236 research outputs found

    Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Mitgliedern des MicroRNA-17-92-Clusters im BlutgefĂ€ĂŸsystem

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    Almost two decades ago, microRNAs were discovered as novel posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression. Since then, research efforts have uncovered their involvement in the control of various cellular processes including migration, proliferation and cell survival. Even more complex events, such as the formation of new blood vessels or organ development, have been shown to be tightly regulated and orchestrated by microRNAs. Due to their crucial regulatory role in tissue homeostasis in vertebrates, it does not come as a big surprise that dysregulated microRNA ex-pression is associated with pathology of diverse diseases. In this regard, the miR-17-92 cluster is a prime example since it has become famous for its amplified expression in tumours and its on-cogenic potential. Our lab demonstrated the expression of the members of the miR-17-92 cluster, namely miR-17, -18a, -19a, -20a, -19b and -92a, in endothelial cells and provided evidence for the anti-angiogenic activity of miR-92a in ECs as well as its important regulatory role in tissue re-covery after ischemia. In this work we addressed the function of the remaining members of the miR-17-92 cluster, i.e. miR-17, miR-18a, miR-19a and miR-20a, in endothelial cells and angiogenesis. Surprisingly, the individual members all displayed anti-angiogenic properties in endothelial cells in vitro, although overexpression of the whole cluster in transformed colonocytes was shown to promote tumour angiogenesis in a mouse model. In this context, we provide evidence that the individual miRs differentially affect the paracrine angiogenic activity of endothelial and tumour cells. Moreover, Antagomir-mediated inhibition of miR-17/20 in a mouse tumour model did not affect tumour angi-ogenesis, although miR-17/20 inhibition profoundly increased vascularization of Matrigel plugs. Thus, our research efforts suggest a differential involvement of the members of the miR-17-92 cluster in physiological and tumour angiogenesis. Additionally, we identified Janus kinase (JAK) 1 as a novel miR-17 target in endothelial cells and demonstrated the involvement of JAK1 in angio-genesis and in the phosphorylation of STAT3 in response to different cytokines in vitro. Overall, inhibition of specific members of the miR-17-92 cluster might represent an attractive therapeutic strategy to enhance angiogenesis in ischemic diseases. In the second part of the present work we investigated the therapeutic value of Antagomir-mediated microRNA inhibition in animal models of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Collectively, inhibition of miR-17 by the respective Antagomir revealed a significant improvement of pulmonary hemodynamics and cardiac function in both the chronic hypoxia mouse model and the mono-crotaline-induced lung injury rat model. Histomorphometric analysis of the lungs of the pulmonary hypertensive mice and rats uncovered a significant reduction of disease associated musculariza-tion of pulmonary arteries in Antagomir-17 treated animals compared to the control animals indicating interference with smooth muscle cell proliferation or survival. Probing of lung tissue of the pulmonary hypertensive rats for selected miR-17 targets uncovered a profound increase in the expression of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21 in the Antagomir-17 treated rats suggest-ing that inhibition of miR-17 impairs proliferation by impeding cell cycle progression. Analysis of miR-17 function in human smooth muscle cells in vitro corroborated the results from the animal experiments by demonstrating pro-proliferative activity of miR-17 and decreased levels of p21 in these cells. Collectively, our results indicate that Antagomir-17 improves pulmonary hemodyna-mics and cardiac function by interfering with vascular remodelling within the lung. Hence, inhibi-tion of miR-17 might be of therapeutic value to ameliorate the disease pattern in pulmonary arte-rial hypertension. In summary, the present work provides insights into the regulatory functions of members of the miR-17-92 cluster, especially miR-17, in blood vessels and suggests that specific inhibition of members of the miR-17-92 cluster might be a novel option to treat vascular diseases.MicroRNAs (miRs) sind kleine, nicht-codierende RNA-MolekĂŒle, die durch Bindung an die 3ÂŽ-UTR von mRNAs deren Abbau induzieren oder die Translation inhibieren. Der miR-17-92-Cluster besteht aus den maturen microRNAs miR-17, -18a, -19a, -20a, -19b und -92a. Der Cluster ist vor allem fĂŒr sein oncogenes Potential bekannt, das zum Teil auf der Tumorangiogenese-fördernden Wirkung von miR-18 und -19 sowie dem pro-proliferativen Effekt von miR-17 und -20a beruht. Die Funktion von miR-92a in Endothelzellen und bei der Angiogenese wurde schon zuvor durch unsere Arbeitsgruppe beschrieben. Hingegen ist die Funktion der ĂŒbrigen Clustermitglieder im vaskulĂ€ren System ungeklĂ€rt. Der Fokus des ersten Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt daher auf der funktionellen Charakterisierung von miR-17, -18a, -19a und -20a in Endothelzellen. Die Überexpression von miR-17, -18a, -19a und -20a in Endothelzellen fĂŒhrte jeweils zu einer signifikanten Hemmung der kapillaren Aussprossung in vitro, wobei miR-17 den stĂ€rksten anti-angiogenen Effekt bewirkte. Allerdings hatte lediglich die Inhibition von miR-17, -18a oder -20a eine verstĂ€rkte kapillare Aussprossung zur Folge, wĂ€hrend die Inhibition von miR-19a in vitro keine Angiogenese-fördernde Wirkung erzielte. Die beobachtete zellintrinsische anti-angiogene Wirkung der einzelnen Mitglieder des miR-17-92-Clusters in Endothelzellen steht im Widerspruch zu der bereits in der Literatur dokumentierten Erhöhung der Tumorangiogenese nach Implantation von Tumorzellen, die den gesamten Cluster verstĂ€rkt exprimieren. Um zu untersuchen, ob diese Diskrepanz durch eine unterschiedliche Wirkung der einzelnen Clustermitglieder auf parakrine Faktoren zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist, wurde konditioniertes Medium von Endothelzellen und Tumorzellen, die jeweils miR-17, -18a, -19a oder -20a ĂŒberexprimierten, in vitro hinsichtlich der angiogenenen AktivitĂ€t untersucht. TatsĂ€chlich zeigte das konditionierte Medium der Tumorzellen im Vergleich zu dem der Endothelzellen nach Überexpression von miR-17, -18a oder -19a eine leicht verstĂ€rkte angiogene AktivitĂ€t. Diese Daten deuten auf zelltypspezifische Unterschiede der Clustermitglieder in Tumor- und Endothelzellen hin. Zur Inhibition der einzelnen miRs in vivo wurden Antagomirs eingesetzt. Nur die systemische Behandlung mit Antagomir-17, die sowohl miR-17 als auch miR-20a inhibierte, fĂŒhrte im Mausmodell zu einer erhöhten Vaskularisierung von implantierten Matrigelplugs, wohingegen die Behandlung mit Antagomir-18a, -19a oder -20a trotz effizienter Inhibition der entsprechenden miRs keinen statistisch signifikanten Effekt erzielte. Überraschenderweise blieb die Vaskularisierung von Tumoren im Mausmodell durch die Behandlung mit Antagomir-17 unbeeinflusst. Möglicherweise wird eine pro-angiogene Wirkung von Antagomir-17 in den Endothelzellen im Tumor durch parakrine Effekte der Tumorzellen kompensiert. Aufgrund des signifikanten Effekts von miR-17-Überexpression und -Inhibition auf Angiogenese in vitro und in vivo galt unser Interesse der Identifikation von angiogeneserelevanten Zielgenen dieser miR. Sowohl fĂŒr den Zellzyklusregulator p21 als auch fĂŒr die Janus Kinase 1 (JAK1) konnten wir eine Regulation durch miR-17 und eine Rolle in der in vitro-Angiogenese nachweisen. Mit Hilfe eines Luziferase-Reporterassays wurde JAK1 als direktes Zielgen von miR-17 validiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das therapeutische Potential der Antagomir-vermittelten Inhibition von miR-17, -21 und -92a in Tiermodellen der pulmonal-arteriellen Hypertonie (PAH) untersucht. Bei PAH handelt es sich um eine Erkrankung des pulmonalen GefĂ€ĂŸsystems, die durch einen Anstieg des LungengefĂ€ĂŸwiderstandes aufgrund verengter Lungenarterien und erhöhter GefĂ€ĂŸmuskularisierung charakterisiert ist und meist zur Rechtsherzinsuffizienz fĂŒhrt. Obwohl Antagomir-17, -21 und -92a den Hypoxie-induzierten Anstieg der Arterien-Muskularisierung im Mausmodell signifikant reduzierten, zeigte lediglich Antagomir-17 eine generelle Verbesserung der HĂ€modynamik innerhalb der Lunge und eine reduzierte Hypertrophie des rechten Ventrikels. Die positiven Effekte von Antagomir-17 auf Lungen- und Herzfunktion wurden in der Monocrotalin-induzierten PAH in Ratten bestĂ€tigt. Die Untersuchung der Rattenlungen belegte einen Anstieg des Zellzyklusinhibitors p21 sowohl auf mRNA- als auch Proteinebene. In vitro-Experimente mit humanen GefĂ€ĂŸmuskelzellen aus der Lunge zeigten, dass die Überexpression von miR-17 zu einer Reduktion von p21-mRNA fĂŒhrt und eine Erhöhung der Proliferation zur Folge hat. Umgekehrt fĂŒhrte Antagomir-17 zu einem leichten Anstieg von p21-mRNA und -Protein in den GefĂ€ĂŸmuskelzellen. Aufgrund dieser Daten schlussfolgerten wir, dass Antagomir-17 vermutlich durch Steigerung der p21-Expression die Proliferation der GefĂ€ĂŸmuskelzellen in der Lunge bremst und somit die Muskularisierung der Lungenarterien reduziert, was zu einer Verbesserung der HĂ€modynamik in der Lunge beitrĂ€gt

    Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha na årea energética: a transição dos acordos nucleares para os acordos em energias renovåveis

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-EconÎmico. RelaçÔes Internacionais.O presente trabalho pretendeu descrever as transformaçÔes ocorridas no cenårio internacional e no contexto doméstico do Brasil e Alemanha durante a transição dos acordos em energia nuclear para os acordos em energias renovåveis. Tendo como base a disciplina de Anålise de Política Externa, buscou-se analisar a realidade política e econÎmica do dois países a partir da década de 1970, quando foi assinado o acordo bilateral para cooperação em energia nuclear, assim como fatores internos e externos que levaram a uma mudança de foco na cooperação

    Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Using a Lasso-Loop Stitch

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    Anterior inferior shoulder dislocation is a common injury. After primary traumatic shoulder dislocation and conservative treatment, the risk of re-dislocation is very high in patients younger than 35 years. With age, the risk of re-dislocation after traumatic shoulder dislocation and conservative treatment decreases. Surgical treatment via either open or arthroscopic stabilization minimizes the risk of re-dislocation. Today, anterior shoulder stabilization by arthroscopic refixation of the labroligamentous complex with suture anchors is a standard procedure, if there is no severe chronic bony defect at the glenoid site. Lafosse et al. described the so-called „Lasso-loop stitch“. This technique allows for positioning of the knot away from the joint and at the same time it establishes a labral bump that stabilizes the humeral head against (sub)luxation. The surgical principle and aim consist of refixation of the anterior labrum-capsule-ligament complex to the glenoid with positioning of the knot at distance to the joint as well as bulging up the labrum. This stabilizes the shoulder joint and therefore avoids further dislocations and associated pathologies. The aim of this work is to give an illustrated instruction of the surgical technique of arthroscopic Bankart repair using the lasso-loop stitch

    Wie ticken junge Menschen in Sachsen?

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    Die Corona-Pandemie hat seit MĂ€rz 2020 den Alltag unzĂ€hliger junger Menschen in der ganzen Welt auf den Kopf gestellt. Viele SchĂŒlerinnen, SchĂŒler und Studierende mussten ĂŒber lĂ€ngere Zeit von zu Hause aus lernen, die KontaktbeschrĂ€nkungen fĂŒhrten ĂŒber weite Strecken der letzten beiden Jahre zu drastischen EinschrĂ€nkungen bei der sportlichen oder kĂŒnstlerischen BetĂ€tigung und direkten sozialen Interaktionen aller Art. Vor diesem Hintergrund möchte das Staatsministerium fĂŒr Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt (SMS) des Freistaats Sachsen die ĂŒberörtliche Kinder- und Jugendhilfe fördern. Als ein handlungsleitender Schwerpunkt zur fachlich-inhaltlichen UnterfĂŒtterung und als Grundlage fĂŒr das weitere jugendpolitische Handeln des Freistaats Sachsen sollte eine quantitativ-reprĂ€sentative Studie erstellt werden. Auf Basis der Studie sollen Schlussfolgerungen und Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftige Ausgestaltung der jugendpolitischen Programmatik in Sachsen gezogen werden. Redaktionsschluss: 30.06.202

    Monocytes Do Not Transdifferentiate into Proper Osteoblasts

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    Recent publications suggested that monocytes might be an attractive cell type to transdifferentiate into various cellular phenotypes. Aim was, therefore, to evaluate the potential of blood monocytes to transdifferentiate into osteoblasts. Monocytes isolated from peripheral blood were subjected to two previously published treatments to obtain unique, multipotent cell fractions, named programmable cells of monocytic origin (PCMOs) and monocyte-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (MOMPs). Subsequently, MOMPs and PCMOs were treated with osteogenic differentiation medium (including either vitamin D or dexamethasone) for 14 days. Regarding a variety of surface markers, no differences between MOMPs, PCMOs, and primary monocytes could be detected. The treatment with osteogenic medium neither resulted in loss of hematopoietic markers nor in adoption of mesenchymal phenotype in all cell types. No significant effect was observed regarding the expression of osteogenic transcription factors, bone-related genes, or production of mineralized matrix. Osteogenic medium resulted in activation of monocytes and appearance of osteoclasts. In conclusion, none of the investigated monocyte cell types showed any transdifferentiation characteristics under the tested circumstances. Based on our data, we rather see an activation and maturation of monocytes towards macrophages and osteoclasts

    Expanding the palette of phenanthridinium cations

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    5,6-Disubstituted phenanthridinium cations have a range of redox, fluorescence and biological properties. Some properties rely on phenanthridiniums intercalating into DNA, but the use of these cations as exomarkers for the reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide, and as inhibitors of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) do not require intercalation. A versatile modular synthesis of 5,6-disubstituted phenanthridiniums that introduces diversity by Suzuki–Miyaura coupling, imine formation and microwave-assisted cyclisation is presented. Computational modelling at the density functional theory (DFT) level reveals that the novel displacement of the aryl halide by an acyclic N-alkylimine proceeds by an SNAr mechanism rather than electrocyclisation. It is found that the displacement of halide is concerted and there is no stable Meisenheimer intermediate, provided the calculations consistently use a polarisable solvent model and a diffuse basis set

    Fluorescence (TALIF) measurement of atomic hydrogen concentration in a coplanar surface dielectric barrier discharge

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    Spatially and temporally resolved measurements of atomic hydrogen concentration above the dielectric of coplanar barrier discharge are presented for atmospheric pressure in 2.2% H2/Ar. The measurements were carried out in the afterglow phase by means of two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF). The difficulties of employing the TALIF technique in close proximity to the dielectric surface wall were successfully addressed by taking measurements on a suitable convexly curved dielectric barrier, and by proper mathematical treatment of parasitic signals from laser–surface interactions. It was found that the maximum atomic hydrogen concentration is situated closest to the dielectric wall from which it gradually decays. The maximum absolute concentration was more than 10^22 m-3. In the afterglow phase, the concentration of atomic hydrogen above the dielectric surface stays constant for a considerable time (10 us - 1 ms), with longer times for areas situated farther from the dielectric surface. The existence of such a temporal plateau was explained by the presented 1D model: the recombination losses of atomic hydrogen farther from the dielectric surface are compensated by the diffusion of atomic hydrogen from regions close to the dielectric surface. The fact that a temporal plateau exists even closest to the dielectric surface suggests that the dielectric surface acts as a source of atomic hydrogen in the afterglow phase
