92 research outputs found


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    Analytical Tableaux for da Costa's Hierarchy of Paraconsistent Logics

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    AbstractIn this paper we present a new hierarchy of analytical tableaux systems TNDCn,1≤n<ω, for da Costa's hierarchy of propositional paraconsistent logics Cn,1≤n<ω. In our tableaux formulation, we introduce da Costa's “ball” operator “∘”, the generalized operators “k” and “(k)”, and the negations “∼k”, for k≥1, as primitive operators, differently to what has been done in the literature, where these operators are usually defined operators. We prove a version of Cut Rule for the TNDCn,1≤n<ω, and also prove that these systems are logically equivalent to the corresponding systems Cn,1≤n<ω. The systems TNDCn constitute completely automated theorem proving systems for the systems of da Costa's hierarchy Cn,1≤n<ω.33This paper corresponds to part of the results of the Doctorate Thesis of the second author, presented at UNICAMP in June, 2004. Previous versions of these results were presented in the “III World Congress on Paraconsistency”, held in July, 2003; and in the “XII Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic”, held in January, 2004. This is a reduced version of a paper accepted for publication by the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. The research was partially supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Brazil

    Políticas recentes de melhorias urbanas: municípios pequenos e médios e favelas

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    Este artigo realiza uma análise comparativa das condições de infraestrutura entre domicílios localizados em setores subnormais (proxy de favelas) e em municípios pequenos e médios, no Brasil como um todo e em suas grandes regiões. A ideia de tal exame advém de um estudo sobre as favelas brasileiras em, fundamentados nas informações do Censo de 2010, identificamos que as condições dos domicílios em favelas, no que diz respeito a alguns indicadores (como abastecimento de água ou esgotamento sanitário), eram melhores que as condições gerais dos domicílios brasileiros. Fazendo uso dos dados relativos aos domicílios permanentes e aglomerados subnormais disponibilizados pelos Censos de 2000 e 2010, procuramos assinalar, aqui, como a realidade do acesso à infraestrutura urbana no Brasil evoluiu no período intercensitário. As perguntas que orientam nosso estudo são: após uma década de intensa intervenção nas áreas de favela, com projetos de urbanização e de instalação de infraestrutura urbana, impulsionados de forma sistemática pelo PAC (Urbanização de Assentamentos Precários), as favelas se mantêm como o espaço de maior precariedade habitacional no país? É possível deduzir, a partir dos dados censitários, se os municípios pequenos e médios também foram beneficiados pelos programas e investimentos federais do período?

    Pragmatic Nonsense

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    Inspired by the early Wittgenstein's concept of nonsense (meaning that which lies beyond the limits of language), we define two different, yet complementary, types of nonsense: formal nonsense and pragmatic nonsense. The simpler notion of formal nonsense is initially defined within Tarski's semantic theory of truth; the notion of pragmatic nonsense, by its turn, is formulated within the context of the theory of pragmatic truth, also known as quasi-truth, as formalized by da Costa and his collaborators. While an expression will be considered formally nonsensical if the formal criteria required for the assignment of any truth-value (whether true, false, pragmatically true, or pragmatically false) to such sentence are not met, a (well-formed) formula will be considered pragmatically nonsensical if the pragmatic criteria (inscribed within the context of scientific practice) required for the assignment of any truth-value to such sentence are not met. Thus, in the context of the theory of pragmatic truth, any (well-formed) formula of a formal language interpreted on a simple pragmatic structure will be considered pragmatically nonsensical if the set of primary sentences of such structure is not well-built, that is, if it does not include the relevant observational data and/or theoretical results, or if it does include sentences that are inconsistent with such data

    The simplicity bubble effect as a zemblanitous phenomenon in learning systems

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    The ubiquity of Big Data and machine learning in society evinces the need of further investigation of their fundamental limitations. In this paper, we extend the ``too-much-information-tends-to-behave-like-very-little-information'' phenomenon to formal knowledge about lawlike universes and arbitrary collections of computably generated datasets. This gives rise to the simplicity bubble problem, which refers to a learning algorithm equipped with a formal theory that can be deceived by a dataset to find a locally optimal model which it deems to be the global one. However, the actual high-complexity globally optimal model unpredictably diverges from the found low-complexity local optimum. Zemblanity is defined by an undesirable but expected finding that reveals an underlying problem or negative consequence in a given model or theory, which is in principle predictable in case the formal theory contains sufficient information. Therefore, we argue that there is a ceiling above which formal knowledge cannot further decrease the probability of zemblanitous findings, should the randomly generated data made available to the learning algorithm and formal theory be sufficiently large in comparison to their joint complexity

    Big Data: truth, quasi-truth or post-truth?

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    In this paper we investigate if sentences presented as the result of the application of statistical models and artificial intelligence to large volumes of data – the so-called ‘Big Data’ – can be characterized as semantically true, or as quasi-true, or even if such sentences can only be characterized as probably quasi-false and, in a certain way, post-true; that is, if, in the context of Big Data, the representation of a data domain can be configured as a total structure, or as a partial structure provided with a set of sentences assumed to be true, or if such representation cannot be configured as a partial structure provided with a set of sentences assumed to be true

    Lesões citologicas em um rastreamento populacional para cancer do colo uterino e tempo de atividade sexual das mulheres

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    Orientador: Luiz Carlos Zeferino, Jose Guilherme CecattiTese(mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Ciencias MedicasMestrad

    Towards an efficient prover for the C1 paraconsistent logic

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    The KE inference system is a tableau method developed by Marco Mondadori which was presented as an improvement, in the computational efficiency sense, over Analytic Tableaux. In the literature, there is no description of a theorem prover based on the KE method for the C1 paraconsistent logic. Paraconsistent logics have several applications, such as in robot control and medicine. These applications could benefit from the existence of such a prover. We present a sound and complete KE system for C1, an informal specification of a strategy for the C1 prover as well as problem families that can be used to evaluate provers for C1. The C1 KE system and the strategy described in this paper will be used to implement a KE based prover for C1, which will be useful for those who study and apply paraconsistent logics.Comment: 16 page

    Fechos caracterizados por interpretações

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    Orientador : Mario Tourasse TeixeiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação CientíficaResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informedMestradoMestre em Matemátic