216 research outputs found

    Integración del sistema de ciclo rutas, al sistema integrado de transporte, como una de las soluciones de movilidad en la ciudad de Bogotá (caso Portal 80)

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónUna de las mayores problemáticas actuales que presenta la cuidad de Bogotá es el tema de movilidad, ya que por cuestiones de infraestructura, se está evidenciando que es necesario implementar adecuar un sistema que agilice y posibilite una mejor frecuencia de transporte de los ciudadanos, por esta razón se busca la manera de implementar un sistema que ha sido tratado durante algunos mandatos de la alcaldía de Bogotá, pero que lamentablemente no ha tenido fuerza, por este motivo es que el tema que quisimos dar abarco es el tema de la integración de ciclo rutas, como una solución de movilidad, ya que las ciclo rutas no solo nos permiten tener un medio de transporte sin ningún costo, son un sistema de transporte no contaminante(cero emisiones de CO2) y es un sistema que nos ayuda a mejorar nuestro estado físico. Aunque serían necesarias realizar algunas adecuaciones como bici carriles, ciclo rutas y bici parqueaderos tanto en los sistemas existentes (Transmilenio y SITP) como para los sistemas proyectado (metro) para que este sistema tenga un excelente funcionamiento. Por estas razones las ciclo rutas deben ser un sistema que los bogotanos utilicen, ya que ayuda a promover la salud, el ahorro y la buena convivencia dentro de la ciudad.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Propuesta de trabajo de curso: tipo de evaluación final para la asignatura matemática numérica en la universidad de las ciencias informáticas

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    Esta investigación presenta una propuesta de trabajo de curso como tipo de evaluación final para la asignatura de Matemática Numérica del ingeniero informático de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas de Cuba. En esta actividad se produce la integración interdisciplinaria de la Matemática con asignaturas que se imparten en años precedentes y en el propio segundo año de la carrera, con el objetivo de elevar la formación integral de los estudiantes a través del desarrollo de habilidades técnico-profesionales, que permitirá a los educandos cumplir mejor con su encargo social

    Diseño de herramienta digital (software educativo "Edusoft comunal") para fortalecer las dinámicas de enseñanza en la formación legal de la Junta de Acción Comunal "El Terminal"

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    La educación de hoy en día está caracterizada por la implementación de diversos recursos tecnológicos que permiten una mayor accesibilidad a la información, nuevos escenarios y modalidades educativos; en directa proporción, las exigencias para el docente aumentan, ya que las estrategias didácticas deben responder a las nuevas motivaciones de los estudiantes y así facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje. En consecuencia se habla de tecnología educativa1 la cual posibilita ampliar los encuentros educomunicativos2 enriqueciendo así las interacciones humanas, direccionando los procesos forma y brindando herramientas esenciales para la adquisición de conocimientos. En un escenario particular como las juntas de acción comunal no es la excepción, ya que es indispensable establecer metodologías didácticas para las educaciones legales que se le ha de impartir a estas organizaciones sociales. Este trabajo se fundamenta en el diseño de una herramienta digital para fortalecer las dinámicas de enseñanza de las capacitaciones legales de la junta de acción comunal "El Terminal". Para empezar se llevo a cabo un diagnostico situacional, el cual determinó las principales características y necesidades de la población objeto, por otra parte se evidencio la insuficiencia de herramientas y estrategias didácticas para dicha formación y la necesidad de conceptos claros acerca de organización y apropiación de los fundamentos legislativos propios de las juntas de acción comunal.Education today it is characterized by the implementation of several technologic advices to allow a bigger accessibility to the information, new scenarios and educative modalities; in direct proportion, the requirements to the teaching grows, now that the didactical strategies must to respond to the new motivations of the students and that way be able to make easier the learning process. By consequence it´s talking about educative technology which is possible to enlarge the educomunicative encounters getting richer that way human interaction, directing the shape process and giving essential tools to the acquirement of knowledge. In a particular stage like community action boards it´s not the exception, now that it is indispensable to establish didactic methodologies to the legal education who given to providing to this social organizations . This work is based on the design of a digital tool to strength the dynamics of teaching of the legal capacitating of the community action boards “El Terminal”. To start it took place a situational diagnosis, which determined the principal characteristics and needs of the object people. By other hand evidenced the lack of tools and didactical strategies in order to that formation and the needs of clear concepts about the organization and approaching of the own legislative foundations to the community action boards

    The mediating role of self-regulation in cigarette smoking and alcohol use among young people

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    Esta investigación estudia el papel de la auto-regulación en los comportamientos de consumo, desde una perspectiva del desarrollo. Se explora la influencia del grupo de iguales y las competencias de los padres en la auto-regulación, en relación con el consumo de sustancias en jóve-nes, mediante dos muestras de conveniencia, la primera compuesta por 478 jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 20 años, siendo la mayoría del género femenino, y la segunda formada por 311 jóvenes, con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 17 años, siendo la mayoría del género masculino. Se utilizó un Cuestionario Sociodemográfico (ad hoc), un Cuestionario de consumo de tabaco y alcohol (ad hoc), el Inventario de Auto-regulación en la Adolescencia - versión reducida (IARA-2r), la Esca-la de Competencias de los Padres y el Cuestionario de Relación de Pareja. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una relación entre género y auto-regulación a largo plazo, más elevada en el género femenino. Los jóvenes con compañeros que fuman o consumen alcohol regularmente, presentan puntuaciones más bajas en las subescalas de auto-regulación a corto plazo. Se confirma una relación positiva moderada entre la auto-regulación a lar-go plazo y las competencias positivas de los padres.This research explores the role of self-regulation in substance-use behaviours from a developmental perspective. We explore the influ-ence of the peer group and parental competencies on self-regulation, in relation to substance use in young people, by means of two convenience samples, the first comprising 478 participants aged 10 to 20, the majority of whom were female, and the second made up of 311 youngsters aged 10 to 17, the majority being male. The instruments used were a Sociodemo-graphic Questionnaire (ad hoc), a Smoking and Alcohol Use Question-naire (ad hoc), the Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory – brief version (ASRI-2r), the Parental Competencies Scale and the Peer Relations Ques-tionnaire. The results confirm a relationship between gender and long-term self-regulation, whose level is higher among girls and young women. Those youngsters with friends who smoke or regularly drink alcohol score lower on the short-term self-regulation subscales. A moderate positive re-lationship is confirmed between long-term self-regulation and positive competencies in parents

    Problem-based learning versus lectures : comparison of academic results and time devoted by teachers in a course on Dentistry in Special Patients

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    Objectives: Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching-learning technique centred on the complete development of the student. It has been successfully implemented in several universities, notably in the health sciences. The process of creating the European Higher Education Area, initiated in Bologna, encourages European universities to use new methodologies in the teaching-learning process, including PBL. Our objectives were to analyze the results obtained by using PBL with fifth-year Dentistry students. Study design: Comparison of academic results between students receiving lectures and PBL participants, and assessment of differences between them in the time devoted to tasks by students and teachers. Results: PBL participants obtained higher grades compared to those receiving lectures only(p<0.05). The two student groups devoted the same amount of time to this subject but the time distribution of tasks was very different, with PBL students spending more time on group work and analysis of the literature. The teachers devoted much more time to the PBL group. Conclusions: PBL is a teaching-learning methodology that improves student academic results. PBL diverts student time to more complex tasks but requires a greater commitment from the teachers

    Effects of mixing energy drinks with alcohol on driving-related skills

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    Energy drinks (EDs) reduce sleepiness and fatigue and improve driving performance whereas alcohol does just the opposite. Although it is a trendy combination among young people, the effects of alcohol mixed with EDs on driving performance have been poorly studied. The aim was to assess if there is an interaction between the effects of both drinks on driving-related skills as well as perceptions about driving ability.This work was supported by a grant from Ministerio del Interior, Dirección General de Tráfico-DGT (SPSIP2015-01798), Red de Trastornos Adictivos-RTA (SPIP2015-01798), Red de Trastornos Adictivos-RTA (RD16/0017/0010), Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (PNSD 2018I037). Clara Pérez-Mañá and Esther Papaseit benefited from Juan Rodés fellowships (ISCIII, JR15/00005 and JR16/00020, respectively). The author’s work was independent from sources of funding.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Virtual Reality, a Method to Achieve Social Acceptance of the Communities Close to Mining Projects: A Scoping Review

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    "Background: Virtual reality (VR) technology is an effective, interactive and immersive type of communication since it produces greater interest and attention in the user, thereby allowing greater understanding and comprehension than with more traditional methods. On the other hand, not much information is known about the application of this novel technology in the context of social acceptance as far as the mining sector is concerned; our approach and methodology were based on scoping review (Prisma-SrC, Daudt et al., Arksey, and O’Malley). The research terms were also planned before, with the aim of carrying out three posterior screening levels, among which was the use of EndNote 20 and the PICO framework. Exhaustive research was carried out in nine databases. We obtained n=2 research articles of n=923 initially found, all of which went through three levels of filtering. The chosen articles were evaluated according to Hawker et al. 's methodological rigor, to be included in the review. This scoping review could be the starting point for a series of further investigations that would fill the gap in the literature on this topic, emphasizing experimental articles to confirm the impact of virtual reality technologies on the communities within the sphere of influence of a mining project.

    Glaukos iStent inject® Trabecular Micro-Bypass Implantation Associated with Cataract Surgery in Patients with Coexisting Cataract and Open-Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension: A Long-Term Study

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    Purpose. To evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of the iStent inject device (Glaukos Corporation, Laguna Hills, CA) combined with phacoemulsification in patients with coexistent cataract and open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension (OHT). Methods. A prospective, uncontrolled, nonrandomized, interventional case series study was conducted in patients with both mild or moderate open-angle glaucoma or OHT and cataract. Patients underwent cataract surgery along with the implant of two iStent inject devices. Outcome measures were intraocular pressure (IOP), topical hypotensive medications required, and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Results. 20 patients were enrolled. Mean follow-up was months. Mean baseline IOP was  mmHg with medication and  mmHg after washout. Mean end-follow-up IOP was  mmHg, representing an IOP decrease of 36.92%,  mmHg (), from baseline washout IOP. The mean number of medications was significantly reduced from to (). 45% of patients were medication-free by the end of follow-up. Mean BCVA improved significantly from to (). No complications of surgery were observed. Conclusion. The iStent inject device combined with cataract surgery served to significantly reduce both IOP and medication use in the long term in patients with coexistent open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension (OHT) and cataract