545 research outputs found

    Neutron scattering at high temperature and levitation techniques

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    Studies of the liquid state present an obvious fundamental interest and are also important for technological applications since the molten state is an essential stage in various industrial processes (e.g. glass making, single crystal growing, iron and steel making). Most of the physical properties of a high-temperature liquid are related to its atomic structure. Thus it is important to develop devices to probe the local environment of the atoms in the sample. At very high temperature, it is difficult to use conventional furnaces, which present several problems. In particular, physical contact with the container can contaminate the sample and/or modify its structural properties. Such problems encouraged the development of containerless techniques, which are powerful tools to study high-temperature melts. By eliminating completely any contact between sample and container, it is possible to study the sample with a very high degree of control and to access very high temperatures. An additional advantage of levitation methods is that it is possible to supercool hot liquids down to several hundred of degrees below their equilibrium freezing point, since heterogeneous nucleation processes are suppressed

    Comparison of short-range-order in liquid- and rotator-phase states of a simple molecular liquid: A reverse Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics analysis of neutron diffraction data

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    6 págs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number s : 61.25.Em, 61.20. p, 61.43. j, 61.12. qThe short-range order (SRO) correlations in liquid- and rotator-phase states of carbon tetrachloride are revisited here. The correlation of some angular magnitudes is used to evaluate the positional and orientational correlations in the liquid as well as in the rotator phase. The results show significant similitudes in the relative position of the molecules surrounding a central one but striking differences in their relative orientations, which could explain the changes in SRO between the two phases and the puzzling behavior of the local density in the liquid and rotator phases. © 2007 The American Physical Society.We would also like to acknowledge “Generalitat de Catalunya” Project No. 2005SGR- 00535 and MEC Project No. FIS2005-00975 for partial support of this work.Peer Reviewe

    Substitution site and effects on magnetism in Sr-for-Ca substituted CaBaCo4O7

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    Cationic substitutions in the novel magnetoelectric compound CaBaCo4O7 lead to profound changes in its magnetic and electric behaviors. In this work, we present a structural study of the isovalent substitution Sr-for-Ca in CaBaCo4O7. X-ray diffraction, as well as neutron powder diffraction experiments, are reported for a series of samples Ca1- xSrxBaCo4O7 with 0 = x = 0.10. Special emphasis is given to the identification of the substitution site, as Sr has also been reported to substitute for Ba in this crystal structure. The solubility limit for Sr at the Ca site is shown to be at x ¿ 0.08. The variation of lattice constants with Sr-doping firmly supports the Sr-for-Ca substitution. Rietveld refinements of the Sr-substituted samples are presented, and used as starting point to analyse the local structure around Sr by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Sr K-edge. Both the near-edge absorption and the extended absorption fine-structure confirm the substitution of Sr for Ca, giving definite support to the proposed nominal formula. In addition, macroscopic magnetization measurements are presented which reveal the striking effects of Sr-substitution over the magnetic landscape of this puzzling compound

    Elaboration of Essential Oil From the Oregano for Medicinal Use Sheet

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    The extraction and industrialization of the oregano oil in Ecuador can represent an important source of work, from the harvest to the transformation of the raw material into finished product. The oregano is a plant known from many years back and has always been used for medicinal purposes and is currently being used in many fields such as perfumery, gastronomy, toiletries; But its main use is in medicine. The work proposes a methodology that allows extracting the essential oil of the plant for different medical uses such as: anti - inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant and antibiotic, being of social benefit representing an economic impact in its industrializatio

    Exciting spiral arms in protoplanetary discs from flybys

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    Spiral arms are observed in numerous protoplanetary discs. These spiral arms can be excited by companions, either on bound or unbound orbits. We simulate a scenario where an unbound perturber, i.e. a flyby, excites spiral arms during a periastron passage. We run three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of a parabolic flyby encountering a gaseous protoplanetary disc. The perturber mass ranges from 10MJ10\, \rm M_J to 1M1\, \rm M_{\odot}. The perturber excites a two-armed spiral structure, with a more prominent spiral feature for higher mass perturbers. The two arms evolve over time, eventually winding up, consistent with previous works. We focus on analysing the pattern speed and pitch angle of these spirals during the whole process. The initial pattern speed of the two arms are close to the angular velocity of the perturber at periastron, and then it decreases over time. The pitch angle also decreases over time as the spiral winds up. The spirals disappear after several local orbital times. An inclined prograde orbit flyby induces similar disc substructures as a coplanar flyby. A solar-mass flyby event causes increased eccentricity growth in the protoplanetary disc, leading to an eccentric disc structure which dampens over time. The spirals' morphology and the disc eccentricity can be used to search for potential unbound stars or planets around discs where a flyby is suspected. Future disc observations at high resolution and dedicated surveys will help to constrain the frequency of such stellar encounters in nearby star-forming regions.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Nematic state of the FeSe superconductor

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    We study the crystal structure of the tetragonal iron selenide FeSe and its nematic phase transition to the low-temperature orthorhombic structure using synchrotron x-ray and neutron scattering analyzed in both real space and reciprocal space. We show that in the local structure the orthorhombic distortion associated with the electronically driven nematic order is more pronounced at short length scales. It also survives to temperatures above 90 K, where reciprocal-space analysis suggests tetragonal symmetry. Additionally, the real-space pair distribution function analysis of the synchrotron x-ray diffraction data reveals a tiny broadening of the peaks corresponding to the nearest Fe-Fe, nearest Fe-Se, and next-nearest Fe-Se bond distances as well as the tetrahedral torsion angles at a short length scale of 20 Å. This broadening appears below 20 K and is attributed to a pseudogap. However, we did not observe any further reduction in local symmetry below orthorhombic down to 3 K. Our results suggest that the superconducting gap anisotropy in FeSe is not associated with any symmetry-lowering short-range structural correlations

    Arsenite sorption and co-precipitation with calcite

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    Sorption of As(III) by calcite was investigated as a function of As(III) concentration, time and pH. The sorption isotherm, i.e. the log As(III) vs. log [As(OH)3 degrees / Assat] plot is S-shaped and has been modelled on an extended version of the surface precipitation model. At low concentrations, As(OH)3 degrees is adsorbed by complexation to surface Ca surface sites, as previously described by the X-ray standing wave technique. The inflexion point of the isotherm, where As(OH)3 degrees is limited by the amount of surface sites (ST), yields 6 sites nm-2 in good agreement with crystallographic data. Beyond this value, the amount of sorbed arsenic increases linearly with solution concentration, up to the saturation of arsenic with respect to the precipitation of CaHAsO3(s). The solid solutions formed in this concentration range were examined by X-ray and neutron diffraction. The doped calcite lattice parameters increase with arsenic content while c/a ratio remains constant. Our results made on bulk calcite on the atomic displacement of As atoms along [0001] direction extend those published by Cheng et al., (1999) on calcite surface. This study provides a molecular-level explanation for why As(III) is trapped by calcite in industrial treatments.Comment: 9 page

    Efectos del consumo de yerba mate sobre la mucosa gástrica

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    Existe la creencia popular que el consumo habitual de yerba mate (YM) provoca acidez o gastritis. De hecho, en internet aparece gran cantidad de información sobre ello y múltiples recomendaciones médicas. Sin embargo, la evidencia científica al respecto es pobre

    Microscopic structures and dynamics of high- and low-density liquid trans-1,2-dichloroethylene

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    4 págs.; 3 figs.; PACS number s : 64.70.Ja, 61.05.fm, 61.20. p, 61.25.EmWe present a study of the dynamics and structural changes for trans-1,2-dichloroethylene between high- and low-density liquids using neutron-scattering techniques diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering, and time of flight spectroscopy and molecular-dynamics simulations. We show that changes in the short-range ordering of molecules goes along with a change in the molecular dynamics: both structure and dynamics of the highdensity liquid are more cooperative than those of the low-density liquid. The microscopic mechanism underlying the cooperative motions in the high-density liquid has been found to be related to the backscattering of molecules due to a strong correlation of molecular ordering. ©2010 The American Physical SocietyThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology Grants No. FIS2008-00837 and No. BES-2007-17418, by the Government of Catalonia Grant No. 2009SGR-1251 and by the European Commission MI3/FP7.Peer Reviewe