435 research outputs found

    Modelling the closest double degenerate system RXJ0806.3+1527 and its decreasing period

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    In the hypothesis that the 5.4m binary RXJ0806.3+1527 consists of a low mass helium white dwarf (donor) transferring mass towards its more massive white dwarf companion (primary), we consider as possible donors white dwarfs which are the result of common envelope evolution occurring when the helium core mass of the progenitor giant was still very small (~ 0.2Msun), so that they are surrounded by a quite massive hydrogen envelope (~1/100Msun or larger), and live for a very long time supported by proton--proton burning. Mass transfer from such low mass white dwarfs very probably starts during the hydrogen burning stage, and the donor structure will remain dominated by the burning shell until it loses all the hydrogen envelope and begins transferring helium. We model mass transfer from these low mass white dwarfs, and show that the radius of the donor decreases while they shed the hydrogen envelope. This radius behavior, which is due to the fact that the white dwarf is not fully degenerate, has two important consequences on the evolution of the binary: 1) the orbital period decreases, with a timescale consistent with the period decrease of the binary RXJ0806.3+1527; 2) the mass transfer rate is a factor of about 10 smaller than from a fully degenerate white dwarf, easing the problem connected with the small X-ray luminosity of this object. The possibility that such evolution describes the system RXJ0806.3+1527 is also consistent with the possible presence of hydrogen in the optical spectrum of the star, whose confirmation would become a test of the model.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on ApJ, main journa

    Evolution of Binary Stars in Multiple-Population Globular Clusters - II. Compact Binaries

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    We present the results of a survey of N-body simulations aimed at exploring the evolution of compact binaries in multiple-population globular clusters.We show that as a consequence of the initial differences in the structural properties of the first-generation (FG) and the second-generation (SG) populations and the effects of dynamical processes on binary stars, the SG binary fraction decreases more rapidly than that of the FG population. The difference between the FG and SG binary fraction is qualitatively similar to but quantitatively smaller than that found for wider binaries in our previous investigations.The evolution of the radial variation of the binary fraction is driven by the interplay between binary segregation, ionization and ejection. Ionization and ejection counteract in part the effects of mass segregation but for compact binaries the effects of segregation dominate and the inner binary fraction increases during the cluster evolution. We explore the variation of the difference between the FG and the SG binary fraction with the distance from the cluster centre and its dependence on the binary binding energy and cluster structural parameters. The difference between the binary fraction in the FG and the SG populations found in our simulations is consistent with the results of observational studies finding a smaller binary fraction in the SG population.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Embedded Clusters and the IMF

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    Despite valiant efforts over nearly five decades, attempts to determine the IMF over a complete mass range for galactic field stars and in open clusters have proved difficult. Infrared imaging observations of extremely young embedded clusters coupled with Monte Carlo modeling of their luminosity functions are improving this situation and providing important new contributions to our fundamental knowledge of the IMF and its universality in both space and time.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures to appear in "The IMF@50", Kluwer Academic Press, eds. C. Corbelli, F. Palla, & Hans Zinnecke

    Evolution of Binary Stars in Multiple-Population Globular Clusters

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    The discovery of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters has implications for all the aspects of the study of these stellar systems. In this paper, by means of N-body simulations, we study the evolution of binary stars in multiple-population clusters and explore the implications of the initial differences in the spatial distribution of different stellar populations for the evolution and survival of their binary stars. Our simulations show that initial differences between the spatial distribution of first-generation (FG) and second-generation (SG) stars can leave a fingerprint in the current properties of the binary population. SG binaries are disrupted more efficiently than those of the FG population resulting in a global SG binary fraction smaller than that of the FG. As for surviving binaries, dynamical evolution produces a difference between the SG and the FG binary binding energy distribution with the SG population characterized by a larger fraction of high binding energy (more bound) binaries. We have also studied the dependence of the binary properties on the distance from the cluster centre. Although the global binary fraction decreases more rapidly for the SG population, the local binary fraction measured in the cluster inner regions may still be dominated by SG binaries. The extent of the differences between the surviving FG and SG binary binding energy distribution also varies radially within the cluster and is larger in the cluster inner regions.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The role of General Relativity in the evolution of Low Mass X-ray Binaries

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    We study the evolution of Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs) and of millisecond binary radio pulsars (MSPs), with numerical simulations that keep into account the evolution of the companion, of the binary system and of the neutron star. According to general relativity, when energy is released, the system loses gravitational mass. Moreover, the neutron star can collapse to a black hole if its mass exceeds a critical limit, that depends on the equation of state. These facts have some interesting consequences: 1) In a MSP the mass-energy is lost with a specific angular momentum that is smaller than the one of the system, resulting in a positive contribution to the orbital period derivative. If this contribution is dominant and can be measured, we can extract information about the moment of inertia of the neutron star, since the energy loss rate depends on it. Such a measurement can therefore help to put constraints on the equation of state of ultradense matter. 2) In LMXBs below the bifurcation period (\sim 18 h), the neutron star survives the period gap only if its mass is smaller than the maximum non-rotating mass when the companion becomes fully convective and accretion pauses. Therefore short period (P < 2h) millisecond X-ray pulsar like SAX J1808.4-3658 can be formed only if either a large part of the accreting matter has been ejected from the system, or the equation of state of ultradense matter is very stiff. 3) In Low Mass X-ray binaries above the bifurcation period, the mass-energy loss lowers the mass transfer rate. As side effect, the inner core of the companion star becomes 1% bigger than in a system with a non-collapsed primary. Due to this difference, the final orbital period of the system becomes 20% larger than what is obtained if the mass-energy loss effect is not taken into account.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by the MNRA

    Non-gray rotating stellar models and the evolutionary history of the Orion Nebular Cluster

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    Rotational evolution in the pre-main sequence (PMS) is described with new sets of PMS evolutionary tracks including rotation, non-gray boundary conditions (BCs) and either low (LCE) or high convection efficiency (HCE). Using observational data and our theoretical predictions, we aim at constraining 1) the differences obtained for the rotational evolution of stars within the ONC by means of these different sets of models; 2) the initial angular momentum of low mass stars, by means of their templates in the ONC. We discuss the reliability of current stellar models for the PMS. While the 2D radiation hydrodynamic simulations predict HCE in PMS, semi-empirical calibrations either seem to require that convection is less efficient in PMS than in the following MS phase or are still contradictory. We derive stellar masses and ages for the ONC by using both LCE and HCE. The resulting mass distribution for the bulk of the ONC population is in the range 0.2-0.3 {\msun} for our non-gray models and in the range 0.1-0.3{\msun} for models having gray BCs. In agreement with Herbst et al. (2002) we find that a large percentage (\sim70%) of low-mass stars (M\simlt 0.5{\msun} for LCE; M\simlt0.35{\msun} for HCE) in the ONC appears to be fast rotators (P<<4days). Three possibilities are open: 1) \sim70% of the ONC low mass stars lose their disk at early evolutionary phases; 2)their locking period is shorter; 3) the period evolution is linked to a different morphology of the magnetic fields of the two groups of stars. We also estimate the range of initial angular momentum consistent with the observed periods. The comparisons made indicate that a second parameter is needed to describe convection in the PMS, possibly related to the structural effect of a dynamo magnetic field.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Abundance patterns of multiple populations in Globular Clusters: a chemical evolution model based on yields from AGB ejecta

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    A large number of spectroscopic studies have provided evidence of the presence of multiple populations in globular clusters by revealing patterns in the stellar chemical abundances. This paper is aimed at studying the origin of these abundance patterns. We explore a model in which second generation (SG) stars form out of a mix of pristine gas and ejecta of the first generation of asymptotic giant branch stars. We first study the constraints imposed by the spectroscopic data of SG stars in globular clusters on the chemical properties of the asymptotic and super asymptotic giant branch ejecta. With a simple one-zone chemical model, we then explore the formation of the SG population abundance patterns focussing our attention on the Na-O, Al-Mg anticorrelations and on the helium distribution function. We carry out a survey of models and explore the dependence of the final SG chemical properties on the key parameters affecting the gas dynamics and the SG formation process. Finally, we use our chemical evolution framework to build specific models for NGC 2808 and M4, two Galactic globular clusters which show different patterns in the Na-O and Mg-Al anticorrelation and have different helium distributions. We find that the amount of pristine gas involved in the formation of SG stars is a key parameter to fit the observed O-Na and Mg-Al patterns. The helium distribution function for these models is in general good agreement with the observed one. Our models, by shedding light on the role of different parameters and their interplay in determining the final SG chemical properties, illustrate the basic ingredients, constraints and problems encountered in this self-enrichment scenario which must be addressed by more sophisticated chemical and hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS accepte