1,410 research outputs found

    Estudio experimental comparativo de la estabilidad de distintos tutores externos

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    Se investigó la rigidez de 11 diferentes montajes de tutores externos usando un modelo experimental con tibias cadavéricas a las cuales se realizaba una osteotomía transversal mediodiafisaria perpendicular al eje longitudinal del hueso, creando entre ambos segmentos una brecha de 35 mm, simulando una fractura. Mediante dispositivos de medición diseñados y construidos especialmente para este estudio se logró cuantificar los desplazamientos que se producen en el foco de fractura ante cargas de compresión axial, torsión y flexiones anteroposterior y mediolateral. Se determinó en cada ensayo la carga segura y carga máxima previamente definidas. La mayor rigidez a la compresión axial se observó en el tutor Orthofix a la torsión y a la flexión anteroposterior en el Kronner biplanar y a la flexión mediolateral en el tutor AO triangulado. Se determina la rigidez total porcentual de cada montaje como índice que representa el funcionamiento promedio del mismo en todas las modalidades de carga. Se consideran las indicaciones, ventajas, complicaciones y fundamentalmente la biología de la consolidación ósea en referencia a los fijadores externos. Se concluye sobre el cuidado con que debe ser conducida la carga de un miembro con fractura inestable, ya que la mayoría de los montajes permiten más de 1 mm de movimiento en la brecha de la fractura con una carga axial baja.The stiffness of 11 different device configurations of external fixation was investigated in an experimental model using human cadaveric tibia. After application of the different devices, a diaphyseal osteotomy allowing removal of a 35 mm bone segment was performed in the specimens. Displacements of the bone fragments at the osteotomy site induced by compresion loading, torsion, and both anteroposterior and mediolateral flexion were measured with dispositives designed for this experiment. Maximal load and that required for inducing 1 mm displacement were recorded. The higher stiffness corresponded to the Orthofix fixator in axial compression, the Kronner biplanar device in anteroposterior flexion, and the triangular configuration of the AO device in mediolateral flexion. A total stiffness index of each configuration as an average of the behavior against all loading modahties was obtained. The indications, advantages, complications and the biology of bone consolidation wien regards to external fixation are considered. As conclusion, progressive loading of the extremity with unstable fracture requires a close monitorization, since most of the device configurations analyzed allow more than 1 mm displacement of bone fragments at the fracture site, even with low axial loading

    Characterization of a fully active N-terminal 37-kDa polypeptide obtained by limited tryptic cleavage of pig kidney D-amino acid oxidase.

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    In order to obtain further information on the structure of D-amino acid oxidase (EC, limited proteolysis experiments have been carried out on its apo-, holo-, and holoenzyme-benzoate forms. The enzyme is unsensitive to 10% (w/w) chymotrypsin, while incubation with 10% (w/w) trypsin, under nondenaturating conditions, produces inactivation and proteolysis patterns which are different for the three forms of enzyme analyzed. These results confirm the previously reported conformational changes which occur upon binding of coenzyme to the apoprotein, and of benzoate to holoenzyme. The stable 37.0-kDa polypeptide, obtained from the apo- and holoenzyme-benzoate complex upon cleavage of a C-terminal 2.0-kDa fragment, retains full catalytic activity with unaltered kinetic parameters, and the coenzyme binding properties of the native enzyme. These results are in agreement with the tentative localization of the FAD-binding domain in the N-terminal region of the enzyme, and with the hypothesis that the function of the C-terminal region of D-amino acid oxidase could be related to the import of the enzyme into the peroxisomes, as suggested by Gould et al. (Gould, S. J., Keller, G. A., and Subramani, S. (1988) J. Cell. Biol. 107, 897-905)

    Emerging bone marrow microenvironment‐driven mechanisms of drug resistance in acute myeloid leukemia: Tangle or chance?

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has been considered for a long time exclusively driven by critical mutations in hematopoietic stem cells. Recently, the contribution of further players, such as stromal and immune bone marrow (BM) microenvironment components, to AML onset and progression has been pointed out. In particular, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) steadily remodel the leukemic niche, not only favoring leukemic cell growth and development but also tuning their responsiveness to treatments. The list of mechanisms driven by MSCs to promote a leukemia drug-resistant phenotype has progressively expanded. Moreover, the relative proportion and the activation status of immune cells in the BM leukemic microenvironment may vary by influencing their reactivity against leukemic cells. In that, the capacity of the stroma to re‐program immune cells, thus promoting and/or hampering therapeutic efficacy, is emerging as a crucial aspect in AML biology, adding an extra layer of complexity. Current treatments for AML have mainly focused on eradicating leukemia cells, with little consideration for the leukemia‐damaged BM niche. Increasing evidence on the contribution of stromal and immune cells in response to therapy underscores the need to hold the mutual interplay, which takes place in the BM. A careful dissection of these interactions will help provide novel applications for drugs already under experimentation and open a wide array of opportunities for new drug discovery

    3-d visualization and animation of architectonic elements for prehistoric megalithic temples of the island of Gozo: the temple of Ggantija

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    Laser scanning can now be defined without doubt as the newest frontier in the field of survey technique, and recent technological developments of instruments and processing software have encouraged the introduction of this technique in the world of applications connected to archaeological site and other related disciplines. The temple of Ggantija on the island of Gozo was considered to be representative of the entire series of temple complexes due to their particular architectural characteristics, their stage of evolution and form of deterioration, both material and structural. The survey was conducted by the use of the local geodetic network in the different phases: • Topographic survey • 3D laser scanner survey • Photographic Survey: both traditional and digital pictures will be taken in order to fully documentation internal and external surfaces of the site. The treatment and analysis of data collections was divided into the following sub-stages: elaboration and compensation of close polygonal, thickening polygonal and direct measurements; elaboration and compensation of altimetric network; linking of the above data with the existing Maltese national networks; elaboration of laser scanner positions and absolute orientations; elaboration of points coordinates for georeferencing and linking the point clouds coming from laser; final data verification end quality control; analysis of laser measured point clouds, for filtering and subsequent elaboration; scanning orientations and subdivision into “islands” (internal rooms and external sides); analysis of laser measured point clouds over the grid determined by the topographic survey.; modelling of the Archaeological site, elimination of noises and metric "pollution" by statistics and verification; accentuation and reduction of triangles on areas interested by complex geometries; triangles transformation into complex surfaces (mesh); model checking by topographic points; mapping of digital photocolors covering all the surfaces of the site. The digital model will be cut by vertical and horizontal section plans at heights requested by customer 2D graphic editing of the plans, sections and elevations. Finishing of vertical sections (sections and views) using the mapped model created by rendering calculated, generating contours lines from the 3D model; of a light model (low density model) of the laser scanner data using the filtering tools of the software package; of an virtual animation of the high density model; of a mapped VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) model for a web interactive and hypertestual navigation, using the low density model. This part of the study was aimed at defining the architectural characteristics and mode of construction of this monument

    Endothelialization of a New Dacron Graft in an Experimental Model: Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Immunocytochemistry

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    Two types of synthetic vascular grafts, Dacron Triaxial and Dacron Gelseal Triaxial, were implanted into both the common carotids of sheep. The animals were sacrificed 1, 2, 8, and 16 weeks after surgery. Multiple specimens, obtained from grafts and anastomoses, were studied by light microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. A parallel immunocytochemical analysis was performed on some specimens. Dacron Triaxial grafts failed to develop a complete neointimal coverage. Myofibroblasts and fibroblasts were the dominant cells in such synthetic graft. Moreover, focal areas of stripping, platelet deposition, and thrombosis were observed at 8 and 16 weeks. In contrast, a stable endothelial coverage developed on the Gelseal Triaxial grafts after 16 weeks

    New fully empirical calibrations of strong-line metallicity indicators in star-forming galaxies

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    We derive new empirical calibrations for strong-line diagnostics of gas-phase metallicity in local star-forming galaxies by uniformly applying the Te method over the full metallicity range probed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). To measure electron temperatures at high metallicity, where the auroral lines needed are not detected in single galaxies, we stacked spectra of more than 110 000 galaxies from the SDSS in bins of log[O ii]/Hβ and log[O iii]/Hβ. This stacking scheme does not assume any dependence of metallicity on mass or star formation rate, but only that galaxies with the same line ratios have the same oxygen abundance. We provide calibrations which span more than 1 dex in metallicity and are entirely defined on a consistent absolute Te metallicity scale for galaxies. We apply our calibrations to the SDSS sample and find that they provide consistent metallicity estimates to within 0.05 dex.MC acknowledges financial support from INAF for his PhD fellowship. RM acknowledges support from the ERC Advanced Grant 695671 "QUENCH'' and support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The SDSS Web Site is http://www.sdss.org/


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    After the 2002 earthquakes, that struck the southern Italy provinces of Campobasso (Molise) and Foggia (Apulia), the safety assessment of buildings has allowed to evaluate, for different building typologies, the damage level caused by the seismic event; in particular, the survey of the damaged cultural heritage was carried out by the Task Cultural Heritage of the Mixed Operating Centre (COM) in Larino (a village in the epicentral area), coordinated by the “Working Group for the Safeguard of the Cultural Heritage from Natural Risks” (Italy’s Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 116, 21 May 2001 - PCM-DPC Decree, 3 May 2001)”. For this survey activity, the churches were investigated with a specific form proposed by the same Working Group (Ministerial Decree n. 133, 23th January 2001), adopting different forms for other kinds of buildings. The surveyors were organized in teams, called NOPSA (Nuclei Operativi Patrimonio Storico Artistico), composed by officials of the Regional board of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Environmental Conservation (architects and art historians), an engineer and a Fire Brigade technician. The first phase of the safety assessment has been developed on the basis of the warnings received by the Larino COM, and most of the surveyed buildings were churches. The damage assessment of public or private buildings began, initially, near the earthquake epicentre (area 1 - IMCS between 6 and 8.5) and subsequently was carried out for all the villages from which inspection requests arrived. At the same time a vulnerability survey was carried out for the churches, using the II level form (Lagomarsino et al., 2004) proposed in the SAVE Project (“Updated Tools for the Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of the Italian Real Estate and of Urban Systems” – http://gndt.ingv.it). The damage and vulnerability survey has allowed to verify and optimize the procedures for damage assessment immediately after a seismic event (emergency phase) and to obtain useful indications for the reconstruction phase. On the whole 379 monumental buildings in 101 Molise villages and 207 monumental buildings in 44 Apulia villages were investigated. Figure 1 shows the number of monumental buildings surveyed after the earthquakes for each Molise village, subdividing the region according to the seismic classification proposed by the recent Italian Seismic Code (OPCM n. 3274, 2003 – http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it)

    Ileocecal reservoir reconstruction after total mesorectal excision: functional results of the long-term follow-up

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    Background: The aim of this study is to obtain functional results of the long-term follow-up after TME and ileocecal interposition as rectal replacement. Methods: The study included patients operated on between March 1993 and August 1997 who received an ileocecal interposition as rectal replacement. Follow-up was carried out 3 and 5 years postoperatively. For statistical analysis, the paired t-test, rank test (Wilcoxon), and chi-square or Fisher's exact test were applied; level of significance, P<0.05. Results: Forty-four patients were included in the studies. Of these, five were not available and four patients could not be evaluated (dementia 1, radiation proctitis 1, fistula 1, pouchitis 1). Seventeen patients died during the observation period; 12 died of the disease. Recurrence of the disorder occurred in 2 of 35 patients (5.7%); 26 and 18 patients, 3 and 5 years postoperatively, respectively remained in the study. At 5 years, 78% of the patients were continent; mean stool frequency was 2.5±1.6 per day. Conclusions: Functional results and subjective assessment of ileocecal interposition were constant at 3 and 5 years postoperatively. If construction of a colonic J-pouch is not possible due to lack of colonic length, especially after prior colonic resections, the ileocecal interpositional reservoir may offer an alternative to rectal replacemen

    Healing of Prosthetic Arterial Grafts

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    Numerous synthetic biomaterials have been developed as vascular substitutes. In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies have demonstrated that in animals, selected materials, i.e., Dacron and ePTFE (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) grafts, are successfully incorporated in both the large and the small caliber host arteries through a process which is generally referred to as graft healing. Morphologically, this process consists of a series of complex events including fibrin deposition and degradation, monocyte-macrophage recruitment and flow-oriented cell-layer generation, this last event being the complete endothelialization of the arterial substitute. In contrast to experimental animals, the flow surface of synthetic vascular grafts remains unhealed in humans, particularly in the small caliber conduits. Healing in man consists of graft incorporation by the perigraft fibrous tissue response with a surface covered by more or less compacted, cross-linked fibrin. It is therefore obvious that: i) marked differences in graft healing exist between animals and man; and ii) the usual mechanisms of graft endothelialization are partially ineffective in man. In order to guarantee the patency of synthetic vascular grafts for human small artery bypass, new strategies and approaches have recently been attempted. In particular, the endothelial cell seeding approach has been successfully accomplished in animals and is being experimented in human clinical studies. The problems and results of this biological approach are outlined in this paper

    Development of a Rotation Device for Microvascular Endothelial Cell Seeding

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    A rotation device (RD) specifically designed to achieve sterile endothelial cell (EC) seeding of vascular grafts has been developed. The basic characteristics of the RD include: small dimensions, fully autoclavable components, and perfectly sealed graft holders. These features make it possible to maintain sterility during all the steps of EC seeding. This was documented by negativity of all bacteriological assays performed . Moreover, the RD can simultaneously support three vascular grafts with different lengths (20, 40, and 60 cm) and diameters (4-8 mm). EC seeding is performed in the climatized chamber (37 °C; 5 % C02) with constant rotation (0.1 -3 rpm). The rotation cycle can be completed automatically. The practical efficacy of the RD was investigated by seeding 2 x 105/cm2 of human microvascular EC on 20 cm length, 4 mm internal diameter (ID) fibronectin- coated polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) grafts for 24 and 48 hours respectively . Further, the effect of a highly viscous plasma expander, i.e., haemagel, on cell retention was also evaluated. Results were not as favorable as expected. However, it should be emphasized that after 48 hours of eel! incubation by using the RD, 42 % of the initially seeded EC were still present and approximately 15 % were fully spread over the graft surface. Moreover, the 10 minute perfusion with haemagel did not decrease the number of adherent microvascular EC