1,555 research outputs found

    Relationship between jumping abilities and skeletal muscle architecture of lower limbs in humans: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    No procede.The aim of this study was to examine the influence of skeletal muscle architecture (SMA) features measured by 2-D ultrasonography on jumping performance in humans. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted, registry number: CRD42016043602. The scientific literature was systematically searched in eight databases, last run on March 14th, 2017. Cross-sectional studies focused on the association between SMA features and vertical jumping performance were selected. A random-effects model was used to analyze the influence of lower-limb SMA and maximal jump height. A total of 11 studies were included in the qualitative synthesis and 6 studies were selected for meta-analysis. 250 correlations were reviewed across studies. The vast majority were either not statistically significant (185; 74%), weak or very weak (169; 68%) for different jump modalities; counter-movement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ), and drop jump. There was insufficient data to perform meta-analysis on muscles other than vastus lateralis for CMJ and SJ. The meta-analyses did not yield any significant association between vastus lateralis SMA and SJ height. Only a significant overall association was shown between vastus lateralis thickness and CMJ height (summary-r = 0.28; 95% confidence interval (CI) = -0.05 to 0.48; p = .059) for a 90% CI level. No differences were found between summary-r coefficients for SMA parameters and jump height during both jumps (CMJ: χ2 = 2.43; df   = 2; p = .30; SJ: χ2 = 0.45; df = 2; p = .80) with a low heterogeneity ratio. Current evidence does not suggest a great influence of lower-limb SMA on vertical jumping performance in humans.No.Actividad Física y DeporteTerapia y Rehabilitació

    Imágenes, espejos y espejismos. Los imaginarios sociales de la ocupación de Lima en la historiografía de la Guerra del Pacífico

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    El propósito del presente trabajo es mostrar, a través de la producción historiográfica sobre la ocupación de Lima durante la Guerra del Pacífico, la construcción de imaginarios sociales que forman parte del discurso nacionalista. Estos recuperan y reafirman acontecimientos considerados positivos para la identidad nacional y omiten otros hechos que no encajan con estos fines discursivos. En nuestra perspectiva, la interacción entre el común de los imaginarios colectivos subyacentes en los limeños, y las imágenes discursivas de los productores intelectuales, contribuyen a dar una imagen histórica similar a la de un espejo roto, puesto que no concuerda con los datos empíricos hallados en modernos estudios historiográficos. Peor aún, en algunos casos, con el negacionismo de hechos trágicos y adversos al discurso nacionalista, los trabajos de los productores intelectuales originan la formación de imágenes totalmente distintas a los hechos concretos, como espejismos de la realidad histórica

    Robust schedules for tardiness optimization in job shop with interval uncertainty

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    This paper addresses a variant of the job shop scheduling problem with total tardiness minimization where task durations and due dates are uncertain. This uncertainty is modelled with intervals. Different ranking methods for intervals are considered and embedded into a genetic algorithm. A new robustness measure is proposed to compare the different ranking methods and assess their capacity to predict ‘expected delays’ of jobs. Experimental results show that dealing with uncertainty during the optimization process yields more robust solutions. A sensitivity analysis also shows that the robustness of the solutions given by the solving method increases when the uncertainty grows.This research has been supported by the Spanish Government under research grants PID2019-106263RB-I00 and TIN2017-87600-P

    The Urban Biography of a Mauritanian City: Microstratigraphic Analysis of the Eastern Quarter of Tamuda (Morocco)

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    The lack of vertical stratigraphic sondages and open area excavations constitutes a challenge to understanding Mauritanian urbanism. This makes the characterization of the spatio-temporal evolution of Mauritanian towns a difficult task. Systematic excavations carried out in Tamuda by several research teams in the twentieth century provided vertical and horizontal views of Mauritanian urbanism. Our study offers, for the first time, a high-resolution geoarchaeological analysis of Tamuda’s urban sequence (third through first century BC). The microfacies analysis, by means of micromorphology and µ-XRF of Spaces E18 and E20 of the Eastern Quarter revealed a complex interaction of deposits and site formation processes that resulted from changes in everyday urban life. In this respect, the overlap of different construction phases and the alternation of episodes of active use and abandonment is highly significant. This study examines the functional characterization of urban spaces, including the identification of midden activities, a roasting pit, and a milling site (possibly) linked to fish flour production. These activities leave traces on beaten floors and occupation surfaces, and several features indicate abandonment periods between short-term occupations. The result is a complex urban biography of this Mauritanian town, in which human occupation was not constant over time.37 página

    A pottery workshop in the urban industrial neighborhood of Gades. About a ceramic kiln at Solano 3 Street (Cádiz)

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    En estas páginas demos a conocer un avance del primer horno alfarero de época imperial localizado en el barrio industrial de la ciudad hispanorromana de “Gades”, resultado de una Actividad Arqueológica Preventiva en la C/ Solano. Se presentan tanto las características técnicas del horno como un avance de las cerámicas de manufactura local (ánforas y cerámicas comunes de diversa tipología).In this paper we present a preliminary study of the first pottery kiln dating back to the I c. AD found inside the industrial quarter of the hispanorroman city of “Gades”. As a result of a Rescue Excavation at Solano street. We show the preliminary results of the study of the kiln as well as some details concerning the pottery produced locally (amphorae and plain pottery)

    The high kilns of cerro de los mártires (San Fernando, Cádiz). New informations about the archaelogical Project Camposoto-Torregorda

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    Presentamos en este trabajo los resultados de la intervención realizada en el año 2017 en el seno del proyecto Camposoto – Torregorda sobre los restos de un horno cerámico documentado en la parte alta del Cerro de los Mártires, el cual fue amortizado y usado como vertedero entre mediados del s. II y el s. III d.C.In this paper, we show the result of a dig carried out in 2017 within the Camposoto – Torregorda Project. The remains of a ceramic kiln were discovered in the slope of Cerro de los Mártires. This structure was amortized and used as a pottery dump between the middle of the s. II and s. III A.D

    Melhores práticas na utilização da aprendizagem móvel por professores universitários de Didáctica Linguagem-Literatura.

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    This paper has been funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain (Reference FPU16/01762).The use of mobile learning is becoming increasingly widespread among university teachers, thanks to its many benefits. Moreover, its application is associated with good teaching practices. The aim of this study is to analyse the development of good teaching practices in the use of m-learning by university teachers from the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature, as well as to identify the factors that influence the development of best practices. The research method developed is based on a transversal design. 110 teachers from the Department of Language and Literature Didactics participated in the study. The instrument used is the scale of Analysis of M-learning practices at the University (APMU). The results show that more than half of the teachers use the teaching method based on mobile learning. It can be concluded that in the development of best practices, gender is not influential, but age and teaching experience are. In addition, personal concern and experience in the use of mobile devices by teachers is a key factor in the appropriate development of the m-learning method.A utilização da aprendizagem móvel está a tornar-se cada vez mais generalizada entre os professores universitários, graças aos seus múltiplos benefícios. Além disso, a sua aplicação está associada a boas práticas de ensino. O objectivo deste estudo é analisar o desenvolvimento de boas práticas de ensino na utilização do m-learning por professores universitários do Departamento de Didáctica da Língua e Literatura, bem como identificar os factores que influenciam o desenvolvimento de boas práticas. O método de investigação desenvolvido é baseado num desenho transversal. O estudo envolveu 110 professores do Departamento de Didáctica da Língua e Literatura. O instrumento utilizado é a Análise das práticas de M-learning na escala da Universidade (APMU). Os resultados mostram que mais de metade dos professores fazem uso do método de ensino baseado na aprendizagem móvel. Pode-se concluir que, no desenvolvimento de boas práticas, o género não é influente, algo que ocorre com a idade e a experiência de ensino. Além disso, o interesse pessoal e a experiência na utilização de dispositivos móveis pelos professores é um factor chave para o desenvolvimento adequado do método m-learning.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU16/0176

    Combining H-FABP and GFAP increases the capacity to differentiate between CT-positive and CT-negative patients with mild traumatic brain injury

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    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients may have trauma-induced brain lesions detectable using CT scans. However, most patients will be CT-negative. There is thus a need for an additional tool to detect patients at risk. Single blood biomarkers, such as S100B and GFAP, have been widely studied in mTBI patients, but to date, none seems to perform well enough. In many different diseases, combining several biomarkers into panels has become increasingly interesting for diagnoses and to enhance classification performance. The present study evaluated 13 proteins individually—H-FABP, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, VCAM, ICAM, SAA, CRP, GSTP, NKDA, PRDX1, DJ-1 and IL-10—for their capacity to differentiate between patients with and without a brain lesion according to CT results. The best performing proteins were then compared and combined with the S100B and GFAP proteins into a CT-scan triage panel. Patients diagnosed with mTBI, with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 and one additional clinical symptom were enrolled at three different European sites. A blood sample was collected at hospital admission, and a CT scan was performed. Patients were divided into two two-centre cohorts and further dichotomised into CT-positive and CT-negative groups for statistical analysis. Single markers and panels were evaluated using Cohort 1. Four proteins—H-FABP, IL-10, S100B and GFAP—showed significantly higher levels in CT-positive patients. The best-performing biomarker was H-FABP, with a specificity of 32% (95% CI 23–40) and sensitivity reaching 100%. The best-performing two-marker panel for Cohort 1, subsequently validated in Cohort 2, was a combination of H-FABP and GFAP, enhancing specificity to 46% (95% CI 36–55). When adding IL-10 to this panel, specificity reached 52% (95% CI 43–61) with 100% sensitivity. These results showed that proteins combined into panels could be used to efficiently classify CT-positive and CT-negative mTBI patients

    Epidemiología de las lesiones por quemaduras / Epidemiology of lesions provoked by burns

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    Las quemaduras son una causa importante de muerte accidental, solo superadas por los accidentes de automóviles. Con el objetivo de conocer algunos aspectos de la epidemiología de las quemaduras en Pediatría en la provincia de Pinar del Río (Cuba), se realizó una investigación transversal, descriptiva que abarcó 26 casos con edades comprendidas entre 0-18 años, ingresados con el diagnóstico de quemaduras no intencionales en el Servicio de Caumatología del Hospital "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" Pinar del Río. (Cuba), durante el año 2006. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y para el tratamiento de la información se utilizó la estadística descriptiva, determinando la relación entre las variables estudiadas. Se encontró que el grupo más afectado era el menor de 15 años (96.2 %), en la cocina (42.3 %)por escaldadura, por líquidos calientes (53,8%). No hubo fallecidos. La prevención es un aspecto decisivo para evitar este tipo de accidente. Palabras Clave: lesiones, quemaduras/ prevención. ABSTRACTBurns are one of the most important causes of accidental death, only exceeded by traffic accidents. This paper is aimed at knowing issues related to the epidemiology of burns in pediatric ages in Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted with 26 burned children (0-18 years old) admitted to the Caumatology Service at "Abel Santamaria" General University Hospital, during 2006. Clinical records were the source of information and descriptive statistics for showing frequencies and X2 at 95 % of certainty was used for homogeneity. The group of ages younger than 15 years old was the most affected (96.2 %). Burns were mainly produced at the kitchen (42, 3 %) by hot liquids (scalds) (53.8 %), among other causes without mortality. Prevention is a decisive action to avoid this type of accident.Key words: burns, injuries/prevention