88 research outputs found

    Drought constrains acorn production and tree growth in the Mediterranean holm oak and triggers weak legacy effects

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    Droughts are becoming more frequent in the Mediterranean basin due to warmer conditions. Droughts negatively impact forests growth for several years, often generating negative legacies or carryover effects. However, these legacies differ among tree species, sites and drought characteristics and have been mainly studied considering tree growth or canopy greenness, but ignoring reproductive phenomena. Here, we compare the legacy effects of drought on acorn and male inflorescence production and radial growth by using a 19-year series of 150 Quercus ilex individuals in three stands located in north-eastern Spain. We evaluate the relationships between monthly climate variables, tree-ring width, acorn production and male inflorescence production. For the two driest years considered (2005 and 2012), when very few acorns were produced, we did not find negative legacy effects on acorn production in the three years following droughts. The production of male inflorescences did not show any significant legacy after drought, although its annual variation was related to the climatic conditions of the year before acorn ripening. Acorn production was higher than expected for some of these years, apparently following the pattern of tree growth recovery with a certain lag. This compensatory response of acorn production differed between the two analysed droughts, in accordance with different conditions of drought timing and post-drought climate conditions. Even though few negative legacy effects of growth and acorn production were found, we confirmed the negative effect of drought stress on tree growth and acorn production, linked to dry winter conditions. Our findings confirm that drought features (timing, duration, intensity) and post-drought climate conditions influence tree growth and reproduction legacies

    renciamento da carreira do consultor de vendas como estratégia de marketing pessoal nas concessionárias de automóveis de Cacoal

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Departamento Acadêmico de Administração da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia, campus Professor Francisco Gonçalves Quiles, para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Administração. Orientador: Prof. M.e Adriano Camiloto da SilvaO consultor de vendas que investe no gerenciamento de sua própria carreira, investe de forma madura na permanência do ápice nas vendas. O consultor competitivo é aquele que não espera ser apadrinhado pela empresa, mas busca de forma independente obter conhecimentos e técnicas que o façam ser o diferencial dos demais consultores. Es te artigo buscou constatar como os consultores de vendas das concessionárias de veículos de Cacoal gerenciam suas carreiras, mostrando a vantagem competitiva que se tem, o consultor que assim o faz. Para isso, aplicou-se uma entrevista contendo dez perguntas com o objetivo de constatar a forma que estes consultores de vendas gerenciam suas próprias carreiras. A pesquisa foi descritiva e exploratória com abordagem qualitativa. O método utilizado foi o dedutivo. No resultado da pesquisa foi verificado que estes consultores de vendas possuem gerenciamento inconsciente, ou seja, procuram fazer cursos que em sua maioria são oferecidos pela empresa. Poucos são os consultores de vendas que procuram informações e aperfeiçoamento fora daquilo que a empresa pede e/ou oferece. Os consultores entrevistados estão satisfeitos com a profissão, porém poucos são os que investem com cursos no ensino superior diretamente ligado à área. Sendo a opinião da grande maioria, permanecer na profissão. No que se diz respeito ao Marketing Pessoal exercido pelos consultores de vendas, percebe-se que o consultor que é considerado proativo possui certa preocupação com sua carreira, assim, acaba tendo maior grau de cursos e treinamentos, essa prática reflete de forma direta no resultado de suas vendas, e isso se torna uma espécie de Marketing Pessoal

    Growth data of outlying plantations allows benchmarking the tolerance to climate extremes and drought stress in the European larch

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    IntroductionPlantations located outside the species distribution area represent natural experiments to assess tree tolerance to climate variability. Climate change amplifies warming-related drought stress but also leads to more climate extremes. MethodsWe studied plantations of the European larch (Larix decidua), a conifer native to central and eastern Europe, in northern Spain. We used climate, drought and tree-ring data from four larch plantations including wet (Valgañón, site V; Santurde, site S), intermediate (Ribavellosa, site R) and dry (Santa Marina, site M) sites. We aimed to benchmark the larch tolerance to climate and drought stress by analysing the relationships between radial growth increment (hereafter growth), climate data (temperature, precipitation, radiation) and a drought index. ResultsBasal area increment (BAI) was the lowest in the driest site M (5.2 cm2 yr-1; period 1988–2022), followed by site R (7.5 cm2 yr-1), with the youngest and oldest and trees being planted in M (35 years) and R (150 years) sites. BAI peaked in the wettest sites (V; 10.4 cm2 yr-1; S, 10.8 cm2 yr-1). We detected a sharp BAI reduction (30% of the regional mean) in 2001 when springto-summer conditions were very dry. In the wettest V and S sites, larch growth positively responded to current March and June-July radiation, but negatively to March precipitation. In the R site, high April precipitation enhanced growth. In the driest M site, warm conditions in the late prior winter and current spring improved growth, but warm-sunny conditions in July and dry-sunny conditions in August reduced it. Larch growth positively responded to spring-summer wet conditions considering short (1-6 months) and long (9-24 months) time scales in dry (site M) and wet-intermediate (sites S and R) sites, respectively.DiscussionLarch growth is vulnerable to drought stress in dry slow-growing plantations, but also to extreme spring wet-cloudy events followed by dry-hot conditions in wet fast-growing plantations

    Modeling Climate Impacts on Tree Growth to Assess Tree Vulnerability to Drought During Forest Dieback

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    Forest dieback because of drought is a global phenomenon threatening particular tree populations. Particularly vulnerable stands are usually located in climatically stressing locations such as xeric sites subjected to seasonal drought. These tree populations show a pronounced loss of vitality, growth decline, and high mortality in response to extreme climate events such as heat waves and droughts. However, dieback events do not uniformly affect stands, with some trees showing higher symptoms of drought vulnerability than other neighboring conspecifics. In this study, we investigated if trees showing different vulnerabilities to dieback showed lower growth rates (Grs) and higher sensitivities to the climate in the past using dendroecology and the Vaganov-Shashkin (VS) process-based growth model. We studied two Pinus pinaster stands with contrasting Grs showing recent dieback in the Iberian System, north-eastern Spain. We compared coexisting declining (D) and non-declining (ND) trees with crown defoliation values above and below the 50% threshold, respectively. The mean growth rate was lower in D than in ND trees in the two stands. The two vigor classes showed a growth divergence prior to the dieback onset and different responsiveness to climate. The ND trees were more responsive to changes in spring water balance and soil moisture than D trees, indicating a loss of growth responsiveness to the climate in stressed trees. Such an interaction between water availability and vigor was reflected by the VS-model simulations, which provided evidence for the observation that growth was mainly limited by low soil moisture in both sites. Such an interaction between water availability and vigor was reflected by the VS-model simulations, which provided evidence for the observation that growth was mainly limited by low soil moisture in both sites. The presented comparisons indicated different stand vulnerabilities to drought contingent on-site conditions. Further research should investigate the role played by environmental conditions and individual features such as access to soil water or hydraulic traits and implement them in process-based growth models to better forecast dieback. © Copyright © 2021 Valeriano, Gazol, Colangelo, González de Andrés and Camarero

    Biografía de los árboles singulares, un enfoque dendroecológico

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    EL 'PI DE LA BASSA' Y EL 'PINO DE LA LUZ' ESTUDIO DE LOS ANILLOS (TREE-RINGS) EN DOS ÁRBOLES SINGULARES Pinus halepensis Mill. es una de las especies forestales exclusivas de la cuenca mediterránea occidental más resistente a la sequía y, por ende, con una gran capacidad para establecerse en zonas con climas áridos y semiáridos donde el establecimiento de especies arbóreas es muy limitado. Es un árbol de talla mediana que pue- de alcanzar los 22-23 (30) m de altura en condiciones favorables, normalmente mide entre 10 y 15 m. Aunque los individuos de P. halepensis en el norte de África pueden tener edades superiores a 300 años (en Argelia 312 años, Touchan et al. 2011), en España no alcanzan edades tan longevas. En particular, en la Tesis de Ribas (2006) sólo se registró árboles de P. halepensis de más de 140 años en 10 de las 27 localidades españolas estudiadas, y en ningún caso registró edades superiores a 200 años. La reducción de la esperan- za de vida en España está relacionada con la disminución de las extensiones originales de los bosques, las plagas (sobre todo los últimos 20 años), la gestión forestal y los incendios. Los incendios, aunque no hacen peligrar la existencia de los bosques de pino ca- rrasco debido a que se regeneran muy bien, gracias al banco de semillas que los árboles mantienen en piñas serótinas, sí que hace disminuir la edad de la población. Históricamente, P. halepensis for- maba bosques en todo el este peninsular de España asociado a un clima mediterráneo típico, pero la ocupación y utilización de esta zona por el hombre, ha relegado a los bosques a zonas montañosas o de abandono rural. Incluso en las montañas, los bosques de esta especie han sido desplazados por la construcción de bancales para cultivos o incendios recurrentes de alta severidad (GIFs: Grandes Incendios Forestales)


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    Os nematódeos são vermes com o formato cilíndrico, que podem viver na natureza, ou parasitando plantas e animais, sendo alguns deles zoonoses. Esses helmintos são os parasitas mais importantes para as serpentes. Dentre eles, os parasitas da família Ascarididae (Ordem Ascaridida) parasitam todos os répteis, especialmente serpentes. Os vermes adultos são encontrados no trato gastrointestinal e produzem ovos de casca grossa, que são eliminados juntamente com as fezes do hospedeiro. A presença de parasitas no estômago pode causar gastrite e úlceras que podem ser perfuradas, já nos intestinos: intussuscepção, obstrução intestinal, ainda podendo causar uma enterite necrótica e como consequência celomite e morte em répteis. Alguns autores suspeitam que os gêneros que parasitam serpentes possam ser zoonose, sendo um dos possíveis responsáveis pela Neurorretinite Subaguda Unilateral Difusa (DUSN) no Brasil, síndrome ocular inflamatória provocada por larvas de nematódeos. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é relatar e fazer a descrição de Ophidascaris sp parasitando uma Bothrops jararaca, conhecida popularmente como Jararaca, de vida livre, que foi encontrada morta em uma estrada rural, no interior da cidade de Gentil, no Rio Grande do Sul. O réptil apresentava algumas áreas de traumatismo ao longo da extensão do seu corpo, com suspeita de trauma automobilístico. A necropsia do animal foi realizada imediatamente e as lesões encontradas foram fratura do crânio e vértebras adjacentes, ao realizar abertura do estômago e do intestino, foram encontrados cinco parasitas, alongados, cilíndricos, esbranquiçados a branco-rosados in vivo, de tamanho variável, os demais órgãos não foi visto nenhuma lesão macroscópica. Os endoparasitas foram coletados e acondicionados em álcool 70%, e encaminhados ao laboratório de Parasitologia do Instituto Federal Catarinense para posterior identificação. De acordo com as características anatômicas, como por exemplo, a boca trilobada com lábios quase quadrados com cantos arredondados, os endoparasitas encontrados foram avaliados em lupa estereoscópio, e medidos, sendo de comprimento variável, o menor de 2,1 cm e o maior exemplar de 5,6 cm, sendo posteriormente fixados em solução de formol comercial 10% para coleção de endoparasitas do Laboratório, a ser utilizada em aulas práticas pelos alunos das disciplinas de Parasitologia e Doenças parasitárias dos animais. Conclui-se que esta espécie identificada nunca foi relatada e está presente na região Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, e por se tratar de uma zoonose, necessita de maiores estudos

    The Interplay of the Tree and StandLevel Processes Mediate DroughtInduced Forest Dieback: Evidence from Complementary Remote Sensing and Tree-Ring Approaches

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    Moreno-Fernández, D., Camarero, J.J., García, M. et al. The Interplay of the Tree and Stand-Level Processes Mediate Drought-Induced Forest Dieback: Evidence from Complementary Remote Sensing and Tree-Ring Approaches. Ecosystems 25, 1738-1753 (2022).Drought-induced forest dieback can lead to a tipping point in community dominance, but the coupled response at the tree and stand-level response has not been properly addressed. New spatially and temporally integrated monitoring approaches that target different biological organization levels are needed. Here, we compared the temporal responses of dendrochronological and spectral indices from 1984 to 2020 at both tree and stand levels, respectively, of a drought-prone Mediterranean Pinus pinea forest currently suffering strong dieback. We test the influence of climate on temporal patterns of tree radial growth, greenness and wetness spectral indices; and we address the influence of major drought episodes on resilience metrics. Tree-ring data and spectral indices followed different spatio-temporal patterns over the study period (1984?2020). Combined information from tree growth and spectral trajectories suggests that a reduction in tree density during the mid-1990s could have promoted tree growth and reduced dieback risk. Additionally, over the last decade, extreme and recurrent droughts have resulted in crown defoliation greater than 40% in most plots since 2019. We found that tree growth and the greenness spectral index were positively related to annual precipitation, while the wetness index was positively related to mean annual temperature. The response to drought, however, was stronger for tree growth than for spectral indices. Our study demonstrates the value of long-term retrospective multiscale analyses including tree and stand-level scales to disentangle mechanisms triggering and driving forest dieback.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y UniversidadesUniversidad de AlcaláMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad de MadridUK Research and Innovatio