274 research outputs found

    Folded-cascode transimpedance amplifiers employing a CMOS inverter as input stage

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    This paper presents the design and comparison of two shunt feedback transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) implemented in standard 350nm CMOS technology from Austria Microsystems. These transimpedance amplifiers are based on a folded cascode topology. The first one is a conventional folded-cascode (CFC-TIA) and the second is a modified version folded-cascod (MFC-TIA) employing a CMOS inverter at the input stage. The proposed MFC-TIA achieves a gain of 80dBΩ, 370MHz bandwidth and minimum input current noise of 1,6pA√Hz with 0.5pF total input capacitance. The achieved results show that MFC-TIAs can match the performance of CFC-TIAs with reduced implementation area, thus being a suitable solution for photo-detector array receivers

    Customer Satisfaction in Inbound Call Centers: A Study on the Role of Responsiveness and Assurance in Perceived Service Quality

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    The aim of this study is to analyze customer satisfaction in Inbound Call Centers and examine the relationship between Responsiveness and Assurance in Perceived Service Quality. The researchers proposed to study theoretical foundations on customer satisfaction and service quality dimensions adopting SERVQUAL Model to investigative the impact of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction to meet the research objective. The association between perceived service quality and customer satisfaction will assist call center management to clarify the role of service quality dimensions in perceived service quality through customer point of view. The respondents for this study are the customers who receive service from call center of Telecommunication service providers in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. This research tested the effect of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction and reported that both dimensions (responsiveness and assurance) had positive impact on customer satisfaction. Research results explore that Assurance has more impact on customer satisfaction than Responsiveness

    A sectored receiver for infrared wireless networks

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    This paper presents an experimental sectored receiver for infrared wireless networks. The receiver comprises two sectors, each with a switched gain front-end and a signal-to-noise ratio estimator. These are then interconnected with a best-sector selector unit, able to compensate the gain switching characteristics of the front-ends. The circuit has been designed in a 0.8 μm CMOS technology

    Petrograhic features and physical properties of certain travertine building stones

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)pu

    Ricordare il Gulag. Immagini e immaginazione

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    Il presente volume raccoglie contributi elaborati nel corso delle attivit\ue0 del progetto \u201cAGE \u2013 Amnesia Gulag in Europe\u201d, finanziato dal programma europeo \u201cEurope for Citizens\u201d, che ha coinvolto come leader il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, della Comunicazione e delle Relazioni Internazionali dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Macerata, e come partner soggetti pubblici e privati di diversi paesi europei. Lo scopo delle riflessioni che studiosi di varia provenienza hanno offerto \ue8 quello di colmare il vuoto di memoria che, per decenni, in Italia e in Europa, ha caratterizzato la storia delle persecuzioni e degli stermini compiuti nei campi sovietici. Il volume fornisce un approfondimento dei meccanismi di produzione del disumano propri del totalitarismo di matrice staliniana. Ci\uf2 con l\u2019obiettivo di contribuire ad arrestare quel processo di rimozione collettiva di crimini che, ancora oggi, investe molti paesi europei offrendo, al contempo, in particolare alle giovani generazioni, una bussola orientativa critica in grado di riconoscere e rispettare le differenze, specie dinanzi a nuovi fenomeni di discriminazione e razzismo

    Non-syndromic cleft palate: Association analysis on three gene polymorphisms of the folate pathway in Asian and Italian populations

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    Periconceptional folic acid supplementation can reduce the risk of inborn malformations, including orofacial clefts. Polymorphisms of MTHFR, TCN2, and CBS folate-related genes seem to modulate the risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) in some populations. CL/P and cleft palate only (CPO) are different malformations that share several features and possibly etiological causes. In the present investigation, we conducted a family-based, candidate gene association study of non-syndromic CPO. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms, namely, rs1801133 of MTHFR, rs1801198 of TCN2, and rs4920037 of CBS, were investigated in a sample that included 129 Italian and 65 Asian families. No evidence of association between the three genotyped polymorphisms and CPO was found in the Italian and Asian cases, indeed the transmission disequilibrium test did not detect any asymmetry of transmission of alleles. This investigation, although with some limitation, further supports that CL/P and CPO diverge in their genetic background

    Complex karyotype in unfit patients with CLL treated with ibrutinib and rituximab: the GIMEMA LLC1114 phase 2 study

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    In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the presence of a complex karyotype, as defined by ≥3 chromosomal abnormalities in the neoplastic clone, has been shown to confer an adverse prognosis in retrospective series of untreated patients and in patients treated with chemoimmunotherap