1,045 research outputs found


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    PALLINI, Cristina – Modern Architecture in the (re)Making of History. Schools and Museums in Greece, p. 11-23 PIMENTEL, Jorge Cunha – Rogério de Azevedo’s Regionalist Drift, p. 24-39 BIGHAM, Ashley – The Palace as Type. Finding Regionalism in Soviet Modernism, p. 41-53 CARVALHO, Rita Almeida de – The Junta de Colonização Interna and the shaping of the Estado Novo’s peasantry: newness and stagnation of the rural society, p. 54-62 CAPRESI, Vittoria – White Cubism Reloaded. The reinterpretation of Libyan Vernacular Architecture as the Answer to how to build in the Colony, p. 63-75 CESARO, Giorgia – Modernity from Far East. Kazuo Shinohara’s Fourth Space, p. 76-90 CRESCI, Edoardo – Piero Bottoni. Three houses on the Tyrrhenian Sea, p. 91-100 ESENWEIN, Fred – Agrarian Ideals in American Architecture Schools, p. 101-113 HSIAO, Leah – I. M. Pei’s Museum for Chinese Art, Shanghai, 1946. Modernism, regionalism and the search for an architectural representation of national identity, p. 114-127 JADRESIN MILIC, Renata; MADANOVIC, Milica – Romantic Visions vs. Rejection of Ideal Reconstruction, p. 128-143 JANOWSKI, Maciej – The patient searching of new forms of local architecture. Micro-intervention as the strategy of preservation of genius loci in Grison, p. 144-156 KLUSEMANN, Christian – Regionalism in GDR-Modernism of the 1960s and 1970s, p. 157-174 MAIA, Maria Helena; CARDOSO, Alexandra – Nationalism and Rural Modernization. The Spanish Tagus Valley colonization villages in the context of Southern European inner colonization, p. 175-189 MARCOLIN, Paolo – The settlements design of the Boalhosa’s agricultural colony. A dialectical perspective: between tradition and the construction of modernity, p. 190-201 MARGIONE, Emanuela – Italian Modern Architecture Between Rurality and Monumentality. The case study of the Italian New Towns as an experimental territory for the Modern Movement in Italy, p. 202-220 MARICCHIOLO, Luca – The Modern Appropriation of Urban Space Through Mediterranean Medinas, p. 221-236 MELA, Giulia – Luis Barragán and the invention of Mexican Regionalism, p. 237-249 NADOLNY, Adam – A diary of a polish architect and film maker from his travels to the west. Modern Italian architecture in the Polish documentaries dating back to the turn of the 1950s and 1960s, p. 250-264 NEZIK, Christin – The Search for a Contemporary Finnish Architecture. Adaptations of the vernacular tupa in the oeuvre of Herman Gesellius, Armas Lindgren, Eliel Saarinen, and Alvar Aalto, p. 265-280 OLIVEIRA, Tiago Cardoso de – Modern Architecture and Local Tradition in 1950`S Portuguese National Inns (Pousadas de Portugal), p. 281-295 PARRA-MARTINEZ, Jose; CROSSE, John – Lewis Mumford, Henry-Russell Hitchcock and the Rise of “Bay” Regionalism, p. 296-316 PEGIOUDIS, Nikos – An American ‘Parthenon’. Walter Gropius’s Athens US Embassy Building between Regionalism, International Style and National Identities, p. 317-329 PONZIO, Angelica – The [Latin] Modernism of Ponti, Costa and Barragán, p. 330-341 PRISTA, Marta Lalanda – Tradition and modernity in the Portuguese Inner Colonisation: the laboratorial case of Pegões, p. 342-355 ROMA, Chiara – The Space of Pompeian Domus towards Le Corbusier Hospital of Venice, p. 356-369 SAVAŞ, Ayşen – An Early Critique of International Modernism in the Anatolian Context, p. 370-381 SEBESTYÉN, Ágnes Anna – Disseminating the Regional within the Global. Representing Regionalist Ideas and the Global Scale of the Modern Movement in the Hungarian Journal ‘Tér és Forma’, p. 382-398 SIMON, Mariann; LACZÓ, Dániel – Deeply Embedded in Tradition. Interpretations of regional roots for modern Hungarian architecture in the 1960s, p. 399-411 SØBERG, Martin – Regionalism and the Functional Tradition in Danish Modern Architecture, p. 412-423 ŚWIT-JANKOWSKA, Barbara – The Polish Avant-Garde Architecture in the Interwar Period - Regionalism, Nationalism and Modern Architecture, p. 424-436 TERIBA, Adedoyin – Buildings Instead of Discourse. Empathy and Modern Architecture in West Africa, p. 437-448 TSAI, Jung-jen – The Construction of Chinese National Identity and the Designs of National Museums during the Early Post-war Period in Taiwan, p. 449-464 VIKHREVA, Natalia – The Roots of Brazilian Modern Architecture, p. 465-473info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High strain rate identification of Pinus pinaster Ait. on the transverse plane by the image-based inertial impact test

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    Computer-aided engineering systems typically rely on constitutive models and material parameters to describe the mechanical behaviour of material over a spectrum of high strain rate regimes. The constitutive parameters are to be determined experimentally by suitable test methods. At high strain rate regimes, a few test methods have been proposed, with advantages and drawback. More recently, an image-based inertial impact (IBII) test was proposed to overcome limitation of quasi-static stress equilibrium (neglecting inertia effects) and 1D wave propagation theory (neglecting dispersion effects) of the classical split-Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) test. This dynamic test rely on full-field deformation measurements provided by an optical technique and ultra high speed imaging to resolve both spatial and temporal resolutions. Wood and wood-based products are gaining momentum due to policies of sustainability and green economy. The extension of using such materials under a higher strain rate regimes would be therefore of interest in engineering applications. This work aims the identification of linear elastic constitutive parameters of Pinus pinaster Ait. (maritime pine) wood subjected to high strain rates, using the image-based inertial impact test. In this dynamic test, images of specimen deformation are recorded by means of an ultra high speed camera. The recorded images are processed by the grid method yielding displacement fields over the whole external surface of the specimen. Through the displacements field, the strain and acceleration fields are reconstructed, respectively, by means of spatial and temporal derivations. By using the virtual fields method (VFM), it is possible to identify the constitutive parameters of wood. This characterisation is performed without measuring external forces applied to the specimen under study by selecting VFM admissible virtual fields. This is performed using acceleration fields as a load cell, thereby taking advantage of the non-negligible inertial forces introduced during the dynamic test. In this work, two experimental analyses are carried out on Pinus pinaster Ait. species by using specimens oriented on the RT (Radial-Tangential) and TR (Tangential-Radial) planes. Data from the experimental tests are further processed by the VFM to identify properties such as Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s coefficient (n) of the material under study. In this analysis an approximation was performed, having been considered an isotropic constitutive model in the VFM, since the RT and TR planes have a low anisotropy ratio. In this study, the stiffness components (Qxx and Qxy) of the material were determined, with average values of 2.23 GPa and 0.80 GPa, respectively, for the RT specimens. Similarly, the average values for the stiffness components (Qxx and Qxy) are 0.98 GPa and 0.80 GPa for the TR specimens. These dynamic elastic parameters are of the same order of magnitude of quasi-static references values. Therefore, it may be concluded that high strain rate loading has a non significant influence on the elastic transverse properties of for the Pinus pinaster Ait. species. Taking into account the advent of digital technology, the image-based inertial impact test may become a conventional test method to study the materials properties of structural engineering when subjected to high strain rate loads

    Innovation and Environmental Policy: Clean vs. Dirty Technical Change

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    We study a two sector endogenous growth model with environmental quality with two goods and two factors of production, one clean and one dirty. Technological change creates clean or dirty innovations. We compare the laissez-faire equilibrium and the social optimum and study first- and second-best policies. Optimal policy encourages research toward clean technologies. In a second-best world, we claim that a portfolio that includes a tax on the polluting good combined with optimal innovation subsidy policies is less costly than increasing the price of the polluting good alone. Moreover, a discriminating innovation subsidy policy is preferable to a non-discriminating one. JEL codes: H23, O3, O41Pollution, Endogenous Growth, Innovation, Environmental Policy, Laissez-Faire Equilibrium, Optimal Equilibrium, Discriminating vs. Non-Discriminating Subsidies to R&D

    My Crohn’s disease on real-time information - User experience improvement through cross-platform applications

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    Reducing hospital institutionalization of citizen with chronic diseases is a major priority of western countries priorities. The more complex the health condition, the harder it is to coordinate clinical care. To improve the disease management and control, most patients need to use mobile applications that are available in online stores or web services because of the difficulty that a personal mobile phone has to get real time access to clinical data outside of a hospital. In terms of IBD - Inflammatory Bowel Disease - existing mobile phone solutions are very complex, because visually the interfaces communicates with the user through inadequate use of symbols in clinical features, which are inconsistent and have poor legibility. They also presents a lack of visual optimization between multiplatform systems. This increases the user's learning curve in terms of how to interpret and interact with these systems, generating an opportunity for these patients with abilities to innovate through the creation and development of solutions that solve their own problems related to the management and coordination of the disease. This thesis aims to analysis IBD patients behaviour related to disease management, identify the type of problems, both functional and communication, which occur in existing IBD m-Health and e-Health systems, and introduces two topics – communication and design studies – in the "User Innovator" model of Von Hippel (1976) which consists of users, that are, for example, patients with chronic diseases, and who innovate by creating solutions to solve personal problems because of unfavourable healthcare conditions. To validate in the design process the three perspectives – design, innovation and patient – were considered, and the framework “Human-social Interaction Model for e-Health Interfaces” was created, enabling a sustainable approach to research, with inputs from personal experience being used, introducing relevant feedback for the final goal of the preliminary studies, when creating the interface for mobile phone application particularly for Crohn’s disease, one of the IBD, with a new healthcare user experience. To reach the objective, a set of studies were conducted that were divided into two stages. The first, a literature review of the relationship between semiotics and interactive communication; the meaning of symbolic representation in interactive projects; new design research guidelines that define interfaces and features and that are more approachable for users; user perspectives towards technology for health supporting and controlling; the design and communication space on technological projects; the challenge for users/ patients who try to create systems to solve personal problems. The second part, presents the practical research that includes a survey of 279 participants with IBD; the empirical analysis of six case studies – mobile applications and multiplatform: context, features, design principles lifting, and usability testing A/B with the design features and principles of design on two of the six systems being compared. The results from the thesis challenge the concepts of mobile interface usability in health, providing users with a structured interpretation of medical information design and a guideline for designers with chronic diseases that would like to create solutions to monitor health problems.Reduzir a institucionalização hospitalar de cidadãos com doenças crónicas é uma das prioridades para os países ocidentais. Quanto maior for a complexidade das condições de saúde, mais difícil se torna a coordenação dos cuidados clínicos. Para melhorar o controle e a gestão da doença, a maioria destes pacientes recorre às aplicações para telemóvel disponíveis em lojas online e aos serviços na web pois, é difícil obter permissão para aceder a dados clínicos em tempo real no telemóvel pessoal a partir do hospital. No contexto da DII – Doença Inflamatória do Intestino – as soluções existentes apresentam níveis de complexidade visual elevados pois, a interface comunica com o utilizador através de símbolos clínicos inadequados em funcionalidades convencionais – fraca legibilidade e inconsistência; Apresenta também, fraca coerência visual entre sistemas multiplataforma. Estes cenários promovem no utilizador, um aumento da curva de aprendizagem relativamente à forma como estes interagem com os sistemas criando assim, uma abertura para o desenvolvimento de soluções pelos que têm habilidade para inovar através da criação e desenvolvimento de sistemas que resolvem os seus problemas com a gestão e coordenação da doença. Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento dos pacientes com DII relativamente à gestão da sua doença. Identificar que tipo de problemas – funcionais e de comunicação – existem nas soluções atuais para telemóvel e web no contexto da DII, introduzindo novos temas – estudos em comunicação e design – no modelo "User Innovator" de Von Hippel (1976) que consiste em, utilizadores, como por exemplo, pacientes com doenças crónicas, que inovam ao criarem soluções para resolver os problemas pessoais, tais como, condições de saúde adversas. Para validar no processo de design a integração das três áreas – design, inovação e paciente – criamos a framework “Human-social Interaction Model for e-Health Interfaces” que nos permitiu uma abordagem sustentável à investigação, quando foram aplicados inputs provenientes de experiência pessoal das três perspectivas introduzindo feedback relevante para o objetivo final dos estudos preliminares, também quando criada a interface para dispositivos móveis focada na doença de Crohn, uma das DII, com uma nova experiência de utilizador na área da saúde. Para atingir o objectivo, realizou-se um conjunto de estudos que se encontram divididos em dois momentos: o primeiro, com revisão de literatura sobre a relação da semiótica com a comunicação interativa; o significado da representação simbólica em projetos interativos; as novas linhas de reflexão do Design que definem interfaces e funcionalidades mais próximas do utilizador; a perspectiva dos utilizadores perante a tecnologia como meio de suporte e controle da saúde; o espaço do design e da comunicação em projetos tecnológicos; o desafio para utilizadores/ pacientes que tentam criar sistemas para solucionar problemas pessoais. A segunda parte apresenta a investigação de campo com, um inquérito a 279 participantes com DII; análise empírica de seis casos de estudo – aplicações para telemóvel e multiplataforma: contexto, funcionalidades, levantamento de princípios do design, e testes de usabilidade A/B onde comparamos em dois dos seis sistemas, a articulação entre as funcionalidades e os princípios do design. Os resultados obtidos desafiam a usabilidade das interfaces para telemóvel no contexto da saúde, proporcionando aos utilizadores uma interpretação mais coerente do ponto de vista formal do design de informação médica e um caminho para designers com doenças crónicas que pretendem criar soluções para resolver problemas de monotorização da saúde

    Study of Individual Differences in the Behavior of Mobile Technology Users in the Context of Urban Mobility

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    With the accelerated process of urbanization, the Brazilian population is now 85% urban. In countries with emerging economies, the reduction in urban mobility has emerged as a major problem that affects both the economy and people\u27s quality of life. The mobility difficulties faced in cities differ between men and women. This study uses the Individual Differences to Gender and IT (IDTGIT) theory and investigates how individual differences influence the behavior of urban mobility service technology use. The research includes qualitatively structured interviews, questionnaires, and demonstrations. The results show the influence of individual characteristics and present five profiles of women in relation to their behaviors. This study enriches theory by demonstrating a new way to analyze this phenomenon By focusing on practice, the study contributes to the information available for companies seeking to facilitate access to urban mobility services and companies related to urban transport services

    A phage receptor-binding protein as a promising tool for the detection of Escherichia coli in human specimens

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    Escherichia coli is a problematic pathogen that causes life-threatening diseases, being a frequent causative agent of several nosocomial infections such as urinary tract and bloodstream infections. Proper and rapid bacterial identification is critical for allowing prompt and targeted antimicrobial therapy. (Bacterio)phage receptor-binding proteins (RBPs) display high specificity for bacterial surface epitopes and, therefore, are particularly attractive as biorecognition elements, potentially conferring high sensitivity and specificity in bacterial detection. In this study, we elucidated, for the first time, the potential of a recombinant RBP (Gp17) to recognize E. coli at different viability states, such as viable but not culturable cells, which are not detected by conventional techniques. Moreover, by using a diagnostic method in which we combined magnetic and spectrofluorimetric approaches, we demonstrated the ability of Gp17 to specifically detect E. coli in various human specimens (e.g., whole blood, feces, urine, and saliva) in about 1.5 h, without requiring complex sample processing.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the project Phages-on-chip PTDC/BTM-SAL/32442/2017 (POCI-01-0145- FEDER-032442) and the strategic funding of the research units CEB (UIDB/04469/2020) and INESC MN (UID/05367/2020) through the pluriannual BASE and PROGRAMATICO financing and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020, Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. SC was supported by the FCT grant SFRH/BD/130098/2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Primary lymphomas of the female genital tract: imaging findings

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    Primary lymphomas of the female genital tract are extremely rare, and a definitive diagnosis requires correlation of the clinical, radiological, and pathological findings. Unlike nonlymphomatous malignant tumors, the treatment of lymphoma is typically nonsurgical, thus raising the possibility of lymphoma in the differential diagnosis of a pelvic mass, a radiologist can significantly change the approach to the disease. Although some imaging findings may appear nonspecific, others may suggest the possibility of lymphoma, such as the presence of one or more solid, well-defined, homogeneous masses without necrosis despite a large size or the presence of diffuse infiltration leading to organomegaly with architectural preservation. Additionally, pelvic lymphadenopathy may be evident. In this pictorial essay, we discuss the radiological appearances of gynecological primary lymphomas, grouped by organ, in ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging

    Arquitetura Popular em Portugal. Valores expressivos: o espaço-transição

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    O Inquérito à Arquitectura Regional Portuguesa constitui um notável levantamento gráfico e fotográfico que por si só representa um marco importante para a história da arquitectura e um registo de um Portugal que nesse momento começava a desaparecer. No projecto de investigação que temos vindo a desenvolver desde 2010, o Inquérito é tomado simultaneamente como objecto de estudo e como pretexto para uma reflexão teórica sobre a expressividade arquitectónica a partir de vectores de análise – espessura e espaço-transição – identificados por Pedro Vieira de Almeida (2010) como parâmetros em surdina, por considerar que as suas potencialidades têm sido subestimadas tanto ao nível da análise crítica e no plano da prática concreta. Assim, propusemo-nos tentar identificar o real significado expressivo da categoria espaço-transição na estruturação de uma ideia de habitar, entendendo nós por espaço-transição, um espaço intercalar que se define como sendo um espaço simultaneamente interior e exterior que conjuga uma vertente expressiva com uma vertente social, tal tem vindo a ser definido por Vieira de Almeida desde o início dos anos 60. Para garantir a objectividade da leitura a que nos propomos, foi importante poder contar com um universo de trabalho ‘estabilizado’, como é caso do das arquitecturas a que concretamente se refere o Inquérito, pelo que centramos o nosso estudo em exemplos da chamada arquitectura vernacular, mais concretamente nas estruturas de habitação rural registadas neste levantamento. Este universo de escolha tem, do nosso ponto de vista, a vantagem acrescida de deter uma expressividade arquitectónica ‘espontânea, popular, genuína, no sentido de culturalmente cândida, não dominada por ideias eruditas’. Nesta comunicação pretende-se identificar e estabelecer um primeiro nível de leitura, sempre que possível comparativa e dentro de um quadro de referência, do espaço-transição detectado nos exemplos recolhidos e registados pelos arquitectos do Inquérito em cada uma das 6 zonas de estudo. Note-se que o próprio Inquérito, na análise feita pela equipa da zona 3, considera como elementos significativos de uma certa maneira de habitar, e “porventura os elementos primaciais da Arquitectura Beirã” as varandas alpendradas frequentemente envidraçadas. Num segundo nível de leitura importa compreender de que forma o espaço-transição é entendido e apropriado no modo de habitar: pela análise do significado que os espaços assumem dentro do fogo, assim como a sua articulação e hierarquização com as funções que lhes estão associadas. Efectivamente, numa leitura da habitação assente em duas vertentes complementares: a da privacidade e a da apropriação, o espaço-transição pode ser um instrumento de liberdade do utilizador na forma de habitar. Tendo o Inquérito como universo de estudo, deparamo-nos, porém, com a impossibilidade de o tomar como um todo, na medida em que parece não ter existido uma metodologia transversal ao trabalho seguido pelas seis equipas. Desde logo, numa primeira aproximação ao material gráfico, registado em mapas tipológicos por zona, ressalta de imediato a ausência de compatibilização da sinalética empregue zona a zona o que por si só impossibilita uma análise comparada dos resultados. Foi, portanto decisivo para este trabalho, tratar e trabalhar a documentação existente, através de um processo de sistematização da informação, por etapas, que resultou em mapas-resumo mais “limpos”, que permitem ler todo o território nacional de uma forma mais integrada. É o resultado deste trabalho, no que ao espaço-transição se refere, que esta comunicação procurará apresentar.Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do projecto A “Arquitectura Popular em Portugal. Uma Leitura Crítica, tendo enquanto tal sido Projecto financiado por fundos FEDER através do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade – COMPETE (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-008832) e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/AUR-AQI/099063/2008)