52 research outputs found

    Multidimensional impacts of a hydropower reservoir on indigenous communities: displacement, division and pilgrimage among the Tuxá people of the Bahia state, Brazil

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    Due to the construction of the Itaparica Hydroelectric Plant in 1988, the Tuxás were displaced from their lands and resettled, generating internal conflicts and various socio-environmental impacts. Historically dedicated to agriculture and fishing, the resettlement of Tuxás changed their livelihoods, affecting nutrition and their relationship with their livelihoods. For those who still have access to fishing on the São Francisco River, the availability of fish has been reduced as a result of water polluting eutrophication, due to the disposal of sewage and fertilizers. The results include new elements, often disregarded, to reexplore the socio-environmental trade-offs of the installation of hydroelectric plants in Brazil. He concludes by proposing alternative perspectives (mainly from the bottom up), to rethink the delicate balance between economic progress driven by energy generation in Brazil and also the negative impact on the livelihood of the country's most vulnerable communities.Due to the construction of the Itaparica dam in 1988, the Tuxá people were displaced and resettled. This generated internal conflicts and several socioenvironmental impacts. The resettlement of the Tuxá people, historically dedicated to agriculture and fishing, altered their ancestral identities and livelihoods. For those who still have access to fishing activities on the banks of the São Francisco River, fish availability has diminished given the water-pollution eutrophication from sewage and fertilizers discharge. The impacts of the dam on the Tuxá people are complex and include new identity-related elements. These are often disregarded when assessing the socioenvironmental trade-offs associated with the installation of hydroelectric plants in Brazil. We propose alternative perspectives (mainly bottom-up) to transform indigenous tacit knowledge regarding dams impacts on traditional communities into explicit, instrumental knowledge for policymaking. We also rethink the delicate balance between economic progress driven by renewable energy generation in Brazil and the negative impact this progress may have on the livelihoods of one of the country's most vulnerable communities from a socioenvironmental point of view. Methodologically, this work is the result of a mixed-methods analysis. We triangulate qualitative data (resulting from in-depth interviews and the reconstruction of life stories through focus groups conducted with the Tuxá people) with quantitative data extracted from a series of secondary sources, including government sources, among others

    Vulnerabilidade do povo indígena Guarani de Tentami - Bolívia às mudanças climáticas

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2017.Toda a sociedade está sentindo os efeitos das mudanças climáticas, mas é a população mais pobre do planeta que está mais vulnerável a seus efeitos e impactos. A Bolívia está entre a lista dos países mais vulneráveis do mundo, devido ao alto índice de pobreza que possui, assim como, aos numerosos ecossistemas que apresenta. No entanto, atualmente na Bolívia, houveram importantes mudanças sociais que possibilitaram melhorar as condições econômicas dos diferentes povos indígenas, que até pouco tempo atrás foram vítimas de uma série de injustiças sociais. Na atualidade, restos da exploração, submissão e discriminação colocaram os povos indígenas numa alta posição de pobreza. Um destes povos indígenas é o Guarani, um dos maiores e mais representativos do país e que enfrenta uma situação muito grave e complexa em suas economias, posição que se agrava ainda mais pelos impactos das mudanças climáticas. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a vulnerabilidade da população Guarani de Tentami - Bolívia aos efeitos potenciais das mudanças climáticas. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida através da metodologia qualitativa, apoiando-se secundariamente em dados quantitativos. A combinação da informação primária e secundaria foi utilizada para a eliminação de distorções de informação. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada na do protocolo de pesquisa da Sub-rede Mudanças Climáticas e Desenvolvimento Regional 2014. A pesquisa permitiu identificar a existência de variações nas temperaturas e nas precipitações da região, afetando com isso a Agricultura, a Alimentação, a Disponibilidade Hídrica e a Saúde da população, provocando, além disso, uma migração forçada da população de Tentami. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as mudanças climáticas e seus impactos colocaram a população de Tentami numa posição de vulnerabilidade, acentuada pelos fatores sociais internos da comunidade, como os costumes e as percepções que o povo mantém. Evidencia-se que a população através de percepções e costumes negligencia os riscos e coloca-se numa posição de autoexposição aos impactos. Deste modo, entende-se que as pessoas de Tentami geraram indiretamente uma percepção de imunidade subjetiva ante os riscos que as mudanças climáticas estão provocando. Portanto, registra-se a necessidade de desenvolver ações conjuntas envolvendo a população local, atores sociais, institucionais e políticos para minimizar os riscos que a população de Tentami corre ante os impactos das mudanças climáticas.The whole society is feeling the effects of the climate change, but it is the poorest people who are the most susceptible to the effects of their impacts. Bolivia is among the most vulnerable countries in the world, due to its high level of poverty as well as the numerous ecosystems it presents. However, nowadays, important social changes have been made in Bolivia in order to improve the economic conditions of the different indigenous peoples, who until recently were victims of a series of social injustices. At the present, remnants of exploitation, submission and discrimination have placed the indigenous peoples in a high position of poverty. Among them are the Guarani, one of the largest and most representative peoples in the country, which faces a very serious and complex situation in its economy, a position that is further aggravated by the impacts of climate changes. In this sense, the present research aims to evaluate the vulnerability of the Guarani population of Tentami - Bolivia due to the potential effects of climate changes. This research was developed through the qualitative methodology, being supported secondarily in a quantitative data. The combination of primary and secondary information was used to eliminate distortions of information that another approach alone could not provide. The methodology used was based on the research protocol of the Climate Change and Regional Development Sub-network 2014. The research allowed us to identify the existence of variations in the temperatures and precipitations of the region, affecting the Agriculture, the Food, the Water Availability and the Population´s Health, provoking, in addition, a forced migration of the population of Tentami. The results indicates that climate changes and its impacts have placed the population of Tentami in a position of vulnerability, accentuated by internal social factors of the community, such as the customs and perceptions that the people maintain. It is evident that the population through perceptions and customs neglects the risks and puts itself in a position of self-exposure to the impacts on the health. In that way, it is understood that the people of Tentami indirectly generated a perception of subjective immunity to the risks that climate changes are causing. Therefore, there is a need for joint actions involving the local population, social, institutional and political actors in order to minimize the risks that the population of Tentami face before the impacts of climate changes

    Impactos e percepções sociais das mudanças climáticas na comunidade indígena Tentami da Bolívia

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    In recent years, the effects of climate change have increased dramatically, causing a series of impacts mainly affecting the lives of the world's poorest people. Among them is the Guarani indigenous people of Tentami Bolivia, which due to temperature and precipitation variations in the region; their agriculture, food, water availability and health have all been affected, putting them in an emergency and high vulnerability that is further aggravated by internal social and cultural factors such as customs and perceptions that people maintain. . It was evidenced that these tend to subjectively reduce the existing risks in their context by the daily facts, exposing themselves to waterborne diseases.Nos últimos anos, os efeitos da mudança climática aumentaram drasticamente, causando uma série de impactos afetando principalmente a vida da população mais pobre do planeta. Entre eles está o povo indígena Guarani de Tentami Bolívia, que devido às variações de temperatura e precipitação na região; a sua agricultura, alimentação, disponibilidade de água e saúde viram-se afetadas, colocando-os em uma situação de emergência e alta vulnerabilidade que se agrava, ainda mais, por fatores sociais e culturais internos, como costumes e percepções que as pessoas mantêm. Evidenciou-se que estas tendem a diminuir subjetivamente os riscos existentes em seu contexto pela cotidianidade dos fatos, se expondo a doenças de veiculação hídrica. &nbsp

    A rede social indígena Tuxá, interação e troca de informação para a promoção de medidas adaptativas ante as mudanças climáticas

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    Studies show Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a successful methodology within the environmentalsciences. In the present study, this methodology was implemented in the Tuxás indigenous communityin Bahia-Brazil, to understand the configuration of interaction and information flow of the people andtheir multilevel relationship to face the environmental problem of drought. By creating networks byscale, we identify actors and their roles within the community, characterising the centrality of actorsand their internal and external relationships to create adaptive strategic actions that strengthen thelinks between them and local and regional initiatives. For data collection, structured interviews wereconducted with key informants using the snowball methodology. As a result, the SNA made it possibleto identify links, bottlenecks and potential institutions to reduce the vulnerability of the traditionalpopulation and to identify adequate ways to promote adaptation and solve environmental problems.Studies show Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a successful methodology within the environmentalsciences. In the present study, this methodology was implemented in the Tuxás indigenous communityin Bahia-Brazil, to understand the configuration of interaction and information flow of the people andtheir multilevel relationship to face the environmental problem of drought. By creating networks byscale, we identify actors and their roles within the community, characterising the centrality of actorsand their internal and external relationships to create adaptive strategic actions that strengthen thelinks between them and local and regional initiatives. For data collection, structured interviews wereconducted with key informants using the snowball methodology. As a result, the SNA made it possibleto identify links, bottlenecks and potential institutions to reduce the vulnerability of the traditionalpopulation and to identify adequate ways to promote adaptation and solve environmental problems.Studies show Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a successful methodology within the environmentalsciences. In the present study, this methodology was implemented in the Tuxás indigenous communityin Bahia-Brazil, to understand the configuration of interaction and information flow of the people andtheir multilevel relationship to face the environmental problem of drought. By creating networks byscale, we identify actors and their roles within the community, characterising the centrality of actorsand their internal and external relationships to create adaptive strategic actions that strengthen thelinks between them and local and regional initiatives. For data collection, structured interviews wereconducted with key informants using the snowball methodology. As a result, the SNA made it possibleto identify links, bottlenecks and potential institutions to reduce the vulnerability of the traditionalpopulation and to identify adequate ways to promote adaptation and solve environmental problems.Estudos mostram a Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS) como uma exitosa metodologia dentro das ciências ambientais. No presente estudo esta metodologia foi implementada na comunidade indígena Tuxás de Bahia-Brasil, com o intuito de compreender a configuração de interação e fluxo de informação do povo e sua relação multinível para enfrentar a problemática ambiental da seca. Identificamos mediante a realização de redes por escalas, atores e seus papéis dentro da comunidade, caracterizando a centralidade dos atores e as suas relações internas e externas para projetar a criação de ações estratégicas adaptativas que fortaleçam os vínculos entre eles e as iniciativas locais e regionais. Para a coleta de dados foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas a informantes chaves usando a metodologia bola de neve. A ARS permitiu identificar elos, gargalos e potenciais instituições para diminuir a vulnerabilidade da população tradicional, assim como identificar caminhos adequados para promover adaptação e dar solução a problemáticas ambientais

    Propuesta para el desarrollo de un protocolo de trabajo seguro en alturas en el área de planta externa de la empresa COMFICA soluciones integrales SL sucursal Colombia

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    80 p.1. Problema de investigación 2. Objetivos de la investigación 3. Justificación y delimitación 4. Marco de referencial 5. Tipo de investigación 6. Diseño metodológico 7. Fuentes para la obtención de información 8. Recursos o presupuesto 9. Cronograma de las actividades 10. Conclusiones 11. Recomendaciones 12. Referencias (bibliografía) AnexosLa presente monografía consiste en la elaboración de una propuesta de un protocolo de trabajo seguro en alturas en el área de planta externa para la empresa COMFICA soluciones integrales SL sucursal Colombia, la cual se dedica a la instalación y mantenimiento de redes de telecomunicaciones, donde actualmente no se cuenta con un procedimiento para mitigar los incidentes y posibles accidentes que puedan ocurrir en el desarrollo de esta actividad. Para realizar esta propuesta, en primera instancia se efectuó una investigación nacional e internacional de las normas y procedimientos que se tienen para realizar este tipo de actividades, basándonos específicamente en la resolución 1409 de 2012, donde se relacionan los lineamientos para trabajo en alturas. Posterior a esto se hizo una visita de campo, donde se realizó el respectivo análisis a los empleados de planta externa de la empresa, identificando, valorando y evaluando los riesgos a los que se encuentran expuestos, llegando a la conclusión, que una de las tareas que se ejecuta y es considerada una actividad de alto riesgo, es el trabajo en alturas. Por esta razón, se vio la necesidad de realizar este protocolo, con el fin de que la empresa lo implemente, teniendo un punto de referencia para garantizar unas condiciones de trabajo óptimas para sus colaboradores, y especialmente para aquellos que realizan este tipo de actividades

    Planeamiento estratégico del cacao

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    La presente tesis desarrolla el plan estratégico para el Cacao en el Perú, el cual tiene como principal objetivo establecer estrategias que permitirán el desarrollo sostenible a largo plazo y una mejora sustantiva en la calidad de vida de los integrantes de la cadena productiva y pobladores de las zona cacaoteras. Al mismo tiempo, se realiza un análisis de la situación actual del Cacao que ayuda a conocer la realidad y lo que representa a nivel nacional e internacional. La demanda creciente, los bajos niveles de producción por hectárea y la falta de innovación en infraestructura y tecnología; evidencian una oportunidad para incrementar la participación en el mercado internacional y el consumo per cápita a nivel nacional. El presente trabajo propone un camino agresivo pero alcanzable para ubicar al Perú como primer productor de cacao a nivel de América Latina; convirtiendo al cacao peruano en referente mundial de calidad, sabor y aroma; y desarrollando su cadena productiva, mejorando así la calidad de vida de los involucrados. Durante este análisis se proponen objetivos a largo plazo que se deben lograr para permitir que el Cacao cumpla su visión planteada. Las estrategias surgen después de aplicar un modelo secuencial de matrices, en el cual los principales mecanismos como el análisis de la información, el criterio, la intuición y el uso apropiado de herramientas lógicas; conducen a obtener estrategias coherentes y aplicables. Finalmente, el cacao peruano tiene mucho por desarrollar y ofrecer debido a su calidad y a la demanda potencial de los mercados nacionales e internacionales; sin embargo, aún existen debilidades en la cadena productiva como falta de tecnificación, capacitación, infraestructura, asociaciones, entre las principalesThis thesis develops the strategic plan for Cocoa in Peru, which the main objective is to establish strategies that will enable long-term sustainable development and a substantial improvement in the quality of life of the members of the supply chain and residents of the cocoa area. At the same time, an analysis of Cocoa’s current situation will help to know the reality and what it represents to a nation and international level. The growing demand, low production levels per hectare and the lack of innovation in infrastructure and technology; demonstrates an opportunity to increase international market share and consumption per capita nationwide. This paper proposes an aggressive but achievable way to position Peru as a leading cocoa producer in Latin America, making the Peruvian cacao a global benchmark in quality, taste and aroma; and developing its supply chain, thus improving the quality of life of those involved. During this analysis, there are long-term objectives to be achieved to allow the Cocoa fulfill its vision outlined. Strategies arise after applying a sequential model matrix, in which the main mechanisms as information analysis, the criterion, intuition and the appropriate use of logical tools, lead to obtain consistent and applicable strategies. Finally, the Peruvian cocoa has much to develop and offer due to their quality and potential demand for domestic and international markets; however, there are still weaknesses in the supply chain as a lack of technology, training, infrastructure, partnerships, among the main onesTesi

    Desafios do clima para os povos indígenas: vulnerabilidade socioecológica na região do Submédio da Bacia Hidrográfica do rio São Francisco/Brasil

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    Due to climate change and desertification, significant reductions in food production in various regions of the world are expected in the coming decades. The most impacted will be the poorest populations, especially communities that have small plots of land and are dependent on climatic conditions. This article shows how the land factor, drought, income and the increase of the self-declared indigenous population place the Tuxá and Pankararu indigenous peoples in a vulnerable situation. It is shown that the increase of the indigenous population and the extreme events caused by climate change may compromise the future of the cultivation of the main agricultural crops of these peoples, among them beans, rice, cassava and maize, reducing the possibility of guaranteeing their food, social union and reproduction. Brazil's indigenous population has shown an interesting increase, but in parallel to this fact, the planting areas have been shrinking, which obliges decision makers to reduce land problems and facilitate land delimitation and recognition processes.Estão previstas para as próximas décadas, por conta das mudanças climáticas e a desertificação, reduções significativas na produção de alimentos em diversas regiões do mundo. O grupo que irã sofrer maiores impactos prevê-se que serão as populações mais pobres, especialmente aquelas que moram em comunidades estabelecidas em pequenas parcelas de terra e são dependentes das condições climáticas. Este artigo mostra como o fator fundiário, a estiagem, a renda e o incremento da populacional indígena, colocam os povos indígenas Tuxá e Pankararu numa situação de vulnerabilidade. Mostra-se que o aumento da população indígena e os eventos extremos provocados pelas mudanças climáticas podem comprometer o futuro do cultivo das principais culturas agrícolas desses povos, entre estes do feijão, arroz, mandioca e o milho, diminuindo a possibilidade de garantir sua alimentação, união e reprodução social. A população indígena do Brasil vem mostrando um interessante aumento, no entanto paralelamente a este fato, as áreas de plantio vêm se reduzindo, o que obriga aos tomadores de decisões diminuir as problemáticas fundiárias e facilitar os processos de delimitação e reconhecimento de terras

    Políticas públicas e adaptação às mudanças climáticas: três estudos de casos no semiárido brasileiro

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    Adaptation to climate change, understood as the moderation of sensitivities and the strengthening of adaptive capacities modifies the conditions and, consequently, the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations. On the other hand, adaptive capacity depends on public policies tailored to different groups’ social, economic, and environmental realities. This article discusses specific vulnerabilities, adaptive measures and  opportunities identified through semi structured interviews and participatory workshops in three groups with different socio-environmental profiles: the Fundo de Pasto (FP) traditional communities in Northern Bahia, the Tuxá indigenous community in Rodelas/ BA and the irrigated perimeters of the Juazeiro/BA-Petrolina/PE pole. These case studies confirm that adaptation is strongly conditioned by the physical characteristics of the region where the population is located (such as rainfall levels and proximity to perennial water bodies, which condition “risks”); but that it also depends on a wide range of social, economic, cultural, and political factors.Adaptation to climate change, understood as the moderation of sensitivities and the strengthening of adaptive capacities modifies the conditions and, consequently, the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations. On the other hand, adaptive capacity depends on public policies tailored to different groups’ social, economic, and environmental realities. This article discusses specific vulnerabilities, adaptive measures and  opportunities identified through semi structured interviews and participatory workshops in three groups with different socio-environmental profiles: the Fundo de Pasto (FP) traditional communities in Northern Bahia, the Tuxá indigenous community in Rodelas/ BA and the irrigated perimeters of the Juazeiro/BA-Petrolina/PE pole. These case studies confirm that adaptation is strongly conditioned by the physical characteristics of the region where the population is located (such as rainfall levels and proximity to perennial water bodies, which condition “risks”); but that it also depends on a wide range of social, economic, cultural, and political factors.Adaptation to climate change, understood as the moderation of sensitivities and the strengthening of adaptive capacities modifies the conditions and, consequently, the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations. On the other hand, adaptive capacity depends on public policies tailored to different groups’ social, economic, and environmental realities. This article discusses specific vulnerabilities, adaptive measures and  opportunities identified through semi structured interviews and participatory workshops in three groups with different socio-environmental profiles: the Fundo de Pasto (FP) traditional communities in Northern Bahia, the Tuxá indigenous community in Rodelas/ BA and the irrigated perimeters of the Juazeiro/BA-Petrolina/PE pole. These case studies confirm that adaptation is strongly conditioned by the physical characteristics of the region where the population is located (such as rainfall levels and proximity to perennial water bodies, which condition “risks”); but that it also depends on a wide range of social, economic, cultural, and political factors.A adaptação às mudanças climáticas, entendida como moderação das sensibilidades e fortalecimento das capacidades adaptativas, modifica as condições e consequentemente os impactos do clima nas populações vulneráveis. Por outro lado, a capacidade adaptativa depende de políticas públicas adequadas à realidade social, econômica e ambiental. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo discute vulnerabilidades específicas, medidas adaptativas e oportunidades identificadas por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e oficinas participativas em três grupos de diferentes perfis socioambientais: as comunidades tradicionais de Fundo de Pasto (FP) no norte da Bahia, a comunidade indígena Tuxá em Rodelas/BA e os perímetros irrigados do polo Juazeiro/BA-Petrolina/PE. Os estudos de caso confirmam que a adaptação está fortemente condicionada às características físicas do local em que a população se encontra (como o regime de chuvas e proximidade de corpos hídricos perenes, fatores que condicionam o “risco”); mas que também depende de uma ampla gama de fatores sociais, econômicos, culturais e políticos

    Nighttime assaults: using a national emergency department monitoring system to predict occurrence, target prevention and plan services

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    Background: Emergency department (ED) data have the potential to provide critical intelligence on when violence is most likely to occur and the characteristics of those who suffer the greatest health impacts. We use a national experimental ED monitoring system to examine how it could target violence prevention interventions towards at risk communities and optimise acute responses to calendar, holiday and other celebration-related changes in nighttime assaults. Methods: A cross-sectional examination of nighttime assault presentations (6.01 pm to 6.00 am; n = 330,172) over a three-year period (31st March 2008 to 30th March 2011) to English EDs analysing changes by weekday, month, holidays, major sporting events, and demographics of those presenting. Results: Males are at greater risk of assault presentation (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 3.14, 95% confidence intervals [CIs] 3.11-3.16; P < 0.001); with male:female ratios increasing on more violent nights. Risks peak at age 18 years. Deprived individuals have greater risks of presenting across all ages (AOR 3.87, 95% CIs 3.82-3.92; P < 0.001). Proportions of assaults from deprived communities increase midweek. Female presentations in affluent areas peak aged 20 years. By age 13, females from deprived communities exceed this peak. Presentations peak on Friday and Saturday nights and the eves of public holidays; the largest peak is on New Year’s Eve. Assaults increase over summer with a nadir in January. Impacts of annual celebrations without holidays vary. Some (Halloween, Guy Fawkes and St Patrick’s nights) see increased assaults while others (St George’s and Valentine’s Day nights) do not. Home nation World Cup football matches are associated with nearly a three times increase in midweek assault presentation. Other football and rugby events examined show no impact. The 2008 Olympics saw assaults fall. The overall calendar model strongly predicts observed presentations (R2 = 0.918; P < 0.001). Conclusions: To date, the role of ED data has focused on helping target nightlife police activity. Its utility is much greater; capable of targeting and evaluating multi-agency life course approaches to violence prevention and optimising frontline resources. National ED data are critical for fully engaging health services in the prevention of violence