559 research outputs found

    Races and Racial Identity: An Approach to their Theoretical Construction from their Focus for Fernando Ortiz

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    The race and racial identity become in variables inside Fernando s conceptions Ortiz it figures eminent of the Cuban XX century that dedicated their life entirely to understand the Cuban thing and their essence Their contribution is indispensable for the understanding of the pillars in which settle the traditions the customs the idiosyncrasy in short the same life the legacy and the historical memory of the Cuban tow

    La influencia de Györg Kepes en la obra temprana de Juan Navarro Baldeweg realizada en el Center for Advanced Visual Studies del MIT (1971-1975)

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    En la obra temprana de Juan Navarro Baldeweg realizada durante su estancia en el Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) bajo la tutela de György Kepes, se encuentran implícitos los principios que han guiado su modo de trabajar a lo largo de su vida. Él mismo ha reconocido la gran influencia que tuvieron sus años de estancia en el CAVS, haciendo referencia explícita a algunos de los artistas con los que allí trabajó y especialmente mencionando la influencia que ejerció Kepes sobre su forma de ver el mundo como un ‘paisaje coherente’ y sobre su modo de acercarse al entendimiento del medio físico. El artículo presenta los esquemas, proyectos, piezas, instalaciones e interiores que allí realizó, vinculándolos al contexto en el que se gestaron y mostrando de qué modo parte de su significación plástica respondió a su participación de este entorno colectivo.The work of Juan Navarro Baldeweg carried out during the first years of his professional career at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) reveals the basis of his principles and the main ideas that have been present in his work throughout his life. He has acknowledged the strongest influence that had on his work the years that he spent at the CAVS, with explicit reference to some of the artists with whom he worked and specially mentioning the impact of György kepes on his understanding of the world as a ‘ coherent landscape’ and on his approaching to the perception of the physical environment. The present article tries to show the above mentioned influences, claimed by him several times but not deeply studied in depth up to the moment. A look at the work carried out by Navarro Baldeweg during his professional career reveals his adscription to the theoretical concepts explored during these years: his desire to apprehend the reality using a variety of artistic media and his interest to show all his works sharing the same place, something that is present already in this first stage of his career at which he used different materials and media. Also, he shows a permanent interest to go deeply into the knowledge of the physical reality, through the relationship between the individual and the space that surrounds him; his search of a conceptual structure that has allows him to understand the urban and architectural space, thanks to a coordinate system based on essential variables intimately related to the individual and the manifestation of a mental space associated with the physical reality, materialized so often since then through subtle mechanisms in his paintings, installations and architectural projects, that impress directly on the human senses and incite to the participation of the individual in the definition of this complementary space

    CIP-OFIAGRO: estudio de perdidas pos-cosecha en la cadena de la papa en Ecuador.

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    A Comparison of Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Tools

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    This paper presents the ongoing work of a decision aiding software intended to support cyber risk and cyber threats analysis of an information and communications technology infrastructure. The work focuses on the evaluation of the different tools in relation to risk assessment and decision making to incorporate some of the characteristics, metrics and strategies that will help cybersecurity risk analysis, decision-making, prevention measures and risk strategies for infrastructure and the protection of an organization's information assets

    Food Insecurity and Mental Health among Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees Living in Peru: Secondary Data Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Survey

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the association between food insecurity and mental health in Venezuelan migrants and refugees residing in Peru using data from the Survey Directed at the Venezuelan Population Residing in the Country (ENPOVE) conducted in 2022. The analysis included 7739 Venezuelan adults. The presence of mental health problems was self-reported, and household food insecurity was measured using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale. The study found that 4 out of 10 participants lived in households with moderate to severe food insecurity, and around 10% reported experiencing some mental health problem in the last month. The study identified a positive association between living in households with moderate to severe food insecurity and having some mental health problem compared to living in households without food insecurity. The findings suggest that food insecurity is a common problem among the Venezuelan migrant population residing in Peru, and measures are required to address this problem and mitigate its consequences on mental health and other health problems. The study highlights the need for international organizations to provide assistance and support to these populations and ensure adequate and sustainable follow-up of food insecurity at the national level. It is also necessary to implement early detection tests for mental health problems in the migrant population, especially in individuals exposed to food insecurity. This study provides relevant evidence for addressing public health in the Venezuelan migrant population residing in Peru.Revisión por pare

    Low-dimensional dynamics for working memory and time encoding

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    Our decisions often depend on multiple sensory experiences separated by time delays. The brain can remember these experiences and, simultaneously, estimate the timing between events. To understand the mechanisms underlying working memory and time encoding, we analyze neural activity recorded during delays in four experiments on nonhuman primates. To disambiguate potential mechanisms, we propose two analyses, namely, decoding the passage of time from neural data and computing the cumulative dimensionality of the neural trajectory over time. Time can be decoded with high precision in tasks where timing information is relevant and with lower precision when irrelevant for performing the task. Neural trajectories are always observed to be low-dimensional. In addition, our results further constrain the mechanisms underlying time encoding as we find that the linear “ramping” component of each neuron’s firing rate strongly contributes to the slow timescale variations that make decoding time possible. These constraints rule out working memory models that rely on constant, sustained activity and neural networks with high-dimensional trajectories, like reservoir networks. Instead, recurrent networks trained with backpropagation capture the time-encoding properties and the dimensionality observed in the data

    Researchers' Seedbeds for the Development of Research Skills in Universities

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    The objective of this study is to demonstrate the effects of the application of the pedagogical strategy "researcher's seedbed" in the development of research skills in universities. This research is of quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective design, where 2 groups were formed: control and experimental, of 18 students each. A validated instrument was used to measure the research competences, as well as a rubric for the evaluation of the research projects. It began with a pre-test, and after 14 weeks of the development of the strategy, through different educational sessions, the post-test was administered. Likewise, the research projects carried out were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the pedagogical strategy had a positive effect on the development of research skills, with the highest evaluation being found in 40% of the students, with statistically significant differences between the control and experimental groups (Mann Whitney U, p=0.007), and between the pre-test and post-test (Wilcoxon, p=0.00). In the development of cognitive and procedural competence, an effect was also found in the strategy, but not in the attitudinal competence (Mann Whitney U, p=0.496). The application of this study is based on the fact that the formation of research groups in universities strengthens formative research in higher level students. This study shows the benefits of the implementation of strategies for the development of research competencies, since the product will be to train professionals with a scientific culture in favor of society

    On the Distortion and Warpage of 7249 Aluminum Alloy After Quenching and Machining

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    The objective of this study is to determine the effect of solution treatment temperature, quenching media, and various machining sequences on the warpage behavior of aluminum 7249 alloy aged to T6 and T7\u27 tempers. Large extrusions of 7249 aluminum alloy with fins were cut into 108 T sections. The samples were solution-treated, aged, and machined. Three solution temperatures (445, 474, and 505 A degrees C), two quenching media (water and 20% polyalkylene glycol), two aging treatments (T6 and T7\u27), and three machine sequences were used. The flatness of the samples was measured on the surfaces orthogonal to the z-axis. Three points were on top of both shoulders (six total), six were at the bottom of the sample, and six were on the top of the fin, in the cases where the fin was not milled off. They were then averaged together by surface to represent the overall warpage of each sample

    Factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in the post-quarantine context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Peruvian medical students

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    Background: In March 2020, the Peruvian state introduced quarantine as a measure to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2. It has been suggested that being in quarantine is associated with the development of symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The present study aims to explore the factors associated with the development of PTSD in a post-quarantine context due to COVID-19 in medical students. Objectives: To evaluate the factors associated with the development of post-quarantine PTSD symptoms in medical students from a Peruvian university. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study. The objective will be developed after the lifting of the quarantine in Peru. Medical students enrolled during the 2020-01 academic cycle of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences will be included. To collect the outcome variable (PTSD), the Impact of Event Scale - Revised (IES-R) will be used. The associated factors will be collected through a form that will be validated by experts and piloted in the field. The crude and adjusted coefficients will be calculated, using bivariate and multivariate linear regression models, respectively. We will use the “manual forward selection” technique to obtain a final model with minimally sufficient fit. After each model comparison and decision, multicollinearity will be evaluated with the variance inflation factor and matrix of independent variables. Results: Not having health insurance, having relatives or close friends who contracted the disease and having a lower family income are factors associated with PTSD in the post-quarantine context of the COVID-19 pandemic in medical students at a Peruvian university. Conclusions: Clinical evaluation is important for medical students with a high probability of having PTSD symptoms. We recommend conducting a longitudinal study to identify causality and other unstudied factors related to PTSD.Revisión por pare

    Lactational performance and plasma and muscle amino acid concentrations in dairy cows fed diets supplying 2 levels of digestible histidine and metabolizable protein

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 American Dairy Science AssociationThe objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of dietary levels of digestible histidine (dHis) and MP on lactational performance and plasma and muscle concentrations of free AA in dairy cows. A randomized block design experiment was conducted with 48 Holstein cows, including 20 primiparous, averaging (±SD) 103 ± 22 d in milk and 45 ± 9 kg/d milk yield at the beginning of the experiment. A 2-wk covariate period preceded 12 experimental wk, of which 10 wk were for data and sample collection. Experimental treatments were (1) MP-adequate (MPA) diet with 2.1% dHis of MP (MPA2.1), (2) MPA with 3.0% dHis (MPA3.0), (3) MP-deficient (MPD) diet with 2.1% dHis (MPD2.1), and (4) MPD with 3.0% dHis (MPD3.0). Actual dHis supply was estimated at 64, 97, 57, and 88 g/d, respectively. Diets supplied MP at 110% (MPA) and 96% (MPD) of NRC 2001 dairy model requirements calculated based on DMI and production data during the experiment. Dry matter intake and milk yield data were collected daily, milk samples for composition and blood samples for AA analysis were collected every other week, and muscle biopsies at the end of covariate period, and during wk 12 of the experiment. The overall DMI was not affected by dHis or MP level. Milk yield tended to be increased by 3.0% dHis compared with 2.1% dHis. Milk true protein concentration and yield were not affected by treatments, whereas milk urea nitrogen concentration was lower for MPD versus the MPA diet. Milk fat concentration was lower for MPD versus MPA. There was a MP × dHis interaction for milk fat yield and energy-corrected milk; milk fat was lower for MPD3.0 versus MPD2.1, but similar for cows fed the MPA diet regardless of dHis level whereas energy-corrected milk was greater for MPA3.0 versus MPA2.1 but tended to be lower for MPD3.0 versus MPD2.1. Plasma His concentration was greater for cows fed dHis3.0, and concentration of sum of essential AA was greater, whereas carnosine, 1-Methyl-His and 3-Methyl-His concentrations were lower for cows fed MPA versus MPD diet. Muscle concentration of His was greater for cows fed dHis3.0 treatment. The apparent efficiency of His utilization was increased at lower MP and His levels. Overall, cows fed a corn silage-based diet supplying MP at 110% of NRC (2001) requirements tended to have increased ECM yield and similar milk protein yield to cows fed a diet supplying MP at 96% of requirements. Supplying dHis at 3.0% of MP (or 86 and 96 g/d, for MPD3.0 and MPA3.0, respectively) tended to increase milk yield and increased plasma and muscle concentrations of His but had minor or no effects on other production variables in dairy cows.Peer reviewe