3,054 research outputs found

    UT Pictura : El imaginario iconográfico en la obra de Vincenzo Consolo (I)

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    Tomando en consideración el conjunto de la obra de Consolo se muestra cómo la referencia al discurso iconográfico se convierte desde los primeros textos -no desde Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio, ni sólo en esa novela- en el cauce priviliegiado por el que discurre la constante temática de la reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la escritura, al tiempo que la multiplicación de alusiones al imaginario plástico -el haz de relaciones intratextuales y de autocitas que su presencia permite describir- constituye uno de los factores determinantes de la coherencia macrotextual de toda su narrativa.Taking into consideration Consolo's work in its entirety, one can see from his first texts -not from Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio, nor only in that novel- how the reference to iconographic discourse becomes the privileged channel through which flows the gushing subject of reflection on the nature of writing, whilst the increase in allusions to plastic imagery -the flow of intratextual relationships and self-quoting that its presence allows a description of- represents one of the determining factors in the macrotextual coherence of all his narrative

    El Decameron de Pasolini: manipulación “de autor”

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    La prosa de Boccaccio se traduce en «cine de poesía»; Pasolini transforma en detenimiento, en «inmediatez alucinatoria», la duración lógica y psicológica, el movimiento novelesco del personaje boccacciano. Las consonancias iconográficas suponen otras tantas claves para la intelección del proceso, que concluye en la construcción del «discípulo de Giotto», una suerte de autorretrato fictivo.Boccaccio’s prose is translated as “cinema of poetry”; Pasolini transforms in detail in “hallucinatory immediacy,” the logical and psychological life, movement boccacciano fictional character. The tunes iconographic pose as many keys to the insight of the process, which ends in the construction of the “disciple of Giotto”, a sort of fictional self

    Lorenz-Mie scattering of focused light via complex focus fields: an analytic treatment

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    The Lorenz-Mie scattering of a wide class of focused electromagnetic fields off spherical particles is studied. The focused fields in question are constructed through complex focal displacements, leading to closed-form expressions that can exhibit several interesting physical properties, such as orbital and/or spin angular momentum, spatially-varying polarization, and a controllable degree of focusing. These fields constitute complete bases that can be considered as nonparaxial extensions of the standard Laguerre-Gauss beams and the recently proposed polynomials-of-Gaussians beams. Their analytic form turns out to lead also to closed-form expressions for their multipolar expansion. Such expansion can be used to compute the field scattered by a spherical particle and the resulting forces and torques exerted on it, for any relative position between the field's focus and the particle.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Optimization of model points

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    The aim of this work is to study the Nonnegative Least Squares Optimization, to investigate if it is possible to reduce the number of model points in a dataset to save time. We will start with a huge dataset from an insurance company, we are going to optimize this dataset and reduce the number of model point without losing significant accuracy. We do this with the Nonnegative Least Squares (NNLS) method. In this thesis, NNLS will be described briefly, results and conclusions from the NNLS optimization are shown and discussed

    Dharma Tradición, historia de una tiranía

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    1. Introducción 2. Etapas del grupo; distintas vías de captación y proselitismo 3. Algunas creencias del grupo 4. El papel de la mujer en Dharma Tradición 5. El cine y la música en el grupo 6. Paco y "sus amigos" 7. Persuasión coercitiva 8. Causas judicialesEn la actualidad no existe algo parecido a un registro oficial de “sectas”. Incluso el término "secta" y sus criterios está abiertos a críticas, lo que dificulta su detección y cuantificar su número. Además, algunos de estos grupos son muy reducidos y no constan en un registro oficial como asociación (cultural, religiosa, humanitaria…), ni como entidad mercantil. A pesar de ello hay consenso en cuanto a que en la Costa del Sol hay un gran número de sectas coercitivas. Este artículo en concreto se dedica a una de esas pequeñas sectas coercitivas: Dharma Tradición, asociación “religiosa” que tuvo distintas caras y un líder indiscutible. Abordando la historia y particularidades de este grupo en concreto, se describe cómo funcionan las sEctas, qué técnicas emplean y cómo se comportan los líderes sectarios. También se describen algunos aspectos de la evaluación pericial de las víctimas, algunos instrumentos específicos del abuso psicológico grupal y el resumen de las causas judiciales que conllevaron a la condena de su líder.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Tratamiento y asesoramiento de las dependencias grupales desde una institución pública. Experiencias Clínicas, abordaje psicoterapéutico y limitaciones

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    Se describe el abordaje psicoterapéutico desde un programa público municipal en la atención a víctimas de sectas destructivas y grupos manipulativosAproximadamente el 1 % de la población española, unas 500.000 personas, podrían estar afectadas en la actualidad, de forma directa, por problemas de sectarismo, en las más de 300 sectas destructivas que operan en nuestro país. Las consecuencias de la afiliación a estos grupos conllevan múltiples consecuencias personales, familiares y sociales. En la Costa del Sol, en Marbella, disponemos del único servicio público que trabaja con víctimas sectarias, dentro del marco de las socioadicciones. Se describe, de forma práctica, los objetivos, las actividades preventivas y las intervenciones que se desarrollan, haciéndose especial hincapié en la práctica clínica, los programas terapéuticos disponibles y las peculiaridades en la intervención. También se repasarán algunas actividades consideradas de riesgo en el ámbito sectario, como la utilización de pseudoterapias o la irrupción de la magia en distintos contextos sociales. Los principales programas que se describen : - Programa de apoyo y asesoramiento a familiares de las víctimas - Programa Asesoramiento en el egreso o exit counselling, que incluye diferentes estrategias informativas, de debate, estrategias motivacionales y, si es posible, aislamiento temporal de las fuentes abusivas, que permitan cuestionar la posible pertenencia a un grupo manipulativo. - Programa de dependencia grupal: donde se atenderán las problemáticas psicosociales de las víctimas desvinculadas de grupos manipulativos, conscientes de su pasado sectarioUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Assessment of coercive persuasion: the Scale of Detection of Coercive Persuasion in Group Contexts (EDPC)

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    Comunicación presentada en las Jornadas Internacionales ICSA 2017 sobre Dinámicas sectarias y radicalizaciónCoercive persuasion refers to the control and manipulation developed by abusive groups, through different aggressive strategies that influence changes in the environment of its members, distorting cognition, altering emotions and generating significant psychosocial damage. It is a subtle, gradual and powerful force that affects around 500,000 Spanish victims of cultic groups (Cuevas & Perlado, 2011; Cuevas, 2012). Attaining power is one of the main goals of these groups, being the control and exploitation of the individual a part of the process. This derives to individuals giving up their own goals, freedom, material possessions, family and social networks, health or even life itself (Rodríguez-Carballeira, Saldaña, Almendros, Martin-Peña, Escartín, & Porrúa-Garcia, 2015). Such strategies are often implemented in a planned, graduate way and using deceit, difficulting that people who targeted are able to detect their evident aggressiveness and the generated damage. If there is an obvious shortage of instruments measuring psychological abuse in different fields (partner violence, harassment, bullying, etc.), the development of tools to assess the presence of such strategies in group contexts is even more scarce (Almendros, Gámez-Guadix, Carrobles & Rodríguez Carballeira, 2011). One of those assessment tools, the Interview for Detection of Coercive Persuasion (Cuevas & Canto, 2006) contains a wide range of coercive and abusive practises taking place within manipulative group. It has been applied in Spain in the forensic field in prosecutions of abusive groups (Dharma Tradición, Casa Yoga, Miguelianos, Revelance, etc.). The main objective of this recently validated tool (Cuevas, 2016) was to identify and provide evidences of the systematic application of coercive persuasion techniques on victims of abusive groups (Cuevas, 2012, 2016). Deriving from this instrument, sharing objectives, a new scale of 40 items and validated in Spanish population: the Scale of Detection of Coercive Persuasion in Group Contexts, or EDPC (Cuevas, 2016 ). To validate the EDPC, a Spanish sample of 134 people who identified themselves as having been abused or having been overly controlled by a group was selected. To assess criterion validity of the instrument, other different instruments (BSI MOS-SSS, RSE, SLEQ, ICP and EDS) were used. The group psychological abuse scale GPA (Chambers, Langone, Dole, & Grice, 1994), Spanish modified version (Almendros et al.,2004; Almendros et al., 2009) was used to assess the convergent validity of the instrument. The EDPC showed appropriate psychometric properties. In respect to reliability, the standardized Cronbach alpha coefficient reached a value of 0.97. The exploratory factorial analysis indicated the presence of a factor (coercive persuasion), establishing the suitability of a one-dimensional model. This scale aims to be useful in clinical and forensic fields, in order to assess the control and manipulation exercised in group contexts. Using it could be relevant to provide evidences of coercive groups practises, helping at trying to determinate the relationship between damage on the victims and the specific actions taken by groups or individuals who perform the abusive behaviors.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Experiments and Modelling of Automotive Turbochargers under Unsteady Conditions

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    The current global scenario, in which an ever increasing population with an ever growing transportation needs is coupled with a reduction in the fossil fuel production and increasing human-made pollution derived problems, leads automotive engine manufacturers to constant struggles for fuel consumption and emission reductions while keeping engine performance. One-dimensional simulation codes have become a key tool towards these objectives, but require continued accuracy refinements. Phenomena that were previously thought of a limited importance and could be extremely easily modelled now require the development of new methods to be accounted for. Among these phenomena are the turbocharger mechanical losses and the turbine behaviour under highly pulsating boundary conditions. This work is focused on the improvement of current one-dimensional models, for both mechanical losses prediction and high frequency pulsating flow turbine performance. After reviewing the state-of-the-art in experimental measurement and fast simulation of automotive turbochargers, this work presents first a experimental study of several turbochargers working under both steady-state and unsteady operating conditions, focusing on the general performance of the turbine and the losses in the power transmission between it and the compressor, even including internal pressure measurements in one of the tested units. All the measurements are corrected due to heat transfer, getting the purely adiabatic behaviour. Furthermore, a CFD simulation campaign of a radial turbine has been performed, thus obtaining a detailed description of its internal behaviour under highly pulsating flow. In the light of both the experimental and CFD-simulated results, a quasi-steady mechanical losses and a quasi-bidimensional turbine model have been developed. Both models have been validated using all the experimental and simulated data, proving a prediction accuracy improvements from the results of previous methods. The mechanical losses model offers a clear advantage over the usual practice of using a constant mechanical efficiency value for correcting the manufacturer’s turbocharger map, whereas the turbine model has demonstrated potential for turbine map extrapolation and has improved the instantaneous results over classic onedimensional turbine volute models for frequencies higher than 1000 Hz. Both models have been developed trying to keep a reduced computational cost, ensuring to exploit the specific characteristics of the processors where they are going to be run.García-Cuevas González, LM. (2014). Experiments and Modelling of Automotive Turbochargers under Unsteady Conditions [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48458TESI