641 research outputs found

    Percepciones compartidas: cuando 1 y 2 son más que 3

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    Setzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)Los líderes juegan un papel fundamental dentro de las organizaciones, dado que, son elementos críticos dentro del contexto laboral, y pueden influir en cómo las personas ven su trabajo (Christian, Garza y Slaughter, 2011), de ahí la importancia de estudiar los efectos de las percepciones del supervisor y lo percibido por los equipos de trabajo. Específicamente, en las dimensiones del liderazgo transformacional, que se define por la combinación de cinco dimensiones: visión, comunicación inspiracional, estimulación intelectual, apoyo y reconocimiento (Rafferty y Griffin, 2004). Este estudio se centra en el ajuste o desajuste en relación a lo percibido por el supervisor y de equipos de trabajo. Todo ello en el contexto del Modelo HERO (HEalthy & Resilient Organizations; Salanova, 2008, 2009; Salanova, Llorens, Cifre y Martínez, 2011).La muestra está compuesta por 496 empleados que componen 49 equipos de trabajo de 12 Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas españolas (PyMEs). Los Coeficientes de Correlación Intraclase (CCI1 y CCI2) permiten la agregación de los datos al nivel de equipos de trabajo. El Análisis ANOVA, apoya parcialmente la hipótesis planteada, esto es, que la dimensión de comunicación se relaciona significativamente con las percepciones del supervisor y miembros de equipos de trabajo. Sin embargo, otras dimensiones, como por ejemplo, visión no se relaciona significativamente con las percepciones del los supervisor y equipos de trabajo (p = .430). Finalmente, se discuten los resultados teóricos y las implicaciones prácticas del estudio.Leaders play a key in organizations, since their role in the work context can influence how employees perceive their works (Christian, Heron and Slaughter, 2011), hence it is important to study the effects of supervisors’ and team work perceptions on transformational leadership dimensions. Transformational leadership is defined by the combination of five dimensions: vision, inspirational communication, intellectual stimulation, support and recognition (Rafferty and Griffin, 2004). The aim of this study is to analyze the perception fit between supervisors and work teams regarding the dimensions of transformational leadership. This study is based on the Healthy and Resilience Organization Model (HERO Model, Salanova, 2008, 2009; Salanova, Llorens, & Martinez, 2011). The sample consists of 496 employees, nested in 49 teams, and 49 supervisors of 12 Spanish Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (CCI1 and CCI2), allowed the aggregation of data at the team. The ANOVA analysis partially supports the hypothesis, that is, communication dimension is significantly related to perceptions of supervisors and work teams. However, other dimensions, such as vision, are not significantly related to the perceptions of supervisors and work teams (p = .43). Finally, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the study

    Nivel de riesgo de los enfermeros ante actitudes violentas de pacientes psiquiátricos internados

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    El personal de enfermería tiene que trabajar con pacientes que, en ocasiones, presentan conductas agresivas (físicas o verbales) hacia los enfermeros, como insultos y golpes. Este tipo de conductas perjudica la labor de enfermería. Este trabajo se realizó en el Hospital El Sauce, en los servicios “B" y “D", donde se albergan pacientes con diferentes patologías psiquiátricas, como trastorno de la personalidad, esquizofrenia, oligofrenia, entre otras, y tiene como objetivo fundamental determinar el nivel de riesgo de los enfermeros, ante actitudes violentas de pacientes psiquiátricos internados en dicho hospital. A su vez pretende conocer el tipo de agresiones a que están expuestos, conocer características socioculturales de los enfermeros, identificar las características de la organización del trabajo del sector de enfermería y establecer el nivel de exposición al riesgo de agresiones en el que se encuentran los enfermeros sujetos de estudio. Es un estudio con diseño de tipo descriptivo y transversal. La población y muestra fueron 30 enfermeros/as de los servicios “B" y “D" y para recolectar datos se utilizó un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas.Fil: Cruz, Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Tapia, Nelson. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Vega, Marisa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Contribution prosodique pour la compréhension du bégaiement en Portugais Européen

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    Silverman and Bernstein [S&B97] compared the fluency of stuttering and nonstuttering adolescents and concluded that syntactic complexity plays an important role in stuttering. Logan’s results [Log01] do not support this hypothesis. The present work goes in the line of Bergmann [Berg86] research who, taking previous studies of stuttering into account, suggested that stuttering is a prosodic disturbance. Our findings show that both syntactic complexity and prosodic length of phrases do not affect stuttering. By contrast, the most relevant factors constraining stuttering emerge from prosodic structure and prosodic prominence: it occurs at the beginning of the Phonological Phrase’s first Prosodic Word (usually unstressed) and at the Intonational Phrase medial position, even with subjects longer than 8 syllables.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mini Review

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a rising global health problem that affects approximately 6% of pregnant women. Lifestyle interventions, particularly diet, and exercise are the first-line treatment, followed by pharmacotherapy, but with associated side effects to both mother and offspring. Modulation of gut microbiota may help prevent or manage GDM. Some gut bacterial groups associated with GDM are also associated with inflammatory biomarkers and gut dysbiosis. Available literature reports that low-glycaemic index diet reduces maternal fasting and 2-hour postprandial glucose and maintains a beneficial gut bacterial composition. Pre- and probiotics can aid GDM therapy by modulating gut microbiota to eubiotic status and improving glucose metabolism. Probiotics as adjuvant GDM therapy should consider bacterial strains, dosage, and treatment duration. Limitations in their use require further studies to develop specific probioticbased GDM supplement therapy that impacts glycaemic control and inflammatory status by reducing fasting plasma glucose, insulin resistance, and improving lipid profiles of pregnant women.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prosodic structure and prominence constraints on epenthesis: evidence from hiatus resolution across Portuguese varieties

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    Languages tend to avoid hiatus and different means may be used to achieve this end, including the deletion or semivocalization of one of the vowels (Casali 1997, Frota 2000, Cabré & Prieto 2005). These processes usually apply within particular prosodic domains, and are often blocked under stress clash configurations (Nespor & Vogel 1989, Frota 2000, Cabré & Prieto 2005). Another way of breaking hiatus is through epenthesis, a common process usually motivated by phonotactic requirements or metrical structure (e.g. word minimal size, rhythmic alternation of stressed and unstressed vowels – Hall 2011, 2013). In this talk we focus on a particular case of epenthesis that is active in non-Standard, Northern and Central varieties of European Portuguese, which consists of the insertion of [j] to break a hiatus formed by central mid or low vowels (a-a), when V2 bears word stress (e.g. a aula [ɐjˈawlɐ]). Besides playing a role in the definition of the context of epenthesis, we show that prosodic and prominence conditions further constrain the phenomenon in non-trivial ways. Although [j]-insertion has long been reported in the literature (Vasconcelos 1895, Cintra 1971, Segura 2013), important details on the phenomenon are largely ignored, which we address here: (i) its prosodic domain of occurrence; (ii) possible effects of higher levels of prominence and of the prosodic status of the unit V1 belongs to (prosodic word – PW, or clitic – CL); (iii) its geographic area; (iv) external factors that may affect its occurrence (e.g. type of speech, age). Speech data were recorded from three districts in the North (Oporto, Braga, Viana do Castelo) and one in the Centre of Portugal (Portalegre). The preliminary data reported below, from 20 subjects, include 3 urban and 3 rural data points. Collected speech comes from three sources: (i) a sub-corpus of a reading task (27 sentences, produced twice by each participant), and (ii) semi-spontaneous tasks (a Map Task and an Interview). In the read speech corpus, prosodic constituency and prominence are controlled for: the hiatus sequence occurs inside or across prosodic words (PW), prosodic word groups (PWG), phonological phrases (PhP) and intonation phrases (IP); and V2 appears as the head/non-head of each domain inside IP. Speakers are evenly distributed in two age groups (20-45 years-old and above 59 years-old). Results from the three tasks show that all of the regions exhibit some amount of insertion, but the frequency and contexts of glide occurrence vary. Globally, there is more insertion when V1 belongs to a CL than to a PW (28% vs 12%, respectively), but some areas almost never show insertion when V1 belongs to a PW (i.e., Portalegre). In the latter cases, the prosodic phenomenon seems to be restricted to maximally local prosodic contexts. Results from the read speech corpus show that, when V1 is part of a PW: (i) only in one region (Viana do Castelo) glide insertion optionally applies across PhP; in most areas, glide insertion optionally applies inside and across PWG; IP boundaries, by contrast, always block insertion; (ii) to the exception of the rural point in Oporto region, higher levels of prominence matter across regions, since there is preference for insertion when V2 is the head of PhP or of PWG (21%), in contrast with non-head contexts (5%). Although older subjects tend to insert more, across age groups there is also a clear effect of type of speech, as semi-spontaneous data favours glide insertion (53% vs 17% in the reading task). This suggests that rather than simply a pattern of change, we may be in face of dialectal struggle within bidialectal communities, especially evidenced in more formal speech: prosodic and prominence constraints favour epenthesis, while external constraints (i.e. Standard prestige) press towards inhibition of glide insertion. Overall, this research contributes to determining language internal and external factors (and their respective weights) in glide epenthesis (along the lines of Coetzee 2009, 2012), and, more in general, to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms involved in phonological variation and change

    ¡Nuestro jefe es un buen jefe! Los efectos transnivel del liderazgo transformacional sobre el engagement en el trabajo en puesto de servicio

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    In service work, emotional demands are important due to their effects on social interactions with customers, patients, pupils, etc. The purpose of this study is to examine how emotional demands and leadership are related to engagement of the team members. The sample consists of 1,079 employees nested in 124 work teams from four Spanish public organizations. Multilevel analyses showed: 1) a positive effect of emotional demands on work engagement, 2) a crosslevel effect of leadership on work engagement, and 3) a cross-level moderation effect of leadership on the relationship between emotional demands and work engagement. Results suggest that shared perceptions of leadership by teams affect their work engagement levels directly and through an interaction effect on the emotional demands-engagement relationship. When employees feel emotionally overloaded, their leaders can relieve this negative impact on their levels of work engagement. Practical and theoretical implications are presented.En el trabajo de servicio, las demandas emocionales son importantes debido a sus efectos sobre las interacciones sociales con clientes, pacientes, alumnos, etc. El propósito de este estudio es examinar cómo se relacionan las demandas emocionales y el liderazgo con el engagement en el trabajo de los miembros del equipo. La muestra consiste en 1,079 empleados anidados en 124 equipos de trabajo de cuatro organizaciones públicas españolas. Los análisis multinivel mostraron: 1) un efecto positivo de las demandas emocionales sobre el engagement en el trabajo, 2) un efecto, a través de los niveles, del liderazgo sobre el engagement en el trabajo y 3) un efecto de moderación, a través de los niveles, del liderazgo sobre la relación entre las demandas emocionales y el engagement en el trabajo. Los resultados sugieren que las percepciones compartidas sobre el liderazgo que tiene el equipo afectan a sus niveles de engagement en el trabajo directamente y a través de un efecto de interacción sobre la relación demandas emocionales-engagement. Cuando los empleados se sienten emocionalmente sobrecargados, sus líderes pueden aliviar este impacto negativo en sus niveles de engagement en el trabajo. Se presentan implicaciones teóricas y prácticas

    From policies to practices: factors related to the use of inclusive practices in Portugal

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    Inclusion is considered a foundation for quality education, and teachers’ inclusive practices are essential for success in mainstream classrooms. Portugal has been making progressive improvements in its policies for inclusive education, although there is little consistency in school practices within or between schools. Moreover, data identifying the personal and career variables relevant to teachers’ inclusive practices in Portugal are scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ inclusive practices and personal and career-based characteristics, including gender, level of teaching, years of experience, roles performed at school, and perception of inclusive resources. The participants were 924 teachers who worked in private and public schools in Portugal. Regression analysis showed that perceived inclusive resources, level of teaching, and gender predicted variance in inclusive practices. Mean difference analyses revealed that teachers at the lower levels of teaching, females, and teachers reporting more inclusive resources had the highest scores for inclusive practices. These findings are discussed in terms of their practical relevance for inclusive school systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A importância do sistema de recomendação no serviço streaming: o caso Netflix

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    O consumo de conteúdo audiovisual evoluiu com o aparecimento da internet, deixando de ser necessário esperar para assistir a um filme, série ou documentário. Com a criação de serviços "streaming" e a propagação de conteúdos televisivos através da internet, alterou-se a forma como os consumidores se relacionam com os conteúdos televisivos. Agora têm a possibilidade de escolher os conteúdos, quando e em que plataforma preferem assistir. A Netflix foi o primeiro desses serviços em Portugal. As empresas procuram cada vez mais soluções estratégicas para corresponder às necessidades dos utilizadores, proporcionando um atendimento personalizado e igualmente um conteúdo de qualidade. Em alguns casos, os sistemas de recomendação, são estratégias benéficas, que otimizam o tempo de pesquisa do utilizador, fazendo com que este permaneça mais tempo na plataforma, sem perder o interesse, e que ao mesmo tempo encontre conteúdo que seja relevante. É através dos hábitos de visualização e das preferências do utilizador, que a tecnologia "Big Data" nas plataformas "streaming" consegue recomendar conteúdos. A presente investigação visa compreender como é que os sistemas de recomendação são percecionados, na experiência do utilizador e a importância que lhes é dada, determinando se o que lhes é sugerido vai ao encontro dos seus interesses. Para que isso fosse possível, foi realizado um estudo inferencial, para o qual foi desenvolvido um questionário destinado a utilizadores de plataformas "streaming", com base nos objetivos propostos.The consumption of audiovisual content has evolved with the emergence of the Internet, it is no longer necessary to wait to watch a film, series or documentary. With the creation of Streaming services and the propagation of television content over the Internet, the way in which consumers relate to television content has changed, they now have the choice of content, when and on what platform they want to watch it. Netflix was the first such service in Portugal. Companies are increasingly looking for strategic solutions to meet users' needs, providing personalised service and quality content. In some cases, recommendation systems, are beneficial strategies, which optimize the user's search time, making the user stay longer in the platform, without losing interest and at the same time finding content that is relevant. It is through the user's viewing habits and preferences that Big Data technology in streaming platforms is able to recommend content, and this research aims to understand how recommendation systems are perceived in the user experience and the importance given to them, determining whether what is suggested to them meets their interests, in order to make this possible, an inferential study was carried out, where a questionnaire to platforms streaming users, was developed based on the proposed objectives

    Early predictors of language outcomes in down syndrome: a mini-review

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    As children with Down syndrome (DS) typically manifest significant delays in language development, the research has pointed out the predictors of later language skills for this clinical population. The purpose of this study was to systematically explore the evidence for early predictors of language outcomes in infants and toddlers with DS from studies published between 2012 and 2022. After the search, nine studies met the inclusion criteria. The results indicated that maternal educational level, adaptive level of functioning, cognitive function, attention skills, communicative intent of the child, early vocalizations, gestures, baby signs, parents’ translation of their children’s gestures into words, and vocabulary level are significant predictors of language outcomes in children with DS. These findings provide a timely and warranted summary of published work that contributes to current understanding of the development of language and communication in DS. They are therefore useful to researchers, clinicians, and families

    Para a prosódia do foco em variedades do Português Europeu

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    The present paper examines the prosodic realization of narrow focus in southern varieties of European Portuguese - Algarve (Alg) and Alentejo (Ale) -, in two speech styles (reading and role-play interview). Data were analysed for nuclear pitch accent (NPA) configuration, NPA realization (pitch range), and post-focal behaviour in early focus utterances. The results show that the type of NPA in focused declaratives is more homogeneous across varieties and speech styles than the one used in interrogatives: H*+L in the former; different strategies to express focus in the latter. Early focus statements reveal post-focal subordination of the H+L* pitch accent, realized with a compressed range across varieties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio