56 research outputs found

    A culture shift to support public involvement and engagement in research

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    The need to empower people to understand their health and well-being has never been greater. However, current research culture does not necessarily prioritize public involvement and engagement, and many scientists are left under-equipped to reap its benefits. Here, we outline both the positive need for purposeful public involvement and engagement in biomedical research and major systemic challenges. While some of our examples stem from the UK, we believe the learnings from them have global significance

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG inhibits the toxic effects of Staphylococcus aureus on epidermal keratinocytes

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    Few studies have evaluated the potential benefits of the topical application of probiotic bacteria or material derived from them. We have investigated whether a probiotic bacterium, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus infection of human primary keratinocytes in culture. When primary human keratinocytes were exposed to S. aureus, only 25% of the keratinocytes remained viable following 24 h of incubation. However, in the presence of 10(8) CFU/ml of live L. rhamnosus GG, the viability of the infected keratinocytes increased to 57% (P = 0.01). L. rhamnosus GG lysates and spent culture fluid also provided significant protection to keratinocytes, with 65% (P = 0.006) and 57% (P = 0.01) of cells, respectively, being viable following 24 h of incubation. Keratinocyte survival was significantly enhanced regardless of whether the probiotic was applied in the viable form or as cell lysates 2 h before or simultaneously with (P = 0.005) or 12 h after (P = 0.01) S. aureus infection. However, spent culture fluid was protective only if added before or simultaneously with S. aureus. With respect to mechanism, both L. rhamnosus GG lysate and spent culture fluid apparently inhibited adherence of S. aureus to keratinocytes by competitive exclusion, but only viable bacteria or the lysate could displace S. aureus (P = 0.04 and 0.01, respectively). Furthermore, growth of S. aureus was inhibited by either live bacteria or lysate but not spent culture fluid. Together, these data suggest at least two separate activities involved in the protective effects of L. rhamnosus GG against S. aureus, growth inhibition and reduction of bacterial adhesion

    Arginase Signalling as a Key Player in Chronic Wound Pathophysiology and Healing

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    From Frontiers via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: collection 2021, received 2021-09-10, accepted 2021-10-14, epub 2021-10-29Publication status: PublishedArginase (ARG) represents an important evolutionarily conserved enzyme that is expressed by multiple cell types in the skin. Arg acts as the mediator of the last step of the urea cycle, thus providing protection against excessive ammonia under homeostatic conditions through the production of L-ornithine and urea. L-ornithine represents the intersection point between the ARG-dependent pathways and the urea cycle, therefore contributing to cell detoxification, proliferation and collagen production. The ARG pathways help balance pro- and anti-inflammatory responses in the context of wound healing. However, local and systemic dysfunctionalities of the ARG pathways have been shown to contribute to the hindrance of the healing process and the occurrence of chronic wounds. This review discusses the functions of ARG in macrophages and fibroblasts while detailing the deleterious implications of a malfunctioning ARG enzyme in chronic skin conditions such as leg ulcers. The review also highlights how ARG links with the microbiota and how this impacts on infected chronic wounds. Lastly, the review depicts chronic wound treatments targeting the ARG pathway, alongside future diagnosis and treatment perspectives

    Cutaneous Nod2 expression regulates the skin microbiome and wound healing in a murine model

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    The skin microbiome exists in dynamic equilibrium with the host but when the skin is compromised, bacteria can colonise the wound and impair wound healing. Thus the interplay between normal skin-microbial interactions versus pathogenic-microbial interactions in wound repair is important. Bacteria are recognised by innate host pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and we previously demonstrated an important role for the PRR NOD2 (nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domains-containing protein 2) in skin wound repair. NOD2 is implicated in changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota in Crohn’s disease but its role on skin microbiota is unknown. Nod2-deficient (Nod2-/-) mice had an inherently altered skin microbiome compared with wild-type (WT) controls. Furthermore, we found Nod2-/- skin microbiome dominated and caused impaired healing, revealed in cross-fostering experiments of WT with Nod2-/- pups which then acquired altered cutaneous bacteria and delayed healing. High-throughput sequencing and qPCR revealed a significant compositional shift, specifically in the genus Pseudomonas in Nod2-/- mice. To confirm whether Pseudomonas directly impairs wound healing, WT mice were infected with P. aeruginosa biofilms and akin to Nod2-/- mice, were found to exhibit a significant delay in wound repair. Collectively, these studies demonstrate the importance of the microbial communities in skin wound healing outcome

    Five-Year Follow-Up on the Prevalence and Intensity of Infections of Schistosoma mansoni in a Hard-to-Reach District of Madagascar.

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    Schistosomiasis is a major public health problem in Madagascar. The WHO recommends preventive chemotherapy by mass drug administration (MDA) with praziquantel as the primary approach to control Schistosoma mansoni-related morbidity in endemic populations, alongside complementary interventions such as health education. The impact of annual MDA and health education programs was assessed in the hard-to-reach Marolambo district of eastern Madagascar, an area endemic for S. mansoni. Repeated cross-sectional studies undertaken 2015-2019 examined between 300 and 381 school-aged children (aged 5-14 years) annually. The prevalence and infection intensity of S. mansoni were assessed by urine-circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) dipsticks and coproscopy using Kato-Katz (KK) methodologies. After four rounds of annual MDA, a reduction in S. mansoni prevalence was seen in CCA (93.9% in year 1-87.7% in year 5; P = 0.007) and KK (73.9% in year 1-59.4% in year 5; P < 0.0001). The prevalence of heavy-intensity infections roughly halved from 23.7% to 10.1% (P < 0.0001), and the mean intensity of infection fell by 55.0% (480.2-216.3 eggs per gram of feces). A malacological survey found Biomphalaria pfeifferi snail intermediate hosts in multiple water contact sites including rice paddies, streams, and Nosivolo River. Despite reductions in infection prevalence and intensity, schistosomiasis still poses a significant public health challenge in Marolambo district. Twice yearly MDA cycles and/or community-wide MDA are suggested to better reduce infections. Expanding health education, improving standards of water, sanitation and hygiene, and attention on snail-related control will also be important, especially in rice paddy irrigated areas

    A novel copro-diagnostic molecular method for qualitative detection and identification of parasitic nematodes in amphibians and reptiles

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    © 2017 Huggins et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Anthropogenic disturbance via resource acquisition, habitat fragmentation and climate change, amongst other factors, has led to catastrophic global biodiversity losses and species extinctions at an accelerating rate. Amphibians are currently one of the worst affected classes with at least a third of species categorised as being threatened with extinction. At the same time, they are also critically important for many habitats and provide man with a powerful proxy for ecosystem health by acting as a bioindicator group. Whilst the causes of synchronised amphibian losses are varied recent research has begun to highlight a growing role that macroparasites are playing in amphibian declines. However, diagnosing parasite infection in the field can be problematic, principally relying on collection and euthanasia of hosts, followed by necropsy and morphological identification of parasites in situ. The current study developed a non-invasive PCR-based methodology for sensitive detection and identification of parasitic nematode DNA released in the faeces of infected amphibians as egg or tissue fragments (environmental DNA). A DNA extraction protocol optimised for liberation of DNA from resilient parasite eggs was developed alongside the design of a novel, nematode universal, degenerate primer pair, thus avoiding the difficulties of using species specific primers in situations where common parasite species are unknown. Used in conjunction this protocol and primer pair was tested on a wide range of faecal samples from captive and wild amphibians. The primers and protocol were validated and detected infections, including a Railletnema nematode infection in poison dart frogs from ZSL London Zoo and Mantella cowani frogs in the wild. Furthermore, we demonstrate the efficacy of our PCR-based protocol for detecting nematode infection in other hosts, such as the presence of pinworm (Aspiculuris) in two tortoise species and whipworm (Trichuris muris) in mice. Our environmental DNA approach mitigates problems associated with microscopic identification and can be applied to detect nematode parasitoses in wild and captive hosts for infection surveillance and maintenance of healthy populations

    Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte-enterocyte crosstalk regulates production of bactericidal angiogenin 4 by Paneth cells upon microbial challenge

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    Antimicrobial proteins influence intestinal microbial ecology and limit proliferation of pathogens, yet the regulation of their expression has only been partially elucidated. Here, we have identified a putative pathway involving epithelial cells and intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs) that leads to antimicrobial protein (AMP) production by Paneth cells. Mice lacking γδ iIELs (TCRδ(-/-)) express significantly reduced levels of the AMP angiogenin 4 (Ang4). These mice were also unable to up-regulate Ang4 production following oral challenge by Salmonella, leading to higher levels of mucosal invasion compared to their wild type counterparts during the first 2 hours post-challenge. The transfer of γδ iIELs from wild type (WT) mice to TCRδ(-/-) mice restored Ang4 production and Salmonella invasion levels were reduced to those obtained in WT mice. The ability to restore Ang4 production in TCRδ(-/-) mice was shown to be restricted to γδ iIELs expressing Vγ7-encoded TCRs. Using a novel intestinal crypt co-culture system we identified a putative pathway of Ang4 production initiated by exposure to Salmonella, intestinal commensals or microbial antigens that induced intestinal epithelial cells to produce cytokines including IL‑23 in a TLR-mediated manner. Exposure of TCR-Vγ7(+) γδ iIELs to IL-23 promoted IL‑22 production, which triggered Paneth cells to secrete Ang4. These findings identify a novel role for γδ iIELs in mucosal defence through sensing immediate epithelial cell cytokine responses and influencing AMP production. This in turn can contribute to the maintenance of intestinal microbial homeostasis and epithelial barrier function, and limit pathogen invasion

    Characterization of colonic dendritic cells in normal and colitic mice

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    Maintenance of Barrier Tissue Integrity by Unconventional Lymphocytes

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    Mucosal surfaces, as a first barrier with the environment are especially susceptible to damage from both pathogens and physical trauma. Thus, these sites require tightly regulated repair programs to maintain barrier function in the face of such insults. Barrier sites are also enriched for unconventional lymphocytes, which lack rearranged antigen receptors or express only a limited range of such receptors, such as ILCs (Innate Lymphoid Cells), γδ T Cells and MAIT (Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells). Recent studies have uncovered critical roles for unconventional lymphocytes in regulating mucosal barrier function, and, in particular, have highlighted their important involvement in barrier repair. The production of growth factors such as amphiregulin by ILC2, and fibroblast growth factors by γδ T cells have been shown to promote tissue repair at multiple barrier sites. Additionally, MAIT cells have been shown to exhibit pro-repair phenotypes and demonstrate microbiota-dependent promotion of murine skin healing. In this review we will discuss how immune responses at mucosal sites are controlled by unconventional lymphocytes and the ways in which these cells promote tissue repair to maintain barrier integrity in the skin, gut and lungs
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