691 research outputs found

    Aumento do estresse oxidativo após hipotermia em ratos com pancreatite induzida por ceruleína

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    BACKGROUND: Hypothermia is a frequent event in severe acute pancreatitis (AP) and its real effects on the normal pancreas have not been well demonstrated. Moreover, neither have its effects on the outcome of acute pancreatitis been fully investigated. One hypothesis is that oxidative stress may be implicated in lesions caused or treated by hypothermia. AIM OF THE STUDY: To investigate the effect of hypothermia in cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis (CIAP) in rats and the role played by oxidative stress in this process. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were divided into hypothermic and normothermic groups. Hypothermia was induced with a cold mattress and rectal temperature was kept at 30ºC for one hour. Acute pancreatitis was induced with 2 doses of cerulein (20 ìg/kg) administered at a one-hour interval. Serum amylase, pancreas vascular permeability by Evan's blue method, pancreas wet-to-dry weight ratio and histopathology were analyzed in each group. RESULTS: When compared with normothermic rats, hypothermic animals, with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis, showed higher levels of pancreatic vascular permeability (p < 0.05), pancreas wet-to-dry weight ratio (p = 0.03), and histologically verified edema (p < 0.05), but similar serum amylase levels. The hypothermic group showed a higher oxidized-reduced glutathione ratio than the normothermic group. CONCLUSION: Moderate hypothermia produced a greater inflammatory response in established acute pancreatitis induced by cerulein in rats. Moreover, this study suggests that oxidative stress may be one of the mechanisms responsible for the worse outcome in hypothermic rats with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis.BACKGROUND: Hipotermia é um evento freqüente em episódios de pancreatite aguda, contudo seu efeito real sobre pâncreas normal ainda não esta bem demonstrado. Além do mais, o efeito da hipotermia no decorrer da pancreatite aguda também não está completamente esclarecido. Uma das hipóteses sobre as causas das lesões causadas ou tratadas por hipotermia aventa a implicação de estresse oxidativo. OBJETIVOS: Investigar o efeito da hipotermia em ratos com pancreatite aguda induzida por ceruleína e o papel do estresse oxidativo neste processo. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em grupos hipotérmicos e normotérmicos. Hipotermia foi induzida com uma bolsa gelada de forma que a temperatura retal permanecesse em 30ºC por uma hora. Pancreatite aguda foi induzida com duas aplicações de ceruleína (20 ìg/kg) administradas com intervalo de uma hora. A amilase sérica, a permeabilidade vascular do pâncreas, a razão peso seco/peso úmido do pâncreas, a histopatologia e os níveis de glutationa foram analisados em cada grupo. RESULTADOS: Ratos hipotérmicos, com pancreatite aguda induzida por ceruleína, apresentaram maiores níveis de permeabilidade vascular no pâncreas (p < 0.05), razão peso seco/peso úmido do pâncreas (p = 0.03), e edema histológico (p < 0.05), mas os níveis de amilase sérica permaneceram iguais aos níveis apresentados pelos ratos normotérmicos. O grupo hipotérmico apresentou maior relação glutationa oxidada/glutationa reduzida em relação ao grupo normotérmico. CONCLUSÃO: Hipotermia moderada produziu uma maior resposta inflamatória em ratos com pancreatite aguda estabelecida, induzida por ceruleína, sugerindo que este efeito pode estar ligado a um maior índice de estresse oxidativo em ratos com pancreatite aguda

    Influência do efeito de exposições ambientais no comportamento pós-fissurado de um BAC reforçado com fibras de aço

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    Neste trabalho apresentam-se os principais resultados do estudo da influência de certo tipo de exposições ambientais no comportamento pós-fissurado de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço, BACRFA. Para o devido efeito foram produzidos diversos provetes prismáticos de BACRFA. Inicialmente os provetes foram sujeitos a ensaios cíclicos de flexão em três pontos, com o objetivo de se induzir dois níveis de pré-fissuração distintos, respetivamente, com uma abertura de fenda de 0.3 e 1.0 mm. Posteriormente, os provetes pré-fissurados foram submetidos a três tipos de exposição ambiental durante um período de dezoito meses. Por fim caracterizou-se o desempenho mecânico dos provetes após exposição ambiental

    Pedigree analysis of the Spanish grapevine cultivar 'Hebén'

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    The use of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers allows genetic identification and parentage analysis of grapevine cultivars. Ancient cultivars like 'Hebén' were widely cultivated in the Iberian Peninsula along its history and likely contributed to the origin of varieties which are still cultivated today. The goal of our study was to search for possible first-degree relationships between the female variety 'Hebén' and other Iberian and Mediterranean cultivars. For this purpose, we used a set of 261 SNP markers which allowed identifying 23 trios and 37 parent-offspring relationships supported by high overall likelihood ratios (LOD scores). The results shed light on the relationships among several cultivars from Spain and Portugal, and demonstrated that 'Hebén' is a major founder of current varieties in the Iberian Peninsula viticulture, and contributed to spread the chlorotype A in this region.L. H. ZINELABIDINE was supported by a fellowship from the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. J. CUNHA was supported by a Post-doctoral fellowship “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” (SFRH/BPD/ 74895/2010). LHZ and JC were supported by COST action FA1003 “East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding”, from European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, through the funding of short scientific missions at the ICVV.Peer Reviewe

    Pedigree analysis of the Spanish grapevine cultivar Heben

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    Trabajo presentado en la Final Conference Progress in Vitis Vinifera diversity evaluation and use, celebrada en Lisboa del 7 al 9 de octubre de 2014.Cost action FA1003 - GRAPENET. East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding.Several studies have shown that some varieties have had a large contribution in the production of varieties in certain regions, like ‘Pinot’ and ‘Heunisch Weiss’ in France. Previous results had pointed out that the old Spanish female variety ‘Hebén’, known as ‘Mourisco Branco’ in Portugal, could be one of those varieties with a remarkable role in the Iberian Peninsula. This ancient winegrape cultivar was already described in Spain in the 16th century as a white variety of grapevine producing large and sparse bunches of grape with big seeds.Peer Reviewe

    Dificuldades de aprendizagem em alunos do 3º ano duma escola pública do Estado de Alagoas, Brasil : uma visão da psicoeducação.

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    Enquadramento: A par da não alfabetização e do abandono escolar, as taxas de insucesso no ensino fundamental no Brasil atingem indicadores preocupantes. A aprendizagem é um processo complexo e são múltiplos os fatores que contribuem tanto positivamente quanto negativamente na aprendizagem dos alunos e os seus efeitos irão refletir-se no futuro dos educandos. Se há crianças com distúrbios fisiopatológicos que prejudicam a sua aprendizagem, noutras, porém, as dificuldades surgem por influência da escola/professores e da relação destes com a família Objetivos: Identificar as áreas de dificuldades de aprendizagem na componente curricular de português e matemática; identificar as dificuldades nos domínios de aprendizagem de cada área e analisar a relação das variáveis sociodemográficas e escolares com as dificuldades de aprendizagem. Material e métodos: Estudo exploratório-descritivo, quantitativo e correlacional numa amostra de 178 alunos, do 3º ano, numa escola pública de Taquarana, Alagoas, Brasil. Utilizamos um questionário para a caraterização socio demográfica e escolar dos alunos e uma escala utilizada na escola para a avaliação formal da aprendizagem. Resultados: Os participantes são na maioria do sexo masculino (55,6%) com uma média de idades de 8,53 anos, distribuídos em 6 turmas (3 manhã e 3 tarde) em que a menor tem 25 alunos e a maior tem 35. Demoram em média 20 minutos na deslocação para a escola. Verificamos que 34,3% vivem com pais solteiros, separados divorciados ou viúvos. 31,5% dos alunos referem ter muito mau, ou mau ambiente familiar e há turmas onde isso é mais evidente. Os pais dos alunos em 37,1% não têm instrução e em 53,4% não ajudam nos estudos ou trabalhos de casa. Os alunos que já reprovaram são 26,4% e destes, 36,2% já reprovaram 3 ou mais vezes. As dificuldades de aprendizagem em língua portuguesa e matemática são maiores nos alunos mais velhos, do sexo masculino e que já reprovaram mais de uma vez. Um ambiente familiar mau/muito mau e a situação familiar dos pais a falta de instrução dos pais e o não ajudarem nas tarefas de casa contribui com as dificuldades. Na língua portuguesa há maior dificuldade no respeitar o momento de escuta e fala, na leitura e interpretação, produção textos e uso das regras ortográficas. Em matemática globalmente têm maiores dificuldades sobressaindo os parâmetros de identificação das operações nas situações-problemas e elaboração de tabelas e gráficos. Conclusões: Encontramos no nosso estudo alunos com grandes taxas de reprovações e com dificuldades evidentes tanto na língua portuguesa como em matemática. Constatamos que diversos são os fatores que contribuem para o aparecimento das dificuldades na aprendizagem de alguns alunos mas não podemos deixar de refletir sobre a influência da família. A destruturação familiar, mau ambiente e o fato de não terem instrução e não ajudarem os filhos nos estudos mostraram-se influenciadores no insucesso dos alunos PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Aprendizagem, Dificuldades de aprendizagem, Família, Educação.ABSTRACT Framework: Being aware of the non-literacy and school dropout, failure rates in elementary education in Brazil have reached worrying indicators. Learning is a complex process. There are multiple factors that contribute both positively and negatively on student learning and their effects will reflect in the future of students. There are children with pathophysiological disorders that prejudice their learning. However, in other students, difficulties arise due to the influence of school/teachers and the relationship with their family. Aims: Identifying the learning difficulties areas in the curricular components of Portuguese and Mathematics; identifying the difficulties in the fields of learning in each area and analyzing the relationship between the sociodemographic and scholastic variables and the learning difficulties. Methods: An exploratory and descriptive, quantitative and correlational study in a sample of 178 students of the third year, in a public school in Taquarana, Alagoas, Brazil. We use a questionnaire for the sociodemographic and scholastic characterization of the students and one scale is used in the school for the formal evaluation of the learning. Results: The majority of the participants are male (55.6%) with an average age of 8.53 years, divided into six classes (three in the morning and three in the afternoon). The smallest class has 25 students and the largest class has 35 students. They take an average of 20 min traveling to school. We verified that 34.3% of the students live with single, separated, divorced or widowed parents. 31.5% of the students report having a really bad or bad family environment and there are classes where it is more evident. In 37.1% of the cases the parents have no education and in 53.4% they do not help with the student’s homework or other studies. The amounts of students that have already failed are 26.4%, and among them, 36.2% have failed three or more times. The learning difficulties in Portuguese and Mathematics are higher in the oldest students, male and those who have failed more than once.A bad/very bad family environment, the situation of the parents, the lack of education of the parents and the fact that they don ot help the children with their homework contribute to the difficulties. In Portuguese, there is a greater difficulty in respecting the time for listening and speaking, reading and interpretation, production of texts and the use of the orthographic rules. In mathematics generally they have a greater difficulty. Highlighting the parameters of identification the basic maths operations in the situations-problems and the elaboration of tables and graphs. Conclusion: In our study, we found students who had large rate of failures and evident difficulties in both Portuguese and Mathematics. We found that many are the factors that contribute to the onset of the learning difficulties in some students, although, we cannot help but reflect on the influence of the family. Family disorders, bad family environment and the fact that the parents have no education and do not help the children in their studies proved to be influential in the failure of students. KEYWORDS: Learning, learning difficulties, family, education

    Grapevine cultivar "Alfrocheiro" or "Bruñal" plays a primary role in the relationship among iberian grapevines

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    The grapevine cultivar known in Portugal as 'Alfrocheiro', and in Spain as 'Bastardo Negro', 'Bruñal' or 'Baboso Negro', plays a central role in the genetic network of the Iberian Peninsula grapevine cultivars. Three sets of different molecular markers, SNPs, nSSRs and cpSSRs, revealed more than twenty parent-offspring links with this cultivar. 'Alfrocheiro' chlorotype is definitely Western European but their parents are still unknown. The distribution of the cultivar, their offspring as well as the two main co-parents direct to a geographic origin around the Portuguese and Spanish border. This cultivar and their progenies represent about 15 % of the total grapevine acreage in Portugal, stressing the importance of 'Alfrocheiro' in the Portuguese wine character.This research was supported by: IVV – Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho (Ministério da Agricultura e do Mar-MAM); Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural (PRODER - Ação - PA 18621 - MAM) and J. CUNHA was supported by a Post-doctoral fellowship >Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia> (SFRH/BPD/74895/2010) and a short scientific mission in the ICVV was part of COST action, FA 1003 from European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research. L. H. ZINELABIDINE was supported by a fellowship from the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional and a short-term scientific mission from COST FA1003 >East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding>.Peer Reviewe

    Grapevine cultivar “Alfrocheiro” or “Bastardo Negro" plays a primary role in Iberian grapevine diversity

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    Trabajo presentado en la Final Conference Progress in Vitis Vinifera diversity evaluation and use, celebrada en Lisboa del 7 al 9 de octubre de 2014.Cost action FA1003 - GRAPENET. East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding.The grapevine cultivar known in Portugal as ‘Alfrocheiro’, and in Spain as ’Bastardo Negro’, ’Bruñal’ or ’Baboso Negro’, plays a central role in the genetic network of the Iberian Peninsula grapevine cultivars. ‘Alfrocheiro’ was already identified as a progenitor of several cultivars either by SSRs or by SNPs but until now it progenitors are unknown.Peer Reviewe

    Enzymatic approach for the extraction of bioactive fractions from red, green and brown seaweeds

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    Although several enzymatic approaches have been applied with this intent, the sequential use of enzymes covering both cellulolytic and proteolytic activity has never been performed in seaweeds. Sequential use of these enzymes improved the overall extraction yield by up to 160%, 30% and 80% in the different seaweeds when compared to the control condition (water extraction), use of a carbohydrases’ cocktail alone and use of proteases alone, respectively. Regarding the proximate composition of extracts, it proved to be an efficient approach for the solubilization of carbohydrates (up to 28% in G. vermiculophylla, 66% in P. dioica, 77% in U. rigida and 35% in F. vesiculosus) and protein (up to 55% in G. vermiculophylla, 47% in P. dioica, 52% in U. rigida and 42% in F. vesiculosus). For all biomasses, the combination of enzymes induced a significant increase in antioxidant activity, not only by the increase of phenolic compounds but also by the hydrolysis of protein to peptides. Moreover, extracts from red seaweeds displayed prebiotic activity which can be ascribed to their increased content in oligosaccharides and protein/peptides. Overall, the sequential use of enzymes with different activities demonstrated to be an efficient approach for extracting functional fractions to be used as functional ingredients to improve the nutritional value (e.g. in proteins) and/or to include antioxidant and prebiotic features in the food product.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio