296 research outputs found

    Traduction et transfert : pour une démarche intégrée

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    La métaphorisation récente du concept de « traduction » tend à faire de ce dernier un équivalent, voire un substitut du concept de « transfert ». Une telle évolution, loin de rapprocher les études de traduction et la littérature comparée, suscite un éventail de problèmes aux plans théorique, méthodologique et analytique. L’article passera ces derniers en revue, avant de proposer une démarche intégrée, où le concept de transfert, défini comme un processus de circulation entre les systèmes littéraires, leurs sous-systèmes et leurs modèles de communication sera corrélé à la traduction. Suit une analyse d’un cas concret, encore inexploré par les historiens ou par les comparatistes : la migration massive au nord de la France de familles belges au XIXe siècle, une migration qui s’accompagne d’un vaste processus de transfert d’un ensemble d’attitudes, de croyances, de savoirs et de savoir-faire investis dans les pratiques sociales, professionnelles ou culturelles du migrant. Quant aux pratiques verbales et littéraires, on observera que ce processus agit moyennant des procédures comme la traduction, l’imitation, l’édition, l’anthologie et le compte rendu. Ces techniques s’appliquent surtout à des genres mineurs et oraux tels que la chanson.The recent use of “translation” as a metaphor tends to turn the latter into an equivalent of or even a substitute for the concept of “transfer.” Instead of bringing Translation Studies and Comparative Literature closer together, this evolution raises a wide range of theoretical, methodological and analytical problems. In response, this article proposes an integrated approach in which the concept of “transfer,” which is defined as a process of interaction between literary systems, their subsystems and their communication models, will be linked to the concept of “translation.” The approach is then applied to a case that has never been investigated by historians or comparatists, namely the massive migration of Belgian families towards the north of France in the 19th century. This migration was accompanied by an extensive transfer process of a wide range of attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills imbedded in the social, professional and cultural life of the migrant. As regards oral and literary practices, the transfer process functions by means of methods such as translation, imitation, publishing, anthologisation and review writing. These apply mainly to minor and oral genres, such as popular songs

    Pour une historiographie des théories de la traduction : questions de méthode

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    Pour une historiographie des théories de la traduction : questions de méthode — L'historiographie de la traduction et des théories de la traduction est un secteur sous-développé de la traductologie, tant dans la perspective de l'interdisciplinarité que celle-ci réclame et dont on trouve des exemples en particulier dans l'histoire de la discipline que dans l'intérêt grandissant pour une compréhension plus approfondie, en termes historiques, des relations étroites entre les théories modernes spécialement en prenant en compte leurs origines et leur développement. L'article aborde plusieurs problèmes méthodologiques de la recherche historique en théorie de la traduction. En premier lieu, on insiste sur la nécessité de fonder l'analyse sur des corpus exhaustifs, ce qui implique de prendre en considération des sources traditionnellement négligées ainsi que les disciplines connexes. En second lieu, on plaide ici en faveur d'une interaction réfléchie entre concepts contemporains et historiques en faisant jouer à ces derniers un rôle complémentaire et non pas de substitut. Les relations entre contenu et contexte peuvent être décrites selon le même principe. En troisième lieu, l'article analyse certains problèmes que posent la nature évolutive des théories et leur constitution en « paradigmes ». Enfin, le modèle de progrès prédominant dans les théories contemporaines de la traduction est critiqué et confronté à une perspective sur l'évaluation déterminée par des facteurs historiques proprement dits parmi lesquels le facteur contextuel qui fait ici l'objet d'une analyse particulière.For an Historiography of Translation Theories: Questions of Method — The historiography of translation and of translation theories is an underdeveloped branch of translation studies, both in view of the latter's claim for interdisciplinarity particularly exemplified by the history of the discipline, and the growing appeal for an in-depth understanding, in historical terms, of the intricate relations between modern theories, esp. taking into account their origins and development. The article deals with several methodological problems of the historical research of translation theories. First, the necessity is stressed to take exhaustive corpora as a basis for the analysis, implying the consideration of traditionally neglected sources, and of correlated disciplines. Secondly, a plea is made for a carefully pondered interaction between contemporary and historical concepts, by understanding the former's role as complementary and not substitutive. The relations between content and context can be described according to the same principle. Thirdly, an analysis is made of some problems involved with the analysis of the evolutionary nature of theories, and their constitution into "paradigms." Finally, the progress-model prevalent in contemporary translation theories is criticized and opposed to a view on evaluation determined by proper historical factors, among which the contextual one receives special emphasis

    Network analysis of online bidding activity

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    With the advent of digital media, people are increasingly resorting to online channels for commercial transactions. Online auction is a prototypical example. In such online transactions, the pattern of bidding activity is more complex than traditional online transactions; this is because the number of bidders participating in a given transaction is not bounded and the bidders can also easily respond to the bidding instantaneously. By using the recently developed network theory, we study the interaction patterns between bidders (items) who (that) are connected when they bid for the same item (if the item is bid by the same bidder). The resulting network is analyzed by using the hierarchical clustering algorithm, which is used for clustering analysis for expression data from DNA microarrays. A dendrogram is constructed for the item subcategories; this dendrogram is compared with a traditional classification scheme. The implication of the difference between the two is discussed.Comment: 8 pages and 11 figure

    Kinetics of node splitting in evolving complex networks

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    Copyright @ 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. This is a preprint version of the published article which can be accessed at the link below.We introduce a collection of complex networks generated by a combination of preferential attachment and a previously unexamined process of "splitting" nodes of degree k into k nodes of degree 1. Four networks are considered, each evolves at each time step by either preferential attachment, with probability p, or splitting with probability 1-p. Two methods of attachment are considered; first, attachment of an edge between a newly created node and an existing node in the network, and secondly by attachment of an edge between two existing nodes. Splitting is also considered in two separate ways; first by selecting each node with equal probability and secondly, selecting the node with probability proportional to its degree. Exact solutions for the degree distributions are found and scale-free structure is exhibited in those networks where the candidates for splitting are chosen with uniform probability, those that are chosen preferentially are distributed with a power law with exponential cut-off.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci

    Assumed translation

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    status: publishe

    In Vitro Mutational and Bioinformatics Analysis of the M71 Odorant Receptor and Its Superfamily

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    We performed an extensive mutational analysis of the canonical mouse odorant receptor (OR) M71 to determine the properties of ORs that inhibit plasma membrane trafficking in heterologous expression systems. We employed the use of the M71::GFP fusion protein to directly assess plasma membrane localization and functionality of M71 in heterologous cells in vitro or in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in vivo. OSN expression of M71::GFP show only small differences in activity compared to untagged M71. However, M71::GFP could not traffic to the plasma membrane even in the presence of proposed accessory proteins RTP1S or mβ2AR. To ask if ORs contain an internal “kill sequence”, we mutated ~15 of the most highly conserved OR specific amino acids not found amongst the trafficking non-OR GPCR superfamily; none of these mutants rescued trafficking. Addition of various amino terminal signal sequences or different glycosylation motifs all failed to produce trafficking. The addition of the amino and carboxy terminal domains of mβ2AR or the mutation Y289A in the highly conserved GPCR motif NPxxY does not rescue plasma membrane trafficking. The failure of targeted mutagenesis on rescuing plasma membrane localization in heterologous cells suggests that OR trafficking deficits may not be attributable to conserved collinear motifs, but rather the overall amino acid composition of the OR family. Thus, we performed an in silico analysis comparing the OR and other amine receptor superfamilies. We find that ORs contain fewer charged residues and more hydrophobic residues distributed throughout the protein and a conserved overall amino acid composition. From our analysis, we surmise that it may be difficult to traffic ORs at high levels to the cell surface in vitro, without making significant amino acid modifications. Finally, we observed specific increases in methionine and histidine residues as well as a marked decrease in tryptophan residues, suggesting that these changes provide ORs with special characteristics needed for them to function in olfactory neurons

    Boolean Game on Scale-free Networks

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    Inspired by the local minority game, we propose a network Boolean game and investigate its dynamical properties on scale-free networks. The system can self-organize to a stable state with better performance than random choice game, although only the local information is available to the agent. By introducing the heterogeneity of local interactions, we find the system has the best performance when each agent's interaction frequency is linear correlated with its information capacity. Generally, the agents with more information gain more than those with less information, while in the optimal case, each agent almost has the same average profit. In addition, we investigate the role of irrational factor and find an interesting symmetrical behavior.Comment: 12 pages and 6 figure

    Continuous time dynamics of the Thermal Minority Game

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    We study the continuous time dynamics of the Thermal Minority Game. We find that the dynamical equations of the model reduce to a set of stochastic differential equations for an interacting disordered system with non-trivial random diffusion. This is the simplest microscopic description which accounts for all the features of the system. Within this framework, we study the phase structure of the model and find that its macroscopic properties strongly depend on the initial conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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