4,292 research outputs found

    Contrarrestando/actuando el cuerpo político en la firmeza en la ausencia de Leonor de la Cueva

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    Although women protagonists in male-authored Spanish comedias were cast in pivotal roles, they remained as objects for which the male protagonists competed and contended. It has not been until recently that women playwrights have been studied by feminist critics, who have shed light on the reestablishment of the relational union of men and women. Nonetheless, while these female-authored comedias counter male authority, they often seemed to act out the part of the patriarchy.  My analysis of Leonor de la Cueva’s La firmeza en la ausencia intends to measure the impact of women’s destabilizing force as it is introduced and asserted in the play. Through the female protagonist’s constancy, Cueva’s play counters the political authority as it is represented by the male protagonists—her king, her lover, and her lover’s friend.  Moreover, in its geopolitical proximity to Cueva’s own time, the play acts out its realism, inverting the male-authored comedia’s motifs of honor, homosocial bonding, and mirror of princes. In the end, it is her body that disrupts the political and moral order, acting as both destabilizing factor and catalyst that calls the political body to order, and that is itself mirrored in the body of the text as poetic difference.A pesar del rol esencial de las mujeres en la comedia, las protagonistas han permanecido en la sombra, como objetos por los cuales competían y luchaban los hombres. Recientemente, la crítica feminista ha estudiado a las dramaturgas, iluminando el re-establecimiento en su obra del acercamiento relacional entre hombres y mujeres. Sin embargo, mientras las comedias escritas por mujeres se oponen a la autoridad masculina, parecen actuar de parte del patriarcado. Mi análisis de La firmeza en la ausencia de Leonor de la Cueva pretende medir el impacto de la fuerza desestabilizadora de la mujer tal como se introduce y se desarrolla en la obra. Es a través de la constancia de la protagonista que la obra contrarresta la autoridad política representada por los protagonistas masculinos. Su acercamiento geopolítico a la época histórica de la dramaturga acentúa su realismo, invirtiendo a la vez los temas usuales de los comediantes, como son la honra, la vinculación masculina, y el speculum principis. Al final, el cuerpo de la protagonista desvertebra el orden politico y moral al actuar como factor desestabilizador y el catalizador que re-ordena el cuerpo politico, y que, a su vez, es reflejado en el texto en su diferenciación poética

    Women Writers of Early Modern Spain : A Feminist Overview

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    Les escriptores espanyoles de la primera edat moderna no han rebut l'atenció que calia, en gran part per la manca de documentació. Els esforços recents d'investigadors feministes, però, han trobat més escriptores de les que es coneixien anteriorment. Aquests investigadors s'han dedicat a l'estudi del seu context històric, com ara l'educació i el nivell social. Cal distingir la producció cultural femenívola d'aquella que prové de religioses o seglars, i també de les elits o no-elits, encara que totes van contribuir als gèneres literaris de poesia, novel·les, contes curts o obres de teatre. Les escriptores també es van dedicar a escriure, a més, els anomenats egodocuments, com ara autobiografies, històries fundacionals de convents o epistolaris, a més de participar en acadèmies literàries i justes poètiques. Tanmateix, el més significatiu en aquest cas és que a través dels seus escrits van crear i van participar en el que podrien anomenar-se comunitats lletrades de dones

    Threshold Concepts Vs. Tricky Topics - Exploring the Causes of Student's Misunderstandings with the Problem Distiller Tool

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    This paper presents a study developed within the international project JuxtaLearn. This project aims to improve student understanding of threshold concepts by promoting student curiosity and creativity through video creation. The math concept of 'Division', widely referred in the literature as problematic for students, was recognised as a 'Tricky Topic' by teachers with the support of the Tricky Topic Tool and the Problem Distiller tool, two apps developed under the JuxtaLearn project. The methodology was based on qualitative data collected through Think Aloud protocol from a group of teachers of a public Elementary school as they used these tools. Results show that the Problem Distiller tool fostered the teachers to reflect more deeply on the causes of the students’ misunderstandings of that complex math concept. This process enabled them to develop appropriate strategies to help the students overcome these misunderstandings. The results also suggest that the stumbling blocks associated to the Tricky Topic ‘Division’ are similar to the difficulties reported in the literature describing Threshold Concepts. This conclusion is the key issue discussed in this paper and a contribution to the state of the art

    The Relationship Between Housing Conditions and Chronic Mild Stress in Rats

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    Despite the proven success of the Chronic Mild Stress (CMS) model in measuring anhedonia behaviors in rats, housing conditions could alter the effects of stressors. In our original analysis, group-housing revealed no significant difference between the stress and control subjects. As a result, this follow-up study aims to replicate the initial study using single-housing conditions instead to examine the differences between grouped and single-housed rats while measuring the effects of stress with housing as an influencing variable on our stress measures

    The impact of stereotypes in companies

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    In this literature review a theoretical discussion is made as proposal for degree. in which are discussed the opinions of different authors with our own opinions on the topic to research; being a literature review “consists of search, select and consult the literature that may be useful for the study. This the relevant and necessary information related to the research problem be selected” (Gutierrez & Maz, n.d, p. 2). The research topic is how stereotypes are developed within society and how they can specifically affect within a company. In addition, a search is done to establish as first stay which is the origin of stereotypes, the functions that they have and the different approaches that can be found, along with this as stereotypes can prejudice and discrimination one perspective, also addressing the point of view of different authors and the proper on the different topics that are present. With this in mind, promptly sets the negative effects that stereotypes cause in the development of a company such as productive recession and the labor decline of the company.INTRODUCTION STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM LITERATURE REVIEW ON STEREOTYPES WITHIN COMPANIES CONCLUSIONS REFERENCESPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna

    Teresa Guerra, poeta entre el Barroco y la Ilustración

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    Le recueil de poésie de la poète andalouse Teresa Guerra publié à Madrid en 1725 et approuvé par le censeur de l’époque, le polygraphe Diego Torres Villaroel, apporte la preuve de l’activité littéraire des femmes dans les premières décennies du dix-huitième siècle. Ses poèmes révèlent une sensibilité libérée de l’idéologie coercitive du Baroque, et annoncent à la fois les nouvelles tendances intellectuelles et sociales du Siècle des Lumières.The poetry collection published in Madrid in 1725 by the Andalusian poetess Teresa Guerra and approved by the censor and polygraph Diego de Torres y Villaroel, gives proof of women’s literary activity in the first decades of the eighteenth century. Her poems reveal a sensibility liberated from the oppressive ideology of the Baroque that simultaneously announce the new intellectual and social tendencies of the Enlightenment.El poemario de la poeta andaluza Teresa Guerra publicado en Madrid en 1725 y aprobado por el entonces censor, el polígrafo Diego de Torres Villaroel, da fe de la actividad literaria femenil a comienzos de las primeras décadas del s. XVIII. Los poemas revelan una sensibilidad liberada de la ideología opresora del Barroco, anunciando a la vez las nuevas tendencias intelectuales y sociales de la Ilustración

    Los Trionfi en España: la poética petrarquista, la teoría de la traducción y la lengua vernácula en el siglo XVI

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    The sixteenth-century translations of Petrarch’s Trionfi into Castilian offer a means of gauging the changing attitudes toward Petrarch’s poetics, translation and the vernacular language. Despite their cancionero style, the first translations of the Trionfi by Antonio de Obregón in 1512 and of the Trionfo d’amore by Alvar Gómez confirm the receptivity of Spanish culture to the development of Spanish Renaissance poetics, yet demonstrate the difficulties of translating ad sensum into a different poetic from. Bases on the apparently contradictory double purpose of the humanist translator as fidus and interpret, Hermando de Hozes’s 1554 translation in Italianate terse Rina rhyme scheme successfully appropriates the Petrarchan lyric, conveying the sense of the original while proclaiming the autonomy ambition primacy of the Castilian vernacular.Les traductions des Trionfi de Pétrarque au castillan faites au XVIe siècle offrent un moyen d’évaluer l’évolution des attitudes envers la poétique pétrarquiste, la traduction et la langue vernaculaire. Malgré leur style chansonnière, les prémieres traductions des Trionfi par Antonio de Obregón en 1512 et du Trionfo d'amore par Alvar Gómez confirment la receptivité de la culture espagnòle au développement de la poétique espagnole de la Renais­sance et cependant démontrent les difficultés de la traduction ad sensum dans une forme poétique differente. Basée sur le double propos, apparemment contradictoire, du traducteur humaniste comme fidus et interpres faite en 1554 par Hernando de Hozes en schéma italianizant de la terza rima s’approprie avec succès les rimes de Pétrarque en trasmettant le sense de l'original tout en affirmant l'autonomie et primauté du vernaculaire castillan