1,532 research outputs found

    Criterios para la clasificación y descripción de movimientos en masa

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    A mass movement may be defined as any lithologic or debris material displacement downwards (vertical or in the direction of a slope foot), caused by gravity. In common language, there are other synonymous words such as: landslide, collapse and terrain movement.The occurrence of a mass movement develops some characteristic geomorphologic and morphometric features. The morphologic elements may be associated to displaced mass or surrounding intact terrain. Among these morphologic elements are the crown, the main scarp, the rupture surface, the body, the flanks, the front and the foot.Mass movements have been internationally classified in eight basic types: fallings, flows, landslides, lateral propagation, collapses, reptation, torrential floods, avalanches and complex mass movements. Nevertheless, they may be described or classified under many points of view, including: relative displacement, velocity or movement rate, type and size of involved material, relative activity, relative dimension, grade of development, transport mechanism, genesis and detonate agent.Mass movements may be quantified for their magnitude in relation to the volume, activity, velocity and intensity according to damages occasioned.Un movimiento en masa (MM) puede ser definido como todo desplazamiento de material litológico y o de escombros hacia abajo (vertical o en dirección del pie de una ladera) debido a la gravedad. En el lenguaje común son conocidos bajo varios términos sinónimos como deslizamientos, derrumbes y movimientos de terreno entre otros. La ocurrencia de un movimiento en masa desarrolla varios rasgos geomorfològicos y morfométricos característicos. Los elementos morfológicos pueden asociarse a la masa desplazada o al terreno intacto circundante. Entre estos elementos morfológicos se destacan: la corona, el escarpe principal, la superficie de ruptura, el cuerpo, los flancos, el frente y la pata entre otros.Los MM han sido clasificados internacionalmente en ocho tipos básicos: Caídas, flujos, deslizamientos, volcamientos, propagación lateral, hundimientos, reptación, movimientos complejos, avenidas torrenciales y avalanchas. Sin embargo, pueden ser descritos o clasificados desde varios puntos de vista como: desplazamiento relativo, velocidad o tasa de movimiento, tipo y tamaño de material involucrado, actividad relativa, dimensión relativa, grado de desarrollo, mecanismo de transporte, forma del depósito, procesos geomorfológicos, avance, forma de ocurrencia, forma y mecanismo de ruptura, génesis, y agente detonante. Los movimientos en masa pueden ser cuantificados por su magnitud en relación con el volumen, actividad y velocidad e intensidad en los daños que ocasiona

    Lo que aprendí de Don Álvaro sobre la empresa

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    Lo que aprendió el autor de don Álvaro d´Ors sobre la empresa se remonta a una conferencia impartida por éste en la Universidad de Santiago a fines de la década de los sesenta, si bien su argumento lo reprodujese sucesivamente en otras publicaciones hasta los primeros años del 2000. En sustancia, las “Reflexiones” -que así comenzaba a intitularse la conferencia- consistían en una crítica a las sociedades mercantiles de capital, las cuales, al detentar personalidad jurídica, descartaban de ésta a la empresa a la que daban nombre, y con ella, a todos sus trabajadores. Una reforma de este statu quo solo podría tener lugar con la exclusión, de la falseada “sociedad”, de sus inversores, ya no “socios”, sino simples prestamistas. Por el contrario, socios lo serían aquéllos trabajadores que lo requiriesen, precisamente por sentirse estimulados por prestaciones que la empresa podría ofrecerles con la eventual ayuda subsidiaria del Estado. De este modo, la empresa recuperaría una libertad y una personalidad que había perdido en favor del capital, lo que facilitaría su conceptuación laboral en detrimento de la mercantil que hoy la domina.What the author learned on the enterprise from Professor A. d´Ors dates back a conference delivered by him in the ´60, although the conference´s topic was repeated successivay in others publications early in 2000´s. En essence, “reflections·-which the conference was called like civil style thoughts- were a criticism to commercial corporations based in the capital, which, having legal personality, excluded from this latter to the enterprise to which they put trade name and excluded form his latter to the staff which worked on it. A reform of this “status quo” could only be possible with exclusion of the falsified corporation to its investors, because they were not “associates” but simple money landers. To the contrary, they would be associates those workers who wanted to become. Precisely for feeling themselves stimulated by welfare payments which the enterprise would be able of offer them with eventual state subsidiary assistance. In this way, the enterprise would recover with his workers a freedom and a personality which would hare last in favour of the capital, which would make easier its labour definition to the detriment of the commercial one which nowdays rules it over

    Ética territorial e política econômica: discussão de suas relações fundamentais à luz das políticas de desenvolvimento territorial

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    Afirma-se que a política econômica é construída sobre uma base ética, mesmo que não devidamente explicitada. Seus objetivos têm sempre relação com a ideia de desenvolvimento e bem-estar que cada sociedade possui: riqueza material, estabilidade macroeconômica, sustentabilidade, justiça social, pluralismo social e cultural, diversidade étnica e territorial. Este trabalho se propõe resumir e explicitar o estado da arte na evolução de novos e velhos princípios e valores que estariam na base da configuração de uma ética territorial. Este documento contém os resultados da primeira parte de uma investigação do ILPES, de mais longo alcance, sobre a economia e a política das disparidades territoriais na América Latina, a se desenvolver entre abril de 2011 e março de 2013. Nesta primeira etapa, durante 2011-2012, previu-se a revisão das Constituições latino-americanas, visando identificar os princípios e valores éticos territoriais, no conteúdo das mesmas. Percebe-se que o contexto econômico, político e institucional, da mesma forma que as teorias de desenvolvimento, agora reconhecem o papel não somente do capital físico, senão do humano, do social, do ambiental e inclusive do cultural e simbólico como fatores determinantes, o que considera-se um avanço

    Valor del suelo y vivienda, contención al crecimiento urbano y densificación en Bogotá 1969-2012

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    In 1979, Bogotá implemented an urban growth boundary with an increase in height limits in central areas. These policies were aimed to protect the surrounding rural areas and consolidate a dense and multi-use city center. Internationally, these policies are criticized arguing that they increase the prices of urban land, which is opposed by the argument that this increase is compensated by raising height limits to avoid higher housing prices. The present study analyzed the height limits and the increase in the price of homes and land, gathering historical prices from different sources and crossing these data with the height regulations of each era. The results show that the increases in the height limits and their use by real estate investment were differentiated and contrary to the intentions of zoning plans, greater in the areas of high social stratum, moderate in the middle stratum, and smaller and even negative for the low stratum. The land in the high stratum sector increased more than seventeen times in value while housing prices remained stable; the valuation was much lower in the lower stratum and housing is now more expensiveEn 1979 Bogotá implementó un perímetro de crecimiento con un aumento de los límites de altura en el centro. Estas políticas buscaban proteger la ruralidad circundante y consolidar un centro denso y de uso múltiple. Estas políticas son criticadas internacionalmente con el argumento de que aumentan el precio del suelo, sin embargo, esto puede ser compensado con el aumento en los límites de altura para no afectar los precios de la vivienda. El presente estudio analizó los límites de altura y el incremento del precio del suelo, recopilando precios históricos de diferentes fuentes y cruzando estos datos con las normativas de alturas de cada época. Los resultados muestran que los aumentos del límite de alturas y su aprovechamiento, por medio de la inversión inmobiliaria, fueron diferenciados y contrarios a las intenciones de los planes de ordenamiento, siendo estos aumentos mayores en las zonas de estrato social alto, moderados en estrato medio, y menores e incluso negativos para el estrato bajo. El suelo en el sector de estrato alto tuvo una valorización de más de diecisiete veces, mientras que los precios de la vivienda permanecieron estables; la valorización fue mucho menor en el estrato bajo y la vivienda es ahora más costosa

    Positive association between population genetic differentiation and speciation rates in New World birds

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    An implicit assumption of speciation biology is that population differentiation is an important stage of evolutionary diversification, but its significance as a rate-limiting control on phylogenetic speciation dynamics remains largely untested. If population differentiation within a species is related to its speciation rate over evolutionary time, the causes of differentiation could also be driving dynamics of organismal diversity across time and space. Alternatively, geographic variants might be short-lived entities with rates of formation that are unlinked to speciation rates, in which case the causes of differentiation would have only ephemeral impacts. By pairing population genetics datasets from173 NewWorld bird species (\u3e17,000 individuals) with phylogenetic estimates of speciation rate, we show that the population differentiation rates within species are positively correlated with their speciation rates over long timescales. Although population differentiation rate explains relatively little of the variation in speciation rate among lineages, the positive relationship between differentiation rate and speciation rate is robust to species-delimitation schemes and to alternative measures of both rates. Population differentiation occurs at least three times faster than speciation, which suggests that most populations are ephemeral. Speciation and population differentiation rates are more tightly linked in tropical species than in temperate species, consistent with a history of more stable diversification dynamics through time in the Tropics. Overall, our results suggest that the processes responsible for population differentiation are tied to those that underlie broad-scale patterns of diversity

    Twentieth century turnover of Mexican endemic avifaunas: Landscape change versus climate drivers

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    Numerous climate change effects on biodiversity have been anticipated and documented, including extinctions, range shifts, phenological shifts, and breakdown of interactions in ecological communities, yet the relative balance of different climate drivers and their relationships to other agents of global change (for example, land use and land-use change) remains relatively poorly understood. This study integrated historical and current biodiversity data on distributions of 115 Mexican endemic bird species to document areas of concentrated gains and losses of species in local communities, and then related those changes to climate and land-use drivers. Of all drivers examined, at this relatively coarse spatial resolution, only temperature change had significant impacts on avifaunal turnover; neither precipitation change nor human impact on landscapes had detectable effects. This study, conducted across species’ geographic distributions, and covering all of Mexico, thanks to two large-scale biodiversity data sets, could discern relative importance of specific climatic drivers of biodiversity change

    Early Stepdown From Echinocandin to Fluconazole Treatment in Candidemia: A Post Hoc Analysis of Three Cohort Studies

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    Antifúngic; Candidèmia; DesescaladaAntifúngico; Candidemia; DesescaladaAntifungal; Candidemia; De-escalationBackground There are no clear criteria for antifungal de-escalation after initial empirical treatments. We hypothesized that early de-escalation (ED) (within 5 days) to fluconazole is safe in fluconazole-susceptible candidemia with controlled source of infection. Methods This is a multicenter post hoc study that included consecutive patients from 3 prospective candidemia cohorts (2007–2016). The impact of ED and factors associated with mortality were assessed. Results Of 1023 candidemia episodes, 235 met inclusion criteria. Of these, 54 (23%) were classified as the ED group and 181 (77%) were classified as the non-ED group. ED was more common in catheter-related candidemia (51.9% vs 31.5%; P = .006) and episodes caused by Candida parapsilosis, yet it was less frequent in patients in the intensive care unit (24.1% vs 39.2%; P = .043), infections caused by Nakaseomyces glabrata (0% vs 9.9%; P = .016), and candidemia from an unknown source (24.1% vs 47%; P = .003). In the ED and non-ED groups, 30-day mortality was 11.1% and 29.8% (P = .006), respectively. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (odds ratio [OR], 3.97; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.48–10.61), Pitt score > 2 (OR, 4.39; 95% CI, 1.94–9.20), unknown source of candidemia (OR, 2.59; 95% CI, 1.14–5.86), candidemia caused by Candida albicans (OR, 3.92; 95% CI, 1.48–10.61), and prior surgery (OR, 0.29; 95% CI, 0.08–0.97) were independent predictors of mortality. Similar results were found when a propensity score for receiving ED was incorporated into the model. ED had no significant impact on mortality (OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.16–1.53). Conclusions Early de-escalation is a safe strategy in patients with candidemia caused by fluconazole-susceptible strains with controlled source of bloodstream infection and hemodynamic stability. These results are important to apply antifungal stewardship strategies.This research forms part of an activity that has received funding from EIT Health. EIT Health is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union that receives support from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program. This study has been cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund. E. M.-G. (PI18/01061), P. P.-A. (“Rio Hortega” contract CM18/00132), M. F.-R. (“Miguel Servet” contract CP18/00073), and C. G.-V. (FIS PI18/01061) have received research grants from the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Instituto de Salud Carlos III