238 research outputs found

    Development of cooperation between residents and local authority in tourism destination

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    The aim of the article is to present the results of the research on cooperation between local au-thorities and residents in three tourism destinations in Poland. The article puts forward a thesis on key importance of cooperation between local government and residents for local development. The article researched weather there is cooperation between local government and residents in taking decisions which concern local development and weather residents are satisfied with the realisation of the tasks by local government. Authors also researched whether in areas with developed tourist function residents are aware of their participation in tourism development. Results indicate that despite cooperation of local authorities with the residents which is declared by the representatives of local government, local community does not perceive such cooperation. The residents of the municipalities are not satisfied with the realisation of local government tasks as far as fulfillment of residents needs is concerned. The results indicate therefore the necessity of work connected with the increase of residents awareness about their participation in decision-making process and the necessity of informational actions

    Zróżnicowanie gmin turystycznych jako czynnik warunkujący współpracę samorządów lokalnych

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    In the article there is considered the issue of tourism cooperation between local governments. Cooperating governments differ from one another when taking into account tourist attractions, their status (village, town, and town-village), municipals’ size and income, local problems, and also level of development of tourist function or belonging to local government units of a higher level (county, voivodeship). The aim of the article is to show, how the municipal diversity in the mentioned areas can impact upon local govern- ments’ cooperation - its establishment, process and results. The article consists of five parts: introduction, literaturę considerations concerning the role of municipalities’ diversity as a determinant of their cooperation, presentation of methodology, research results and conclusions. To achieve the aim of the article there was used the research conducted in five municipalities (situated in the Beskidy Mountains) which create the agreement called “Beskidzka 5”.W artykule podjęto problematykę współpracy międzygminnej w zakresie turystyki. Współpracujące samorządy niejednokrotnie cechuje różnorodność w zakresie posiadanych walorów turystycznych, statusu (gmina miejska, wiejska lub miejsko-wiejska), wielkości i zasobności gminy, lokalnych problemów, Czerneka także poziomu rozwoju funkcji turystycznej czy przynależności do jednostek terytorialnych wyższego szczebla (powiat, województwo). Celem artykułu jest wskazanie, w jaki sposób zróżnicowanie między gminami w wymienionych aspektach może oddziaływać na współpracę między nimi - na jej nawiązanie, przebieg i rezultaty. Artykuł składa się z pięciu części: wstępu, literaturowych rozważań na temat znaczenia zróżnicowania gmin jako czynnika warunkującego ich współpracę, prezentacji metodologii badań i ich rezultatów oraz zakończenia. Do osiągnięcia postawionego celu wykorzystano badania przeprowadzone na terenie pięciu beskidzkich gmin, tworzących porozumienie „Beskidzka 5”

    Interoganizational cooperation amid uncertainty: the creative industries’ perspective

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    Uncertainty is not a novel issue in strategic management, hence one may notice that the modern world is becoming increasingly volatile and unpredictable. The literature points out that uncertainty and crises situations change not only the business environment and business implementation, but the effects of uncertainty also have an impact on interorganizational cooperation. This article focuses on exploring the significance of uncertainty stemming from a large-scale emergency situation (i.e. the COVID-19 pandemic) for the course of interorganizational cooperation (IC). The research was conducted in Poland within a group of 30 interviewees (in total 5 virtual FGIs) representing four creative industries. Our research shows that in conditions of uncertainty, interorganizational cooperation in creative industries still existed. However, very often cooperation had a completely different form, because three main elements changed: (1) IC partners, (2) opportunities to build social relationships underlying the establishment of IC, and (3) motives and goals of undertaking cooperation

    Development of cooperation between residents and local authority in tourism destination

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    The aim of the article is to present the results of the research on cooperation between local au-thorities and residents in three tourism destinations in Poland. The article puts forward a thesis on key importance of cooperation between local government and residents for local development. The article researched weather there is cooperation between local government and residents in taking decisions which concern local development and weather residents are satisfied with the realisation of the tasks by local government. Authors also researched whether in areas with developed tourist function residents are aware of their participation in tourism development. Results indicate that despite cooperation of local authorities with the residents which is declared by the representatives of local government, local community does not perceive such cooperation. The residents of the municipalities are not satisfied with the realisation of local government tasks as far as fulfillment of residents needs is concerned. The results indicate therefore the necessity of work connected with the increase of residents awareness about their participation in decision-making process and the necessity of informational actions

    Mitochondrial disease-related mutations at the cytochrome b-iron-sulfur protein (ISP) interface : molecular effects on the large-scale motion of ISP and superoxide generation studied in Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc_{1}

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    AbstractOne of the important elements of operation of cytochrome bc1 (mitochondrial respiratory complex III) is a large scale movement of the head domain of iron–sulfur protein (ISP-HD), which connects the quinol oxidation site (Qo) located within the cytochrome b, with the outermost heme c1 of cytochrome c1. Several mitochondrial disease-related mutations in cytochrome b are located at the cytochrome b-ISP-HD interface, thus their molecular effects can be associated with altered motion of ISP-HD. Using purple bacterial model, we recently showed that one of such mutations — G167P shifts the equilibrium position of ISP-HD towards positions remote from the Qo site as compared to the native enzyme [Borek et al., J. Biol. Chem. 290 (2015) 23781-23792]. This resulted in the enhanced propensity of the mutant to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) which was explained on the basis of the model evoking “semireverse” electron transfer from heme bL to quinone. Here we examine another mutation from that group — G332D (G290D in human), finding that it also shifts the equilibrium position of ISP-HD in the same direction, however displays less of the enhancement in ROS production. We provide spectroscopic indication that G332D might affect the electrostatics of interaction between cytochrome b and ISP-HD. This effect, in light of the measured enzymatic activities and electron transfer rates, appears to be less severe than structural distortion caused by proline in G167P mutant. Comparative analysis of the effects of G332D and G167P confirms a general prediction that mutations located at the cytochrome b-ISP-HD interface influence the motion of ISP-HD and indicates that “pushing” ISP-HD away from the Qo site is the most likely outcome of this influence. It can also be predicted that an increase in ROS production associated with the “pushing” effect is quite sensitive to overall severity of this change with more active mutants being generally more protected against elevated ROS.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ‘EBEC 2016: 19th European Bioenergetics Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy, July 2–6, 2016’, edited by Prof. Paolo Bernardi

    Wiążący i pomostowy kapitał społeczny we współpracy przedsiębiorców sektora turystycznego

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    In inter-organizational relations, in particular in cooperation, social capital plays a key role. This is both so-called bonding capital – based on closer relationships with entities belonging to one social group and bridging capital – built between entities belonging to different groups. The purpose aim of the chapter is to present the importance of both types of social capital – bonding and bridging – and the relationship between them for undertaking and developing inter-organizational cooperation in the tourism sector. The research carried out with tourist entrepreneurs was used. It was found that in the cooperation of tourism enterprises, the use of both types of capital is needed and they are complementary to each other. The right relations (proportions) between them are also important and they change depending on the conditions of cooperation.W relacjach międzyorganizacyjnych, w szczegolności we wspołpracy, kluczowe znaczenie odgrywa kapitał społeczny. Jest to zarówno tzw. kapitał wiążący – oparty na bliższych relacjach z podmiotami należącymi do jednej grupy społecznej, jak i tzw. pomostowy – budowany między osobami należącymi do rożnych grup. Celem opracowania jest przestawienie znaczenia obu typów kapitału społecznego – wiążącego i pomostowego – oraz relacji między nimi dla podejmowania i rozwoju współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej w sektorze turystycznym. W rozdziale przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w formie wywiadów z przedsiębiorcami turystycznymi. Ustalono, iż kooperacja między nimi wymaga wykorzystania obu typów kapitału i mają one względem siebie charakter komplementarny. Ważne są też relacje (proporcje) między nimi, zmieniające się w zależności od uwarunkowań współpracy

    Short bowel syndrome and severe skin toxicity as a complication of FOLFOX chemotherapy with panitumumab in a patient with colorectal cancer — a case report

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    The combination of monoclonal antibodies targeting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with chemotherapy is the standard treatment in advanced colorectal cancer without mutations in the RAS and BRAF genes. We present a case of a 55-year-old female patient with unacceptable skin toxicity and short bowel syndrome caused by palliative FOLFOX chemotherapy combined with panitumumab. In 2012, after the emergence of an artificial anus due to gastrointestinal obstruction in the course of rectal cancer, the patient underwent inductive chemotherapy, preoperative chemoradiotherapy, and radical surgery. Tubular adenocarcinoma G2, ypT2N0 was diagnosed. In 2013 and 2015 she underwent two additional surgeries including intestinal resection due to obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract and enterovaginal fistula. In February 2018 she was qualified for palliative chemotherapy because of inoperable relapse. Due to very good performance status (PS0) and absence of mutations of RAS and BRAF genes, regardless of being underweight and suffering from loose stools persisting from the time of surgery, FOLFOX chemotherapy with panitumumab was introduced. After the second administration of drugs an acne-like rash, hand-foot syndrome, and diarrhoea appeared. Intensification of symptoms and manifestations of short bowel syndrome were observed afterwards. Topical treatment of skin lesions, doxycycline, and anti-diarrhoeal therapy were introduced, with a mediocre therapeutic effect. Imaging confirmed disease stabilisation, but due to the deterioration of both performance status and life quality, anti-cancer treatment was discontinued. This case draws attention to the necessity of caution while qualifying for potentially toxic combination chemotherapy