181 research outputs found

    Family violence against children in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic: A review of current perspectives and risk factors

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    The situation of crisis produced by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic poses major challenges to societies all over the world. While efforts to contain the virus are vital to protect global health, these same efforts are exposing children and adolescents to an increased risk of family violence. Various criminological theories explain the causes of this new danger. The social isolation required by the measures taken in the different countries, the impact on jobs, the economic instability, high levels of tension and fear of the virus, and new forms of relationships have all increased levels of stress in the most vulnerable families and, therefore, the risk of violence. In addition, mandatory lockdowns imposed to curb the spread of the disease have trapped children in their homes, isolating them from the people and the resources that could help them. In general, the restrictive measures imposed in many countries have not been accompanied by an analysis of the access to the resources needed to reduce this risk. It is necessary to take urgent measures to intervene in these high-risk contexts so that children and adolescents can develop and prosper in a society which is likely to undergo profound changes, but in which the defense of their rights and protection must remain a major priority

    Poder político y poder económico en la Restauración: una interpretación divina (la singular formulación del segundo Marqués de Comillas)

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    El singular escenario político articulado al amparo de la Restauración borbónica proporcionó a Claudio López Bru, segundo marqués de Comillas, un acomodo propicio para ejercer un notable grado de influencia política sin necesidad de adscribirse a ningún partido. Desde una perspectiva conservadora, Claudio mantuvo una estrecha relación con el Rey, intercambió favores con líderes dinásticos, intentó llevar por el buen camino al regionalismo catalán y procuró, por encima de todo, supeditar la acción política a los intereses del catolicismo. Para ello, y en una línea de relativa moderación quebrada ante los sucesos de 1917, el marqués empleó un acusado pragmatismo que le llevó a velar por la unidad de los monárquicos en una causa común para frenar el avance de las izquierdas

    Negócios catalães, capitais argentinos: uma rede transnacional no fundo do primeiro peronismo

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    This paper identifies and characterizes a corporate network based on Argentinian-Spanish business (Catalan mainly) that was built around a dozen companies all located in Buenos Aires, in the first half of 20th century. Studying the board of directors of the company Providencia Compañía Argentina de Seguros, it finds meeting points in which different groups are involved and it analyzes what corporate strategies they applied. It also determines whether any political compromise was acquired by the members of the network, both in Spain and Argentina.Este trabajo identifica y caracteriza una red corporativa de intereses argentinos y españoles (catalanes en su mayoría) tejida en torno a una docena de empresas radicadas en Buenos Aires en la primera mitad del siglo XX. A partir del núcleo directivo de la sociedad Providencia Compañía Argentina de Seguros, se localizan nodos de confluencia de distintos grupos empresariales, se analizan estrategias corporativas y se calibra el grado de compromiso de sus integrantes con opciones políticas disponibles en el momento, en España y en Argentina.Este resumo identifica e caracteriza uma rede corporativa de interesses argentinos e espanhóis (na sua maioria catalães) em torno a uma dúzia de empresas radicadas em Buenos Aires na primeira metade do século XX. A partir do núcleo diretivo da sociedade Providencia Companhia Argentina de Seguros, localizam-se nodos de confluência de diferentes grupos empresariais, analisam-se estratégias corporativas e calibra-se o grau de compromisso de seus integrantes com opções políticas disponíveis nesse momento, na Espanha e na Argentina.&nbsp

    Nuevas aproximaciones metodológicas al estudio de la colaboración en la ciencia a través de las publicaciones científicas

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[ES]La ciencia es uno de los fenómenos de mayor importancia de la sociedad contemporánea, ya que el avance del conocimiento mejora la calidad de vida de las personas y contribuye al desarrollo económico de los países. La colaboración es uno de los rasgos más característicos de la ciencia actual, por lo que estudiar sus causas y efectos ha de ayudar a una mejor comprensión de los mecanismos que gobiernan la ciencia. Esta tesis y los trabajos que la componen surgieron de la preocupación por abordar el estudio de la colaboración desde una perspectiva multivariante, asumiendo que no es viable abordar su estudio como un fenómeno aislado. La idea que subyace a esta investigación toma coma base el trabajo pionero de Ben Martin (Martin & Irvine, 1983; Martin, 1996) en bibliometría en su concepción de la naturaleza multidimensional de la actividad científica, así como la necesidad de aplicar variables y metodologías diversas para obtener una imagen nítida de la actividad investigadora. Así, se analiza el papel de la colaboración en la ciencia en un sentido amplio y su relación con otras variables, en especial el impacto científico; a distintos niveles de agregación (meso y micro) y haciendo hincapié en las diferencias entre áreas científicas. En este contexto, se presentan aproximaciones metodológicas nuevas o poco utilizadas hasta el momento en bibliometría desde la perspectiva de la estadística multivariante, con especial atención a los métodos Biplot, y del análisis de redes sociales. Las propuestas que se presentan, pretenden ofrecer nuevas posibilidades de análisis y aumentar nuestro conocimiento sobre un fenómeno complejo como el de la colaboración en la ciencia. Se concluye que un conocimiento pormenorizado de métodos de análisis avanzados, como las técnicas de análisis multivariante, son un gran activo para la comunidad investigadora en bibliometría, pues van a posibilitar la obtención de resultados más pertinentes y que respondan a la naturaleza de los datos objeto de estudio. De hecho, si se tiene en cuenta que los llamados 'mapas de la ciencia' han sido propuestos previamente como herramientas de apoyo en política científica y gestión de la investigación, la necesidad de que los investigadores en bibliometría incorporen estos conocimientos cobra un significado y relevancia aún mayor

    Identifying victimization clusters across people with intellectual disabilities: A latent class analysis

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    Background: Research has shown high rates of victimization among people with intellectual disabilities (ID), but victimization clusters have been barely explored. Objective: We address the gap by examining how reported victimization experiences are grouped into different classes and identifying differences in the characteristics of the individuals in each class. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional self-report study with a sample of adults with an ID diagnosis (n = 260). We gathered data about the participants’ victimization experiences and socio-demographics, and then subjected the data to latent class analysis (LCA). Results: Three different classes were detected: High victimization (n = 27, 10.4 %); medium victimization, low sexual (n = 97, 37.3 %); and low victimization (n = 136, 52.3 %). The results highlight the experiences of sexual and physical victimization among the high-victimization class, in which women are overrepresented, and physical victimization among the medium-victimization class. The study also found that experiences of assault and bias attacks occur to a varying extent across all three classes. The LCA and poly victimization methods showed substantial agreement but also differences when identifying the most victimized participants. In addition, we detected significant differences between classes in gender, type of school attended, place of residence, legal incapacity, type of support needed, secondary disability and poly-victimization status. Conclusion: We identified distinct underlying ingroup patterns of victimization and sociodemographic inter-class differences that contribute to a better understanding of victimization within the population in question. The results have prevention and intervention implications for caregivers and providers of services for people with ID

    Giving a voice to adolescents in residential care: Knowledge and perceptions of commercial sexual exploitation and runaway behavior

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    Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a multifaceted global phenomenon in which adolescents involved in the child welfare system form a high risk population. However, studies conducted in European countries remain scarce. We recruited a sample of 67 adolescents (50.7% girls and 47.8% boys) aged between 13 and 18 years old (M = 15.8; SD = 2.2) in residential care in the child welfare system in the south-east of Spain, and surveyed them about their runaway behavior, knowledge and perception of CSEC, and possible related preventive measures. Using a mixed-methods approach, we found that 47.8% of the adolescents reported having run away from the residential center and 92.5% knew someone that had run away. A total of 71.6% of the adolescents were aware of the problem of CSEC, and demanded more education and protection. They highlighted various motivations for engaging in this type of behavior. The use of ICT emerged as an important risk factor to take into account in prevention programs

    The relationship between the research performance of scientists and their position in co-authorship networks in three fields

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    Research networks play a crucial role in the production of new knowledge since collabo-ration contributes to determine the cognitive and social structure of scientific fields andhas a positive influence on research. This paper analyses the structure of co-authorshipnetworks in three different fields (Nanoscience, Pharmacology and Statistics) in Spain overa three-year period (2006–2008) and explores the relationship between the research per-formance of scientists and their position in co-authorship networks. A denser co-authorshipnetwork is found in the two experimental fields than in Statistics, where the network is ofa less connected and more fragmented nature. Using the g-index as a proxy for individualresearch performance, a Poisson regression model is used to explore how performance isrelated to different co-authorship network measures and to disclose interfield differences.The number of co-authors (degree centrality) and the strength of links show a positive rela-tionship with the g-index in the three fields. Local cohesion presents a negative relationshipwith the g-index in the two experimental fields, where open networks and the diversity ofco-authors seem to be beneficial. No clear advantages from intermediary positions (highbetweenness) or from being linked to well-connected authors (high eigenvector) can beinferred from this analysis. In terms of g-index, the benefits derived by authors from theirposition in co-authorship networks are larger in the two experimental fields than in thetheoretical one.AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (research project CSO2008-06310) and the Spanish National Research Council (JAE predoctoral grant and project 201110E087).Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of demineralized lignin and lignin-phenolic resin blends to produce biocoke suitable for blast furnace operation

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    Metallurgical coke makers could reduce carbon emissions and material costs by introducing waste lignin in coke oven charges. Two approaches have been studied here to increase the use of lignin in the preparation of metallurgical coke: lignin demineralization with H2SO4 and lignin blending with a low rank coal using phenolic resin as binder. The biocoke obtained after carbonization at 1000 °C from the hydrochar of demineralized lignin (350 °C, 6 h, biomass/water = 0.5 wt/wt) had much higher reactivity than the coke obtained from the low rank coking coal, proving that demineralization of lignin prior hydrothermal conversion is not a valid route for biocoke making. In the other approach, it was found that blends containing 70 wt% low rank coal, 24 wt% torrefied lignin (before or after demineralization) and 6 wt% phenolic resin produced biocokes with suitable mechanical strength for handling but higher reactivity than the coke obtained from the low rank coking coal alone. The microporous surface areas of the biocokes studied did not correlate with their reactivity values
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