1,791 research outputs found

    Anisotropic Dirac cones in monatomic hexagonal lattices

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    In the last few years, the fascinating properties of graphene have been thoroughly investigated. The existence of Dirac cones is the most important characteristic of the electronic band-structure of graphene. In this theoretical paper, hexagonal monolayers of silicon (h-Si) and germanium (h-Ge) are examined using density functional theory, within the generalized gradient approximation. Our numerical results indicate that both h-Si and h-Ge are chemically stable. The lattice parameters, electronic dispersion relations and densities of states for these systems are reported. The electronic dispersion relations display Dirac cones with the symmetry of an equilateral triangle (the group D3_3) in the vicinity of the K points. Hence, the Fermi velocity depends on the wave vector direction around KK points. Fermi velocities for holes and electrons are significantly different. The maximum and minimum Fermi velocities are also reported.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal B (EPJB

    Twin disc assessment of wear regime transitions and rolling contact fatigue in R400HT – E8 pairs

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    Twin disc tests were carried out to evaluate the wear resistance and Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) of premium R400HT rail samples in contact with E8 wheel samples. The wear rate and friction coefficient were correlated with the frictional work expended at the contact interface (the Tgamma approach). Accelerated RCF tests were also carried out on the premium R400HT rail and the results were compared to those obtained for standard R260 rail. The wear rates of rail samples were consistently lower than those reported in the literature for other contacting pairs in which the rail material studied is softer than R400HT. Also, the energy needed for the transition from the moderate to severe wear regime significantly increased for the hardened rail. Fatigue cracks were shallower for R400HT when compared with standard rail material. Hardened rails also showed lower mean spacing between fatigue cracks. This new information can be used to improve wear simulations of wheels and rails by using more realistic wear equations

    Metallic spin-glasses beyond mean-field: An approach to the impurity-concentration dependence of the freezing temperature

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    A relation between the freezing temperature (TgT^{}_{\rm g}) and the exchange couplings (JijJ^{}_{ij}) in metallic spin-glasses is derived, taking the spin-correlations (GijG^{}_{ij}) into account. This approach does not involve a disorder-average. The expansion of the correlations to first order in Jij/TgJ^{}_{ij}/T^{}_{\rm g} leads to the molecular-field result from Thouless-Anderson-Palmer. Employing the current theory of the spin-interaction in disordered metals, an equation for TgT^{}_{\rm g} as a function of the concentration of impurities is obtained, which reproduces the available data from {\sl Au}Fe, {\sl Ag}Mn, and {\sl Cu}Mn alloys well.Comment: 4 figures. This is a strongly revised version, where several aspects have been improved, and the equation for the freezing temperature has been refined. It is equivalent to the published version in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 (2013) 13600

    On the existence of supersolid helium-4 monolayer films

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    Extensive Monte Carlo simulations of helium-4 monolayer films adsorbed on weak substrates have been carried out, aimed at ascertaining the possible occurrence of a quasi-two-dimensional supersolid phase. Only crystalline films not registered with underlying substrates are considered. Numerical results yield strong evidence that helium-4 will not form a supersolid film on {any} substrate strong enough to stabilize a crystalline layer. On weaker substrates, continuous growth of a liquid film takes place

    Regulation of lamp2a levels in the lysosomal membrane

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    The selective degradation of cytosolic proteins in lysosomes by chaperone-mediated autophagy depends, at least in part, on the levels of a substrate receptor at the lysosomal membrane. We have previously identified this receptor as the lysosome-associated membrane protein type 2a (lamp2a) and showed that levels of lamp2a at the lysosomal membrane directly correlate with the activity of the proteolytic pathway. Here we show that levels of lamp2a at the lysosomal membrane are mainly controlled by changes in its half-life and its distribution between the lysosomal membrane and the matrix. The lysosomal degradation of lamp2a requires the combined action of at least two different proteolytic activities at the lysosomal membrane. Lamp2a is released from the membrane by the action of these proteases, and then the truncated lamp2a is rapidly degraded within the lysosomal matrix. Membrane degradation of lamp2a is a regulated process that is inhibited in the presence of substrates for chaperone-mediated autophagy and under conditions that activate that type of autophagy. Uptake of substrate proteins also results in transport of some intact lamp2a from the lysosomal membrane into the matrix. This fraction of lamp2a can be reinserted back into the lysosomal membrane. The traffic of lamp2a through the lysosomal matrix is not mediated by vesicles, and lamp2a reinsertion requires the lysosomal membrane potential and protein components of the lysosomal membrane. The distribution of lamp2a between the lysosomal membrane and matrix is a dynamic process that contributes to the regulation of lysosomal membrane levels of lamp2a and consequently to the activity of the chaperone-mediated autophagic pathway

    Biobased polymers derived from itaconic acid bearing clickable groups with potent antibacterial activity and negligible hemolytic activity.

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    Herein, we report, for the first time, the synthesis of clickable polymers derived from biobased itaconic acid, which was then used for the preparation of novel cationic polymers with antibacterial properties and low hemotoxicity via click chemistry. Itaconic acid (IA) was subjected to chemical modification by incorporating clickable alkyne groups on the carboxylic acids. The resulting monomer with pendant alkyne groups was easily polymerized and copolymerized with dimethyl itaconate (DMI) by radical polymerization. The feed molar ratio of comonomers was varied to precisely tune the content of alkyne groups in the copolymers and the amphiphilic balance. Subsequently, an azide with a thiazole group, which is a component of the vitamin thiamine (B1), was attached onto the polymers by copper-catalyzed azidealkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) click chemistry leading to triazole linkages. N-Alkylation reactions of the thiazole and triazole groups with methyl and butyl iodides provide the corresponding itaconate derivatives with pendant azolium groups. The copolymers with variable cationic charge densities and hydrophobic/ hydrophilic balances, depending on the comonomer feed ratio, display potent antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, whereas the activity was almost null against Gram-negative bacteria. Hemotoxicity assays demonstrated that the copolymers exhibited negligible hemolysis and excellent selectivity, more than 1000-fold, for Gram-positive bacteria over human red blood cells.post-print1945 K

    Influencia de la inclinación acetabular en la luxación de la artroplastia parcial de cadera

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    La luxación de la prótesis parcial de cadera, representa en la actualidad un grave problema de incapacidad para el paciente, debido no solo, a la complicación de la marcha en sí, sino a todas aquellas derivadas de la estancia hospitalaria de estos pacientes en nuestros centros. Respecto a la vía de abordaje, se ha sentado una mayor incidencia de luxaciones en la vía posterolateral, frente a las anteriores o laterales transtrocantéreas en decúbito supino. Objetivo: evaluar la influencia del ángulo de inclinación anatómico del acetábulo, techo y cobertura en la luxación de la artroplastia parcial de cadera. Material y método: el estudio incluyó un total de 718 pacientes intervenidos por fractura cervical de fémur, durante los años de 1992 a 2005. Las prótesis parciales implantadas fueron del modelo Thompson; los tipos de vías de abordaje quirúrgico utilizados fueron; la anterior de Smith Petersen, y la posterior de Gibson Moore. Se realizaron las mediciones radiográficas del ángulo formado entre las línea trazada en el borde externo del acetábulo y la línea biisquiática. Resultados: Del total de pacientes incluidos en el estudio el número de luxaciones fue de 24 prótesis, lo que representa el 3,3 %. La edad media fue de 84 años, y un intervalo de 76 a 92 años. El sexo predominante fue el femenino con un 83%. La vía más utilizada fue la anterior con un 67 %. El mayor porcentaje de luxación fue para aquellas pacientes con un ángulo de inclinación anatómico del acetábulo de > 55º. El tiempo medio seguimiento hasta producirse la luxación fue de 35 días y un intervalo entre 1 a 89 días. El tratamiento más frecuente fue el conservador 88%. Conclusión: El presente estudio demuestra que la luxación temprana de una prótesis parcial de cadera está directamente relacionado con un ángulo de inclinación anatómico del acetábulo mayor de 55º.The dislocation of partial hip replacements represents an important postoperative complication. Apart from the most important problem which is patient mobility, another aspect is the prolonged hospital stay detrimental to patient health and the evonawy of hospital. With respect to the incidence of pos- toperative dislocations and the type of surgical approach, it seated that there is a greater incidence using the lateroposterior hip sur- gical approach, in comparision to the anterior or lateral access. Objective: To evidence the influence of acetabular inclination in postoperative dislocations of partial hip arthroplasty. Methods: A study involuing 718 cases of intervened femoral neck fractures using Thompson endoprosthesis during the period including 1992 to 2005.With respect to type of surgical approaches, these included the Smith-Petersen anterior and the Gibson-Moore posterior access. The acetabular inclination was measurements radiologi- cally, obtaining the angle between the bi-ischial line and the exter- nal border of the acetabulum. Results: A total of twentyfour (24) prosthesis suffered dislocation, with respect to the total of seven hundred and eighteen (718) patients intervened for partial hip arth- roplasty, representing 3,3% of the total. The average age for dislocated arthroplasties was 84 years, with a range between 76-92 years, and the predominant sex was female. Concerning surgical access, the anterior was the most frecuently used (67%). There was found to be a greater percentage of dislo- cated arthroplasties when the angle of acetabular inclination exce- eded fifty five (55º) degrees. The average time elapsed before dis- location was diagnosed included a 35 days time period, with a range between to 89 days. The most frequent management of pos- toperative dislocations was conservative treatment. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that when the acetabular inclination is greater than 55º, there is a greater incidence of early dislocation of partial hip replacements

    Food consumption analysis in Spanish elderly based upon the Mini Nutritional Assessment Test

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    Background/Aims: Aged people are an increasing population group worldwide, and nutritional impairments may contribute to additional health problems. The characterization of food consumption of elderly people is a good approach to implementing adequate nutritional policies in order to improve their nutritional status. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze specific aspects of food intake based upon the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) test in a representative country sample. Methods: The survey consisted of a cross-sectional study assessing the nutritional status of 22,007 Spanish people aged 65 years or older using the MNA test. These data, including dietary information, were obtained by health professionals specifically trained to carry out the questionnaire. A multiple regression analysis was used to evaluate the contributing impact of the diet-related MNA questions on the total MNA score. Results: Differences in the food choices between men and women were found, but not in the mode of feeding. Obese and non-obese individuals, categorized by a body mass index (BMI) more or less than 30, showed similar intake patterns of protein-rich foods, but differences in fruits, vegetables and fluids. On the other hand, undernourished and non-undernourished subjects, according to the MNA criteria, revealed different food consumption. Loss of appetite and mode of feeding were the items with the highest influence the MNA total score. Conclusions: While age, gender and BMI considered together are responsible for 11.3% of the total MNA score, dietary-related items can predict the 62.4% of the total MNA classification in the overall elderly Spanish population

    On the possible "supersolid" character of parahydrogen clusters

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    We present results of a theoretical study of structural and superfluid properties of parahydrogen clusters comprising 25, 26 and 27 molecules at low temperature. The microscopic model utilized here is based on the Silvera-Goldman pair potential. Numerical results are obtained by means of Quantum Monte Carlo simulations, making use of the continuous-space Worm Algorithm. The clusters are superfluid in the low temperature limit, but display markedly different physical behaviours. For N=25 and 27, superfluidity at low temperature arises as clusters melt, i.e., become progressively liquid-like as a result of quantum effects. On the other hand, for N = 26 the cluster remains rigid and solid-like. We argue that this cluster can be regarded as a mesoscopic "supersolid". This physical picture is supported by results of simulations in which a single parahydrogen molecule in the cluster is isotopically substituted.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Solidification of small para-H2 clusters at zero temperature

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    We have determined the ground-state energies of para-H2_2 clusters at zero temperature using the diffusion Monte Carlo method. The liquid or solid character of each cluster is investigated by restricting the phase through the use of proper importance sampling. Our results show inhomogeneous crystallization of clusters, with alternating behavior between liquid and solid phases up to N=55. From there on, all clusters are solid. The ground-state energies in the range N=13--75 are established and the stable phase of each cluster is determined. In spite of the small differences observed between the energy of liquid and solid clusters, the corresponding density profiles are significantly different, feature that can help to solve ambiguities in the determination of the specific phase of H2_2 clusters.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem.
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