1,095 research outputs found

    Effect of saccharin on antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine gel

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    Although chlorhexidine is the most effective agent against dental plaque it is extremely bitter. To prepare formulations, it is necessary to use flavoring and sweetening, which can inhibit the antibacterial effect of chlorhexidine. Saccharin has been considered a compatible substance to use in chlorhexidine rinse or gel preparations; however, the effect of a range of concentrations has not been studied. To evaluate the effect of different concentrations of saccharin on the antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine gel, hydroxy-ethyl-cellulose gels containing 1.0% chlorhexidine digluconate and 0.0 to 1.0% sodium saccharin were prepared. Activity against Streptococcus mutans was evaluated using the agar diffusion method and determination of MIC values. The inhibitory zones of growth were 7.83 +/- 0.54 mm when no saccharin was added to the chlorhexidine gel and 7.75 +/- 0.50, 7.63 +/- 0.48, 6.21 +/- 0.40, 4.13 +/- 0.38, when the concentrations of saccharin in the gels were 0.02, 0.10, 0.5, and 1.0%, respectively. The range of MIC values was 1-2 micrograms/ml, with saccharin concentrations of 0%, 0.02, and 0.1%. In contrast, the MIC values were 4-8 and 8-16 micrograms/ml with saccharin concentrations of 0.5% and 1.0%, respectively. The paired "t" test showed that 0.5 and 1.0% sodium saccharin inhibit the antibacterial activity of 1% digluconate chlorhexidine gel. These in vitro results suggest that saccharin may inhibit the efficacy of chlorhexidine against mutans streptococci, depending on the concentration.Although chlorhexidine is the most effective agent against dental plaque it is extremely bitter. To prepare formulations, it is necessary to use flavoring and sweetening, which can inhibit the antibacterial effect of chlorhexidine. Saccharin has been considered a compatible substance to use in chlorhexidine rinse or gel preparations; however, the effect of a range of concentrations has not been studied. To evaluate the effect of different concentrations of saccharin on the antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine gel, hydroxy-ethyl-cellulose gels containing 1.0% chlorhexidine digluconate and 0.0 to 1.0% sodium saccharin were prepared. Activity against Streptococcus mutans was evaluated using the agar diffusion method and determination of MIC values. The inhibitory zones of growth were 7.83 +/- 0.54 mm when no saccharin was added to the chlorhexidine gel and 7.75 +/- 0.50, 7.63 +/- 0.48, 6.21 +/- 0.40, 4.13 +/- 0.38, when the concentrations of saccharin in the gels were 0.02, 0.10, 0.5, and 1.0%, respectively. The range of MIC values was 1-2 micrograms/ml, with saccharin concentrations of 0%, 0.02, and 0.1%. In contrast, the MIC values were 4-8 and 8-16 micrograms/ml with saccharin concentrations of 0.5% and 1.0%, respectively. The paired "t" test showed that 0.5 and 1.0% sodium saccharin inhibit the antibacterial activity of 1% digluconate chlorhexidine gel. These in vitro results suggest that saccharin may inhibit the efficacy of chlorhexidine against mutans streptococci, depending on the concentration1112934Embora clorexidina seja reconhecida como o agente antimicrobiano mais eficiente contra placa dental, seu gosto extremamente amargo é uma limitação nos preparos farmacêuticos. Substâncias adoçantes e flavorizantes usadas para preparar formulações podem inibir a atividade antibacteriana da clorexidina. Sacarina tem sido considerada uma substância compatível para ser usada em enxaguatórios bucais ou géis, entretanto o efeito da concentração deste adoçante não tem sido estudado. A atividade antibacteriana de géis de clorexidina a 1%, contendo sacarina de 0,0 a 1,0%, foi avaliada a partir de preparações farmacêuticas formuladas. Atividade contra Streptococcus mutans foi avaliada através da inibição do crescimento em ágar e determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM). Os halos de inibição de crescimento foram de 7,83 ± 0,54 mm, na ausência de sacarina, e de 7,75 ± 0,50, 7,63 ± 0,48, 6,21 ± 0,40 e 4,13 ± 0,38 quando da presença de sacarina a 0,02, 0,10, 0,5 e 1%, respectivamente, nos géis de clorexidina a 1%. A faixa de CIM foi de 1-2 µg/ml quando da presença de 0,0, 0,02 e 0,1% de sacarina nos géis. Quando o gel de clorexidina a 1% continha sacarina a 0,5 e 1% a CIM foi de 4-8 e 8-16 µg/ml, respectivamente. Teste "t" pareado mostrou que sacarina sódica nas concentrações de 0,5 e 1% inibiu a atividade anti mutans de digluconato de clorexidina a 1% em gel. Estes resultados in vitro sugerem que sacarina pode inibir a eficácia de clorexidina contra streptococcus do grupo mutans, dependendo da concentração usad


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    By applying an individual-based model (OSMOSE) to the southern Benguela ecosystem, a multispecies analysis is proposed, complementary to that provided by the application of ECOPATH/ECOSIM models. To reconstruct marine foodwebs, OSMOSE is based on the hypothesis that predation is a size-structured process. In all, 12 fish species, chosen for their importance in terms of biomass and catches, are explicitly modelled. Growth, reproduction and mortality parameters are required to model their dynamics and trophic interactions. Maps of mean spatial distribution of the species are compiled from published literature. Taking into account the spatial component is necessary because spatial co-occurrence determines potential interactions between predatory fish and prey fish of suitable size. To explore ecosystem effects of fishing, different fishing scenarios, previously examined using ECOSIM, are simulated using the OSMOSE model. They explore the effects of targeting fish species in the southern Benguela considered to be predators (Cape hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) or prey (anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, sardine Sardinops sagax, round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi). Simulation results are compared and are generally consistent with those obtained using an ECOSIM model. This cross-validation appears to be a promising means of evaluating the robustness of model outputs, when separate validation of marine ecosystem models are still difficult to perform.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 26: 95–11

    Avaliação do consumo de açúcar/sacarose nos alunos do curso de Odontologia do UniFOA

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    Durante os últimos anos, em especial devido ao aumento do consumo de açúcar nas grandes concentrações populacionais, o número de doenças associadas a este consumo tem repercutido na saúde humana, destacando-se entre essas doenças a cárie dentária. O Curso de Odontologia do UniFOA está localizado no campus Olezio Galotti no bairro Três Poços em Volta Redonda no estado do Rio de Janeiro, possuindo em suas instalações 3 restaurantes e 4 lanchonetes, onde são oferecidos alimentos que apresentam sacarose em sua composição, sendo esse, apontado como o principal substrato para desenvolvimento da doença cárie. No presente estudo foram selecionados aleatoriamente 64 acadêmicos matriculados no curso de Odontologia no período de julho de 2008 a julho de 2009. Foi realizado a partir da aplicação de um questionário contendo perguntas a respeito dos hábitos alimentares dos alunos, com ênfase no consumo de açúcar e sacarose. Foram avaliados o padrão do consumo de açúcar que os acadêmicos adotam para si próprios, ou adotarão na dieta de seus filhos, razões para restrição do consumo de açúcar de seus pacientes, e se os mesmos se consideram capazes de controlar e orientar o consumo de açúcar. Para a organização dos dados, foi utilizado o programa Microsoft Excel versão 2007. Os resultados foram apresentados em tabelas, e toda a análise foi realizada através de cálculo numérico e percentual. O objetivo foi o de estudar os padrões de consumo de açúcar e sacarose nos alunos do Curso de Odontologia do UniFOA, analisando mudanças de comportamento em relação a esse consumo

    Levantamento da incidência de prolongamento do processo estilóide e/ou calcificação do ligamento estiloióideo em radiografias panorâmicas

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    A Síndrome de Eagle tem sido associada a uma variedade de sintomas, destacando-se a dor, usualmente unilateral, referida para a garganta, língua, olhos, terço médio da face, ATM e ouvido. É caracterizada pela presença de prolongamento do processo estilóde e/ou calcificação do ligamento estiloióideo, alterações que podem ser observadas em radiografias panorâmicas comumente utilizadas em clínicas e consultórios odontológicos durante tratamento de rotina. Quinhentas radiografias panorâmicas pertencentes ao arquivo da Disciplina de Patologia Bucal do Curso de Odontologia do UniFOA, serão avaliadas em relação a alterações anatômicas associadas à Síndrome de Eagle. Para avaliação das radiografias será utilizado negatoscópio de 1 corpo, à base de luz fria e composto por 2 lâmpadas fluorescentes, 110/220V, construído em chapa de aço esmaltada, com frente de acrílico leitoso, e possuindo fixação de RX por roletes. Área útil de 0,37m de largura, e 0,47m de altura (Santa Luzia – Brasil). As radiografias serão inicialmente avaliadas pelos alunos participantes da pesquisa, e posteriormente pelos professores orientadores. Os dados serão catalogados em planilha elaborada pelos professores orientadores, utilizando-se o Microsoft Excel 2007. Os resultados serão apresentados sob a forma de gráficos e tabelas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo gerar maiores informações à respeito da incidência de alterações radiográficas associadas à Síndrome de Eagle, no intuito de orientar os cirurgiões dentistas e alunos de graduação em Odontologia, bem como avaliar sua incidência em Volta Redonda, ainda desconhecida

    Mechanical competence of ovariectomy-induced compromised bone after single or combined treatment with high-frequency loading and bisphosphonates

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    Osteoporosis leads to increased bone fragility, thus effective approaches enhancing bone strength are needed. Hence, this study investigated the effect of single or combined application of high-frequency (HF) loading through whole body vibration (WBV) and alendronate (ALN) on the mechanical competence of ovariectomy-induced osteoporotic bone. Thirty-four female Wistar rats were ovariectomized (OVX) or sham-operated (shOVX) and divided into five groups: shOVX, OVX-shWBV, OVX-WBV, ALN-shWBV and ALN-WBV. (Sham)WBV loading was applied for 10 min/day (130 to 150 Hz at 0.3g) for 14 days and ALN at 2 mg/kg/dose was administered 3x/week. Finite element analysis based on micro-CT was employed to assess bone biomechanical properties, relative to bone micro-structural parameters. HF loading application to OVX resulted in an enlarged cortex, but it was not able to improve the biomechanical properties. ALN prevented trabecular bone deterioration and increased bone stiffness and bone strength of OVX bone. Finally, the combination of ALN with HF resulted in an increased cortical thickness in OVX rats when compared to single treatments. Compared to HF loading, ALN treatment is preferred for improving the compromised mechanical competence of OVX bone. In addition, the association of ALN with HF loading results in an additive effect on the cortical thickness

    Zoneamento para o cultivo do café robusta (Coffea canephora Pierre) no Estado de Mato Grosso.

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    Involvement of formyl peptide receptors in the stimulatory effect of crotoxin on macrophages co-cultivated with tumour cells

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    Crotoxin (CTX) is the main neurotoxic component of Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom. It inhibits tumour growth and modulates the function of macrophages, which are essential cells in the tumour microenvironment. the present study investigated the effect of CTX on the secretory activity of monocultured macrophages and macrophages co-cultivated with LLC-WRC 256 cells. the effect of the macrophage secretory activities on tumour cell proliferation was also evaluated. Macrophages pre-treated with CTX (0.3 mu g/mL) for 2 h were co-cultivated with LLC-WRC 256 cells, and the secretory activity of the macrophages was determined after 12, 24 and 48 h. the co-cultivation of CTX-treated macrophages with the tumour cells caused a 20% reduction in tumour cell proliferation. the production of both H2O2 and NO was increased by 41% and 29% after 24 or 48 h of co-cultivation, respectively, compared to the values for the co-cultures of macrophages of control. the level of secreted IL-1 beta increased by 3.7- and 3.2-fold after 12 h and 24 h of co-cultivation, respectively. Moreover, an increased level of LXA(4) (25%) was observed after 24 h of co-cultivation, and a 2.3- and 2.1-fold increased level of 15-epi-LXA(4) was observed after 24 h and 48 h, respectively. Boc-2, a selective antagonist of formyl peptide receptors, blocked both the stimulatory effect of CTX on the macrophage secretory activity and the inhibitory effect of these cells on tumour cell proliferation. Taken together, these results indicate that CTX enhanced the secretory activity of macrophages, which may contribute to the antitumour activity of these cells, and that activation of formyl peptide receptors appears to play a major role in this effect. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)PAPInstituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia em ToxinasButantan Inst, Lab Pathophysiol, BR-05503900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Inflammat & Vasc Pharmacol, BR-09913030 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med, BR-01246000 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Dept Anat, BR-05508900 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Dept Physiol & Biophys, BR-05508900 São Paulo, BrazilButantan Inst, Special Lab Pain & Signaling, BR-05503900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Inflammat & Vasc Pharmacol, BR-09913030 Diadema, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 09/52330-9Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia em Toxinas: INCTTOX 2008/57898-0Web of Scienc

    Fluoride concentration in the top-selling brazilian toothpastes purchased at different regions

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    To be relevant in terms of public health, widely-used toothpastes should have at least 1,000 ppm of soluble fluoride (F) concentration. Thus, the concentrations of total fluoride (TF) and total soluble fluoride (TSF) in the top-selling Brazilian toothpastes were evaluated. Samples (n=3) from toothpastes Colgate Anti-cáries®, Colgate Total 12 Clean Mint®, Colgate Tripla Ação Menta Original®, Colgate Tripla Ação Menta Suave® and Sorriso Dentes Brancos® were obtained from each of the five regions of the country. The concentrations of TF and TSF were analyzed with ion-specific electrode calibrated with F standards and the results were expressed in ppm (μg F/g). All toothpastes showed TF concentration lower than 1,500 ppm F (1,388.2 ± 25.8 to 1,483.2 ± 98.2). The TSF values were higher than 1,000 ppm F and ranged from 1,035.5 ± 61.5 to 1,221.8 ± 35.2 for calcium carbonate/monofluorophosphate-based toothpastes and from 1,455.6 ± 12.5 to 1,543.0 ± 147.3 for silica/sodium fluoride-based toothpaste. Top-selling Brazilian toothpastes presented available fluoride concentration to control caries regardless of the region where they are purchased.To be relevant in terms of public health, widely-used toothpastes should have at least 1,000 ppm of soluble fluoride (F) concentration. Thus, the concentrations of total fluoride (TF) and total soluble fluoride (TSF) in the top-selling Brazilian toothpastes were evaluated. Samples (n=3) from toothpastes Colgate Anti-cáries®, Colgate Total 12 Clean Mint®, Colgate Tripla Ação Menta Original®, Colgate Tripla Ação Menta Suave® and Sorriso Dentes Brancos® were obtained from each of the five regions of the country. The concentrations of TF and TSF were analyzed with ion-specific electrode calibrated with F standards and the results were expressed in ppm (μg F/g). All toothpastes showed TF concentration lower than 1,500 ppm F (1,388.2 ± 25.8 to 1,483.2 ± 98.2). The TSF values were higher than 1,000 ppm F and ranged from 1,035.5 ± 61.5 to 1,221.8 ± 35.2 for calcium carbonate/monofluorophosphate-based toothpastes and from 1,455.6 ± 12.5 to 1,543.0 ± 147.3 for silica/sodium fluoride-based toothpaste. Top-selling Brazilian toothpastes presented available fluoride concentration to control caries regardless of the region where they are purchased2314548Para ter relevância em termos de saúde pública, os cremes dentais amplamente utilizados pela população devem ter fluoreto (F) solúvel numa concentração mínima de 1.000 ppm F. Assim, as concentrações de fluoreto total (FT) e flureto solúvel total (FST) nos cremes dentais mais vendidos no Brasil foram avaliados. Os cremes dentais (n=3) Colgate Anti-cáries®, Colgate Total 12 Clean Mint®, Colgate Tripla Ação Menta Original®, Colgate Tripla Ação Menta Suave® e Sorriso Dentes Brancos® foram obtidos nas cinco regiões do país. As concentrações de FT e FST foram analisadas com eletrodo íon-específico calibrado com padrões de F e os resultados foram expressos em ppm (µg F/g). Todos os cremes dentais apresentaram concentração de FT inferior a 1.500 ppm F (1.388,2 ± 25,8 a 1.483,2 ± 98,2). Os valores de FST foram superiores a 1.000 ppm F e variaram de 1.035,5 ± 61,5 a 1.221,8 ± 35,2 para cremes dentais a base de carbonato de cálcio/monofluorfosfato e de 1.455,6 ± 12,5 a 1.543,0 ± 147,3 para o creme dental à base de sílica/fluoreto de sódio. Os cremes dentais mais vendidos no Brasil apresentaram concentração de fluoreto solúvel para controlar cárie, independentemente da região onde foram comprado

    Evaluación del comportamiento reproductivo postparto, influido por la época del año y la raza en bovinos bajo el sistema doble propósito

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto que ejerce la época del año y la raza en el desempeño reproductivo postparto de vacas manejadas bajo el sistema de doble propósito. Fueron utilizadas 28 vacas multíparas homogéneas en número de partos, producción de leche, raza, manejo, sanidad, medio ambiente, alimentación y sistema de amamantamiento. Fueron distribuidas en cuatro tratamientos utilizando un diseño completamente al azar, con un arreglo factorial 2 x 2, con dos épocas (sequía y lluvia) y dos razas (mestiza (30% Holstein y 70% Cebú) y Cebú) con siete repeticiones por grupo (combinación: época x raza): T1 - Sequía x Mestiza; T2 - Sequía x Cebú; T3 - Lluvia x Mestiza; T4 - Lluvia x Cebú. Para la tasa de gestación y días abiertos, se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa (P0.05) entre épocas del año, 92.71 ± 23.74 días para la época seca contra 115.78 ± 47.35 días para la época lluviosa del año. En el factor raza, no se encontró diferencias significativas (P>0.05) en la tasa de gestación (Cebú 78.57 vs mestiza 71.42%) y en los días abiertos (Cebú 100.71 ± 31.76 vs mestiza 107.78 ± 45.35 días). Esto es una indicación de la importancia del efecto que ejercen la época del año y la raza en el comportamiento reproductivo postparto en vacas bajo el sistema de doble propósito

    Analysing vagus nerve spontaneous activity using finite element modelling

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    Objective. Finite element modelling has been widely used to understand the effect of stimulation on the nerve fibres. Yet the literature on analysis of spontaneous nerve activity is much scarcer. In this study, we introduce a method based on a finite element model, to analyse spontaneous nerve activity with a typical bipolar electrode recording setup, enabling the identification of spontaneously active fibres. We applied our method to the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in refractory epilepsy. Approach. We developed a 3D model including dynamic action potential propagation, based on the vagus nerve geometry. The impact of key recording parameters – inter-electrode distance and temperature – and uncontrolled parameters – fibre size and position in the nerve – on the ability to discriminate active fibres were quantified. A specific algorithm was implemented to detect and classify action potentials from recordings and tested on six rats in vivo vagus nerve recordings. Main results. Fibre diameters can be discriminated if they are below 3 µm and 7 µm, respectively for inter-electrode distances of 2 mm and 4 mm. The impact of the position of the fibre inside the nerve on fibre diameter discrimination, is limited. The range of active fibres identified by modelling in the vagus nerve of rats is in agreement with ranges found at histology. Significance. The nerve fibre diameter, directly proportional to the action potential propagation velocity, is related to a specific physiological function. Estimating the source fibre diameter is thus essential to interpret neural recordings. Among many possible applications, the present method was developed in the context of a project to improve vagus nerve stimulation therapy for epilepsy