559 research outputs found

    Structural variations in metal complexes of a tertiary α-hydroxyoxime

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    Despite the long term interest in hydroxyoximes as metal ion extractants, there is a lack of information on the possible coordination modes these ligands can assume, particularly in concert with a co-ligand. This is pertinent to the use of these extractants in synergistic systems, where a combination of extractants can achieve commercially useful results. We report here the structures of some metal complexes (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn) with (1-hydroxycyclohexyl)-phenyl ketone oxime. The results demonstrate that this ligand can support complexes ranging from mononuclear to trinuclear, in association with anionic and neutral co-ligands in some cases. While these results have been obtained in the solid state, they illustrate a range of possible species that may be formed in extractant solutions

    A Spitzer view of protoplanetary disks in the gamma Velorum cluster

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    We present new Spitzer Space Telescope observations of stars in the young ~5 Myr gamma Velorum stellar cluster. Combining optical and 2MASS photometry, we have selected 579 stars as candidate members of the cluster. With the addition of the Spitzer mid-infrared data, we have identified 5 debris disks around A-type stars, and 5-6 debris disks around solar-type stars, indicating that the strong radiation field in the cluster does not completely suppress the production of planetesimals in the disks of cluster members. However, we find some evidence that the frequency of circumstellar primordial disks is lower, and the IR flux excesses are smaller than for disks around stellar populations with similar ages. This could be evidence for a relatively fast dissipation of circumstellar dust by the strong radiation field from the highest mass star(s) in the cluster. Another possibility is that gamma Velorum stellar cluster is slightly older than reported ages and the the low frequency of primordial disks reflects the fast disk dissipation observed at ~5 Myr.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal: 32 pages; 11 Figure

    Unveiling the Structure of Pre-Transitional Disks

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    In the past few years, several disks with inner holes that are empty of small dust grains have been detected and are known as transitional disks. Recently, Spitzer has identified a new class of "pre-transitional disks" with gaps; these objects have an optically thick inner disk separated from an optically thick outer disk by an optically thin disk gap. A near-infrared spectrum provided the first confirmation of a gap in the pre-transitional disk of LkCa 15 by verifying that the near-infrared excess emission in this object was due to an optically thick inner disk. Here we investigate the difference between the nature of the inner regions of transitional and pre-transitional disks using the same veiling-based technique to extract the near-infrared excess emission above the stellar photosphere. We show that the near-infrared excess emission of the previously identified pre-transitional disks of LkCa 15 and UX Tau A in Taurus as well as the newly identified pre-transitional disk of ROX 44 in Ophiuchus can be fit with an inner disk wall located at the dust destruction radius. We also model the broad-band SEDs of these objects, taking into account the effect of shadowing by the inner disk on the outer disk, considering the finite size of the star. The near-infrared excess continua of these three pre-transitional disks, which can be explained by optically thick inner disks, are significantly different from that of the transitional disks of GM Aur, whose near-infrared excess continuum can be reproduced by emission from sub-micron-sized optically thin dust, and DM Tau, whose near-infrared spectrum is consistent with a disk hole that is relatively free of small dust. The structure of pre-transitional disks may be a sign of young planets forming in these disks and future studies of pre-transitional disks will provide constraints to aid in theoretical modeling of planet formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ on May 10, 2010; 29 page

    Emission from Water Vapor and Absorption from Other Gases at 5-7.5 Microns in Spitzer-IRS Spectra of Protoplanetary Disks

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    We present spectra of 13 T Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region showing emission in Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) 5-7.5 micron spectra from water vapor and absorption from other gases in these stars' protoplanetary disks. Seven stars' spectra show an emission feature at 6.6 microns due to the nu_2 = 1-0 bending mode of water vapor, with the shape of the spectrum suggesting water vapor temperatures > 500 K, though some of these spectra also show indications of an absorption band, likely from another molecule. This water vapor emission contrasts with the absorption from warm water vapor seen in the spectrum of the FU Orionis star V1057 Cyg. The other six of the thirteen stars have spectra showing a strong absorption band, peaking in strength at 5.6-5.7 microns, which for some is consistent with gaseous formaldehyde (H2CO) and for others is consistent with gaseous formic acid (HCOOH). There are indications that some of these six stars may also have weak water vapor emission. Modeling of these stars' spectra suggests these gases are present in the inner few AU of their host disks, consistent with recent studies of infrared spectra showing gas in protoplanetary disks.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the 20 August, 2014, V791 - 2 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    A slowly accreting ~10 Myr old transitional disk in Orion OB1a

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    Here we present the Spitzer IRS spectrum of CVSO 224, the sole transitional disk located within the ~10 Myr old 25 Orionis group in Orion OB1a. A model fit to the spectral energy distribution of this object indicates a ~7 AU inner disk hole that contains a small amount of optically thin dust. In previous studies, CVSO 224 had been classified as a weak-line T Tauri star based on its Halpha equivalent width, but here we find an accretion rate of 7x10^-11 Msun/yr based on high-resolution Hectochelle data. CVSO 224's low mass accretion rate is in line with photoevaporative clearing theories. However, the Spitzer IRS spectrum of CVSO 224 has a substantial mid-infrared excess beyond 20microns which indicates that it is surrounded by a massive outer disk. Millimeter measurements are necessary to constrain the mass of the outer disk around CVSO 224 in order to confirm that photoevaporation is not the mechanism behind creating its inner disk hole.Comment: 4 pages, accepted to ApJ

    The Structure of the DoAr 25 Circumstellar Disk

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    We present high spatial resolution (< 0.3" = 40AU)SubmillimeterArrayobservationsofthe865microncontinuumemissionfromthecircumstellardiskaroundtheyoungstarDoAr25.Despiteitsbrightmillimeteremission,thissourceexhibitsonlyacomparativelysmallinfraredexcessandlowaccretionrate,suggestingthatthematerialandstructuralpropertiesoftheinnerdiskmaybeinanadvancedstateofevolution.AsimplemodelofthephysicalconditionsinthediskisderivedfromthesubmillimetervisibilitiesandthecompletespectralenergydistributionusingaMonteCarloradiativetransfercode.Forthestandardassumptionofahomogeneousgrainsizedistributionatalldiskradii,theresultsindicateashallowsurfacedensityprofile, AU) Submillimeter Array observations of the 865 micron continuum emission from the circumstellar disk around the young star DoAr 25. Despite its bright millimeter emission, this source exhibits only a comparatively small infrared excess and low accretion rate, suggesting that the material and structural properties of the inner disk may be in an advanced state of evolution. A simple model of the physical conditions in the disk is derived from the submillimeter visibilities and the complete spectral energy distribution using a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. For the standard assumption of a homogeneous grain size distribution at all disk radii, the results indicate a shallow surface density profile, \Sigma \propto r^{-p}$ with p = 0.34, significantly less steep than a steady-state accretion disk (p = 1) or the often adopted minimum mass solar nebula (p = 1.5). Even though the total mass of material is large (M_d = 0.10 M_sun), the densities inferred in the inner disk for such a model may be too low to facilitate any mode of planet formation. However, alternative models with steeper density gradients (p = 1) can explain the observations equally well if substantial grain growth in the planet formation region (r < 40 AU) has occurred. We discuss these data in the context of such models with dust properties that vary with radius and highlight their implications for understanding disk evolution and the early stages of planet formation.Comment: ApJL in pres