5,093 research outputs found

    Population, immigration and growth in a Romer endogenous growth model

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    Producción CientíficaEndogenous growth theory has not yet consistently incorporated population growth or immigration into its models. As a result, in the present day, there is no universally accepted endogenous growth model explaining the empirical observed relationships between growth, population and immigration. The present paper overcomes this inconvenience by designing a fully specified Romer endogenous growth model, completely micro-founded, that incorporates the existence of population growth and immigration and that allows the stylised facts of growth as well as the relationships between growth, population and immigration to be explained. In addition, the proposed model is susceptible to calibration and simulation, and, when applied to the US economy, provides a good fit to the data.Financial support from Spanish Office of Economy and Competitiveness and European FEDER Funds, Research Projects MTM2014-56022-C2-2-P and MTM2017-85476-C2-1-P, is gratefully acknowledged

    Impact of training in the elderly: the case of the Open Classroom for the Elderly (doctoral thesis)

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    Colección ReSed. Es un artículo de ReSed Nº 3, perteneciente al monográfico Crisis Social, Educación y Desarrollo Profesional. Coordinación del Monográfico: Dra. Montserrat Vargas Vergara Dirección de ReSed: Dra. A-Beatriz Pérez-GonzálezThe Senior Survey (2010) stated that in Spain 60% of people start new activities after retirement. One of the demands of this new generation of seniors is a quality university education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of training in the elderly, in a formal educational context, taking into account the social and psychological dimensions. The work is structured in two sections: theoretical foundations and empirical framework

    The effects of time valuation in cancer optimal therapies: a study of chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Background The mathematical design of optimal therapies to fight cancer is an important research field in today’s Biomathematics and Biomedicine given its relevance to formulate patient-specific treatments. Until now, however, cancer optimal therapies have considered that malignancy exclusively depends on the drug concentration and the number of cancer cells, ignoring that the faster the cancer grows the worse the cancer is, and that early drug doses are more prejudicial. Here, we analyze how optimal therapies are affected when the time evolution of treated cancer is envisaged as an additional element determining malignancy, analyzing in detail the implications for imatinib-treated Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Methods Taking as reference a mathematical model describing Chronic Myeloid Leukemia dynamics, we design an optimal therapy problem by modifying the usual malignancy objective function, unaware of any temporal dimension of cancer malignance. In particular, we introduce a time valuation factor capturing the increase of malignancy associated to the quick development of the disease and the persistent negative effects of initial drug doses. After assigning values to the parameters involved, we solve and simulate the model with and without the new time valuation factor, comparing the results for the drug doses and the evolution of the disease. Results Our computational simulations unequivocally show that the consideration of a time valuation factor capturing the higher malignancy associated with early growth of cancer and drug administration allows more efficient therapies to be designed. More specifically, when this time valuation factor is incorporated into the objective function, the optimal drug doses are lower, and do not involve medically relevant increases in the number of cancer cells or in the disease duration. Conclusions In the light of our simulations and as biomedical evidence strongly suggests, the existence of a time valuation factor affecting malignancy in treated cancer cannot be ignored when designing cancer optimal therapies. Indeed, the consideration of a time valuation factor modulating malignancy results in significant gains of efficiency in the optimal therapy with relevant implications from the biomedical perspective, specially when designing patient-specific treatments.This work was supported by projects MTM2014-56022-C2-2-P and MTM2017-85476-C2-1-P of the Spanish Office of Innovation and Competitiveness and European FEDER Funds, and by projects of the Castile and León Autonomous Government: VA041P17 (with European FEDER Funds), VA138G18 and VA148G18

    Bioethics and health law: the living will. Proposal to create a living will record in Europe

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    In this piece of work, we present a proposal to create a living will record in Europe that will allow people to have the same rights wherever they are. Therefore, this article will be studied from the bioethics and health law theory

    Crisis de las subprime: un desafío para los desequilibrios globales

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    Los desequilibrios macroeconómicos globales llevan años poniendo en riesgo la estabilidad financiera global. Justamente cuando comenzaban a corregirse, ha estallado una crisis financiera en EEUU que amenaza con extenderse al resto del mundo, desembocando en una brusca corrección de dichos desequilibrios que podría poner en riesgo el crecimiento de la economía mundial. Este ARI revisa las implicaciones que tendrá la inestabilidad financiera que comenzó en verano de 2007 sobre los desequilibrios macroeconómicos globales, en especial sobre la financiación del elevado déficit por cuenta corriente de EEUU. Para ello, explica las causas de dicho déficit y su relación con la crisis del subprime o hipotecas de baja calidad en EEUU. Finalmente, se estudian las implicaciones globales de la crisis desde una perspectiva europea

    Doble recesión: la economía española en 2011

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    Single-pulsed supercontiuum generation in millimeter pieces of a birefringent microstructured silica fiber under femtosecond laser injection

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    Projecte fet en col.laboració amb l'ICFO (Institut de Ciències Fotòniques)Microstructured optical bers (MOF) are a new generation of optical bers that have a huge exibility on choosing the location of the zero dispersion wavelength, ZD which can be chosen to be very close to the visible and even in the visible, allowing soliton propagation in the near infrared. Moreover, the nonlinearity of silica with femtosecond radiation produces a broadening of the spectra, which is called supercontinuum (SC), due to several nonlinear e ects, as self phase modulation (SPM), cross phase modulation (XPM), dispersive wave generation and stimulated Raman scattering. I focused my work on the study of visible dispersive waves generated when a special phase matching condition between initial input pulse and some wave in the normal dispersion regime is ful lled

    Reciente jurisprudencia en materia de sociedad de gananciales

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    Jornada Presencia del Curso de Experto: La justicia ante los nuevos problemas del Derecho de Familia, celebrado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de MálagaLa Ponencia analiza el estado actual de la jurispru dencia del Tribunal Supremo sobre sociedad de gananciales, en particular en el aspect o de la liquidación de la sociedad. Se distinguen tres etapas: La primera, antes del matri monio, donde todo lo adquirido con dinero privativo será de propiedad privativa, salvo en caso de adquisición de vivienda familiar donde la reciente Sentencia del TS de 7 de junio de 2016 ha equiparado el pago de las cuotas del préstamo hipotecario al precio ap lazado previsto en el art. 1357 CC, por lo que tendrá el inmueble la condición de parte pri vativo y parte ganancial. La segunda etapa, ya vigente el matrimonio, donde, para determ inar la naturaleza ganancial o no de lo adquirido habrá que tener en cuenta la intencion alidad, la voluntad de constituir o no un bien ganancial y la especificación o no del orig en del dinero. La tercera etapa es ya después de la disolución de la sociedad pero antes de la liquidación, donde la adquisición será como regla privativa, siendo conveniente, cuan do hay separación de hecho, modificar el Código civil para declarar la eficacia retroactiva de la disolución al momento de dicha separación, salvo que otra cosa prevean ex presamente los cónyuges.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La justicia administrativa en Europa (Anotaciones en torno a su evolución hacia un sistema de plena jurisdicción y sobre otros retos actuales)

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    El trabajo es una aproximación al proceso evolutivo seguido por la justicia administrativa en los últimos años, constatando la coincidencia de las transformaciones llevadas a cabo en varios ordenamientos jurídicos con la finalidad de recuperar la plena normalización en el control judicial de las decisiones adoptadas por las Administraciones Públicas. Asimismo, se exponen diferentes cuestiones que constituyen desafíos particularmente problemáticos en orden a lograr que la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa pueda cumplir en plenitud su papel de garante del Estado de Derecho.This paper is an approach to the evolutionary process followed by the european administrative justice in the last years. The paper focus on the coincidence of the transformations carried out in various legal frameworks with the purpose of recovering the full normalization in the judicial review of decisions taken by the Public Administrations. Also the paper expose different problematic questions considered challenges in orden to ensure that the administrative justice can fully accomplish its role as guarantor of the constitutional rule of la
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