195 research outputs found

    Type System for the ComponentJ Programming Language

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática.With the constant evolution of software systems need arises for more structured implementations, where processes like software updates and changes in systems can be easily made, with no need to change what had previously been implemented. One possible solution to this problem is the use of component-based programming languages. This kind of programming languages tries to promote not only code reuse but also a black-box discipline where it is not needed how a service is implemented, but only its interface so that it can be used. The ComponentJ programming language seeks to provide a simple way to perform component creation and composition, making this new programming paradigm somewhat easy to use. Because ComponentJ is meant to be an extension to the Java programming language it becomes possible to implement components using the whole expressiveness of this language. It is also possible, in ComponentJ, to dynamically change components and the object structure based on runtime decisions. This dynamic reconfiguration process allows, for instance, to perform changes/updates to a certain software system without having to stop its execution. The goal for this project is to implement a type system for the ComponentJ programming language, based on the work presented in [32, 28]. Type verification is syntax driven, and uses structural equivalence of types. Advanced techniques such as subtyping and type inference are also included in order to make the language more flexible. Besides the static type checker, a dynamic checker is also included, allowing the type safe application of runtime changes to the system (dynamic reconfiguration of objects) before their application

    Bone marrow chimeric mice reveal a dual role for CD36 in Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection

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    BACKGROUND: Adhesion of Plasmodium-infected red blood cells (iRBC) to different host cells, ranging from endothelial to red blood cells, is associated to malaria pathology. In vitro studies have shown the relevance of CD36 for adhesion phenotypes of Plasmodium falciparum iRBC such as sequestration, platelet mediated clumping and non-opsonic uptake of iRBC. Different adhesion phenotypes involve different host cells and are associated with different pathological outcomes of disease. Studies with different human populations with CD36 polymorphisms failed to attribute a clear role to CD36 expression in human malaria. Up to the present, no in vivo model has been available to study the relevance of different CD36 adhesion phenotypes to the pathological course of Plasmodium infection. METHODS: Using CD36-deficient mice and their control littermates, CD36 bone marrow chimeric mice, expressing CD36 exclusively in haematopoietic cells or in non-haematopoietic cells, were generated. Irradiated CD36(-/- )and wild type mice were also reconstituted with syngeneic cells to control for the effects of irradiation. The reconstituted mice were infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA and analysed for the development of blood parasitaemia and neurological symptoms. RESULTS: All mice reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow cells as well as chimeric mice expressing CD36 exclusively in non-haematopoietic cells died from experimental cerebral malaria between day 6 and 12 after infection. A significant proportion of chimeric mice expressing CD36 only in haematopoietic cells did not die from cerebral malaria. CONCLUSION: The analysis of bone marrow chimeric mice reveals a dual role of CD36 in P. berghei ANKA infection. Expression of CD36 in haematopoietic cells, most likely macrophages and dendritic cells, has a beneficial effect that is masked in normal mice by adverse effects of CD36 expression in non-haematopoietic cells, most likely endothelial cells

    Infection by and protective immune responses against Plasmodium berghei ANKA are not affected in macrophage scavenger receptors A deficient mice

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    BACKGROUND: Scavenger receptors (SRs) recognize endogenous molecules modified by pathological processes as well as components of diverse microorganisms. Mice deficient for both SR-AI and II are more susceptible to infections by a variety of bacterial and viral pathogens. RESULTS: Here we show that SR-A deficient mice and wild type mice are equally susceptible to malaria infection both during liver and blood stages. Moreover, like wild type mice, SR-A deficient mice are able to mount a protective immune response against radiation attenuated sporozoites. CONCLUSION: Our results do not reveal a function of SR-A I and II receptors in the Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection, both in the development of CM and parasitemia control. Moreover, these receptors appear not to be required for the establishment of a protective immune response against the malaria liver stages


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    Based upon examples, this repport shows the reflection of death in a group of nursing students and the work done to guide to a behavioral change.Relata experiência sobre a influência exercida pelo paciente moribundo e a morte, em um grupo de estudantes de enfermagem e o trabalho realizado a fim de conduzi-lo a uma mudança de atitude e permitir um cuidado mais adequado das situações referidas

    As perturbações de ansiedade e a síndrome de hipermobilidade articular : artigo de revisão

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016Nos últimos anos tem surgido evidência de que existe uma associação entre as perturbações de ansiedade e a síndrome de hipermobilidade articular, patologias frequentemente subdiagnosticadas e com marcado impacto negativo na qualidade de vida dos doentes. Este trabalho tem como objectivo reunir a evidência existente acerca da relação entre estas duas entidades, bem como sobre os mecanismos que têm sido propostos para a explicar. A evidência clínica e de neuroimagem disponível parece confirmar a existência de uma associação entre as perturbações de ansiedade e a síndrome de hipermobilidade articular. Alguns elementos comuns a estas patologias, que parecem mediar a sua associação, são a disautonomia, a interocepção e as alterações da matriz extra-celular. Ainda não foi possível identificar uma alteração genética comum às perturbações ansiosas e à síndrome de hipermobilidade articular, embora as duas apresentem uma importante componente de hereditariedade. Apresentam-se ainda dois modelos integrativos da interacção entre a ansiedade e a hipermobilidade articular. O reconhecimento desta relação tem um impacto potencial muito importante na prática clínica. No entanto são ainda necessários mais estudos para a melhor caracterização desta associação.Over the last years evidence has arisen of an association between anxiety disorders and the joint hypermobility syndrome, diseases which are frequently underdiagnosed and bearing significant negative impact on patients’ quality of life. The purpose of this work is to gather the existent evidence regarding the relation between these two entities, as well as about the proposed mechanisms to explain it. The available clinical and neuroimaging evidence appears to confirm the association between anxiety disorders ant the joint hypermobility syndrome. Some common elements to these diseases, that appear to mediate their association, are dysautonomia, interoception and extracellular matrix abnormalities. So far it hasn’t been possible to identify a genetic abnormality common to anxiety and joint hypermobility, although both present an important hereditary component. Two integrative models of the interaction between anxiety disorders and the joint hypermobility syndrome are proposed. The acknowledgment of this relationship has a very important potential impact on clinical practice. However, more studies to better characterize this association are still needed

    Abnormal vaginal bleeding – imaging evaluation

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    Introdução - A hemorragia vaginal é uma queixa frequente na mulher. É manifestação de várias entidades ginecológicas, contudo existem patologias mais específicas da fase pré-menopausa ou pós-menopausa. Objectivos - 1) Discussão das principais causas responsáveis por perdas hemáticas vaginais não relacionadas com a gravidez, nas mulheres pré-menopausa e pós-menopausa. 2) Revisão dos achados radiológicos de cada uma destas patologias. 3) Salientar a utilidade de cada técnica radiológica no seu diagnóstico. Aspectos Radiológicos - A ecografia, incluindo a abordagem transvaginal é geralmente o primeiro método de imagem na avaliação destas doentes. A histerossonografia, a TC e a RM podem também ser úteis no estudo de determinadas entidades. A endometriose, a adenomiose e a infecção são causas especificamente encontradas em mulheres na pré-menopausa. A atrofia do endométrio, carcinoma do endométrio e da vagina são características da fase pós-menopausa. O leiomioma, a hiperplasia do endométrio, o pólipo, o tumor do ovário produtor de estrogéneos, o trauma e corpos estranhos são condições comuns aos dois grupos. Conclusão - As perdas hemáticas vaginais resultam de uma ampla variedade de entidades comuns e incomuns. É importante para o radiologista conhecer as lesões menos frequentes para poder reconhecê-las. A ecografia e a RM são as técnicas com maior utilidade no diagnóstico da patologia uterina, anexial e vaginal responsável por hemorragia vaginal.Background - The vaginal bleeding is a frequent complaint of women. There is a wide spectrum of gynecologic sources, but there are some diseases that can be more specifically found in the premenopausal or in the posmenopausal period. Learning objectives - 1) To discuss the causes of vaginal bleeding non pregnancy-related in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. 2) To review the main imaging features of each one of these diseases. 3) To describe the utility of each imaging modality on the diagnosis of these pathologies. Imaging findings - US is usually the first imaging modality to evaluate these patients. Sonohysterography, CT and RM are also useful adjunct tools in the evaluation of certain entities. Endometriosis, adenomyosis and infection are causes specifically found in premenopausal women. Endometrial atrophy, endometrial and vaginal carcinomas are characteristic in posmenopausal women. Leiomyoma, hyperplasia, polyp, estrogen-producing ovarian tumor, trauma and foreign bodies can be observed in both groups. Conclusion - A wide variety of both usual and unusual entities can cause vaginal bleeding. It is important for the radiologist to be aware of the less frequent lesions in order to recognize them. US and MR are the most useful diagnostic tools in uterine, adnexal and vaginal pathology that are responsible for vaginal bleeding

    Staging cervical cancer with magnetic resonance imaging – comparison with pathological findings

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    Objectivo: Avaliar a acuidade da Ressonância Magnética (RM) no estadiamento do carcinoma do colo do útero, comparando os achados em RM com os resultados Anátomo-Patológicos da peça operatória. Material e Métodos: Foi efectuado um estudo retrospectivo que incluiu 41 doentes operadas com o diagnóstico de carcinoma do colo do útero e previamente submetidas a RM para estadiamento, entre Janeiro de 2007 e Dezembro de 2009. Foram analisados os seguintes factores de estadiamento e prognóstico: dimensão do tumor, invasão dos paramétrios, invasão da vagina e metástases ganglionares. A dimensão do tumor determinada por RM foi comparada com a medição na peça operatória através da análise do declive e ordenada na origem de uma recta de regressão entre os dois métodos. Resultados: O tumor foi visualizado por RM na maioria dos casos (35 doentes, 85.4%). Nas restantes 6 doentes a avaliação anátomo-patológica revelou um tumor com menos de 6 mm de diâmetro. A dimensão do tumor foi adequadamente avaliada por RM, sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a medição por RM e na peça operatória. Foi confirmado o elevado valor preditivo negativo da RM na exclusão de invasão dos paramétrios previamente reportado, com apenas 2 falsos negativos em que a anatomia patológica demonstrou apenas invasão microscópica focal. A invasão da vagina foi correctamente avaliada em 30 doentes (85.7%), tendo-se verificado nos restantes casos 2 falsos negativos e 3 falsos positivos. Em relação às metástases ganglionares verificaram-se 4 falsos negativos, no total das 41 doentes avaliadas. Conclusão: A dimensão do tumor, invasão dos paramétrios, invasão da vagina e metástases ganglionares foram adequadamente avaliadas por RM, confirmando a capacidade da RM no estadiamento do carcinoma do colo do útero.Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of MRI in staging cervical cancer, by comparing MRI and pathological findings. Methods and Materials: A retrospective study included 41 patients with the diagnosis of cervical cancer submitted to surgery that underwent staging by MRI, between January 2007 and December 2009. The following staging and prognostic factors were analysed, comparing the MRI findings with the pathological reports: tumour dimension, parametrial invasion, vaginal invasion and lymph node metastases. Tumour dimension determined by MRI was compared with pathological measurements by analysis of the slope and intercept of a linear regression between both methods. Results: The tumour was visualized by MRI in the majority of patients (35 patients, 85.4%). In the remaining 6 patients pathology revealed a tumour with less than 6 mm in diameter. Tumour dimension was adequately evaluated with MRI, with no statistically significant difference between MRI and pathological findings. The previously reported high negative predictive value of MRI in excluding parametrial invasion was confirmed, with only 2 false negative cases in which pathology showed focal and microscopic invasion. Vaginal invasion was adequately evaluated in 30 patients (85.7%) and there were 2 false negatives and 3 false positives. Regarding lymph node metastases there were 4 false negative cases with MRI, in the total of 41 patients evaluated. Conclusions: Tumour dimension, parametrial, vaginal invasion and lymph node metastases were adequately evaluated with MRI, confirming the ability of MRI in staging cervical cancer

    Contributos da epistemologia sistémica na investigação com famílias

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    Considerando a importância dos estudos científicos com famílias e o crescente interesse dos investigadores por esta temática, tanto nas ciências psicológicas como noutras (e.g., educação), esta reflexão foca a utilização de uma abordagem teórica e metodológica, fundamentada na epistemologia sistémica, no desenvolvimento da investigação com famílias. Para o efeito, apresentam-se exemplos de diferentes investigações, baseadas nesta epistemologia, e evidenciam-se as diferenças entre o paradigma “tradicional” (e.g., Descartes) e o paradigma sistémico: simplicidade versus complexidade; estabilidade versus instabilidade; objetividade versus intersubjetividade. Pensar e investigar sistemicamente as famílias implica: cruzar fontes e níveis de informação, focar a análise na relação, contextualizar social, cultural e historicamente, considerar o fator tempo e a perspetiva longitudinal, e, finalmente, recorrer à triangulação metodológica. Resumindo, estudar as famílias, através de uma perspetiva sistémica, requer uma atitude de contextualização e de reconhecimento da causalidade recursiva, o que pode ser favorecido pela combinação de diferentes estratégias e instrumentos metodológicos.Considering the importance of scientific studies with families and the growing interest of researchers in this subject, in psychological and in other sciences (e.g., education), this work focus on the use of a theoretical and methodological approach, based on systemic epistemology, within the development in families’ research. Therefore, different research’ examples are presented, according to that epistemology, and the differences between the “traditional” (e.g., Descartes) and systemic paradigms are evidenced: simplicity versus complexity; stability versus instability; objectivity versus intersubjetivity. Thinking and researching families in a systemic way implies: crossing sources and informative levels, focusing the analysis on relation, considering the social, cultural and historical context, as well as the time factor and a longitudinal perspective and, finally, using methodological triangulation. In summary, studying families, through a systemic perspective, requires an attitude of contextualization and recursive causality awareness, which could be improved by the combination of different methodological strategies and instruments

    Contributos da epistemologia sistémica na investigação com famílias

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    Considerando a importância dos estudos científicos com famílias e o crescente interesse dos investigadores por esta temática, tanto nas ciências psicológicas como noutras (e.g., educação), esta reflexão foca a utilização de uma abordagem teórica e metodológica, fundamentada na epistemologia sistémica, no desenvolvimento da investigação com famílias. Para o efeito, apresentam-se exemplos de diferentes investigações, baseadas nesta epistemologia, e evidenciam-se as diferenças entre o paradigma “tradicional” (e.g., Descartes) e o paradigma sistémico: simplicidade versus complexidade; estabilidade versus instabilidade; objetividade versus intersubjetividade. Pensar e investigar sistemicamente as famílias implica: cruzar fontes e níveis de informação, focar a análise na relação, contextualizar social, cultural e historicamente, considerar o fator tempo e a perspetiva longitudinal, e, finalmente, recorrer à triangulação metodológica. Resumindo, estudar as famílias, através de uma perspetiva sistémica, requer uma atitude de contextualização e de reconhecimento da causalidade recursiva, o que pode ser favorecido pela combinação de diferentes estratégias e instrumentos metodológicos.Considering the importance of scientific studies with families and the growing interest of researchers in this subject, in psychological and in other sciences (e.g., education), this work focus on the use of a theoretical and methodological approach, based on systemic epistemology, within the development in families’ research. Therefore, different research’ examples are presented, according to that epistemology, and the differences between the “traditional” (e.g., Descartes) and systemic paradigms are evidenced: simplicity versus complexity; stability versus instability; objectivity versus intersubjetivity. Thinking and researching families in a systemic way implies: crossing sources and informative levels, focusing the analysis on relation, considering the social, cultural and historical context, as well as the time factor and a longitudinal perspective and, finally, using methodological triangulation. In summary, studying families, through a systemic perspective, requires an attitude of contextualization and recursive causality awareness, which could be improved by the combination of different methodological strategies and instruments