9 research outputs found

    Evaluación del efecto de las artemisininas provenientes del extracto etanólico de Artemisia cina sobre L3 de Haemonchus contortus en una técnica de explantes abomasales

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    The new approach of integrated nematode control has driven to look for other alternatives that consider steadily and sustainable the environment. The aim of the present study was to obtain different ethanolic fracctions from Artemisia cina plant, using artemisinins, and to evaluate the nematicide association capacity effect with infective larvae (L3) and abomasal explant. The artemisinins from A. cina were obtained by thin layer chromatography and were evaluated on unsheathed L3 of Haemonchus contortus. The abomasal technique explants were performed for triplicate and compared as follows: three control with levamisole (7.5 mg/ml), commercial artemisinin (1 mg/ml), and distillate water, and six A. cina fracctions at 1 mg/ml each one: Ac3k, Ac3b, Ac3a, Ac3h, Ac3i and Ac4b. No significant differences between fractions of A. cina and commercial artemisinin (p>0.05) were obtained. These findings led us to conclude that there was no association capacity effect of fractions of A. cina on unsheathed L3 of H. contortus, to the abomasal tissue. It is important to continue with more studies to determine the parasitic phase in which the artemisinin viability is susceptible to be affected.El nuevo enfoque de control integrado de parásitos obliga a buscar alternativas que consideren el medioambiente, es decir, sostenibles y sustentables. El objetivo de este trabajo fue fraccionar el extracto etanólico de la planta Artemisia cina, obtener artemisininas y conocer el efecto de estas sobre la capacidad de asociación de las L3 de Haemonchus contortus en explantes abomasales. El extracto etanólico se fraccionó por medio de la metodología establecida para Artemisia japónica, y se identificaron las artemisininas por medio de cromatografía en capa fina, teniendo como referencia artemisininas comerciales. Las artemisininas se utilizaron sobre L3 desenvainada, se realizó la técnica de explantes abomasales por triplicado y se compararon así: levamisol (7.5 mg/ml), artemisinina comercial (1 mg/ml), agua y seis diferentes fracciones de A. cina a dosis de 1 mg/ml: Ac3k, Ac3b, Ac3a, Ac3h, Ac3i, Ac4b. No se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre las fracciones de A. cina y artemisinina comercial (p&gt,0.05). Se concluye que no existió efecto de las artemisininas obtenidas del extracto etanólico de A. cina sobre la capacidad de asociación de las L3 de H. contortus al tejido abomasal. Es importante continuar con más estudios de la artemisinina para determinar sobre qué fase del parásito afecta su viabilidad

    Efecto in vitro de los extractos hidroalcohólico y etanólico de semilla de papaya (Carica papaya) en Haemonchus contortus

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    Among the main health problems for sheep production are gastrointestinal parasites, of which the most important nematode is Haemonchus contortus. Current control strategies focus on the effectiveness, along with the low impact on the ecosystem. The study of the integral control of parasites allows the investigation of alternatives with probable anthelmintic effect, such as the use of papaya (Carica papaya) seeds. This study aimed at evaluating the in vitro effect of hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extracts of papaya seeds on eggs and larvae of H. contortus. The study was carried out with the equipment and facilities of Laboratory 3 of the Multidisciplinary Research Unit at the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, UNAM. The extracts were prepared through maceration in solvent. A sheep was inoculated with 5000 L3 of H. contortus, a strain isolated and maintained in the facilities. Fecal samples were collected, and eggs were recovered for the hatch inhibition assay. The eggs and L3 were pretreated with hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extract of papaya seed (2.5 mg/ml), distilled water, ethanol 90 %, and levamisole (7.5 mg/ml). The abomasal explants technique was used to evaluate the effect of the extracts on L3 and its association to the abomasal mucosa. An ANOVA was performed for repeated samples using the Statgraphics program. The ethanolic extract of the papaya seed inhibited 92 % of hatching, and the hydroalcoholic extract 50 % (p <0.05). In the case of the explants, the ethanolic extract showed 10 % of the larvae not associated with the abomasal tissue, followed by the hydroalcoholic extract with 60 % of non-associated larvae (p<0.05). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract has an effect on eggs, while the hydroalcoholic extract inhibits the association to the abomasal tissue.Entre los principales problemas sanitarios para la producción ovina están los parásitos gastroentéricos; de ellos, el más importante es Haemonchus contortus. Las estrategias actuales de control enfocan la eficacia, junto con el bajo o nulo impacto al ecosistema; el estudio del control integral de parásitos permite la investigación de alternativas con probable efecto antihelmíntico, entre ellas el uso de semilla de papaya (Carica papaya). El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto in vitro de los extractos hidroalcohólico y etanólico de la semilla de papaya (C. papaya) sobre huevos y larvas de H. contortus. El trabajo se llevó a cabo con el equipo e instalaciones del Laboratorio 3 de la Unidad de Investigación Multidisciplinaria en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, UNAM. Se elaboraron los extractos por medio de maceración en solvente. Se inoculó un ovino con 5000 larvas de tercer estadio (L3) de H. contortus, cepa aislada y mantenida en dichas instalaciones. Se tomaron muestras de materia fecal y se recuperaron huevos para el ensayo de inhibición de la eclosión. Los huevos y las L3 fueron pretratados con extracto hidroalcohólico y etanólico de semilla de papaya (2.5 mg/ml), agua destilada, etanol 90 % y levamisol (7.5 mg/ml). Se efectuó la técnica de explantes abomasales, evaluando el efecto de los extractos sobre las L3 y su asociación a la mucosa abomasal. Se realizó un ANOVA para muestras repetidas por medio del programa Statgraphics. El extracto etanólico de semilla de papaya mostró el 92 % de inhibición de la eclosión; el extracto hidroalcohólico mostró 50 % (p<0.05). En el caso de los explantes, el extracto etanólico mostró el 10 % de larvas no asociadas al tejido abomasal, seguido por el extracto hidroalcohólico, con el 60 % de larvas no asociadas (p<0.05). Se concluye que el extracto etanólico tiene efecto sobre huevos, mientras que el extracto hidroalcohólico inhibe la asociación al tejido abomasal

    In vitro effect of the hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extracts of papaya seeds (Carica papaya) against Haemonchus contortus

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 53-59).Among the main health problems for sheep production are gastrointestinal parasites, of which the most important nematode is Haemonchus contortus. Current control strategies focus on the effectiveness, along with the low impact on the ecosystem. The study of the integral control of parasites allows the investigation of alternatives with probable anthelmintic effect, such as the use of papaya (Carica papaya) seeds. This study aimed at evaluating the in vitro effect of hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extracts of papaya seeds on eggs and larvae of H. contortus. The study was carried out with the equipment and facilities of Laboratory 3 of the Multidisciplinary Research Unit at the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, UNAM. The extracts were prepared through maceration in solvent. A sheep was inoculated with 5000 L3 of H. contortus, a strain isolated and maintained in the facilities. Fecal samples were collected, and eggs were recovered for the hatch inhibition assay. The eggs and L3 were pretreated with hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extract of papaya seed (2.5 mg/ml), distilled water, ethanol 90 %, and levamisole (7.5 mg/ml). The abomasal explants technique was used to evaluate the effect of the extracts on L3 and its association to the abomasal mucosa. An ANOVA was performed for repeated samples using the Statgraphics program. The ethanolic extract of the papaya seed inhibited 92 % of hatching, and the hydroalcoholic extract 50 % (p<0.05). In the case of the explants, the ethanolic extract showed 10 % of the larvae not associated with the abomasal tissue, followed by the hydroalcoholic extract with 60 % of non-associated larvae (p<0.05). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract has an effect on eggs, while the hydroalcoholic extract inhibits the association to the abomasal tissue.Entre los principales problemas sanitarios para la producción ovina están los parásitos gastroentéricos; de ellos, el más importante es Haemonchus contortus. Las estrategias actuales de control enfocan la eficacia, junto con el bajo o nulo impacto al ecosistema; el estudio del control integral de parásitos permite la investigación de alternativas con probable efecto antihelmíntico, entre ellas el uso de semilla de papaya (Carica papaya). El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto in vitro de los extractos hidroalcohólico y etanólico de la semilla de papaya (C. papaya) sobre huevos y larvas de H. contortus. El trabajo se llevó a cabo con el equipo e instalaciones del Laboratorio 3 de la Unidad de Investigación Multidisciplinaria en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, UNAM. Se elaboraron los extractos por medio de maceración en solvente. Se inoculó un ovino con 5000 larvas de tercer estadio (L3) de H. contortus, cepa aislada y mantenida en dichas instalaciones. Se tomaron muestras de materia fecal y se recuperaron huevos para el ensayo de inhibición de la eclosión. Los huevos y las L3 fueron pretratados con extracto hidroalcohólico y etanólico de semilla de papaya (2.5 mg/ml), agua destilada, etanol 90 % y levamisol (7.5 mg/ml). Se efectuó la técnica de explantes abomasales, evaluando el efecto de los extractos sobre las L3 y su asociación a la mucosa abomasal. Se realizó un ANOVA para muestras repetidas por medio del programa Statgraphics. El extracto etanólico de semilla de papaya mostró el 92 % de inhibición de la eclosión; el extracto hidroalcohólico mostró 50 % (p<0.05). En el caso de los explantes, el extracto etanólico mostró el 10 % de larvas no asociadas al tejido abomasal, seguido por el extracto hidroalcohólico, con el 60 % de larvas no asociadas (p<0.05). Se concluye que el extracto etanólico tiene efecto sobre huevos, mientras que el extracto hidroalcohólico inhibe la asociación al tejido abomasal.Bibliografía: páginas 58-59

    Libro: Las Ciencias Políticas y Sociales ante Contingencias de Amplio Impacto. Incógnitas y Propuestas

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    Ciencia Política, Administración Pública, Política y Gobierno, y Políticas Públicas. Licencia Creative Commons License 3.0 Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Sin Obras Derivadas. Usted es libre de copiar, distribuir y comunicar públicamente la obra bajo las condiciones siguientes: Reconocimiento - Debe reconocer los créditos de la obra de la manera especificada por el autor o el licenciador (pero no de una manera que sugiera que tiene su apoyo o apoyan el uso que hace de su obra). No comercial - No puede utilizar esta obra para fines comerciales. Sin obras derivadas - No se puede alterar, transformar o generar una obra derivada a partir de esta obra.Se analizan desde una perspectiva internacional a interdisciplinaria las vertientes, problemas, incógnitas y propuestas ante una nueva realidad o normalidad, resultado y consecuencia de la pandemia que se vive de manera contemporánea, de tal manera que la problematización abordada realimente propuestas, acciones y rutas adecuadas y satisfactorias que permitan la construcción de futuros promisorios.Academia Internacional de Ciencias Político-Administrativas y Estudios de Futuro, A.C. (IAPAS por sus siglas en inglés)

    Artemisia cina 30 CH homeopathic treatment against Haemonchus contortus

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    The anthelmintic resistance problem is widely recognized in sheep production. Therefore, new methods of control against gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) need to be integrated. The aim of this work was to assess the toxicity of A. cina 30 CH as a homeopathic product against Haemonchus contortus in in vitro and in vivo assays. A. cina 30 CH was obtained from a commercial laboratory, and confirmation of artemisinin as a key ingredient was performed with mass spectrophotometry. The A. cina 30 CH and the artemisinin pure reagent were used for the inhibition of egg hatching (IEH) and for the inhibition of larval migration of H. contortus L3 (ILM). In addition, three groups of 10 naturally infected lambs with GIN were treated with A. cina 30 CH and albendazole, and 10 were used as control. The parasitic infection was monitored at 0, 7, 14 and 28 d postreatment (PT) to determine the number of eggs per gram  (epg) and  FAMACHA index.  The in vitro data  showed 100 %  IEH and 64.7 % ILM by A. cina 30 CH, and nonlethal activity was observed with the artemisinin pure reagent. The toxicity of A. cina 30 CH against H. contortus in infected lambs was observed after 7 d of infection. Administration of the A. cina 30 CH yielded a 69 % reduction in the epg at 28 d PT, similar to the albendazole (P<0.05). In conclusion, A. cina 30 CH had the ability to IEH and ILM of H. contortus in in vitro assays and reduced the number of eggs of H. contortus, which is the primary parasitic nematode in grazing lambs, thereby reducing infection.The anthelmintic resistance problem is widely recognized in sheep production. Therefore, new methods of control against gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) need to be integrated. The aim of this work was to assess the toxicity of A. cina 30 CH as a homeopathic product against Haemonchus contortus in in vitro and in vivo assays. A. cina 30 CH was obtained from a commercial laboratory, and confirmation of artemisinin as a key ingredient was performed with mass spectrophotometry. The A. cina 30 CH and the artemisinin pure reagent were used for the inhibition of egg hatching (IEH) and for the inhibition of larval migration of H. contortus L3 (ILM). In addition, three groups of 10 naturally infected lambs with GIN were treated with A. cina 30 CH and albendazole, and 10 were used as control. The parasitic infection was monitored at 0, 7, 14 and 28 d postreatment (PT) to determine the number of eggs per gram  (epg) and  FAMACHA index.  The in vitro data  showed 100 %  IEH and 64.7 % ILM by A. cina 30 CH, and nonlethal activity was observed with the artemisinin pure reagent. The toxicity of A. cina 30 CH against H. contortus in infected lambs was observed after 7 d of infection. Administration of the A. cina 30 CH yielded a 69 % reduction in the epg at 28 d PT, similar to the albendazole (P<0.05). In conclusion, A. cina 30 CH had the ability to IEH and ILM of H. contortus in in vitro assays and reduced the number of eggs of H. contortus, which is the primary parasitic nematode in grazing lambs, thereby reducing infection

    Development of the first georeferenced map of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. in Mexico from 1970 to date and prediction of its spatial distribution

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    The tick genus Ripicephalus (Boophilus), particularly R. microplus, is one of the most important ectoparasites that affects livestock health and considered an epidemiological risk because it causes significant economic losses due, mainly, to restrictions in the export of infested animals to several countries. Its spatial distribution has been tied to environmental factors, mainly warm temperatures and high relative humidity. In this work, we integrated a dataset consisting of 5843 records of Rhipicephalus spp., in Mexico covering close to 50 years to know which environmental variables mostly influence this ticks’ distribution. Occurrences were georeferenced using the software DIVA-GIS and the potential current distribution was modelled using the maximum entropy method (Maxent). The algorithm generated a map of high predictive capability (Area under the curve = 0.942), providing the various contribution and permutation importance of the tested variables. Precipitation seasonality, particularly in March, and isothermality were found to be the most significant climate variables in determining the probability of spatial distribution of Rhipicephalus spp. in Mexico (15.7%, 36.0% and 11.1%, respectively). Our findings demonstrate that Rhipicephalus has colonized Mexico widely, including areas characterized by different types of climate. We conclude that the Maxent distribution model using Rhipicephalus records and a set of environmental variables can predict the extent of the tick range in this country, information that should support the development of integrated control strategies

    Understanding <i>Artemisia cina</i> Ethyl Acetate Extract’s Anthelmintic Effect on <i>Haemonchus contortus</i> Eggs and L<sub>3</sub> Larvae: The Synergism of Peruvin Binary Mixtures

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    Haemonchus contortus, a blood-feeding parasite in grazing sheep, causes economic losses. Drug resistance necessitates exploring plant-based anthelmintics like Artemisia cina (Asteraceae). The plant, particularly its ethyl acetate extract, shows anthelmintic activity against H. contortus. However, there is limited information on pharmacodynamic interactions in ethyl acetate compounds. The study aims to identify pharmacodynamic interactions in the ethyl acetate extract of A. cina with anthelmintic effects on H. contortus eggs and L3 larvae using binary mixtures. Bioactive compounds were isolated via chromatography and identified using spectroscopic techniques. Pharmacodynamic interactions were assessed through binary mixtures with a main compound. Four bioactive compounds were identified: 1-nonacosanol, hentriacontane, peruvin, and cinic acid. Binary mixtures, with peruvin as the main compound, were performed. Peruvin/1-nonacosanol-hentriacontane and peruvin/cinic acid mixtures demonstrated 1.42-fold and 4.87-fold increased lethal effects in H. contortus L3 infective larvae, respectively, at a 0.50LC25/0.50LC25 concentration. In this work, we determined the synergism between bioactive compounds isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of A. cina and identified unreported compounds for the specie

    3′-Demethoxy-6-O-Demethylisoguaiacin and Norisoguaiacin Nematocidal Lignans from <i>Artemisia cina</i> against <i>Haemonchus contortus</i> Infective Larvae

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    Artemisia cina is a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for parasitic diseases. This study describes the isolation and chemical characterization of anthelmintic compounds of A. cina against Haemonchus contortus infective larvae (L3) through lethal testing. Previously, three extracts—n-hexane (HexAc), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and methanol (MeOAc)—were evaluated at concentrations of 4 to 0.5 mg/mL, resulting in the HexAc extract with the greatest effect of 76.6% mortality of the larvae at 4 mg/mL. Then, this was chemically fractioned by polarity, obtaining seven fractions (C1F1–C1F7), and, when evaluated at concentrations from 2 to 0.25 mg/mL, the 2 mg/mL C1F5 fraction produced an effect against the nematode H. contortus of 100% mortality of the larvae. Thus, this fraction was fractionated again by column chromatography, obtaining twelve subfractions (C2F1–C2F12) which were evaluated from 1 to 0.125 mg/mL, with the C2F5 subfraction causing a nematicidal effect of 100% mortality. NMR analysis of one (1H, 13C and DEPT) and two dimensions (COSY, HSQC and HMBC) and mass spectrometry of this fraction allowed us to identify the mixture of 3′-demethoxy-6-O-demethylisoguaiacin and norisoguaiacin. Therefore, it can be assumed that the mixture of these compounds is responsible for the anthelmintic effect. These results indicate that A. cina containing anthelmintic compounds and might be used as an antiparasitic drug against H. contortus