60 research outputs found

    Adar3 is involved in learning and memory in mice

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    © 2018 Mladenova, Barry, Konen, Pineda, Guennewig, Avesson, Zinn, Schonrock, Bitar, Jonkhout, Crumlish, Kaczorowski, Gong, Pinese, Franco, Walkley, Vissel and Mattick. The amount of regulatory RNA encoded in the genome and the extent of RNA editing by the post-transcriptional deamination of adenosine to inosine (A-I) have increased with developmental complexity and may be an important factor in the cognitive evolution of animals. The newest member of the A-I editing family of ADAR proteins, the vertebrate-specific ADAR3, is highly expressed in the brain, but its functional significance is unknown. In vitro studies have suggested that ADAR3 acts as a negative regulator of A-I RNA editing but the scope and underlying mechanisms are also unknown. Meta-analysis of published data indicates that mouse Adar3 expression is highest in the hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, and olfactory region. Consistent with this, we show that mice lacking exon 3 of Adar3 (which encodes two double stranded RNA binding domains) have increased levels of anxiety and deficits in hippocampus-dependent short- and long-term memory formation. RNA sequencing revealed a dysregulation of genes involved in synaptic function in the hippocampi of Adar3-deficient mice. We also show that ADAR3 transiently translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus upon KCl-mediated activation in SH-SY5Y cells. These results indicate that ADAR3 contributes to cognitive processes in mammals

    Bacterial diseases of tilapia, their zoonotic potential and risk of antimicrobial resistance

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    Tilapia culture is an important source of income and nutrition to many rural families. Since 2000, the production of tilapia increased and reached domestic and global markets. Major farmed species is Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), in earthen ponds and cage cultures. Intensification contributed to global tilapia disease outbreaks, with bacterial infections causing mortalities and morbidities, threatening sustainable production. At tilapia farms, high nutrient concentrations, water temperature and fish densities enhance bacterial growth including virulent bacterial clones and potential zoonotic bacteria. Global warming favours this. This review respectively provides a comprehensive overview of the most common and emerging bacterial pathogens, diseases, clinical presentations and diagnostics of tilapia, including bacteria and diseases with zoonotic potential. First, common bacterial disease outbreaks, including streptococcosis, motile Aeromonas septicaemia, francisellosis, columnaris disease and vibriosis are described. Then, information on emerging bacterial infections of concern for tilapia, like edwardsiellosis through Edwardsiella ictaluri and E. tarda, as well as Aeromonas schubertii is provided. Reports of infectious bacterial tilapia disease outbreaks from other bacteria, including Lactococcus garvieae, Aerococcus viridans, Pseudomonas spp., Mycobacterium marinum and Chlamydia spp., and others are reviewed. Furthermore, bacteria with zoonotic potential, like Streptococcus agalactiae ST283, S. iniae, Aeromonas sp., E. tarda, Vibrio vulnificus pathovar (pv) piscis and M. marinum are included in the review, to provide the most current overview of the disease risks affecting production and post-harvest stages. Additionally, the status and risks of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from tilapia and other cultured fish through imprudent use of antibiotics, and its future at a global level are provided

    Seafood in Food Security: a call for bridging the terrestrial-aquatic divide

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    The contribution of seafood to global food security is being increasingly highlighted in policy. However, the extent to which such claims are supported in the current food security literature is unclear. This review assesses the extent to which seafood is represented in the recent food security literature, both individually and from a food systems perspective, in combination with terrestrially-based production systems. The results demonstrate that seafood remains under-researched compared to the role of terrestrial animal and plant production in food security. Furthermore, seafood and terrestrial production remain siloed, with very few papers addressing the combined contribution or relations between terrestrial and aquatic systems. We conclude that far more attention is needed to the specific and relative role of seafood in global food security and call for the integration of seafood in a wider interdisciplinary approach to global food system research

    Seafood in Food Security: A Call for Bridging the Terrestrial-Aquatic Divide

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    The contribution of seafood to global food security is being increasingly highlighted in policy. However, the extent to which such claims are supported in the current food security literature is unclear. This review assesses the extent to which seafood is represented in the recent food security literature, both individually and from a food systems perspective, in combination with terrestrially-based production systems. The results demonstrate that seafood remains under-researched compared to the role of terrestrial animal and plant production in food security. Furthermore, seafood and terrestrial production remain siloed, with very few papers addressing the combined contribution or relations between terrestrial and aquatic systems. We conclude that far more attention is needed to the specific and relative role of seafood in global food security and call for the integration of seafood in a wider interdisciplinary approach to global food system research

    Staging Bipolar Disorder.

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the evidence supporting a staging model for bipolar disorder. The authors conducted an extensive Medline and Pubmed search of the published literature using a variety of search terms (staging, bipolar disorder, early intervention) to find relevant articles, which were reviewed in detail. Only recently specific proposals have been made to apply clinical staging to bipolar disorder. The staging model in bipolar disorder suggests a progression from prodromal (at-risk) to more severe and refractory presentations (Stage IV). A staging model implies a longitudinal appraisal of different aspects: clinical variables, such as number of episodes and subsyndromal symptoms, functional and cognitive impairment, comorbidity, biomarkers, and neuroanatomical changes. Staging models are based on the fact that response to treatment is generally better when it is introduced early in the course of the illness. It assumes that earlier stages have better prognosis and require simpler therapeutic regimens. Staging may assist in bipolar disorder treatment planning and prognosis, and emphasize the importance of early intervention. Further research is required in this exciting and novel area

    Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Streptococcal Species recovered from Clinical Infections in Farmed Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the Philippines

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    Streptococcosis cause severe losses for global tilapia farming especially in developing countries. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize streptococci recovered from Nile tilapia farmed in the Philippines. Moribund and apparently healthy fish were sampled from grow-out cages, ponds and hatcheries. Clinical signs observed included exophthalmia, eye opacity, ascites, lethargy, erratic swimming, and haemorrhages. Results showed that both Streptococcus iniae and Streptococcus agalactiae were associated with disease in these sites. Consistent with global reports, including those from Southeast Asia, S. agalactiae was more widespread than S. iniae. Molecular serotyping of the S. agalactiae isolates identified the serotype Ia and serotype Ib. Histopathological findings were meningitis, meningoencephalitis and septicaemia. Identical virulence profiles were found for all strains of S. iniae, while S. agalactiae strains were separated into virulence profile I and profile II. All strains were susceptible to the tested antibiotics and resistant to oxolinic acid. Only S. agalactiae serotype Ib showed resistance to sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim. This is the first study from the Philippines to characterize the streptococci involved in disease outbreaks in tilapia aquaculture. Outputs from this study will promote development of efficacious disease control strategies in tilapia farming for the Philippines and in Southeast Asia
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