4,817 research outputs found

    Accretion Discs Trapped Near Corotation

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    We show that discs accreting onto the magnetosphere of a rotating star can end up in a 'trapped' state, in which the inner edge of the disc stays near the corotation radius, even at low and varying accretion rates. The accretion in these trapped states can be steady or cyclic; we explore these states over wide range of parameter space. We find two distinct regions of instability, one related to the buildup and release of mass in the disk outside corotation, the other to mass storage within the transition region near corotation. With a set of calculations over long time scales we show how trapped states evolve from both nonaccreting and fully accreting initial conditions, and also calculate the effects of cyclic accretion on the spin evolution of the star. Observations of cycles such as found here would provide important clues on the physics of magnetospheric accretion. Recent observations of cyclic and other unusual variability in T Tauri stars (EXors) and X-ray binaries are discussed in this context.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Episodic Accretion on to Strongly Magnetic Stars

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    Some accreting neutron stars and young stars show unexplained episodic flares in the form of quasi-periodic oscillations or recurrent outbursts. In a series of two papers we present new work on an instability that can lead to episodic outbursts when the accretion disc is truncated by the star's strong magnetic field close to the corotation radius (where the Keplerian frequency matches the star's rotational frequency). In this paper we outline the physics of the instability and use a simple parameterization of the disc-field interaction to explore the instability numerically, which we show can lead to repeated bursts of accretion as well as steady-state solutions, as first suggested by Sunyaev and Shakura. The cycle time of these bursts increases with decreasing accretion rate. These solutions show that the usually assumed `propeller' state, in which mass is ejected from the system, does not need to occur even at very low accretion rates.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted to MNRAS, minor corrections following referee repor

    Measuring integration? Exploring socio-economic indicators of integration of third country nationals. MITI: United Kingdom national report

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    This document is the UK report of a European project which explored the measurement of migrants’ integration. The project, Migrants’ Integration Territorial Index (MITI) was funded by the European Union as part of its INTI programme on the integration of Third Country nationals. The project aimed to gather available statistical data on themes relevant to integration and to explore the possibility of developing an index of integration which could compare progress towards integration in the different regions of an individual state

    Density Waves Excited by Low-Mass Planets in Protoplanetary Disks I: Linear Regime

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    Density waves excited by planets embedded in protoplanetary disks play a central role in planetary migration and gap opening processes. We carry out 2D shearing sheet simulations to study the linear regime of wave evolution with the grid-based code Athena, and provide detailed comparisons with the theoretical predictions. Low mass planets (down to ~0.03 Earth mass at 1 AU) and high spatial resolution (256 grid points per scale height) are chosen to mitigate the effects of wave nonlinearity. To complement the existing numerical studies, we focus on the primary physical variables such as the spatial profile of the wave, torque density, and the angular momentum flux carried by the wave, instead of secondary quantities such as the planetary migration rate. Our results show percent level agreement with theory in both physical and Fourier space. New phenomena such as the change of the toque density sign far from the planet are discovered and discussed. Also, we explore the effect of the numerical algorithms, and find that a high order of accuracy, high resolution, and an accurate planetary potential are crucial to achieve good agreement with the theory. We find that the use of a too large time-step without properly resolving the dynamical time scale around the planet produces incorrect results, and may lead to spurious gap opening. Global simulations of planet migration and gap opening violating this requirement may be affected by spurious effects resulting in e.g. the incorrect planetary migration rate and gap opening mass.Comment: single column, 44 pages, 12 figures, ApJ in press, minor corrections mad

    Fluorescent protein-mediated colour polymorphism in reef corals: multicopy genes extend the adaptation/acclimatization potential to variable light environments

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    The genomic framework that enables corals to adjust to unfavourable conditions is crucial for coral reef survival in a rapidly changing climate. We have explored the striking intraspecific variability in the expression of coral pigments from the green fluorescent protein (GFP) family to elucidate the genomic basis for the plasticity of stress responses among reef corals. We show that multicopy genes can greatly increase the dynamic range over which corals can modulate transcript levels in response to the light environment. Using the red fluorescent protein amilFP597 in the coral Acropora millepora as a model, we demonstrate that its expression increases with light intensity, but both the minimal and maximal gene transcript levels vary markedly among colour morphs. The pigment concentration in the tissue of different morphs is strongly correlated with the number of gene copies with a particular promoter type. These findings indicate that colour polymorphism in reef corals can be caused by the environmentally regulated expression of multicopy genes. High-level expression of amilFP597 is correlated with reduced photodamage of zooxanthellae under acute light stress, supporting a photoprotective function of this pigment. The cluster of light-regulated pigment genes can enable corals to invest either in expensive high-level pigmentation, offering benefits under light stress, or to rely on low tissue pigment concentrations and use the conserved resources for other purposes, which is preferable in less light-exposed environments. The genomic framework described here allows corals to pursue different strategies to succeed in habitats with highly variable light stress levels. In summary, our results suggest that the intraspecific plasticity of reef corals’ stress responses is larger than previously thought

    The origin of the negative torque density in disk-satellite interaction

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    Tidal interaction between a gaseous disk and a massive orbiting perturber is known to result in angular momentum exchange between them. Understanding astrophysical manifestations of this coupling such as gap opening by planets in protoplanetary disks or clearing of gas by binary supermassive black holes (SMBHs) embedded in accretion disks requires knowledge of the spatial distribution of the torque exerted on the disk by a perturber. Recent hydrodynamical simulations by Dong et al (2011) have shown evidence for the tidal torque density produced in a uniform disk to change sign at the radial separation of 3.2\approx 3.2 scale heights from the perturber's orbit, in clear conflict with the previous studies. To clarify this issue we carry out a linear calculation of the disk-satellite interaction putting special emphasis on understanding the behavior of the perturbed fluid variables in physical space. Using analytical as well as numerical methods we confirm the reality of the negative torque density phenomenon and trace its origin to the overlap of Lindblad resonances in the vicinity of the perturber's orbit - an effect not accounted for in previous studies. These results suggest that calculations of the gap and cavity opening in disks by planets and binary SMBHs should rely on more realistic torque density prescriptions than the ones used at present.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, accepted to Ap

    Modulations in Multi-Periodic Blue Variables in the LMC

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    As shown by Mennickent, et al(2003), a subset of the blue variable stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud exhibit brightness variability of small amplitude in the period range 2.4 to 16 days as well as larger amplitude variability with periods of 140 to 600 days, with a remarkably tight relation between the long and the short periods. Our re-examination of these objects has led to the discovery of additional variability. The Fourier spectra of 11 of their 30 objects have 3 or 4 peaks above the noise level and a linear relation of the form f_a = 2(f_b - f_L) among three of the frequencies. An explanation of this relation requires an interplay between the binary motion and that of a third object. The two frequency relations together with the Fourier amplitude ratios pose a challenging modeling problem.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal (in press

    A population study of type II bursts in the Rapid Burster

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    Type II bursts are thought to arise from instabilities in the accretion flow onto a neutron star in an X-ray binary. Despite having been known for almost 40 years, no model can yet satisfactorily account for all their properties. To shed light on the nature of this phenomenon and provide a reference for future theoretical work, we study the entire sample of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer data of type II bursts from the Rapid Burster (MXB 1730-335). We find that type II bursts are Eddington-limited in flux, that a larger amount of energy goes in the bursts than in the persistent emission, that type II bursts can be as short as 0.130 s, and that the distribution of recurrence times drops abruptly below 15-18 s. We highlight the complicated feedback between type II bursts and the NS surface thermonuclear explosions known as type I bursts, and between type II bursts and the persistent emission. We review a number of models for type II bursts. While no model can reproduce all the observed burst properties and explain the source uniqueness, models involving a gating role for the magnetic field come closest to matching the properties of our sample. The uniqueness of the source may be explained by a special combination of magnetic field strength, stellar spin period and alignment between the magnetic field and the spin axis.Comment: Accepted 2015 February 12. Received 2015 February 10; in original form 2014 December 1

    Migrant and minority community organisations: funding, sustainability and ways forward

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    MODA (Migrant Organisations’ Development Agency) and Middlesex University have been working together on a research project about funding and resources available to migrant and minority organisations in London. This reports presents some of its key findings. The aim of the project was to gather information about the role of minority and migrant organisations, including details about the services they provide, the community needs they address, the financial and organizational challenges they face and the creative ways they are finding to cope. The research also aimed to explore the effects of the current economic and political climate on the sector and the role played by second tier organisations and other networks

    The Effects of Finite Emission Height in Precision Pulsar Timing

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    Precision timing is the key ingredient of ongoing pulsar-based gravitational wave searches and tests of general relativity using binary pulsars. The conventional approach to timing explicitly assumes that the radio emitting region is located at the center of the pulsar, while polarimetric observations suggest that radio emission is in fact produced at altitudes ranging from tens to thousands of kilometers above the neutron star surface. Here we present a calculation of the effects of finite emission height on the timing of binary pulsars using a simple model for the emitting region geometry. Finite height of emission changes the propagation path of radio photons through the binary and gives rise to a large spin velocity of the emission region co-rotating with the neutron star. Under favorable conditions these two effects introduce corrections to the conventional time delays at the microsecond level (for a millisecond pulsar in a double neutron star binary with a period of several hours and assuming the emission height of 100 km). Exploiting the dependence of the emission height on frequency (radius-to-frequency mapping) and using multi-frequency observations one should be able to detect these timing corrections even though they are formally degenerate with conventional time delays. Although even in the most accurately timed systems the magnitude of the finite emission height effects is currently somewhat below timing precision, longer-term observations and future facilities like SKA will make measurement of these effects possible, providing an independent check of existing emission height estimates.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review