1,852 research outputs found

    ‘Multi-directional management’: Exploring the challenges of performance in the World Class Programme environment

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    Driven by the ever-increasing intensity of Olympic competition and the ‘no compromise – no stone unturned’ requirements frequently addressed by HM Government and its main agency, UK Sport, a change in culture across Olympic team landscapes is a common occurrence. With a focus on process, this paper presents reflections from eight current or recently serving UK Olympic sport Performance Directors on their experiences of creating and disseminating their vision for their sport, a vital initial activity of the change initiative. To facilitate a broad overview of this construct, reflections are structured around the vision’s characteristics and foundations, how it is delivered to key stakeholder groups, how it is influenced by these groups, the qualities required to ensure its longevity and its limitations. Emerging from these perceptions, the creation and maintenance of a shared team vision was portrayed as a highly dynamic task requiring the active management of a number of key internal and external stakeholders. Furthermore, the application of ‘dark’ traits and context-specific expertise were considered critical attributes for the activity’s success. Finally, recent calls for research to elucidate the wider culture optimisation process are reinforced

    The problem of the Sexta parte de comedias escogidas

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    La bibliografía del Siglo de Oro se complica por culpa de las ediciones piratas que pueden resultar engañosas. Después de analizar las técnicas de impresión por los profesionales y los fraudulentos del Siglo de Oro, el autor analiza la conocidísima problemática de la existencia de diferentes copias de la 'Sexta parte de comedias escogidas'. El objetivo final del artículo es plantear una hipótesis sobre dónde y cuándo fueron impresas las sueltas de la Sexta parte de comedias, además del lugar y la fecha de composición de los volúmenes. The bibliography of the Golden Age is complicated by pirated editions which can be deceptive. After analyzing different printing techniques used by professionals and pirates in the Golden Age, the author takes up the well-known problematic existence of several varying copies of the 'Sexta parte de comedias escogidas'. This paper tries to make hypotheses about where and when the sueltas of the 'Sexta parte de comedias escogidas' were produced, as well as about the place and date of assembly of the volumes

    Model for coiling and meandering instability of viscous threads

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    A numerical model is presented to describe both the transient and steady-state dynamics of viscous threads falling onto a plane. The steady-state coiling frequency w is calculated as a function of fall height H. In the case of weak gravity, w ~ H^{-1} and w ~ H are obtained for lower and higher fall heights respectively. When the effect of gravity is significant, the relation w ~ H^2 is observed. These results agree with the scaling laws previously predicted. The critical Reynolds number for coil-uncoil transition is discussed. When the gravity is weak, the transition occurs with hysteresis effects. If the plane moves horizontally at a constant speed, a variety of meandering oscillation modes can be observed experimentally. The present model also can describe this phenomenon. The numerically obtained state diagram for the meandering modes qualitatively agrees with the experiment.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Absorbate-Induced Piezochromism in a Porous Molecular Crystal

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    Atmospherically stable porous frameworks and materials are interesting for heterogeneous solid–gas applications. One motivation is the direct and selective uptake of pollutant/hazardous gases, where the material produces a measurable response in the presence of the analyte. In this report, we present a combined experimental and theoretical rationalization for the piezochromic response of a robust and porous molecular crystal built from an extensively fluorinated trispyrazole. The electronic response of the material is directly determined by analyte uptake, which provokes a subtle lattice contraction and an observable bathochromic shift in the optical absorption onset. Selectivity for fluorinated absorbates is demonstrated, and toluene is also found to crystallize within the pore. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of electronic structure calculations to predict a physicochemical response, providing the foundations for the design of electronically tunable porous solids with the chemical properties required for development of novel gas-uptake media

    Address by the president

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    Algunos hitos en la evolución de lo cómico en Calderón

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    A primera vista, Calderón es un escritor mucho menos «autobiográfico» que Lope: no tiene, por ejemplo, un personaje como el Belardo lopiano para darnos el punto de vista del autor. Es evidente, sin embargo, que se refiere en algunas obras a su propia situación, y a la de los miembros de su familia. Es evidente también que le interesaban mucho los personajes femeninos inteligentes y resueltos, aunque no podemos identificar sus modelos no históricos para éstos, si los hubo. Tampoco es fácil saber por qué comenzó a realizar experimentos con las «comedias grises» al final de la década de 1630, aunque su actitud crítica para con los hombres que tratan mal a las mujeres todavía se encuentra en obras tardías como ‘Fieras afemina amor’ (1671) y ‘Las armas de la hermosura’ (1676).------------------------------------------------------At first sight, Calderón is a much less «autobiographical» writer than Lope: for example, he has no character like Lope’s Belardo to give us the author’s point of view. It is clear, however, that he refers in some works to his own situation and to that of members of his family. It is also clear that he was very interested in intelligent and determined female characters, although we cannot identify his non-historical models for these, if there were any. Nor is it easy to know why he began to experiment with dark comedies in the late 1630s, although his critical attitude towards men who ill-treat women is still found in late works such as ‘Fieras afemina amor’ (1671) and ‘Las armas de la hermosura’ (1676)

    Una carta casi desconocida de Calderón de la Barca, y “El Templo de Palas” de Francisco de Avellaneda

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    Francisco de Avellaneda es uno de los dramaturgos menos famosos del siglo XVII: actuó como censor de comedias, y tiene fama de entremesista, pero también escribió una zarzuela, “El templo de Palas”. Uno de los tomos colectivos de la British Library (T.1737) contiene un ejemplar de la única edición conocida de la obra (Nápoles, 1675), estrenada en julio de 1675, probablemente en el Coliseo del Buen Retiro. Esta edición suelta facilita los únicos detalles conocidos del estreno, y nombra a los actores que actuaron en la loa, el entremés y la mojiganga; también incluye una carta de Calderón a Avellaneda, lamentando haber perdido la representación a causa de su «poca salud», dándole las gracias por prestarle el borrador para que lo leyese, y asegurándole que pudo imaginarse la representación por medio del texto escrito. Avellaneda escribió una de las aprobaciones para la “Cuarte parte” de don Pedro en 1672, pero se desconoce el grado de amistad que existía entre él y el dramaturgo.Francisco de Avellaneda is one of the less famous dramatists of the seventeenth century: he acted as a censor, and is best known as an entremesista, but he also wrote a zarzuela, “El templo de Palas” One of the British Library’s collected volumes of Spanish plays (T.1737) contains a copy of the only known edition (Naples, 1675) of the play, premiered in July 1675, probably in the Coliseo del Buen Retiro. The suelta provides the only known details of this performance, naming the actors who took part in the loa, entremés and mojiganga, and includes a letter from Calderón to Avellaneda, apologising for missing the performance because of his «poor health», thanking Avellaneda for lending him the borrador to read, and assuring him that he was able to imagine the performance from the written text. Avellaneda wrote one of the approbations for Calderón’s “Cuarte parte” in 1672, but the extent of his friendship with the dramatist is not clear

    National guidelines for management of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion : A survey of European Federation for Colposcopy members

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    Acknowledgements: Austria: Olaf Reich: Belgium: Wiebrin Tjalma; Croatia: Drazan Butorac; Cyprus: Dinos Mavromoustakis; Estonia: Terje Raud, Liis Kriisa; Finland: Maija Jakobsson;bFrance: Xavier Carcopino; Georgia: Tamar Alibegashvili; Germany: Jens Quaas Volkmar Kuppers, Greece: Georgios Michail; Hungary: Robert Koiss; Iceland: Kristjan Oddsson; Ireland: Grainne Flannelly; Israel: Efraim Siegler; Italy: Andrea Ciavattini; Kosovo: Mazllom Smajli; Latvia: Kristine Pcolkina; Lithuania: Kristina Jariene; Macedonia: Goran Dimitrov; Moldova: Uliana Tabuica; Norway: Amelie Tropé; Poland: Robert Jach; Portugal: Amélia Pedro; Romania: Mihaela Grigore Russia: Vera Prilepskaya; Serbia: Vesna Kesic; Slovenia: Spela Smrkolj ; Spain: Marta del Pino; Sweden: Björn Strander; Switzerland: André Kind, Brigitte Frey Tirri; The Netherlands: A.M.L.D. van Haaften-de Jong; Turkey: Murat Gultekin; U.K.: Pierre Martin-Hirsch; Ukraine: Nataliya VolodkoPeer reviewedPostprin