1,870 research outputs found

    Couplings of N=1 chiral spinor multiplets

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    We derive the action for chiral spinor multiplets coupled to vector and scalar multiplets. We give the component form of the action, which contains gauge invariant mass terms for the antisymmetric tensors in the spinor superfield and additional Green-Schwarz couplings to vector fields. We observe that supersymmetry provides mass terms for the scalars in the spinor multiplet which do not arise from eliminating an auxiliary field. We construct the dual action by explicitly performing the duality transformations in superspace and give its component form.Comment: 17 pages, v2 small change

    Rigid N=2 superconformal hypermultiplets

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    We discuss superconformally invariant systems of hypermultiplets coupled to gauge fields associated with target-space isometries.Comment: Invited talk given at the International Seminar "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries", July 1997, Dubna. Latex, 9 p

    Supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum Scenario

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    We present the supersymmetric version of the minimal Randall-Sundrum model with two opposite tension branes.Comment: Latex, 9 pages. Published versio

    Spinor Algebras

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    We consider supersymmetry algebras in space-times with arbitrary signature and minimal number of spinor generators. The interrelation between super Poincar\'e and super conformal algebras is elucidated. Minimal super conformal algebras are seen to have as bosonic part a classical semimisimple algebra naturally associated to the spin group. This algebra, the Spin(s,t)(s,t)-algebra, depends both on the dimension and on the signature of space time. We also consider maximal super conformal algebras, which are classified by the orthosymplectic algebras.Comment: References added, misprints corrected. Version to appear in the Journal of Geometry and Physic

    Identification of Limiting Case Between DBA and SBDBA (CL Break Area Sensitivity): A New Model for the Boron Injection System

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    Atucha-2 is a Siemens-designed PHWR reactor under construction in the Republic of Argentina. Its geometrical complexity and (e.g., oblique Control Rods, Positive Void coefficient) required a developed and validated complex three dimensional (3D) neutron kinetics (NK) coupled thermal hydraulic (TH) model. Reactor shut-down is obtained by oblique CRs and, during accidental conditions, by an emergency shut-down system (JDJ) injecting a highly concentrated boron solution (boron clouds) in the moderator tank, the boron clouds reconstruction is obtained using a CFD (CFX) code calculation. A complete LBLOCA calculation implies the application of the RELAP5-3D© system code. Within the framework of the third Agreement “NA-SA – University of Pisa” a new RELAP5-3D control system for the boron injection system was developed and implemented in the validated coupled RELAP5-3D/NESTLE model of the Atucha 2 NPP. The aim of this activity is to find out the limiting case (maximum break area size) for the Peak Cladding Temperature for LOCAs under fixed boundary conditions

    Bianchi Type I Cosmology in N=2, D=5 Supergravity

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    The dynamics and evolution of Bianchi type I space-times is considered in the framework of the four-dimensional truncation of a reduced theory obtained from the N=2,D=5 supergravity. The general solution of the gravitational field equations can be represented in an exact parametric form. All solutions have a singular behavior at the initial/final moment, except when the space-time geometry reduces to the isotropic flat case. Generically the obtained cosmological models describe an anisotropic, expanding or collapsing, singular Universe with a non-inflationary evolution for all times.Comment: revised version to appear in PR

    A Neural-based Algorithm for Landslide Detection at Stromboli Volcano: Preliminary Results.

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    This study presents a neural-based algorithm for the automatic detection of landslides on Stromboli volcano (Italy). It has been shown that landslides are an important short-term precursor of effusive eruptions of Stromboli. In particular, an increase in the occurrence rate of landslides was observed a few hours before the beginning of the February 2007 effusive eruption. Automating the process of detection of these signals will help analysts and represents a useful tool for the monitoring of the stability of the Sciara del Fuoco flank of Stromboli volcano. A multi-layer perceptron neural network is here applied to continuously discriminate landslides from other signals recorded at Stromboli (e.g., explosion quakes, tremor signals), and its output is used by an automatic system for the detection task. To correctly represent the seismic data, coefficients are extracted from both the frequency domain, using the linear predictive coding technique, and the time domain, using temporal waveform parameterization. The network training and testing was carried out using a dataset of 537 signals, from 267 landslides and 270 records that included explosion quakes and tremor signals. The classification results were 99.5% predictive for the best net performance, and 98.7% when the performance was averaged over the different net configurations. Thus, this detection system was effective when tested on the 2007 effusive eruption period. However, continuing investigations into different time intervals are needed, to further define and optimize the algorithm

    Metastable de Sitter vacua in N=2 to N=1 truncated supergravity

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    We study the possibility of achieving metastable de Sitter vacua in general N=2 to N=1 truncated supergravities without vector multiplets, and compare with the situations arising in N=2 theories with only hypermultiplets and N=1 theories with only chiral multiplets. In N=2 theories based on a quaternionic manifold and a graviphoton gauging, de Sitter vacua are necessarily unstable, as a result of the peculiar properties of the geometry. In N=1 theories based on a Kahler manifold and a superpotential, de Sitter vacua can instead be metastable provided the geometry satisfies some constraint and the superpotential can be freely adjusted. In N=2 to N=1 truncations, the crucial requirement is then that the tachyon of the mother theory be projected out from the daughter theory, so that the original unstable vacuum is projected to a metastable vacuum. We study the circumstances under which this may happen and derive general constraints for metastability on the geometry and the gauging. We then study in full detail the simplest case of quaternionic manifolds of dimension four with at least one isometry, for which there exists a general parametrization, and study two types of truncations defining Kahler submanifolds of dimension two. As an application, we finally discuss the case of the universal hypermultiplet of N=2 superstrings and its truncations to the dilaton chiral multiplet of N=1 superstrings. We argue that de Sitter vacua in such theories are necessarily unstable in weakly coupled situations, while they can in principle be metastable in strongly coupled regimes.Comment: 40 pages, no figure

    Anatomska rekonstrukcija prednjeg kriĆŸnog ligamenta

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    Tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are one of the most common injuries to active individuals. The history of reconstructing a ruptured ACL has undergone many advances from open, extra-articular reconstructions, to modern day advanced arthroscopic techniques. Some of these new arthroscopic techniques use small incisions and standardized instruments reducing the surgical time, however, they fail to restore the native ACL anatomy. Recent studies have shown that non-anatomical reconstruction might result in suboptimal clinical outcomes. As a result, anatomic ACL reconstruction has gained popularity. The cornerstone of anatomic ACL reconstruction is the functional restoration of the ACL to its native dimensions, collagen orientation, and insertion sites. This article is meant to provide the most up-to-date literature review regarding anatomic ACL reconstruction.Ozljede prednjeg kriĆŸnog ligament (PKL) spadaju među najčeơće sportske ozljede koljena. Povijest rekonstrukcije PKL-a preĆĄla je dug put od otvorenih metoda do danaĆĄnji modernih artroskopskih tehnika. Pri nekim artroskopskim tehnikama koriste se male incizije uz upotrebu standardiziranih instrumenata, čime se značajno skraćuje vrijeme operacije, ali se ne uspijeva u cijelosti rekonstruirati anatomsko hvatiĆĄte PKL-a. Novije studije pokazale su da se takvim rekonstrukcijama ne uspijevaju postići zadovoljavajući klinički rezultati. Cilj anatomske rekonstrukcije jest rekonstukcija prirodne duljine i promjera PKL-a, orijetnacije kolagenih vlakana i anatomskih hvatiĆĄta. U ovom radu dajemo pregled najnovije literature koja se bavi anatomskom rekonstrukcijom PKL-a

    Alleviating the non-ultralocality of coset sigma models through a generalized Faddeev-Reshetikhin procedure

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    The Faddeev-Reshetikhin procedure corresponds to a removal of the non-ultralocality of the classical SU(2) principal chiral model. It is realized by defining another field theory, which has the same Lax pair and equations of motion but a different Poisson structure and Hamiltonian. Following earlier work of M. Semenov-Tian-Shansky and A. Sevostyanov, we show how it is possible to alleviate in a similar way the non-ultralocality of symmetric space sigma models. The equivalence of the equations of motion holds only at the level of the Pohlmeyer reduction of these models, which corresponds to symmetric space sine-Gordon models. This work therefore shows indirectly that symmetric space sine-Gordon models, defined by a gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten action with an integrable potential, have a mild non-ultralocality. The first step needed to construct an integrable discretization of these models is performed by determining the discrete analogue of the Poisson algebra of their Lax matrices.Comment: 31 pages; v2: minor change
