire. Subsidiary measures of the effect of butyrate on colon mucosal function and precancerous phenotype will include measures of apoptosis, apoptotic regulators cell cycle and cell division. Discussion: This study will provide a new level of mechanistic data on alterations in the functional proteome in response to the colon microenvironment which may underwrite the observed cancer preventive effect of fibre. The study may yield novel candidate biomarkers of fibre fermentation and colon mucosal function

    Generación de información geoespacial para la evaluación estacional del agua en la cuenca de la laguna de Cajititlán mediante el modelo InVEST: una iniciativa del Proyecto Charco Bendito para la preservación ambiental

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    Con el fin de preservar y gestionar los recursos hídricos de manera sostenible en la cuenca de la laguna de Cajititlán, México, estudiantes del Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional del Laboratorio de Datos del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) colaboraron con el Proyecto Charco Bendito para llevar a cabo este proyecto. Se centró en generar y analizar información geoespacial utilizando el modelo de producción estacional del agua de InVEST, un software desarrollado por la organización Natural Capital Project de la Universidad de Stanford para evaluar y cuantificar los servicios ecosistémicos proporcionados por los recursos naturales, lo que permitió tomar decisiones informadas sobre su gestión y conservación. El objetivo principal fue establecer una línea base ambiental para medir la ganancia de agua y evaluar el éxito de futuros proyectos de conservación y gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca de la laguna de Cajititlán. Para lograr esto, se obtuvo y generó la información necesaria para correr el modelo de InVEST, incluyendo capas de área de interés, uso de suelo, modelo digital de elevación, hidrología, tabla de datos biofísicos, precipitación y evapotranspiración. Además, se validó la calidad de la información y se configuró el modelo, ejecutándose para analizar los resultados obtenidos y determinar la línea base ambiental en la cuenca de la laguna de Cajititlán. El proyecto también se centró en estudiar la infiltración y el escurrimiento en la cuenca de la laguna de Cajititlán, procesos clave para la regulación del ciclo hidrológico y la preservación de los recursos hídricos. Se generaron guías detalladas de cada paso del proceso para la creación de cada una de las capas con la finalidad de poder replicar el modelo en futuros años y así poder medir el progreso y la ganancia o pérdida de agua en la cuenca. Con los resultados del modelo se pudo observar que los bosques de pino y los bosques mixtos de pino-encino generan menor escurrimiento, mientras que los cambios en el uso del suelo hacia la agricultura, la urbanización y los suelos desnudos, debido a incendios agrícolas o forestales, incrementan los volúmenes de escurrimiento. La investigación también destaca la importancia de la preservación del agua y la restauración de áreas naturales para la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social y ambiental. Es importante destacar que los datos utilizados en este proyecto corresponden al año 2018, ya que no se contaba con datos más actualizados de evapotranspiración y precipitación para realizar ambas capas. Sin embargo, se encontró que es posible emplear datos climatológicos históricos para estimar el rendimiento estacional del agua en ausencia de datos actualizados, y que la gestión del paisaje puede afectar el flujo estacional del agua. Asimismo, se propone la inclusión de un modelo financiero en futuros estudios, que permita medir las ganancias o pérdidas económicas asociadas a la conservación y gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca de la laguna de Cajititlán. De esta manera, se podrá evaluar no solo el impacto ambiental, sino también el impacto económico de las acciones efectuadas en la región.ITESO, A.C

    Mosquitoes LTR Retrotransposons: A Deeper View into the Genomic Sequence of Culex quinquefasciatus

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    A set of 67 novel LTR-retrotransposon has been identified by in silico analyses of the Culex quinquefasciatus genome using the LTR_STRUC program. The phylogenetic analysis shows that 29 novel and putatively functional LTR-retrotransposons detected belong to the Ty3/gypsy group. Our results demonstrate that, by considering only families containing potentially autonomous LTR-retrotransposons, they account for about 1% of the genome of C. quinquefasciatus. In previous studies it has been estimated that 29% of the genome of C. quinquefasciatus is occupied by mobile genetic elements

    Shape description and matching using integral invariants on eccentricity transformed images

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    Matching occluded and noisy shapes is a problem frequently encountered in medical image analysis and more generally in computer vision. To keep track of changes inside the breast, for example, it is important for a computer aided detection system to establish correspondences between regions of interest. Shape transformations, computed both with integral invariants (II) and with geodesic distance, yield signatures that are invariant to isometric deformations, such as bending and articulations. Integral invariants describe the boundaries of planar shapes. However, they provide no information about where a particular feature lies on the boundary with regard to the overall shape structure. Conversely, eccentricity transforms (Ecc) can match shapes by signatures of geodesic distance histograms based on information from inside the shape; but they ignore the boundary information. We describe a method that combines the boundary signature of a shape obtained from II and structural information from the Ecc to yield results that improve on them separately

    Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models in basic and translational breast cancer research

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    Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of a growing spectrum of cancers are rapidly supplanting long-established traditional cell lines as preferred models for conducting basic and translational preclinical research. In breast cancer, to complement the now curated collection of approximately 45 long-established human breast cancer cell lines, a newly formed consortium of academic laboratories, currently from Europe, Australia, and North America, herein summarizes data on over 500 stably transplantable PDX models representing all three clinical subtypes of breast cancer (ER+, HER2+, and "Triple-negative" (TNBC)). Many of these models are well-characterized with respect to genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic features, metastatic behavior, and treatment response to a variety of standard-of-care and experimental therapeutics. These stably transplantable PDX lines are generally available for dissemination to laboratories conducting translational research, and contact information for each collection is provided. This review summarizes current experiences related to PDX generation across participating groups, efforts to develop data standards for annotation and dissemination of patient clinical information that does not compromise patient privacy, efforts to develop complementary data standards for annotation of PDX characteristics and biology, and progress toward "credentialing" of PDX models as surrogates to represent individual patients for use in preclinical and co-clinical translational research. In addition, this review highlights important unresolved questions, as well as current limitations, that have hampered more efficient generation of PDX lines and more rapid adoption of PDX use in translational breast cancer research

    The role of steroid hormones in breast cancer stem cells

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    Breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) are potent tumor-initiating cells in breast cancer, the most common cancer among women. BCSCs have been suggested to play a key role in tumor initiation which can lead to disease progression and formation of metastases. Moreover, BCSCs are thought to be the unit of selection for therapy-resistant clones since they survive conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy, irradiation, and hormonal therapy. The importance of the role of hormones for both normal mammary gland and breast cancer development is well established, but it was not until recently that the effects of hormones on BCSCs have been investigated. This review will discuss recent studies highlighting how ovarian steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone, as well as therapies against them, can regulate BCSC activity.</jats:p