1,725 research outputs found

    Why material slow light does not improve cavity-enhanced atom detection

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    We discuss the prospects for enhancing absorption and scattering of light from a weakly coupled atom in a high-finesse optical cavity by adding a medium with large, positive group index of refraction. The slow-light effect is known to narrow the cavity transmission spectrum and increase the photon lifetime, but the quality factor of the cavity may not be increased in a metrologically useful sense. Specifically, detection of the weakly coupled atom through either cavity ringdown measurements or the Purcell effect fails to improve with the addition of material slow light. A single-atom model of the dispersive medium helps elucidate why this is the case.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; QuTiP python file included. This version: changed title and added several references; results are unchanged. Accepted for open access publication in a special issue of Journal of Modern Optics in memory of Prof Danny Segal. Publisher's version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500340.2017.138451

    The Effect of Stainless Steel 304 Surface Roughness on Ice Adhesion Shear Strength of Accreted Impact Ice

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    Aircraft in-flight icing is problematic due to the ad-verse effect on vehicle performance. It occurs when supercooled water droplets (SCWD) present in clouds, under the appropriate environmental conditions, col-lide with the aircraft surface resulting in accretion of ice (i.e., impact icing). Impact ice can range from clear/glaze to rime or a combination of the two (i.e., mixed) with the type determined by the air temperature (0 to -20C), liquid water content (LWC, 0.3-0.6 g/cu.m), and droplet size [median volumetric diameter (MVD) of 15-40 m] present during accretion.1 These impact icing events generally occur at temperatures ranging from 0 to -20C. Below -20C, ice crystals dominate the environment and typically do not adhere to the aircraft surface. A main difference between an impact icing occurrence and a slow growth icing (i.e., freezer ice) one is the speed of the icing event. Besides environmental conditions, ice adhesion strength (IAS) to a metallic substrate depends upon surface roughness. It is known that increasing surface roughness and decreasing temperature lead to in-creases in IAS

    Decision and Discovery in Defining “Disease”

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    This version (May 17, 2005) was published in its final form as: Schwartz PH. Decision and discovery in defining 'disease'. In: Kincaid H, McKitrick J, editors. Establishing medical reality: essays in the metaphysics and epistemology of biomedical science. Dordrecht: Springer; 2007. p. 47-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-5216-2_5The debate over how to analyze the concept of disease has often centered on the question of whether to include a reference to values, in particular the ‘disvalue’of diseases, or whether to avoid such notions. ‘Normativists,’such as King ([1954], 1981) and Culver and Gert (1982) emphasize the undesirability of diseases, while ‘Naturalists,’ most prominently Christopher Boorse (1977, 1987, 1997), instead require just the presence of biological dysfunction. The debate between normativism and naturalism often deteriorates into stalemate, with each side able to point out significant problems with the other. It starts to look as if neither approach can work. In this paper, I argue that the standoff stems from deeply questionable assumptions that have been used to formulate the opposing positions and guide the debate. In the end, I propose an alternative set of guidelines that offer a more constructive way to devise and compare theories

    The influence of distributed leadership on teachers' organizational commitment: a multilevel approach

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    In the present study the effects of a cooperative leadership team, distributed leadership, participative decision-making, and context variables on teachers' organizational commitment are investigated. Multilevel analyses on data from 1522 teachers indicated that 9% of the variance in teachers' organizational commitment is attributable to differences between schools. The analyses revealed that especially the presence of a cooperative leadership team and the amount of leadership support played a significantly positive key role in predicting teachers' organizational commitment. Also, participative decision-making and distribution of the supportive leadership function had a significant positive impact on teachers' organizational commitment. In contrast, distribution of the supervisory leadership function and teachers' job experience had a significant negative impact

    Walking the walk: a phenomenological study of long distance walking

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    Evidence suggests that regular walking can elicit significant psychological benefits although little evidence exists concerning long distance walking. The purpose of this study was to provide detailed accounts of the experiences of long distance walkers. Phenomenological interviews were conducted with six long distance walkers. Data were transcribed verbatim before researchers independently analyzed the transcripts. Participants reported a cumulative effect with positive feelings increasing throughout the duration of the walk. Long distance walking elicited positive emotions, reduced the effects of life-stress, and promoted an increased sense of well-being and personal growth. Results are aligned to theories and concepts from positive psychology

    Review: Animal model and the current understanding of molecule dynamics of adipogenesis

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    Among several potential animal models that can be used for adipogenic studies, Wagyu cattle is the one that presents unique molecular mechanisms underlying the deposit of substantial amounts of intramuscular fat. As such, this review is focused on current knowledge of such mechanisms related to adipose tissue deposition using Wagyu cattle as model. So abundant is the lipid accumulation in the skeletal muscles of these animals that in many cases, the muscle cross-sectional area appears more white (adipose tissue) than red (muscle fibers). This enhanced marbling accumulation is morphologically similar to that seen in numerous skeletal muscle dysfunctions, disease states and myopathies; this might indicate cross-similar mechanisms between such dysfunctions and fat deposition in Wagyu breed. Animal models can be used not only for a better understanding of fat deposition in livestock, but also as models to an increased comprehension on molecular mechanisms behind human conditions. This revision underlies some of the complex molecular processes of fat deposition in animals