42 research outputs found

    Pusztaszeri Vesszős-halom (kurgán) geoarcheológiai vizsgálata

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    The aim of our research was the geoarchaeological examination of the Vesszőshalom of Pusztaszer as an anthropogenic positive exogen geological form. This mound is one of the kurgans in the Hungarian Great Plain, whose construction is connected to the Yamnaya Culture at the Late Copper and Early Bronze Age. The complex geoarchaeological investigation of the mound allowed us to separate the different construction layers in the kurgan's body. Besides the archaeological results, we were able to reconstruct the environmental conditions before and during construction by the comparative examination of the buried soil under the kurgan. For this purpose, we used sedimentological analyses (grain size distribution, geochemical analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements, malacological and pollen analysis) on the samples from the borehole of the Vesszős-halom. In addition, radiocarbon dating of some levels of the kurgan has also taken place. Based on the results of our research changes in the local environment of the mound over the past 5000 years can be reconstructed

    Út a beteljesedéshez. A dzso-ha-kjú ritmus szerepéről a hagyományos japán nó-játékban Zeami Motokijo Súgjoku tokka című tanítása nyomán

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    Besides the work done by the actor and the technical elements of nō performance, the connection between the audience and performer is also of great importance in the writings of Zeami Motokiyo, an example being the way artists build upon the expectations, reactions, and taste of the audience. Zeami interprets the jo-ha-kyū rhythm as an essential structural and rhythmical principle in nō, which is why I analyze Shūgyoku tokka, his most informative teaching, in which he deals with jo-ha-kyū not just as a practical element of nō, but elevates it to a higher, more theoretical level. Based on the original text and translations of Tom Hare, J. Thomas Rimer, Yamazaki Masakazu, and commentary by Shelley Fenno Quinn, I examine what effect jo-ha-kyū can have on the audience – and find my answer in Zeami’s concept of fulfillment (jōju), which he deduces from jo-ha-kyū. As he connects these two concepts with the principle of interest (omoshiroki) I point to how important a role the process of recognition plays in nō. This paper is a shortened version of two chapters from the author’s doctoral dissertation: Jo-ha-kyū: Rhythm, Effect and Meaning in Traditional Japanese Nō Theatre. (Originally in Hungarian.

    Az idegen vonzásában

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    Cseh Dávid Sándor recenziója Doma Petra Az idegen vonzásában. Sadayakko, Matsui Sumako és Hanako: színésznők az interkulturális színház kontextusában című kötetéről

    On the nature of bright compact radio sources at z>4.5

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    High-redshift radio-loud quasars are used to, among other things, test the predictions of cosmological models, set constraints on black hole growth in the early universe and understand galaxy evolution. Prior to this paper, 20 extragalactic radio sources at redshifts above 4.5 have been imaged with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). Here we report on observations of an additional ten z>4.5 sources at 1.7 and 5 GHz with the European VLBI Network (EVN), thereby increasing the number of imaged sources by 50%. Combining our newly observed sources with those from the literature, we create a substantial sample of 30 z>4.5 VLBI sources, allowing us to study the nature of these objects. Using spectral indices, variability and brightness temperatures, we conclude that of the 27 sources with sufficient information to classify, the radio emission from one source is from star formation, 13 are flat-spectrum radio quasars and 13 are steep-spectrum sources. We also argue that the steep-spectrum sources are off-axis (unbeamed) radio sources with rest-frame self-absorption peaks at or below GHz frequencies and that these sources can be classified as gigahertz peaked-spectrum (GPS) and megahertz peaked-spectrum (MPS) sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 18 pages, 1 figure, 7 table

    Supervision of the operation of digital circuits by Embedded Microcontroller

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    There are many electronic circuitry applications that can be used to determine circuit behaviour and operation only with the probability of time. For certain applications (medical electronics, safety engineering, operational-critical industrial applications, transport ... etc.) it is important that the quality of the circuit can be determined. In our present article, we describe a method in which we compared the digitally produced model of a circuit, and the circuit function can be determined in relation to thattime invariant model. For this process, an embedded microcontroller environment is formed which has one of the embodied test states for combinational and sequential digital circuits

    Black Hole Powered Nebulae and a Case Study of the Ultraluminous X-ray Source IC342 X-1

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    We present new radio, optical, and X-ray observations of three Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) that are associated with large-scale nebulae. We report the discovery of a radio nebula associated with the ULX IC342 X-1 using the Very Large Array (VLA). Complementary VLA observations of the nebula around Holmberg II X-1, and high-frequency Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and Very Large Telescope (VLT) spectroscopic observations of NGC5408 X-1 are also presented. We study the morphology, ionization processes, and the energetics of the optical/radio nebulae of IC342 X-1, Holmberg II X-1 and NGC5408 X-1. The energetics of the optical nebula of IC342 X-1 is discussed in the framework of standard bubble theory. The total energy content of the optical nebula is 6 x 10^52 erg. The minimum energy needed to supply the associated radio nebula is 9.2 x 10^50 erg. In addition, we detected an unresolved radio source at the location of IC342 X-1 at VLA scales. However, our Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations using the European VLBI Network likely rule out the presence of any compact radio source at milli-arcsecond (mas) scales. Using a simultaneous Swift X-ray Telescope measurement, we estimate an upper limit on the mass of the black hole in IC342 X-1 using the "fundamental plane" of accreting black holes and obtain M_BH < (1.0\pm0.3) x 10^3 M_Sun. Arguing that the nebula of IC342 X-1 is possibly inflated by a jet, we estimate accretion rates and efficiencies for the jet of IC342 X-1 and compare with sources like S26, SS433, IC10 X-1.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio spectra of bright compact sources at z>4.5

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.High-redshift quasars are important to study galaxy and active galactic nuclei (AGN) evolution, test cosmological models, and study supermassive black hole growth. Optical searches for high-redshift sources have been very successful, but radio searches are not hampered by dust obscuration and should be more effective at finding sources at even higher redshifts. Identifying high-redshift sources based on radio data is, however, not trivial. Here we report on new multi-frequency Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations of eight z>4.5 sources previously studied at high angular resolution with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). Combining these observations with those from the literature, we construct broad-band radio spectra of all 30 z>4.5 sources that have been observed with VLBI. In the sample we found flat, steep and peaked spectra in approximately equal proportions. Despite several selection effects, we conclude that the z>4.5 VLBI (and likely also non-VLBI) sources have diverse spectra and that only about a quarter of the sources in the sample have flat spectra. Previously, the majority of high-redshift radio sources were identified based on their ultra-steep spectra (USS). Recently a new method has been proposed to identify these objects based on their megahertz-peaked spectra (MPS). Neither method would have identified more than 18% of the high-redshift sources in this sample. More effective methods are necessary to reliably identify complete samples of high-redshift sources based on radio data.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Radiológiai osztályon dolgozó szakdolgozók kiégési szintje Magyarországon = Burnout level among radiology department workers in Hungary

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A segítő szakmákban dolgozó szakembereket veszélyeztető kiégésnek széles körű negatív hatásai lehetnek, ami a betegellátás minőségét és az egészségügyi rendszer hatékonyságát is befolyásolhatja. Célkitűzés: A kutatás célja volt feltárni, hogy a magyarországi radiológiai osztályon dolgozó szakdolgozókat milyen mértékben veszélyezteti a kiégés. Módszer: Kvantitatív, keresztmetszeti, leíró kutatás keretében az adatgyűjtésre 2018. június–szeptember intervallumban online felületen megosztott kérdőív segítségével, radiológiai osztályon dolgozó szakdolgozók körében került sor egyszerű, nem véletlenszerű mintavétel alkalmazásával, anonim módon. A saját szerkesztésű kérdőív a szociodemográfiai és a munkavégzés jellegével kapcsolatos jellemzők mellett a Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) nemzetközileg validált kérdőívet is tartalmazta. Eredmények: Az adatok tisztítását követően összesen 404 fő válaszait vontuk be a statisztikai elemzésbe. A többségében megyei kórházakban alkalmazott szakdolgozók átlagosan 18,3 éve (SD 13,7) dolgoznak az egészségügyi ellátórendszerben. A kiégésnek a deperszonalizáció és emocionális kimerülés dimenziójában a minta enyhén emelkedett értékű kiégést mutat. Az iskolai végzettség, az életkor és az egészségügyben eltöltött évek száma szignifikánsan befolyásolta mindhárom, kiégéssel kapcsolatos dimenziót (p≤0,05). A 31–35 éves korcsoport és a 16–20 éve a pályán lévő válaszadók tekinthetők a legveszélyeztetettebb csoportnak a kiégés mindhárom dimenziójában. Az MSc-végzettséggel rendelkezők emocionális kimerülési értéke szignifikánsan alacsonyabbnak bizonyult társaikéhoz viszonyítva. Következtetés: A deperszonalizáció és az emocionális kimerülés emelkedett értéke jelző értékkel bírhat a munkáltatók számára. A kapott eredmények a nemzetközi szakirodalomban leírtakkal jól korrelálnak. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(27): 1070–1077. | Abstract: Introduction: Burnout can have a wide negative impact on the quality and the effectiveness of the health care system. The aim of our research was to assess the burnout level of the radiology department workers in Hungary. Method: Our quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive data collection lasted from June to September 2018 using an online questionnaire. Simple, non-random sampling was carried out among radiology department workers in Hungary. In addition to our self-made questionnaire which included socio-demographic and work-related questions, an internationally validated Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire was sent out. Results: After data cleaning, a total number of 404 (n = 404) respondents were included in the statistical analysis. The majority of the respondents works in county hospital, the average year spent in the healthcare system was 18.3 (SD 13,7). The sample’s values at the depersonalization and emotional exhaustion dimension were slightly elevated in contrast to the average values. Educational level, age and years spent in the healthcare system had a significant influence on all the three dimensions of burnout (p≤0.05). The group of workers being 31–35 years old and the group of those who spent 16–20 years in the healthcare system are considered to be the most compromised groups in all the three dimensions of burnout. Respondents with master degree had significantly lower emotional exhaustion values than their colleagues. Conclusion: The increased value of the depersonalization and the emotional exhaustion can be an indicator for employers. Our results are similar like described in the international literature. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(27): 1070–1077