147 research outputs found

    Oxy-steam combustion: The effect of coal rank and steam concentration on combustion characteristics

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    This paper addresses the experimental investigation of coal combustion characteristics (ignition, burnout and NO formation) under oxy-steam combustion conditions. Two coals are selected in order to compare the effect of the rank: bituminous and sub-bituminous ones. The experiments have been conducted in an electrically-heated entrained flow reactor for a set of O2/N2, O2/CO2 and O2/H2O/CO2 atmospheres, with O2 concentrations up to 35% and H2O concentrations up to 40%. Regarding ignition, 10% H2O reduces ignition temperature (max. 16–19 K) but the trend is reversed when supplying additional steam to 25% and 40%. This behaviour is similar for both coals, with slight larger variations in the case of the low rank coal. Burnout degree of the sub-bituminous coal is barely affected by the steam concentration since all observed conversions are very high. Larger increments (up to 6.1 percentage points) are obtained for the bituminous coal, with a maximum burnout degree for the 25/35% H2O/O2 atmosphere. A very different effect of steam on NO formation is found depending on the coal rank. Significant reduction rates are observed for the bituminous coal in comparison to the dry O2/CO2 atmospheres, with a maximum diminution of 24% when 40% H2O replaces CO2. On the contrary, the higher volatile content in the sub-bituminous coal leads to NO increments up to 9%. For all the combustion characteristics studied, the increase of O2 concentrations attenuates the effects caused by the steam addition

    Calcium looping as chemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants: Carbonator modelling and configuration assessment

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    This paper addresses the analysis of different configurations of carbonator for thermochemical energy storage for concentrated solar applications. The design of this equipment is different from the previous experience of calcium looping cycle for carbon capture. The use of fluidized beds and large particles are not feasible for this novel application of calcium looping. New reactors and different arrangements for the carbonation process are necessary. The design of a carbonator reactor for a specific Calcium Looping-Concentrated Solar Power application has not been addressed yet in detail in literature. In this work, a comparison of single stage reactor, two parallel reactors and two reactors in series with intercooling are simulated to calculate conversion rates, gas temperatures and flow rates, and heat transfer rates to the external cooling fluid. The modelling encompasses fluid dynamics, lime conversion kinetics and heat transfer, which are solved using a 1-D discrete mesh. The third arrangement results in the most reasonable sizes, and larger conversion rates, avoiding the occurrence of internal reactor zones in which the reaction is inhibited. Energy balance components are also quantified for each configuration

    Oxy-combustion characteristics of torrefied biomass and blends under O2/N2, O2/CO2 and O2/CO2/H2O atmospheres

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    The combined use of bio-fuels along with CO2 capture techniques is the basis for the so-called negative emissions energy systems. In this paper, oxy-fuel combustion of two torrefied biomasses is experimentally investigated in a lab-scale entrained flow reactor. The torrefied biomasses are fired alone, and co-fired with coal (50%). Two oxygen concentrations (21% and 35%) and four steam concentrations are tested: 0% (dry recycle oxy-combustion), 10% (wet recycle oxy-combustion), 25% and 40% (towards the concept of oxy-steam combustion). The tests are designed to get the same mean residence time for all the fuels and conditions. Burnout degrees are significantly increased (up to 9 and 16 percentage points) when the share of torrefied biomass is raised, with a slightly better behavior of the torrefied pine in comparison to the torrefied agro-biomass. C-fuel conversion to CO2 follows a similar trend to the observed for the burnout degrees. NO formation rates are reduced when oxy-firing torrefied biomass alone in comparison to the blends, with maximum diminutions of 16.9% (torrefied pine) and 8.5% (torrefied agro-biomass). As regards the effect of steam, the best results are found for the 25% H2O atmospheres in most of the cases, yielding maximum conversions along with minimum NO levels

    On the oxy-combustion of lignite and corn stover in a lab-scale fluidized bed reactor

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    This paper addresses an experimental investigation concerning oxy-combustion of coal and biomass in a lab-scale fluidized bed reactor. While co-firing has been widely studied under conventional air conditions, few experiences are available to date for O2/CO2 atmospheres. The research is focused on SO2 and NOx emissions, along with the deposition rates and ashes mineralogy. The influences of the atmosphere (air vs. 30/70% O2/CO2), the coal-to-biomass energy input ratio (80/20%, 90/10%), the chlorine mass fraction in the biomass (0.35%, 1%, 2%) and the Ca:S mole ratio (2.5, 4) are reported and discussed in the paper, for two specific fuels: high sulfur lignite and high chlorine corn stover. Concerning SO2 emissions a correlation among the sulfur and the chlorine contents is clearly detected, being affected by the direct desulfurization mechanism occurring under oxy-firing conditions. The single effect of the chlorine content is found to be almost 1.5% of the desulfurization efficiency. NOx emissions are otherwise more dependent on oxygen excess and CO concentration in the reactor, rather than the fuel share or the chlorine supplied. Thick deposition is only detected when chlorine content in the corn is 2%. Potassium aluminosilication is found to be enhanced in comparison to potassium sulfation under oxy-firing, especially for the highest Ca:S mole ratio: observed aluminosilication is five times higher when Ca:S ratio is increased from 2.5 to 4. A significant enrichment in iron is also detected for the fly ash composition, with an increase of 30–50% in comparison to air combustion

    La utilización del Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX) en estudiantes de medicina

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    En los últimos años se recomienda el uso de instrumentos que evalúen la adquisición de habilidades clínicas en el contexto de la práctica clínica. Entre los instrumentos más recomendados se encuentra el Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX), desarrollado inicialmente para la evaluación de médicos residentes, y que ha demostrado una buena fi abilidad y validez. Aunque se ha utilizado en estudiantes de medicina, no se dispone de un análisis completo de la experiencia acumulada. Para la presente revisión se realizó en septiembre de 2014 la búsqueda de los artículos indizados en Medline, Embase, Biosis Previews y Current Contents. Se seleccionaron aquellos artículos que incluían los términos 'mini clinical evaluation exercise', 'mini-CEX' o 'mcex'. Tras la eliminación de los duplicados se obtuvo un total de 168 artículos. Se revisaron los que se referían al uso del mini-CEX en estudiantes de medicina (n = 34) y se analizaron a fondo aquellos que contenían datos empíricos (n = 21). Los estudios llevados a cabo en estudiantes de medicina confi rman que el mini- CEX es un instrumento útil y factible para evaluar las habilidades clínicas de los estudiantes de medicina y que posee propiedades psicométricas adecuadas en términos de validez y fi abilidad. Asimismo, es bien aceptado por estudiantes y tutores y puede ser usado tanto con fi nalidades formativas como sumativas. La importancia de dar un feedback adecuado y la concordancia de las puntuaciones de los tutores son los puntos más críticos en la implementación del mini-CEX en estudiantes de grado

    Development of a robotic device for post-stroke home tele-rehabilitation

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    This work deals with the complex mechanical design task of converting a large pneumatic rehabilitation robot into an electric and compact system for in-home post-stroke therapies without losing performance. It presents the new HomeRehab robot that supports rehabilitation therapies in three dimensions with an adaptive controller that optimizes patient recovery. A preliminary usability test is also conducted to show that its performance resembles that found in RoboTherapist 2D commercial system designed for hospitals. The mechanical design of a novel and smart twodimensional force sensor at the end-effector is also described

    Skin gene therapy for acquired and inherited disorders

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    The rapid advances associated with the Human Genome Project combined with the development of proteomics technology set the bases to face the challenge of human gene therapy. Different strategies must be evaluated based on the genetic defect to be corrected. Therefore, the re-expression of the normal counterpart should be sufficient to reverse phenotype in single-gene inherited disorders. A growing number of candidate diseases are being evaluated since the ADA deficiency was selected for the first approved human gene therapy trial (Blaese et al., 1995). To cite some of them: sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, inherited immune deficiencies, hyper-cholesterolemia and cystic fibrosis. The approach does not seem to be so straightforward when a polygenic disorder is going to be treated. Many human traits like diabetes, hypertension, inflammatory diseases and cancer, appear to be due to the combined action of several genes and environment. For instance, several wizard gene therapy strategies have recently been proposed for cancer treatment, including the stimulation of the immune system of the patient (Xue et al., 2005), the targeting of particular signalling pathways to selectively kill cancer cells (Westphal and Melchner, 2002) and the modulation of the interactions with the stroma and the vasculature (Liotta, 2001; Liotta and Kohn, 2001).Our work is supported by grants SAF-2004-07717 from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain) and LSHG-512073 from UE to M. Del Rio, LSHG-503447 from UE to J.L. Jorcano and LSHG-512102 from UE to F. Larcher. We express our gratitude to Dr. Y. Gache, Dr. F. Spirito and Dr. G. Meneguzzi for providing EM pictures to illustrate this work

    Cognition and the five-factor model of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale in schizophrenia

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    Different exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) have found a number of factors other than the original positive, negative, and general psychopathology. Based on a review of previous studies and using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), Wallwork et al. (Schizophr Res 2012; 137: 246–250) have recently proposed a consensus five-factor structure of the PANSS. This solution includes a cognitive factor which could be a useful measure of cognition in schizophrenia. Our objectives were 1) to study the psychometric properties (factorial structure and reliability) of this consensus five-factor model of the PANSS, and 2) to study the relationship between executive performance assessed using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and the proposed PANSS consensus cognitive factor (composed by items P2-N5-G11). This cross-sectional study included a final sample of 201 Spanish outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia. For our first objective, CFA was performed and Cronbach's alphas of the five factors were calculated; for the second objective, sequential linear regression analyses were used. The results of the CFA showed acceptable fit indices (NNFI = 0.94, CFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.08). Cronbach's alphas of the five factors were adequate. Regression analyses showed that this five-factor model of the PANSS explained more of the WCST variance than the classical three-factor model. Moreover, higher cognitive factor scores were associated with worse WCST performance. These results supporting its factorial structure and reliability provide robustness to this consensus PANSS five-factor model, and indicate some usefulness of the cognitive factor in the clinical assessment of schizophrenic patients

    Zinc-Doped Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as a Proton-Activatable Agent for Dose Range Verification in Proton Therapy

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    Proton therapy allows the treatment of specific areas and avoids the surrounding tissues. However, this technique has uncertainties in terms of the distal dose fall-off. A promising approach to studying the proton range is the use of nanoparticles as proton-activatable agents that produce detectable signals. For this, we developed an iron oxide nanoparticle doped with Zn (IONP@Zn-cit) with a hydrodynamic size of 10 nm and stability in serum. Cytotoxicity, defined as half of the surveillance, was 100 μg Zn/mL in the U251 cell line. The effect on clonogenic cell death was tested after X-ray irradiation, which suggested a radioprotective effect of these nanoparticles at low concentrations (1–10 μg Zn/mL). To evaluate the production of positron emitters and prompt-gamma signals, IONP@Zn-cit was irradiated with protons, obtaining prompt-gamma signals at the lowest measured concentration (10 mg Zn/mL). Finally, 67Ga-IONP@Zn-cit showed accumulation in the liver and spleen and an accumulation in the tumor tissue of 0.95% ID/g in a mouse model of U251 cells. These results suggest the possibility of using Zn nanoparticles as proton-activatable agents to verify the range by prompt gamma detection and face the challenges of prompt gamma detection in a specific biological situation, opening different avenues to go forward in this field