34 research outputs found

    A bibliographic review on bone metastases acquired by Prostate Cancer in publications from the last 20 years, 2002-2022

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre la base de datos en Internet sobre el método diagnóstico y el manejo o tratamiento de pacientes con metástasis ósea adquirida por Cáncer de próstata en los últimos 20 años (2002 a 2022). Los artículos recientes sobre el tema. La población de estudio fueron 30 artículos en donde se citen aspectos relacionados al tema investigado, todas las publicaciones del período de 2002 a 2022. La metodología utilizada en este estudio fue la revisión bibliográfica descriptiva sobre la población de pacientes que con Cáncer de próstata y metástasis ósea adquirida por cáncer de próstata, una revisión bibliográfica de los artículos científicos publicados en las bases de datos digitales de revistas indexadas del área de salud. Los descriptores utilizados para esta búsqueda fueron: “Cáncer de próstata”, “Metástasis ósea” “diagnóstico”, “tratamiento”. Fueron seleccionados 30 artículos publicados durante los años 2002 a 2022. Se concluyó que Se concluyó que la evidencia de metástasis óseas en pacientes con CaP denota la etapa más dramática con el peor pronóstico de la enfermedad. La presencia de metástasis es un factor importante para determinar la sobrevida del paciente ya que, dependiendo de la respuesta a la terapia hormonal, la esperanza de vida promedio en estos pacientes es de aproximadamente      2 a 3 años.The objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the literature on the Internet database on the diagnostic method and the management or treatment of patients with bone metastasis acquired by prostate cancer in the last 20 years (2002 to 2022). Recent articles on the subject. The study population consisted of 30 articles where aspects related to the investigated topic were cited, all the publications from the period from 2002 to 2022. The methodology used in this study was the descriptive bibliographic review on the population of patients with prostate cancer and metastasis. bone acquired by prostate cancer, a bibliographic review of the scientific articles published in the digital databases of indexed journals in the health area. The descriptors used for this search were: “prostate cancer”, “bone metastasis”, “diagnosis”, “treatment”. 30 articles published during the years 2002 to 2022 were selected. It was concluded that the evidence of bone metastases in patients with CaP denotes the most dramatic stage with the worst prognosis of the disease. The presence of metastases is an important factor in determining patient survival since, depending on the response to hormone therapy, the average life expectancy in these patients is approximately 2 to 3 years

    Moderate sheep grazing increases arthropod biomass and habitat use by steppe birds

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    Open semi-natural ecosystems have been historically shaped by anthropogenic land-use, and the abandonment or intensification of these activities implied a detrimental alteration of their landscapes. Extensive sheep grazing has gradually decreased during the 20th century in Mediterranean steppes, triggering changes across all taxa. Here, we address the effect of sheep grazing on both arthropod biomass and space use by insectivorous steppe birds, using an endangered passerine as a model species. We found that biomass of different arthropod groups peaked at intermediate levels of grazing, and that both short-term grazing (affecting arthropod biomass) and long-term grazing (affecting vegetation structure) explain space use by insectivorous birds, whereas only long-term processes are decisive for bird territory establishment. Our results emphasise the role of sustained moderate grazing intensity in the conservation of steppe biodiversity. In the current decline context of extensive sheep grazing, agricultural policies should prioritise these practices to ensure the persistence of open semi-natural ecosystemsThis study was partially supported by the European Commission (Life Ricotí project LIFE15-NAT-ES-000802) and the BBVA Foundation (BBVA-Dron Ricotí project). JGC was funded through a Postdoc grant by the Education and Research Department of Madrid Autonomous Region Government (REMEDINAL TE; S2018/EMT4338), and this paper contributes to project REMEDINAL TE-CM (P2018/ EMT4338

    Conocimiento y actitudes de medidas de protección solar en trabajadores agrícolas. Tumán mayo-Junio 2014

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    Objetivos: Identificar el nivel de conocimiento y actitudes de medidas de protección solar en trabajadores agrícolas de la ciudad de Tumán en mayo-junio del 2014. Material y Métodos: La investigación, descriptiva de tipo transversal, se realizó en trabajadores agrícolas que laboraban en la ciudad de Tumán durante el periodo de mayo- junio del año 2014. Resultados: El nivel de conocimiento bajo (51,53%), 47.96% conocimiento medio, y solo el 0,51% conocimiento alto. Entre las premisas que más conocen se encontró: Te quemas dentro del agua (68,37%), “más calor, más te quemas” (66,33%), “conoce curación ante quemadura de radiación” (65,81%), y entre las que menos conocen son: “el broceado protege” (27,55%), “las células de la piel tienen memoria” (4,08%). En actitudes 45,92% presenta una actitud buena, y el 45,92% presenta un nivel de actitud mala. Un 53,06% de los trabadores agrícolas no dejaría de trabajar, cuando hay más sol, y 35,09% de los trabajadores agrícolas no acudiría al centro de salud por quemaduras provocadas por su labor. Conclusiones: el nivel de conocimiento en medidas de protección solar es bajo, y las actitudes son en mayor frecuencia malas

    Calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine A and tacrolimus induce vascular inflammation and endothelial activation through TLR4 signaling

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    The introduction of the calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) cyclosporine and tacrolimus greatly reduced the rate of allograft rejection, although their chronic use is marred by a range of side effects, among them vascular toxicity. In transplant patients, it is proved that innate immunity promotes vascular injury triggered by ischemia-reperfusion damage, atherosclerosis and hypertension. We hypothesized that activation of the innate immunity and inflammation may contribute to CNI toxicity, therefore we investigated whether TLR4 mediates toxic responses of CNIs in the vasculature. Cyclosporine and tacrolimus increased the production of proinflammatory cytokines and endothelial activation markers in cultured murine endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells as well as in ex vivo cultures of murine aortas. CNI-induced proinflammatory events were prevented by pharmacological inhibition of TLR4. Moreover, CNIs were unable to induce inflammation and endothelial activation in aortas from TLR4−/− mice. CNI-induced cytokine and adhesion molecules synthesis in endothelial cells occurred even in the absence of calcineurin, although its expression was required for maximal effect through upregulation of TLR4 signaling. CNI-induced TLR4 activity increased O2 −/ROS production and NF-κB-regulated synthesis of proinflammatory factors in cultured as well as aortic endothelial and VSMCs. These data provide new insight into the mechanisms associated with CNI vascular inflammationThis work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Economía Competitividad, Gobierno de España): FEDER funds ISCIII RETIC REDINREN RD12/0021, PI11/02242, PI13/00047, PI14/0041, PI14/00386, PI15/01460; Comunidad de Madrid (CIFRA S2010/BMD-2378); Sociedad Española de Nefrología. Salary support: RR-D: CIFRA; CO-S: Fundación Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz; CG-G and RRR-D: REDINREN; AO: Programa Intensificación Actividad Investigadora (ISCIII/Agencia Laín-Entralgo/CM); JE and MRO: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; AMR: Contrato Miguel Serve (ISCIII

    Cuadernos de Arquitectura Sustentable

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    El libro en su primer volumen busca reunir artículos seleccionados ya publicados en congresos y seminarios a fin de mostrar de manera compacta los temas en los que ha trabajado la Cátedra de Instalaciones Czajkowski-Gómez en el período 2005-2009 y el LAyHS en el período 2009-2011.Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Hábitat SustentableFacultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Cuadernos de Arquitectura Sustentable

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    El libro en su primer volumen busca reunir artículos seleccionados ya publicados en congresos y seminarios a fin de mostrar de manera compacta los temas en los que ha trabajado la Cátedra de Instalaciones Czajkowski-Gómez en el período 2005-2009 y el LAyHS en el período 2009-2011.Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Hábitat SustentableFacultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Resistance against two lytic phage variants attenuates virulence and antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    BackgroundBacteriophage therapy is becoming part of mainstream Western medicine since antibiotics of clinical use tend to fail. It involves applying lytic bacteriophages that self-replicate and induce cell lysis, thus killing their hosts. Nevertheless, bacterial killing promotes the selection of resistant clones which sometimes may exhibit a decrease in bacterial virulence or antibiotic resistance.MethodsIn this work, we studied the Pseudomonas aeruginosa lytic phage φDCL-PA6 and its variant φDCL-PA6α. Additionally, we characterized and evaluated the production of virulence factors and the virulence in a Galleria mellonella model of resistant mutants against each phage for PA14 and two clinical strains.ResultsPhage φDCL-PA6α differs from the original by only two amino acids: one in the baseplate wedge subunit and another in the tail fiber protein. According to genomic data and cross-resistance experiments, these changes may promote the change of the phage receptor from the O-antigen to the core lipopolysaccharide. Interestingly, the host range of the two phages differs as determined against the Pseudomonas aeruginosa reference strains PA14 and PAO1 and against nine multidrug-resistant isolates from ventilator associated pneumonia.ConclusionsWe show as well that phage resistance impacts virulence factor production. Specifically, phage resistance led to decreased biofilm formation, swarming, and type III secretion; therefore, the virulence towards Galleria mellonella was dramatically attenuated. Furthermore, antibiotic resistance decreased for one clinical strain. Our study highlights important potential advantages of phage therapy’s evolutionary impact that may be exploited to generate robust therapy schemes

    Famílies botàniques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands

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    18 páginas.- 10 figuras.- 72 referencias.- Online Content Any additional Methods, Extended Data display items and Source Data are available in the online version of the paper; references unique to these sections appear only in the online paper..- Puede conseguir el texto completo en el Portal de la producción científica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid https://produccioncientifica.ucm.es/documentos/5ec78dc52999520a1d557660 .- o en lel respositorio institucional CONICET digital https://ri.conicet.gov.ar/bitstream/handle/11336/29204/CONICET_Digital_Nro.ead4e2ed-0da6-4041-814b-259e8f27bbf6_D.pdf?sequence=5&isAllowed=yThe biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are interlinked by primary production, respiration and decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems1. It has been suggested that the C, N and P cycles could become uncoupled under rapid climate change because of the different degrees of control exerted on the supply of these elements by biological and geochemical processes1,2,3,4,5. Climatic controls on biogeochemical cycles are particularly relevant in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems (drylands) because their biological activity is mainly driven by water availability6,7,8. The increase in aridity predicted for the twenty-first century in many drylands worldwide9,10,11 may therefore threaten the balance between these cycles, differentially affecting the availability of essential nutrients12,13,14. Here we evaluate how aridity affects the balance between C, N and P in soils collected from 224 dryland sites from all continents except Antarctica. We find a negative effect of aridity on the concentration of soil organic C and total N, but a positive effect on the concentration of inorganic P. Aridity is negatively related to plant cover, which may favour the dominance of physical processes such as rock weathering, a major source of P to ecosystems, over biological processes that provide more C and N, such as litter decomposition12,13,14. Our findings suggest that any predicted increase in aridity with climate change will probably reduce the concentrations of N and C in global drylands, but increase that of P. These changes would uncouple the C, N and P cycles in drylands and could negatively affect the provision of key services provided by these ecosystems.This research is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant agreement no. 242658 (BIOCOM), and by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government, grant no. CGL2010-21381. CYTED funded networking activities (EPES, Acción 407AC0323). M.D.-B. was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Pablo de Olavide University.Peer reviewe