141 research outputs found

    Identitats i el dret al passat. Del nou al vell món

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    Memoria y olvido en la Historia de la Arqueología: recuperando la figura de Francisco Benítez Mellado (1883-1962), el gran ilustrador arqueológico

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    Este artículo comienza con una reflexión sobre la memoria y el olvido en la Historia de la Arqueología. Al reservarse las necrológicas casi exclusivamente a profesores de universidad y conservadores de museos, muchas otras personas que hacen posible la práctica arqueológica quedan condenadas al olvido. En este trabajo se recupera la memoria de una de ellas, Francisco Benítez Mellado (1883- 1962). Este cordobés formado como artista profesional con José García Ramos y Joaquín Sorolla, se reconvertiría a dibujante técnico, siendo responsable tanto del dibujo del material recuperado en muchos de los yacimientos prehistóricos clave excavados en la primera mitad del siglo XX en España como de la documentación de arte rupestre prehistórico descubierto en aquellos años y publicado por los prehistoriadores más prestigiosos en la España del momento.This article starts with a discussion of memory and forgetfulness in the history of archaeology. As obituaries are almost exclusively reserved to university professors and museum curators, this pushes most archaeology practitioners to oblivion. This essay aims to recover the memory of one of the latter, Francisco Benítez Mellado (1883-1962). This Córdoba-born archaeologist was trained as an artist painter by José García Ramos and the well-known Joaquín Sorolla. In 1915, however, he became a technician responsible for drawing both the material of many of the key prehistoric sites excavated in the first half of the 20th century and most of the major discoveries of prehistoric cave and rock art published by the major prehistorians at the time in Spain

    V. Gordon Childe i Espanya: notes d'arxiu

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    Las raíces de los primeros libros de texto de Cambridge sobre la prehistoria europea: un análisis de los viajes formativos de Miles Burkitt a España y Francia

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    [eng] This article examines the roots of the first textbooks produced in Cambridge on European prehistory. The first dedicated lecturer in prehistoric archaeology in Britain, Miles Burkitt, authored these textbooks. Two types of information, archival and printed sources, will be used as the basis for the analysis. A description will be given of the events that made Burkitt´s presence in Spain possible, as a companion of the French archaeologist Henri Breuil, and the program and itinerary they followed in 1913 and 1914 will be detailed. The last section of the article will explore the ways in which Burkitt subsequently translated the knowledge he acquired in his fieldwork into the textbooks that would be used by many generations of Cambridge students.[spa] El presente artículo analiza los orígenes de los primeros libros sobre prehistoria europea producidos en Cambridge escritos por el primer profesor de arqueología prehistórica en Gran Bretaña, Miles Burkitt. Sobre la base de información obtenida en archivos y fuentes publicadas, el presente trabajo describe los acontecimientos que hicieron posible la presencia de Burkitt en España acompañando al arqueólogo francés Breuil, así como el programa e itinerario que ambos siguieron en 1913 y 1914. La última parte del artículo explora cómo se tradujo el conocimiento adquirido por el trabajo de campo de Burkitt en España en los libros de textos que más tarde serían utilizados por sucesivas generaciones de estudiantes en Cambridge

    World Heritage and the Public

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    This dossier is one of the outcomes of the third and final workshop of the European JPI-JHEP Heritage Values Network (H@V) project (www.heritagevalues.net/), partly financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through an "I+D+i Orientada a los retos de la sociedad" project entitled "La Red de los Valores del Patrimonio" (Ref PCIN-2013-036). This workshop was held at the University of Barcelona from 19 to 21 February 2015. The three-day event, inaugurated by Joan Pluma, then the General Director of Archives, Libraries, Museums and Heritage of the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya), included a combination of papers, round tables, activities, discussions and debates. The discussion topic was "Heritage Values and the Public" and it was attended by a multi-disciplinary group of more than fifty established professionals and student volunteers. From the five discussion lines during the workshop − Inclusivity; Participatory and Sustainable Heritage; Virtual Heritage, Heritage Values and the Public; Tourism; and World Heritage (WH) − this dossier is a compilation of a selection of the contributions to the last of thes

    Una mirada arqueológica al patrimonio inmaterial sonoro del pasado

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    Nationalism and Archaeology: the political context of our discipline.

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    This article discusses how present identities, and in particular nationalism, influence the way in which we think about the past. As I will argue, archaeological endeavour cannot be understood outside its sociopolitical context in which present identities play a crucial role. The emergence of archaeology as a professional discipline was closely related to the success of nationalism as a political option to sustain the modem state. Archaeology was, thus, transformed from an erudite enterprise to a professional discipline in a specific political context ruled by the success of nationalist ideology. I will contrast archaeological practice with nationalism in its various periods. . Despite changes in nationalism, it still maintains its importance in an analysis of current developments in world archaeology. In this light I will discuss the integration of indigenous communities into the management of the past.Neste artigo discute-se como as identidades atuais e, concretamente, a nacionalista influem na forma como pensamos sobre o passado. Argumentarei que não se pode entender o trabalho arqueológico fora de seu contexto sócio-político, no qual as identidades desempenham um papel crucial. A emergência da Arqueologia como uma disciplina profissional esteve intimamente relacionada com o êxito do nacionalismo como uma opção política que levaria à criação do Estado moderno, passando, desta forma, de uma atividade erudita a uma disciplina profissional. Farei um contraste entre a prática arqueológica desses dois últimos séculos com os diversos períodos pelos quais passou o nacionalismo. Terminarei argumentando que, apesar dessas mudanças, esta ideologia política ainda mantém sua importância e ilustrarei minha hipótese referente à integração das comunidades indígenas e o patrimônio de seu passado