2,724 research outputs found

    Costly capital reallocation and enery use

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    In time series data, energy use does not change much with energy price changes. However, energy use is responsive to international differences in energy prices in cross-section data across countries. In this paper we consider a model of energy use in which production takes place at individual plants and capital can be used either to directly produce output or to reduce the energy required to run the plant. We assume that reallocating capital from one use to another is costly. This turns out to be crucial for the quantitative properties of the model to be in conformity with the low short-run and high long-run elasticities of energy use seen in data

    Winnerless competition in coupled Lotka-Volterra maps

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    Winnerless competition is analyzed in coupled maps with discrete temporal evolution of the Lotka-Volterra type of arbitrary dimension. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the appearance of structurally stable heteroclinic cycles as a function of the model parameters are deduced. It is shown that under such conditions winnerless competition dynamics is fully exhibited. Based on these conditions different cases characterizing low, intermediate, and high dimensions are therefore computationally recreated. An analytical expression for the residence times valid in the N-dimensional case is deduced and successfully compared with the simulations.J.L.C. and E.D.G. acknowledge support from IVIC-141, L.A.G.-D. acknowledges support from IVIC-1089 and P.V. acknowledges support from MINECO TIN2012-30883


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    In time series data, energy use does not change much with energy price changes. However, energy use is responsive to international differences in energy prices in cross-section data across countries. In this paper we consider a model of energy use in which production takes place at individual plants and capital can be used either to directly produce output or to reduce the energy required to run the plant. We assume that reallocating capital from one use to another is costly. This turns out to be crucial for the quantitative properties of the model to be in conformity with the low short-run and high long-run elasticities of energy use seen in data.Energy Price; Energy Use; Costly Capital Reallocation

    Costly capital reallocation and energy use

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    In time series data, energy use does not change much with energy price changes. However, energy use is responsive to international differences in energy prices in cross-section data across countries. In this paper we consider a model of energy use in which production takes place at individual plants and capital can be used either to directly produce output or to reduce the energy required to run the planto We assume that reallocating capital from one use to another is costly. This turns out to be crucial for the quantitative properties of the model to be in conformity with the low short-mn and high long-run elasticities of energy use seen in data. Furthermore, our model displays variations in capacity utilization that are in line with those observed during the period of major oil price increases.Energy price, Energy use, Costly capital reallocation, Number of plants.

    A search for hydrogenated fullerenes in fullerene-containing planetary nebulae

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    Detections of C60 and C70 fullerenes in planetary nebulae (PNe) of the Magellanic Clouds and of our own Galaxy have raised the idea that other forms of carbon such as hydrogenated fullerenes (fulleranes like C60H36 and C60H18), buckyonions, and carbon nanotubes, may be widespread in the Universe. Here we present VLT/ISAAC spectra (R ~600) in the 2.9-4.1 microns spectral region for the Galactic PNe Tc 1 and M 1-20, which have been used to search for fullerene-based molecules in their fullerene-rich circumstellar environments. We report the non-detection of the most intense infrared bands of several fulleranes around ~3.4-3.6 microns in both PNe. We conclude that if fulleranes are present in the fullerene-containing circumstellar environments of these PNe, then they seem to be by far less abundant than C60 and C70. Our non-detections together with the (tentative) fulleranes detection in the proto-PN IRAS 01005+7910 suggest that fulleranes may be formed in the short transition phase between AGB stars and PNe but they are quickly destroyed by the UV radiation field from the central star.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (7 pages, 3 figures, and 3 Tables

    EU After COVID-19: An Opportunity for Policy Coordination

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    Despite all the difficulties inherent to our political organisation, the European Union has taken a bold step by doubling the EU budget for the next six years with the NGEU fund

    Metodología de gestión de la arquitectura tradicional canaria en la villa y puerto de Garachico

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    La villa y puerto de Garachico que junto con La Laguna y La Orotava fueron las ciudades cabeceras de Tenerife, conserva un rico patrimonio arquitectónico y artístico. Su puerto activo con su aduana, el comercio de productos agrícolas y vinos, muy demandados en Europa, e ingenios azucareros, de los cuales todavía hoy quedan vestigios. Aquella actitud comercial es la causa del desarrollo de la villa a medida que se potenciaban estas fuentes de riqueza. La Arquitectura de la villa es muy rica en todos sus aspectos tantos en arquitectura civil, domestica, religiosa o militar. El esquema urbano de Garachico en la actualidad no difiere mucho del que había en el siglo XVI, incluso teniendo en cuenta las catástrofes que ha tenido que soportar a lo largo del tiempo, (erupción en 1.706, incendio de San José 1.697, diluvio de San Dámaso 1.645). Este esquema es de tres calles paralelas entre si y a la vez a la costa. Estas calles se cortaban con otras perpendiculares secundarias y más estrechas, llegando hasta la costa. Estas calles principales se denominaban Calle de Arriba, Calle del Medio y Calle de Abajo.Tópico 3: Gestión del Patrimonio. Planificación y Gestión sustentable de los paisajes. Aspectos teóricos y metodológicos

    Computer-aided diagnosis of pancreatic and lung cancer

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    When we talk about cancer diagnosis the most important thing is early diagnosis to prevent cancer cells from spreading. We may also consider the high cost of diagnostic tests. Our approach seeks to address both problems. It uses a software based on Bayesian networks that simulates the causeeffect relationships and gets the chance of suffering a pancreatic cancer or lung cancer. This software would support doctors and save a lot of time and resources

    Economic Growth, Energy Intensity and the Energy Mix

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    This paper explores how changes in energy intensity and the switch to renewables can boost economic growth. To do so, we implement a dynamic panel data approach on a sample of 134 countries over the period 1960 to 2010. We incorporate a set of control variables, related to human and physical capital, socio-economic conditions, policies and institutions, which have been widely used in the literature on economic growth. Given the current state of technology, improving energy intensity is growth enhancing at the worldwide level. Moreover, conditional to energy intensity, moving from fossil fuels to frontier renewables (wind, solar, wave or geothermic) is also positively correlated with growth. Our results are robust to the specification of the dynamic panel with respect to alternative approaches (pooled OLS, within group or system GMM), and to alternative specifications (accounting for heterogeneity across countries, a set of institutional factors, and other technical aspects).The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under project ECO2016‐76818. Rodríguez also acknowledges Junta de Andalucía, project SEJ‐ 1512. Authors also acknowledge coments from two anonimous referees