32 research outputs found
The sociodemographic indicators of travel insurance fraud: motivations, emotions, and behaviours
This work centres on the study of travel insurance fraud, with the aim of identifying the psychographic and behavioural responses involved in claiming an insurance policy through simulating injury or loss. To be specific, five types of motivation (fun, compensation, revenge, profitability, and family interest), nine types of emotion (love, surprise, disgust, anger, shame, sadness, trust, fear, and pride), and three types of behaviour (without personal damages, at destination, and with personal damages) have been found to be related to travel insurance fraud. In order to facilitate the detection of dishonest claims, the relationship between these psychographic, as well as behavioural features, and four sociodemographic variables, have been visualised - principally gender, age and education, and, to a lesser extent, income. Therefore, the results of the empirical survey carried out on a sample of 334 travel insurance policy holders and following a snow ball procedure not only give insight into dishonest motivations and conduct, but also make it possible to detect this kind of fraud
Direct Hydroxylation of Phenol to Dihydroxybenzenes by H2O2 and Fe-based Metal-Organic Framework Catalyst at Room Temperature
A semi-crystalline iron-based metal-organic framework (MOF), in particular Fe-BTC, that contained 20 wt.% Fe, was sustainably synthesized at room temperature and extensively characterized. Fe-BTC nanopowders could be used as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of dihydroxybenzenes (DHBZ), from phenol with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), as oxidant under organic solvent-free conditions. The influence of the reaction temperature, H2O2 concentration and catalyst dose were studied in the hydroxylation performance of phenol and MOF stability. Fe-BTC was active and stable (with negligible Fe leaching) at room conditions. By using intermittent dosing of H2O2, the catalytic performance resulted in a high DHBZ selectivity (65%) and yield (35%), higher than those obtained for other Fe-based MOFs that typically require reaction temperatures above 70◦C. The long-term experiments in a fixed-bed flow reactor demonstrated good Fe-BTC durability at the above conditionsThe authors thank the financial support by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) for the grant number 764635 and the project 256296; and to TNM for the supporting project 5627.19.P. Also, to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN) and FEDER program (EU) through the projects: CTM2016-76454-R (MICINN) and RTI2018-095052-B-I00 ((MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE
Seroprevalencia de Trypanosoma cruzi en niños de Veracruz, México: línea de base epidemiológica para un modelo de control fundamentado en la transmisión activa de la enfermedad de Chagas
Introduction. In 2021 the Ministry of Health of Mexico and the Pan American Health Organization launched an initiative to interrupt intra-domiciliary vector transmission of Chagas Disease (CD), based on knowledge of the prevalence of this disease in children. The Mexican State of Veracruz was the leading of this initiative.Objective. To estimate the seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among children under 15 years of age from rural areas of Veracruz, Mexico.Materials and methods. Eight priority localities from the Municipality of Tempoal, Veracruz, were identified for baseline serology. Blood samples were collected on filter paperfrom 817 individuals (June-August 2017) for screening using a third-generation enzyme immunoassay. Reactive cases were confirmed by indirect hemagglutination (HAI), Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) tests with peripheral blood serum samples. Seroprevalence and its 95% confidence interval (95% C.I.) were calculated.. Results. In the localities Citlaltepetl, Cornizuelo, Cruz de Palma y Rancho Nuevo, CD cases were confirmed in children under 15 years of age with a seroprevalence of 1,9% (95% C.I.: 1,12-3,16%). Conclusions. These results indicate that these communities present recent transmission of CD and allow establishing an epidemiological baseline for the design and implementation of a model based on activities focused on geographic areas with active transmission to advance towards the elimination of intra-domiciliary vector transmission of CD in Mexico.Introducción. En 2021 la Secretaría de Salud de México y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud lanzaron una iniciativa para la interrupción de la transmisión vectorial intradomiciliaria de la enfermedad de Chagas (EC), fundamentada en el conocimiento de la prevalencia de esta enfermedad en población infantil. El estado mexicano de Veracruz fue punta de lanza de esta iniciativa.Objetivo. Estimar la seroprevalencia de infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en menores de 15 años de localidades rurales de Veracruz, México.Materiales y métodos. Se identificaron 8 localidades prioritarias para la serología basal en el municipio de Tempoal, Veracruz. Se colectaron muestra de sangre en papel filtro de 817 individuos (junio-agosto de 2017) para su tamizaje usando un inmunoensayo enzimático de tercera generación. Los casos reactivos del tamizaje se confirmaron mediante pruebas de hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI), ensayo por inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas (ELISA) e inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) en muestras de suero colectadas en tubo. Se calculó la seroprevalencia y su intervalo de confianza del 95% (I.C. 95%).Resultados. En las localidades Citlaltépetl, Cornizuelo, Cruz de Palma y Rancho Nuevo se confirmaron casos de la EC en menores de 15 años con una seroprevalencia de 1,9% (I.C. 95%: 1,12-3,16%).Conclusiones. Los resultados indican que estas comunidades presentan transmisión reciente de la EC y permiten establecer una línea de base epidemiológica para el diseño e implementación de un modelo fundamentado en acciones dirigidas a áreas geográficas con transmisión activa para avanzar hacia la eliminación de transmisión vectorial intradomiciliar de la EC en México
The Caldera. No. 16
Cuando hablamos de paz, generalmente asociamos el vocablo con adjetivos, momentos, experiencias que nos produzcan un estado de relajación, de calma, de quietud; es decir, la zozobra, la inquietud e incluso, el debate, serían antónimos de paz: Este año nuestra querida Institución Educativa se ha propuesto marcar la pauta en este tema; por tal razón, se ha implementado, dentro de los diferentes espacios pedagógicos que disfrutan nuestros educandos, la “CÁTEDRA DE LA PAZ”, como una alternativa viable, que les permita a nuestros estudiantes, desde los primeros años de preescolar, hasta los últimos de bachillerato, lograr acercamientos a distintas situaciones cotidianas, que hacen parte de nuestra condición humana y permanente de seres comunicativos y sociales; por tanto, las aulas de clase, los distintos escenarios en los que nos movemos deben convertirse en espacios en los que se deben llegar a establecer acuerdos que nos permitan ambientes, de estudio, de trabajo, de recreación, aún más agradables y cordiales.Biografías: Steve Jobs, John Lennon; Por: Javier Felipe Molina Salazar e Isabella Polo García…04
II Concurso Intercolegiado de Oratoria “Literatura y paz” “El arte de leer”; Por: Mariana Alejandra Galvis M. …08
Deporte en el Instituto Caldas Instituto Caldas: Subcampeón Departamental de Baloncesto…10
El pequeño gran ajedrecista; Por: Sebastián Felipe Blanco…11
Escritores memorables, Kafka; Por: Daniel José Galvis Jaimes…12
Proyectos Pedagógicos (Preescolar); Por: Slendy Pinzón González…15
Talentos caldistas…16
Reloj Solar 2014…20
Expresiones caldistas…22
Galería de Imágenes…29When we speak of peace, we generally associate the word with adjectives, moments, experiences that produce us a state of relaxation, calm, and stillness; that is to say, anxiety, concern and even debate, would be antonyms for peace: This year our beloved Educational Institution has proposed to set the standard on this issue; For this reason, the "CHAIR OF PEACE" has been implemented within the different pedagogical spaces that our students enjoy, as a viable alternative that allows our students, from the first years of preschool, to the last years of high school, achieve approaches to different daily situations, which are part of our human and permanent condition of communicative and social beings; therefore, the classrooms, the different settings in which we move, must become spaces in which agreements must be reached that allow us environments, study, work, recreation, even more pleasant and cordial
The Outbreak of Digital Detox Motives and Their Public Health Implications for Holiday Destinations
This paper aims to analyze the external and objective barriers of the digital difference between being at home and being on holiday, and the intrinsic and subjective inhibitors to remaining online once at a destination. In this study, the literature is thoroughly reviewed, going beyond the traditional economic and technological explanations, along with those related to skill, to consider those rooted in well-being and psychology. Hence, a more integrative and exhaustive framework deals with how tourists approach their perceived hazardous and oversaturating digital environment. Finally, the role played by sociodemographics is studied by profiling those who are predisposed toward disconnecting in order to preserve their wellness. In total, 346 tourists were surveyed at random, with proportional stratification, on the island of Gran Canaria. The measuring instrument comprised a questionnaire whose scales gathered information about more than eighteen devices, twenty-eight social media platforms, and sixteen device and social media barriers. The obtained evidence demonstrates how crucial “detox” motivations are when trying to elucidate the differences in digital behavior between their home and holiday destination. Similarly, the evidence highlights that while gender, age, nationality, and income are associated with these differences, education is not. This study pioneers an analysis of the detox barrier regarding staying connected while on holiday and provides insight into how this intrinsic and subjective inhibitor interacts with other external hindrances to people’s health, both where they live and where they travel
Non-response to the recycling promotion technique of blockleader and commitment
The use of the recycling promotion technique which consists of commitment through a blockleader incentive has demonstrated that those individuals who are reluctant to increase their collaboration in response to the technique do not differ substantially from those who respond positively to the promotion, in terms of the processing information style. This similarity is clear, not only from the longitudinal perspective, which considers the evolution of these cognitive and evaluative variables from before the promotion application, but also from a transversal perspective, in other words, how the relationships between these variables are structured in both types of response model. However, the implications for management are based on the differences in the details of the two response patterns and a line of research based on the phenomenon of reluctance is justifiably proposed.Social marketing Recycling Consumer behaviour Blockleader promotion technique