173 research outputs found

    Fatores que influenciam o cuidado de enfermagem omitido em pacientes de um hospital particular

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    Objetivo: determinar os fatores que influenciam o cuidado de enfermagem omitido em pacientes hospitalizados. Método: estudo descritivo correlacional, desenvolvido em um hospital particular do México. Para identificar o cuidado omitido e fatores relacionados, utilizou-se o instrumento MISSCARE, que mede o cuidado omitido e os fatores associados. O cuidado omitido e os fatores foram agrupados em índices globais e por dimensões. Para fins de análise, foi utilizada estatística descritiva, correlação de Spearman e regressão linear simples. O estudo recebeu aprovação de comité de ética. Resultados: participaram 71 enfermeiras dos serviços de urgências, terapia intensiva e hospitalização. O índice global de cuidado omitido mostrou um coeficiente M=7,45 (DE=10,74); o índice com maior cuidado omitido correspondeu à dimensão de intervenções de cuidado básico (M=13,02, DE=17,60). O principal fator que contribuiu ao cuidado omitido foi o de recursos humanos (M=56,13, DE=21,38). Os fatores relacionados ao cuidado omitido foram os recursos humanos (rs=0,408, pObjetivo: determinar los factores que influyen en el cuidado de enfermería perdido en pacientes hospitalizados. Método: estudio descriptivo correlacional, se realizó en un hospital privado de México. Para identificar el cuidado perdido y factores relacionados se utilizó el instrumento MISSCARE que mide el cuidado perdido y los factores asociados. El cuidado perdido y los factores se agruparon en índices globales y por dimensiones. Para el análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva, correlación de Spearman y regresión lineal simple. El estudio fue aprobado por el comité de ética. Resultados: participaron 71 enfermeras de los servicios de urgencias, terapia intensiva y hospitalización. El índice global de cuidado perdido mostró una M=7,45 (DE=10,74); el índice con mayor cuidado perdido correspondió a la dimensión de intervenciones de cuidado básico (M=13,02, DE=17,60). El principal factor que contribuyó en el cuidado perdido, fue el de recursos humanos (M=56,13, DE=21,38). Los factores relacionados con el cuidado perdido fueron los de recursos humanos (rs=0,408, pObjective: to determine the factors that influence the missed nursing care in hospitalized patients. Methods: descriptive correlational study developed at a private hospital in Mexico. To identify the missed nursing care and related factors, the MISSCARE survey was used, which measures the care missed and associated factors. The care missed and the factors were grouped in global and dimension rates. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, Spearman’s correlation and simple linear regression were used. Approval for the study was obtained from the ethics committee. Results: the participants were 71 nurses from emergency, intensive care and inpatient services. The global missed care index corresponded to M=7.45 (SD=10.74); the highest missed care index was found in the dimension basic care interventions (M=13.02, SD=17.60). The main factor contributing to the care missed was human resources (M=56.13, SD=21.38). The factors related to the care missed were human resources (rs=0.408,

    Factors influencing the missed nursing care in patients from a private hospital

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    Objective: to determine the factors that influence the missed nursing care in hospitalized patients. Methods: descriptive correlational study developed at a private hospital in Mexico. To identify the missed nursing care and related factors, the MISSCARE survey was used, which measures the care missed and associated factors. The care missed and the factors were grouped in global and dimension rates. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, Spearman’s correlation and simple linear regression were used. Approval for the study was obtained from the ethics committee. Results: the participants were 71 nurses from emergency, intensive care and inpatient services. The global missed care index corresponded to M=7.45 (SD=10.74); the highest missed care index was found in the dimension basic care interventions (M=13.02, SD=17.60). The main factor contributing to the care missed was human resources (M=56.13, SD=21.38). The factors related to the care missed were human resources (rs =0.408, p<0.001) and communication (rs =0.418, p<0.001). Conclusions: the nursing care missed is mainly due to the human resource factor; these study findings will permit the strengthening of nursing care continuity. Descriptors: Nursing Care; Patient Care; Human Resources; Communication; Hospitals, Private

    Influencia de la temperatura y del tiempo de pirólisis en la hidrofobicidad de biocarbón obtenido a partir de purín porcino

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    [ESP] Para determinar y explicar la influencia de la temperatura y del tiempo de pirólisis en la hidrofobicidad de los biocarbones producidos a partir de purín porcino, se realizaron pirólisis del mismo a temperaturas de 300, 400, 500 y 700 ºC con tiempos de 1h, 2h, 4h y 5h, obteniendo 16 tipos de biocarbones a los cuales se les determinó la hidrofobicidad, el contenido de carbono total y los grupos funcionales orgánicos. Los resultados mostraron que la hidrofobicidad en los biocarbones aumenta a bajas temperaturas y tiempos de pirólisis bajos, desapareciendo a partir de 4h a 400ºC y cualquier tiempo a partir de 500ºC, debido a la pérdida de compuestos alifáticos. [ENG] To identify and explain the influence of the temperature and time of pyrolysis on the hydrophobicity of biochars produced from pig manure, pyrolysis was performed at temperatures of 300, 400, 500 and 700°C with times of 1h, 2h, 4h and 5h, obtaining 16 kinds of biochars. We measured hydrophobicity, total carbon content and the organic functional groups. The results showed that hydrophobicity increased at low temperatures and low pyrolysis time, disappearing from 4h at 400ºC and at any time from 500°C due to the loss of aliphatic compounds.Centro Universitario de la Defensa. Escuela de Turismo de Cartagena. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial UPCT. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos y Minas (EICM). Escuela de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de Edificación (ARQ&IDE). Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo. Navantia. Campus Mare Nostrum. Estación Experimental Agroalimentaria Tomás Ferro. Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Programa de Líderes Jóvenes en la Investigación de la Fundación Séneca (Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, España)

    Exposure and Knowledge of Sharps Injuries among Medical Students in Seven States of Mexico

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    Background: Medical students are vulnerable to accidental exposure to blood-borne pathogens when performing clinical activities. Knowledge of both the prevalence of exposure and necessary reporting procedures is important to minimize the risk of harm to medical students. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey of medical students from 19 universities from seven states in Mexico was utilized to determinethe prevalence of needle stick injuries amongst medical students and the associated reporting procedures. Results: We included 312 respondents; of these, 52.24% were men and 47.76% were women, and the mean age was 23.19 years (SD ± 2.11 years). Nearly all of them (94.23%) were medical students doing clerkships in public hospitals. Mean knowledge score of blood-borne pathogens was 3.6 (SD ± 1.16) on a scale of 0-10 designed specifically for this study. Thirty-five per cent of the respondents had sustained a needle stick injury at some point during their medical school training, and 33.97% reported some type of mucocutaneous exposure. Overall, the non-reporting rate of needle stick injury was 48.34%. Approximately 25% of the respondents were not familiar with reporting procedures in the event of a needle stick injury or mucocutaneous exposure; 61.50% had received information from their hospital about the standard protocol to follow after a blood or body fluid exposure. Conclusion: In this Mexican population of medical students, there is a high risk of suffering needle stick injuries&nbsp; during medical training. Furthermore, knowledge regarding prevention, evaluation, and reporting of needle stick injuries is suboptimal


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    Fourteen tremelloid fungi species fromLas Bayas Forest, municipality of PuebloNuevo, Durango were studied. Caloceracoraloides, Dacrymyces capitatus y D.chrysospermus are cited for the first timeto the mexican mycobiota and seven ofthe studied species are new records for themexican state.Se estudiaron 14 especies de hongostremeloides procedentes del Bosque lasBayas en el municipio de Pueblo Nuevo,Durango. Calocera coraloides, Dacrymycescapitatus y D. chrysospermus se citan porprimera vez para la micobiota mexicana yotras siete de las especies tratadas son nuevosregistros para dicho estado mexicano

    Estimating biomass of mixed and uneven-aged forests using spectral data and a hybrid model combining regression trees and linear models

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    The Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range (Durango, Mexico) is of great ecological interest because of the high degree of environmental heterogeneity in the area. The objective of the present study was to estimate the biomass of mixed and uneven-aged forests in the Sierra Madre Occidental by using Landsat-5 TM spectral data and forest inventory data. We used the ATCOR3 ® atmospheric and topographic correction module to convert remotely sensed imagery digital signals to surface reflectance values. The usual approach of modeling stand variables by using multiple linear regression was compared with a hybrid model developed in two steps: in the first step a regression tree was used to obtain an initial classification of homogeneous biomass groups, and multiple linear regression models were then fitted to each node of the pruned regression tree. Cross-validation of the hybrid model explained 72.96% of the observed stand biomass variation, with a reduction in the RMSE of 25.47% with respect to the estimates yielded by the linear model fitted to the complete database. The most important variables for the binary classification process in the regression tree were the albedo, the corrected readings of the short-wave infrared band of the satellite (2.08-2.35 µm) and the topographic moisture index. We used the model output to construct a map for estimating biomass in the study area, which yielded values of between 51 and 235 Mg ha-1. The use of regression trees in combination with stepwise regression of corrected satellite imagery proved a reliable method for estimating forest biomass.This research was supported by SEPPROMEP (Project: Seguimiento y Evaluación de Sitios Permanentes de Investigación Forestal y el Impacto Socioeconómico del anejo Forestal en el Norte de México)S


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    Oak trees (Quercus spp.) are a very importantresource for mankind. For several years oakmortality has been observed on the Sierra Fría,Aguascalientes, Mexico. The objectives of thisstudy were: 1) to know those agents causingoak mortality on the Sierra Fría, 2) to establishthe distribution of affected areas on this sierra,3) to determine oak species affected in the areaof study and 4) to indicate their importance as aplant pathogens. Twenty-eight locations on theSierra Fría were sampled by means of transects.Each transect comprised a visual inspectionof 20 trees to observe symptoms and signson affected trees. In addition, 100 trees wereinspected at each location in order to detectascomata and basidiomata of plant pathogens.The identification of plant pathogens was based upon the presence of symptoms and signs(ascomata, basidiomata) on the trees. Cankerswere the most important observed symptom,being present in 92% of study locations andon 15 to 75% of trees. On living and matureoak trees, the plant pathogens causing thecankers were: Phellinus robustus, P. gilvus andP. everhartii. Ganoderma lucidum was foundon both young and adult trees. Biscogniauxiaatropunctata and Hypoxylon thouarsianum,opportunistic fungi of low pathogenic capacity, were also identified, affecting weak treesstressed by abiotic factors (drought, frost) andother plant pathogens. The most abundantoak species, and the one most affected, wasQ. potosina. Hypoxylon thouarsianum wasthe most widespread fungus, being presentin 12 out of the 28 study locations, followedby B. atropunctata, which was found in eightlocations.Los encinos (Quercus spp.) son un recursonatural muy importante para el ser humano.Desde hace varios años se ha observado lamuerte de ellos en la Sierra Fría. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: 1) Conocer losagentes que están causando la muerte de losencinos en la Sierra Fría de Aguascalientes,2) Establecer la distribución de áreas afectada en la Sierra Fría, 3) Determinar lasespecies de encino afectadas y 4) Señalar suimportancia como fitopatógenos. A través detransectos se muestrearon 28 localidades dela Sierra Fría, Ags. Cada transecto incluyóla revisión de 20 árboles para observar lossíntomas y signos en los árboles afectados.Además, en cada sitio se revisaron 100árboles con la finalidad de localizar ascomas y basidiomas de los fitopatógenos. Laidentificación de los fitopatógenos causantesde enfermedades se realizó con base en lossíntomas y signos (ascomas, basidiomas)presentes en los encinos. Se encontró que loscancros fueron los síntomas más importantesobservados en los encinos estando presentes en el 92% de las localidades estudiadas yvariando su incidencia de 15% a 75%. Enencinos vivos, maduros, los fitopatógenosencontrados causantes de cancros fueron:Phellinus robustus, P. gilvus, P. everhartii.En encinos jóvenes y maduros se encontróa Ganoderma lucidum. También, identificamos a Biscogniauxia atropunctata eHypoxylon thouarsianum, hongos con bajapatogenicidad y oportunistas, afectando aencinos debilitados por factores abióticos(sequía, heladas) y otros fitopatógenos. Laespecie de encino más distribuida y dañada fue Q. potosina. El hongo Hypoxylonthouarsianum fue el más distribuido encontrándose en 12 de las 28 localidades estudiadas, seguido por B. atropunctata encontradoen ocho de 28 localidades

    Biogas from anaerobic digestion as an energy vector: Current upgrading development

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    Producción CientíficaThe present work reviews the role of biogas as advanced biofuel in the renewable energy system, summarizing the main raw materials used for biogas production and the most common technologies for biogas upgrading and delving into emerging biological methanation processes. In addition, it provides a description of current European legislative framework and the potential biomethane business models as well as the main biogas production issues to be addressed to fully deploy these upgrading technologies. Biomethane could be competitive due to negative or zero waste feedstock prices, and competitive to fossil fuels in the transport sector and power generation if upgrading technologies become cheaper and environmentally sustainable.Unión Europea - (URBIOFIN project 745785, H2020-BBI-JTI-2016)Junta de Castilla y León y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (grant CLU 2017-09