9 research outputs found

    Hilbert phase microscopy based on pseudo thermal illumination in Linnik configuration

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    Quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) is often based on recording an object-reference interference pattern and its further phase demodulation. We propose Pseudo Hilbert Phase Microscopy (PHPM) where we combine pseudo thermal light source illumination and Hilbert spiral transform phase demodulation to achieve hybrid hardware-software-driven noise robustness and increase in resolution of single-shot coherent QPM. Those advantageous features stem from physically altering the laser spatial coherence and numerically restoring spectrally overlapped object spatial frequencies. Capabilities of the PHPM are demonstrated analyzing calibrated phase targets and live HeLa cells in comparison with laser illumination and phase demodulation via temporal phase shifting and Fourier transform techniques. Performed studies verified unique ability of the PHPM to couple single-shot imaging, noise minimization, and preservation of phase details

    Conservative and surgical treatment and possible complications of lateral support syndrome of the patellofemoral joint

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    The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body. At the same time, it is most sensitive to various diseases, often leading to the destruction of anatomical structures, disruption of static and dynamic functions. The authors of the article conducted a literary search on the methods of treatment of the syndrome of lateral support of the patellar-hip joint. In the case of lateral support syndrome of the patella and thigh joint, conservative treatment should be implemented first. Properly selected physiotherapeutic methods allow to reduce pain and avoid surgery. Surgical treatment should be the final choice, as it is associated with the possibility of complications that will delay the patient's recovery

    Psychomotor hyperactivity in children

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    Psychomotor hyperactivity syndrome with attention deficit disorders is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which is manifested by excessive mobility and impulsivity preventing normal functioning in society. This leads to deconcentration during the basic activities of everyday life. The first symptoms of the disease may appear in the early pre-school period of childhood, but they may not be sufficiently noticeable yet. The severity of symptoms may depend on the situation and may evolve with the age of the child. The etiology of the disease is not clear, which makes it elusive to identify the cause. However, we know that ADHD affects three times more boys than girls. There is a concept that statistics on increased male morbidity may be due to inheritance, as the female sex is the carrier of the gene responsible for the occurrence of hyperactivity. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of hyperkinetic disorder, including symptoms, etiology and some forms of treatment

    Non-pharmacological methods of treatment and prevention of vasovagal syncope

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    Fainting is a transient loss of consciousness resulting from a momentary ischemia of the central nervous system. One type of syncope is vasovagal syncope, otherwise known as reflex or neurogenic syncope. The consequence of fainting may be a fallen injury. It is therefore important that the doctor intervene quickly after such an episode to determine the cause of the fainting. An interview, which is one of the most important parts of diagnosis, provides a lot of valuable information. Once the correct diagnosis has been made, it is important to start the treatment procedure. In the case of vasovagal syncope, the first step is to educate the patient and his family about how to deal with the condition, which causes such a reaction of the body. The patient must know the manoeuvres that will interrupt the fainting. Next, the patient is recommended to be physically active, e.g. moderate exercise, tilt training. If the non-pharmacological methods do not produce results, pharmacology is introduced, and if it also fails, the use of stimulators is recommended. Non-pharmacological methods, which are the first to be used in a given case, as well as non-pharmacological methods are the subject of research of many scientists. This article describes methods of non-pharmacological management of vasovagal syncope, which can be used by anyone suffering from this condition as non-invasive

    Tai Chi as a rehabilitation method for patients with Parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. It belongs to the group of extrapyramidal system diseases. Nowadays it is an incurable disease, not yet examined in its entirety. With the current state of knowledge it is not possible to fully cure this disease, but it is possible to reduce the severity of the symptoms of this disease. Pharmacological treatment, surgical treatment and broadly understood physiotherapy, including Tai Chi, are the methods of treatment used in the fight against Parkinson's disease. Thanks to these methods, there is a chance to significantly reduce the severity of the symptoms characteristic of this disease, i.e. muscle tension, balance and coordination disorders. The incidence of this disease increases with age, and it is most common for people over the age of sixty. It affects men twice as often. The essence of the disease is a disorder in the number of neurons in which dopamine is produced, more precisely in the compact part of the black creature. This causes disturbances in the transmission of information in the central nervous system, which results in three basic symptoms: hypertonia, akinesis and tremor. In the treatment of these symptoms an important role is played by rehabilitation, one of the elements of which is Tai Chi. In the latest scientific reports there are many studies evaluating the influence of Tai Chi on the reduction of symptoms in Parkinson's patients

    Positive influence of hippotherapy on the process of improvement of children with cerebral palsy in children

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    Cerebral palsy is one of the most common neurological diseases in children. An important aspect of improvement is the development of motor functions, self-service, communication and social skills. Therefore, rehabilitation, in all forms one of them is hippotherapy, must be focused on motor education, as well as on improving the child's psyche. The beneficial effect of a horse is that it controls muscle tension, strengthens flaccid muscles and relaxes shortened muscles, which prevents contractures. Therapeutic riding improves the quality of life of such children, allows them to open up to the world, thus activating them and creating interaction between the child and the horse, and this improves their physical and mental condition. Hippotherapy is one of the most effective complementary therapeutic methods used to improve children with cerebral palsy

    Preventing and treatment of post-dural Puncture Headache

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    Post-dural Puncture Head (PDPH) is a common undesired side effect of lumbar puncture (LP). It is connected with the leakage of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) at the puncture site outside of spinal cord – in to the dura mater. The intracranial pressure sensitive structures in the brain react with the lowered intracranial pressure triggering pain and other PDPH-related symptoms. Conservative PDPH-preventing therapy includes prolonged bed rest and increased fluids intake – those guidelines were invented as long ago as LP itself and even though modern day research show no connection between following those guidelines and PDPH occurrence yet it is still performed in medical practice. Research shows that crucial for the likelihood of PDPH occurrence is the type of used needle gauge whether it is traumatic or atraumatic and the needle size (its’ diameter). As for the treatment of prolonged PDPH the most beneficial from the pharmacotherapy is the usage of caffeine (used in treatment of different-based headaches as well) combined with other pain-easing medicines. As for the more invasive method of treatment epidural patch is being used. It works as a patch, made of patients’ blood that covers the hole in the dura mater preventing more CSF from leaking outside. It is the most efficient way of treating PDPH

    Equine headshaking syndrom

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    We aimed to present headshaking syndrome (HS), that is used to be understood as a behavioral problem, but a broad research proved, it is a disorder mostly related to trigeminal nerve neuropathy. The common symptoms of HS are spontaneous and frequently repetitive head movements, believed to be caused by hypersensitivity of trigeminal nerve. It has been proved, that horses diagnosed as idiopathic headshakers had much lower thresholds for activation of infraorbital branch of maxillary nerve. Due to the similarities with human trigeminal neuralgia, there were suggestions for similarities of etiopathogenesis on a nerve demyelination but since no pathological findings have proved the theory, the functional origin of HS is currently suggested. There is no gold standard for the diagnosis and treatment of HS. One of the most common pharmacological treatment protocols was the combination of cyproheptadine and carbamazemine, but latest studies show very promising effects of much less invasive, percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENST), electroacupuncture and transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS)