135 research outputs found

    Educate Every Child: Promoting Positive Solutions to School Discipline in Virginia

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    Explains how suspension and expulsion for minor misbehavior leads to lower achievement, higher dropout rates, and more contact with juvenile justice. Calls for evidence-based alternatives, incentives to reduce school exclusion, and data collection

    Access to Justice and Corporate Accountability: A Legal Case Study of HudBay in Guatemala

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    This case study looks at the avenues open for addressing serious allegations of murder, rape and assault brought by indigenous Guatemalans against a Canadian mining company, HudBay Minerals. While first-generation legal and development policy reforms have facilitated foreign mining in Guatemala, second-generation reforms have failed to address effectively conflicts arising from the development projects. The judicial mechanisms available in Guatemala are difficult to access and suffer from problems of corruption and intimidation. Relevant corporate social responsibility policies and mechanisms lack the necessary enforcement powers. Canadian courts have been reluctant to permit lawsuits against Canadian parent companies; however, in Choc v. HudBay and Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation, Ontario judges have allowed cases to proceed on the merits of the case, providing an important, if limited, avenue toward corporate accountability

    Access to Justice and Corporate Accountability: A Legal Case Study of HudBay in Guatemala

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    This case study looks at the avenues open for addressing serious allegations of murder, rape and assault brought by indigenous Guatemalans against a Canadian mining company. While first generation law and development reforms have facilitated foreign mining in Guatemala, “second generation” reforms have not yet provided a meaningful way of addressing conflicts arising from the development projects. The judicial mechanisms available in Guatemala are difficult to access and suffer from problems of corruption and intimidation. The corporate social responsibility mechanisms applicable to the mining company cannot provide enforceable orders. Canadian courts have been reluctant to permit law suits against Canadian parent companies. However, in Choc v. HudBay, an Ontario judge has allowed a case to proceed to a full trial on the merits of the case, providing an important, albeit limited, avenue for corporate accountability

    Accountability Across Borders: Mining in Guatemala and the Canadian Justice System

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    This paper has been updated and revised and is now available on ssrn as: Access to Justice and Corporate Accountability: A Legal Case Study of HudBay in Guatemala http://ssrn.com/abstract=2358981

    Evaluation of the Validity of Bio-Mathematical Models in Predicting Fatigue in an Operational Environment

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    During long-duration spaceflight missions, crewmembers and ground-support staff experience irregular sleep schedules, erratic natural light patterns, and high workload due to mission demands. Such conditions can cause circadian misalignment and sleep loss, which in turn cause deficits in cognitive performance. While bio-mathematical models have been implemented within workplace settings to predict fatigue profiles, the accuracy of sleep-wake models under conditions of non-traditional shiftwork is little known. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the validity of four sleep-wake models (e.g., SAFTE-FAST, the Unified Model of Performance, the Adenosine-Circadian Model, and the State-Space Model) designed to predict human performance and fatigue levels against objective measures of performance in a spaceflight analog. To accomplish this aim, we will collect Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) data from four crews (n=16) in the Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) over 45 days. HERA is a closed, 3-story habitat at Johnson Space Center where inhabitants are exposed to extreme space exploration scenarios under varying sleep-wake conditions. The PVT is a simple reaction time test that involves minimal learning, making it sensitive to the effects of sleep loss and circadian misalignment. Findings from this study will help inform work scheduling and implementation of effective countermeasures (e.g., caffeine, lighting) to improve work efficiency and combat fatigue, as well as offer valuable insight into the applicability of bio-mathematical fatigue models in future space exploration missions

    El Sistema Judicial Canadiense Y La Empresa Minera Hudbay En Guatemala (The Canadian Justice System and Hudbay Minerals in Guatemala)

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    The English version of this article is available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2143679El presente es un estudio sobre la explotación minera en la región de El Estor, en Guatemala. Empresas mineras canadienses han operado en esta región desde los años 1960, cuando comunidades locales fueron desplazadas para crear una mina de níquel a cielo abierto. Desde entonces la mina se ha visto asociada con asesinatos, desplazamientos forzosos y presuntas violaciones. En estos momentos hay tres procesos judiciales abiertos contra la empresa HudBay Minerals, relacionados con su propiedad sobre la mina entre 2008 y 2011. HudBay y los demandantes exponen versiones radicalmente diferentes acerca de los asesinatos y las presuntas violaciones ocurridos en ese período. Dada la violencia practicada en Guatemala contra los líderes comunitarios que manifiestan preocupaciones sobre la minería, argumentamos en este trabajo que las cortes canadienses deberían actuar para establecer si debe exigirse a la HudBay la responsabilidad que corresponda.This is a Spanish translation of “Accountability Across Borders: Mining in Guatemala and the Canadian Justice System”, a case study of mining in the El Estor region of Guatemala. Canadian mines have operated in the region since the 1960s when local communities were removed to create an open pit nickel mine. Since then, the mine has been associated with assassinations, forced removals and alleged rapes. There are now three law suits pending against HudBay Minerals relating to their ownership of the mine between 2008 and 2011. HudBay and the claimants have strikingly different versions of the events surrounding the murders and alleged rapes. Given the nature of violence in Guatemala against community leaders who express concerns with mining, we argue that courts in Canada should take responsibility for determining whether or not HudBay bears some responsibility

    The Origin and Kinematics of Cold Gas in Galactic Winds: Insight from Numerical Simulations

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    We study the origin of Na I absorbing gas in ultraluminous infrared galaxies motivated by the recent observations by Martin of extremely superthermal linewidths in this cool gas. We model the effects of repeated supernova explosions driving supershells in the central regions of molecular disks with M_d=10^10 M_\sun, using cylindrically symmetric gas dynamical simulations run with ZEUS-3D. The shocked swept-up shells quickly cool and fragment by Rayleigh-Taylor instability as they accelerate out of the dense, stratified disks. The numerical resolution of the cooling and compression at the shock fronts determines the peak shell density, and so the speed of Rayleigh-Taylor fragmentation. We identify cooled shells and shell fragments as Na I absorbing gas and study its kinematics. We find that simulations with a numerical resolution of \le 0.2 pc produce multiple Rayleigh-Taylor fragmented shells in a given line of sight. We suggest that the observed wide Na I absorption lines, = 320 \pm 120 km s^-1 are produced by these multiple fragmented shells traveling at different velocities. We also suggest that some shell fragments can be accelerated above the observed average terminal velocity of 750 km s^-1 by the same energy-driven wind with an instantaneous starburst of \sim 10^9 M_\sun. The bulk of mass is traveling with the observed average shell velocity 330 \pm 100 km s^-1. Our results show that an energy-driven bubble causing Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities can explain the kinematics of cool gas seen in the Na I observations without invoking additional physics relying primarily on momentum conservation, such as entrainment of gas by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, ram pressure driving of cold clouds by a hot wind, or radiation pressure acting on dust. (abridged)Comment: 65 pages, 22 figures, accepted by Astrophys. J. Changes during refereeing focused on context and comparison to observation

    Burden of Human papillomavirus (HPV)-related disease and potential impact of HPV vaccines in the Republic of Korea

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    Background: We aimed to review the burden and the potential impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines on HPV-related diseases in the Republic of Korea and to discuss cervical cancer prevention practices in this country. Methods: Cancer burden statistics were retrieved from GLOBOCAN-2018 and Statistics Korea. HPV disease burden was assessed via systematic review. Vaccine types relative contribution (RC) was estimated using data from an international project using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. Results: Despite a downtrend in cervical cancer in recent years, Korean rates remain high. In contrast, oropharyngeal cancer incidence has gradually increased and other anogenital cancers remain rare. In Korea, HPV prevalence in general population is around 20%. In cervical cancer, RC of HPVs 16/18 (74.0%) increased to 92.0% when including HPVs 31/33/45/52/58. Limited information was available for other HPV-related cancer sites. Regarding prevention, since the inclusion of the HPV vaccine into the National Immunization Program, almost half (49%) of the target cohort in 2016 had received the first dose of vaccine. Further, percentage of women screened with pap has increased from 41.1%-2009 to 53.0%-2016. Conclusions: HPV-related disease burden in Korea is significant. Results suggest that the combination of effective and high coverage HPV vaccination and screening programmes could substantially impact on HPV-related disease in Korea

    N1-methylpseudouridine found within COVID-19 mRNA vaccines produces faithful protein products

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    Synthetic mRNA technology is a promising avenue for treating and preventing disease. Key to the technology is the incorporation of modified nucleotides such as N1-methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ) to decrease immunogenicity of the RNA. However, relatively few studies have addressed the effects of modified nucleotides on the decoding process. Here, we investigate the effect of m1Ψ and the related modification pseudouridine (Ψ) on translation. In a reconstituted system, we find that m1Ψ does not significantly alter decoding accuracy. More importantly, we do not detect an increase in miscoded peptides when mRNA containing m1Ψ is translated in cell culture, compared with unmodified mRNA. We also find that m1Ψ does not stabilize mismatched RNA-duplex formation and only marginally promotes errors during reverse transcription. Overall, our results suggest that m1Ψ does not significantly impact translational fidelity, a welcome sign for future RNA therapeutics

    Effect of Segmental Bronchoalveolar Lavage on Quantitative Computed Tomography of the Lung

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    Rationale and Objectives: With employment of both multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and endobronchial procedures in multicenter studies, effects of timing of endobronchial procedures on quantitative imaging (Q-MDCT) metrics is a question of increasing importance.Materials and Methods: Six subjects were studied via MDCT at baseline, immediately following and at 4 hours and 24 hours post-bronchoalveolar lavage (SAL) (right middle lobe and lingula). Through quantitative image analysis, non-air, or "tissue" volume (TV) in each lung and lobe was recorded. Change in TV from baseline was used to infer retention and redistribution of lavage fluid.Results: Bronchoscopist reported unrecovered BAL volume correlated well with Q-MDCT for whole lung measures, but less well with individual lobes indicating redistribution. TV in all lobes except the right lower lobe differed significantly (P &lt;.05) from baseline immediately post lavage. At 24 hours, all lobes except the left lower lobe (small 1% mean difference at 24 hours) returned to baseline.Conclusions: These findings suggest fluid movement affecting Q-MDCT metrics between lobes and between lungs before eventual resolution, and preclude protocols involving the lavage of one lung and imaging of the other to avoid interactions. We demonstrate that Q-MDCT is sensitive to lavage fluid retention and redistribution, and endobronchial procedures should not precede Q-MDCT imaging by less than 24 hours.</p