305 research outputs found

    Flash mob jako narzędzie marketingowe. Wykorzystanie psychologii tłumu w promocji instytucji i produktów kultury

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    Flash mob w swojej pierwotnej postaci oznaczał spontaniczne wydarzenie, zainicjowane w przestrzeni publicznej przez nieznaną grupę ludzi. Miało ono charakter rozrywkowy i absurdalny, a o czasie jego rozpoczęcia informowano całkowicie przypadkowe osoby zwykle poprzez e-maile lub smsy. Z biegiem czasu ta specyficzna forma happeningu przekształciła się i może być obecnie wykorzystywana jako narzędzie edukacyjno-aktywizacyjne, uwrażliwiające na pewne ważne kwestie społeczne, a także jako narzędzie marketingowe wykorzystywane w reklamie i kreowaniu marki. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony został charakterystyce flash mobów, jako narzędzi promujących instytucje, wy-darzenia, usługi i produkty kultury. Punktem wyjścia uczyniono tutaj opis ewolucji i struktury flash mobów, a następnie opisano przykłady ich zastosowania w działaniach marketingowych z zakresu kultury i sztuki. Na końcu przedstawiono wskazówki dotyczące wykorzystania flash mobów w biznesie.Flash mob in its original form meant spontaneous event, initiated in a public space by an unknown group of people. It had entertaining and absurd character and about the time of its commencement completely random people were reported usually through e-mails or text messages. Over time, this particular form of happening evolved and can now be used as an educational tool for sensitizing activation of some important social issues, as well as a marketing tool used in advertising and branding. This article is devoted to the characteristic of flash mobs as a tools of promotion of the institutions, services and cultural products. At the beginning in the article were described the evolution and structure of flash mobs and then were given examples of flash mobs in marketing activities in the field of art and culture. At the end of the article were presented guidelines related to the use of flash mobs in a business field

    Media relations wybranych bibliotek toruńskich. Cele, narzędzia i plany rozwoju

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    Budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku biblioteki w środowisku lokalnym wymaga znajomości i systematycznego wdrażania elementów public relations. Jednym z etapów tego działania są media relations, czyli utrzymywanie dobrych stosunków z przedstawicielami mediów, co może wpływać pozytywnie na odbiór organizacji w otoczeniu społecznym. W artykule przedstawiono analizę działań w ramach media relations trzech największych toruńskich bibliotek: Biblioteki Pedagogicznej im. gen. bryg. prof. Elżbiety Zawackiej, Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika oraz Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej-Książnicy Kopernikańskiej. Wykorzystano do tego metodę sondażu diagnostycznego oraz analizę treści stron internetowych badanych bibliotek. Biblioteka uniwersytecka i publiczna są dobrze przygotowane i prężnie działają w zakresie promocji, jednak utożsamiają to pojęcie z public relations i nie rozdzielają tych zagadnień w praktyce, natomiast biblioteka pedagogiczna nie ma sekcji ds. promocji i PR, ale zadanie utrzymywania kontaktu z mediami należy do jednego z pracowników. Żadna z bibliotek nie wykorzystuje w pełni możliwości, jakie daje posiadanie strony internetowej.Building a positive image of a library in a local environment requires familiarity and systematic implementation of public relations elements. One of them is media relations, or maintaining good relations with representatives of the media, which may have a positive impact on the reception of the organization in the social environment. The article presents an analysis of media relations activities of the three largest libraries in Toruń: the Pedagogical Library of Brig. Gen. prof. Elżbieta Zawacka, the University Library of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Provincial Public Library-Copernicus Library. A method of the research was a diagnostic survey and an analysis of the content of the websites of the examined libraries. The university and public library are well prepared and thriving in the field of promotion, however, they equate this concept with public relations and do not separate these issues in practice, while the pedagogical library does not have a promotion and PR section, but the task of maintaining contact with the media belongs to one of the employees. Each library does not make full use of the possibilities offered by having a website

    Wykluczenie cyfrowe osób w wieku 50+. Sygnalizacja problemu

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    Artykuł wprowadza w tematykę wykluczenia cyfrowego osób z grupy wiekowej 50+. Pierwsza jego część dotyczy prognoz związanych ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa polskiego oraz zagrożenia wykluczeniem społecznym osób starszych. W drugiej części przedstawiono wyniki najnowszych badań statystycznych dotyczących korzystania przez starszą generację z nowych technologii. Trzecia część artykułu poświęcona została typologii barier w korzystaniu z nowych technologii i definicji oraz rozmiarowi wykluczenia cyfrowego polskich seniorów. Całość zamyka krótkie podsumowanie w formie rekomendacji w zakresie e-włączenia osób starszych do społeczeństwa informacyjnego.The article introduces the theme of digital exclusion of people from the 50+ age group. The first part concerns the forecasts related to the aging of the Polish society and the threat of social exclusion of older people. The second part presents the results of recent surveys on the use by an older generation of new technology. The third part of the article was devoted to a typology of obstacles to the use of new technologies and the definition and size of the digital exclusion of Polish seniors. The entire closing brief summary in the form of recommendations in the field of e-inclusion of older people to the information society

    Geometric constrains for detecting short actin filaments by cryogenic electron tomography

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    Polymerization of actin into filaments can push membranes forming extensions like filopodia or lamellipodia, which are important during processes such as cell motility and phagocytosis. Similarly, small organelles or pathogens can be moved by actin polymerization. Such actin filaments can be arranged in different patterns and are usually hundreds of nanometers in length as revealed by various electron microscopy approaches. Much shorter actin filaments are involved in the motility of apicomplexan parasites. However, these short filaments have to date not been visualized in intact cells. Here, we investigated Plasmodium sporozoites, the motile forms of the malaria parasite that are transmitted by the mosquito, using cryogenic electron tomography. We detected filopodia-like extensions of the plasma membrane and observed filamentous structures in the supra-alveolar space underneath the plasma membrane. However, these filaments could not be unambiguously assigned as actin filaments. In silico simulations of EM data collection and tomographic reconstruction identify the limits in revealing the filaments due to their length, concentration and orientation

    Małymi krokami ku znaczącym zmianom

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    Tekst stanowi opis współpracy z młodzieżą zagrożoną wykluczeniem społecznym w ramach projektu "CAL-Pracownia Inspiracji". Projekt realizowany był od 02.01.2012 r. do 30.09.2013 r. przez CISTOR Stowarzyszenie Partnerstwo Społeczne wraz z partnerem krajowym Centrum Wspierania Aktywności Lokalnej CAL z Warszawy oraz partnerem ponadnarodowym Stowarzyszeniem BBQ Berufliche Bildung GmbH ze Stuttgartu w ramach Priorytetu VII. Promocja integracji społecznej, Działania 7.2. Przeciwdziałanie wykluczeniu i wzmocnienie sektora ekonomii społecznej, Poddziałania 7.2.1 Aktywizacja zawodowa i społeczna osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym i współfinansowany był ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego. Celem projektu była aktywizacja zawodowa i społeczna 16 osób (młodzież w wieku 15-20 lat) nieaktywnych zawodowo, zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym, na terenie toruńskiej dzielnicy Wrzosy przez adaptację metody CAL (Centrum Aktywności Lokalnej) oraz implementację metod reintegracji zawodowej stosowanych na terenie Niemiec w ramach utworzonego na terenie Wrzosów Centrum Aktywności Lokalnej.The text is a description of cooperation with youth at risk of social exclusion within the framework of the "CAL-Pracownia Inspiracji" project. The project was carried out from 02/01/2012 to 30/09/2013 by CISTOR Association of Social Partnership together with the national partner CAL Local Activity Support Center from Warsaw and a transnational partner of the BBQ Berufliche Bildung GmbH from Stuttgart under Priority VII. Promotion of social integration, Activities 7.2. Counteracting exclusion and strengthening the social economy sector, Sub-measure 7.2.1. Professional and social activation of people at risk of social exclusion and was co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund. The aim of the project was professional and social activation of 16 people (young people aged 15-20) inactive, at risk of social exclusion, in the Wrzosy district of Toruń by adaptation of the CAL (Local Activity Center) method and implementation of professional reintegration methods used in Germany as part of of the Local Activity Center established in the area of Heather

    Cryoelectron tomography reveals periodic material at the inner side of subpellicular microtubules in apicomplexan parasites

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    Microtubules are dynamic cytoskeletal structures important for cell division, polarity, and motility and are therefore major targets for anticancer and antiparasite drugs. In the invasive forms of apicomplexan parasites, which are highly polarized and often motile cells, exceptionally stable subpellicular microtubules determine the shape of the parasite, and serve as tracks for vesicle transport. We used cryoelectron tomography to image cytoplasmic structures in three dimensions within intact, rapidly frozen Plasmodium sporozoites. This approach revealed microtubule walls that are extended at the luminal side by an additional 3 nm compared to microtubules of mammalian cells. Fourier analysis revealed an 8-nm longitudinal periodicity of the luminal constituent, suggesting the presence of a molecule interacting with tubulin dimers. In silico generation and analysis of microtubule models confirmed this unexpected topology. Microtubules from extracted sporozoites and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites showed a similar density distribution, suggesting that the putative protein is conserved among Apicomplexa and serves to stabilize microtubules

    Formation of cristae and crista junctions in mitochondria depends on antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g

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    Crista junctions (CJs) are important for mitochondrial organization and function, but the molecular basis of their formation and architecture is obscure. We have identified and characterized a mitochondrial membrane protein in yeast, Fcj1 (formation of CJ protein 1), which is specifically enriched in CJs. Cells lacking Fcj1 lack CJs, exhibit concentric stacks of inner membrane in the mitochondrial matrix, and show increased levels of F1FO–ATP synthase (F1FO) supercomplexes. Overexpression of Fcj1 leads to increased CJ formation, branching of cristae, enlargement of CJ diameter, and reduced levels of F1FO supercomplexes. Impairment of F1FO oligomer formation by deletion of its subunits e/g (Su e/g) causes CJ diameter enlargement and reduction of cristae tip numbers and promotes cristae branching. Fcj1 and Su e/g genetically interact. We propose a model in which the antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g locally modulates the F1FO oligomeric state, thereby controlling membrane curvature of cristae to generate CJs and cristae tips

    Whole Cell Cryo-Electron Tomography Reveals Distinct Disassembly Intermediates of Vaccinia Virus

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    At each round of infection, viruses fall apart to release their genome for replication, and then reassemble into stable particles within the same host cell. For most viruses, the structural details that underlie these disassembly and assembly reactions are poorly understood. Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), a unique method to investigate large and asymmetric structures at the near molecular resolution, was previously used to study the complex structure of vaccinia virus (VV). Here we study the disassembly of VV by cryo-ET on intact, rapidly frozen, mammalian cells, infected for up to 60 minutes. Binding to the cell surface induced distinct structural rearrangements of the core, such as a shape change, the rearrangement of its surface spikes and de-condensation of the viral DNA. We propose that the cell surface induced changes, in particular the decondensation of the viral genome, are a prerequisite for the subsequent release of the vaccinia DNA into the cytoplasm, which is followed by its cytoplasmic replication. Generally, this is the first study that employs whole cell cryo-ET to address structural details of pathogen-host cell interaction

    Biogenesis of the inner membrane complex is dependent on vesicular transport by the alveolate specific GTPase Rab11B

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    Apicomplexan parasites belong to a recently recognised group of protozoa referred to as Alveolata. These protists contain membranous sacs (alveoli) beneath the plasma membrane, termed the Inner Membrane Complex (IMC) in the case of Apicomplexa. During parasite replication the IMC is formed de novo within the mother cell in a process described as internal budding. We hypothesized that an alveolate specific factor is involved in the specific transport of vesicles from the Golgi to the IMC and identified the small GTPase Rab11B as an alveolate specific Rab-GTPase that localises to the growing end of the IMC during replication of Toxoplasma gondii. Conditional interference with Rab11B function leads to a profound defect in IMC biogenesis, indicating that Rab11B is required for the transport of Golgi derived vesicles to the nascent IMC of the daughter cell. Curiously, a block in IMC biogenesis did not affect formation of sub-pellicular microtubules, indicating that IMC biogenesis and formation of sub-pellicular microtubules is not mechanistically linked. We propose a model where Rab11B specifically transports vesicles derived from the Golgi to the immature IMC of the growing daughter parasites

    KAHRP dynamically relocalizes to remodeled actin junctions and associates with knob spirals in Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes

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    The knob-associated histidine-rich protein (KAHRP) plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of Plasmodium falciparum malaria by forming membrane protrusions in infected erythrocytes, which anchor parasite-encoded adhesins to the membrane skeleton. The resulting sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes in the microvasculature leads to severe disease. Despite KAHRP being an important virulence factor, its physical location within the membrane skeleton is still debated, as is its function in knob formation. Here, we show by super-resolution microscopy that KAHRP initially associates with various skeletal components, including ankyrin bridges, but eventually colocalizes with remnant actin junctions. We further present a 35 Å map of the spiral scaffold underlying knobs and show that a KAHRP-targeting nanoprobe binds close to the spiral scaffold. Single-molecule localization microscopy detected ~60 KAHRP molecules/knob. We propose a dynamic model of KAHRP organization and a function of KAHRP in attaching other factors to the spiral scaffold