232 research outputs found

    A religião na sociedade contemporânea: a experiência religiosa da comunidade Chico Mendes e Fraternidade Esperança /

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.Neste estudo, procura-se analisar qual é o lugar da religião na sociedade contemporânea, tentando perceber se ela está em declínio ou se pelo contrário, se mantém viva e atuante, apenas modificando ou ampliando sua atuação. A base teórica deste trabalho são os estudos sobre religião em Weber e Durkheim. Foram feitas também análises de discursos mais atuais sobre o fenômeno religioso na sociedade contemporânea, procurando-se obter uma visão panorâmica do tema, examinando qual é a relação existente entre o processo de modernização da sociedade e o fenômeno religioso. Baseado neste estudo teórico, foi analisada a experiência religiosa da comunidade Chico Mendes em torno das irmãs da Congregação Fraternidade Esperança, onde se percebeu que a religião está sendo vivida de forma mais ampla no cotidiano das pessoas, abrangendo aspectos como cultura e identidade, porém mantendo ainda a fé no transcendente

    Anticipatory action planning in blind and sighted individuals

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    Several studies on visually guided reach-to-grasp movements have documented that how objects are grasped differs depending on the actions one intends to perform subsequently. However, no previous study has examined whether this differential grasping may also occur without visual input. In this study, we used motion capture technology to investigate the influence of visual feedback and prior visual experience on the modulation of kinematics by intention in sighted (in both full-vision and no-vision conditions), early-blind and late-blind participants. Results provide evidence of modulation of kinematics by intention to a similar degree under both full-vision and no-vision conditions. Moreover, they demonstrate that prior visual experience has little impact on the tailoring of grasping movements to intention. This suggests that sequential action planning does not depend on visual input, and may instead be ascribed to the function of multisensory-motor cortical network that operates and develops not only in light, but also in darkness

    Levantamento das produções acerca do uso da Gamificação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem de Matemática: um olhar para a formação de professores que ensinam Matemática

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar um levantamento e análise das produções acerca do uso da Gamificação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática e suas potencialidades em educação, mais especificamente aquelas que são voltadas para a formação inicial e continuada de professores que ensinam Matemática. Nesse sentido, apresentamos uma discussão acerca das Metodologias Ativas e da Gamificação, bem como sua utilização no cenário educacional, destacando as principais características dessa metodologia no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Matemática. O levantamento foi realizado na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD) considerando as palavras-chave “Gamificação” AND “Matemática” e “Gamificação AND Matemática”, com o intuito de direcionar a busca por referências favoráveis ao estudo proposto. Foram identificados 44 estudos realizados no período de 2013 a 2021, dos quais analisamos as contribuições que as cinco pesquisas encontradas que tratam da Gamificação na perspectiva da formação inicial e continuada de professores que ensinam Matemática trazem. Foram analisados a filiação da produção, os objetivos, os referenciais teóricos, os sujeitos das pesquisas, as perspectivas metodológicas e os elementos de jogos utilizados. Após a leitura das pesquisas, agrupamos as principais informações em tabelas, o que nos possibilitou a criação de quadros que deram suporte à interpretação dos resultados. Em linhas conclusivas, o levantamento aqui apresentado permite uma série de discussões e reflexões, sendo uma delas a necessidade de mais estudos que foquem no uso da Gamificação na formação inicial e continuada de professores que ensinam Matemática

    Polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS/MS analysis for identification and characterisation of Fusarium verticillioides in Brazilian corn kernels

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    Fusarium verticillioides is considered one of the most important global sources of fumonisin contamination in food and feed. Corn is one of the main commodities produced in the Northeastern Region of Brazil. The present study investigated potential mycotoxigenic fungal strains belonging to the F. verticillioides species isolated from corn kernels in 3 different Regions of the Brazilian State of Pernambuco. A polyphasic approach including classical taxonomy, molecular biology, MALDI-TOF MS and MALDI-TOF MS/MS for the identification and characterisation of the F. verticillioides strains was used. Sixty F. verticillioides strains were isolated and successfully identified by classical morphology, proteomic profiles of MALDI-TOF MS, and by molecular biology using the species-specific primers VERT-1 and VERT-2. FUM1 gene was further detected for all the 60 F. verticillioides by using the primers VERTF-1 and VERTF-2 and through the amplification profiles of the ISSR regions using the primers (GTG)5 and (GACA)4. Results obtained from molecular analysis shown a low genetic variability among these isolates from the different geographical regions. All of the 60 F. verticillioides isolates assessed by MALDI-TOF MS/MS presented ion peaks with the molecular mass of the fumonisin B1 (721.83 g/mol) and B2 (705.83 g/mol)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior-CAPES/Brazil for the Financial Suppor

    The state of knowledge of research on teacher education in the framework of the expansion of higher education in Brazil.

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    O texto tem como objetivo apresentar o estado do conhecimento das pesquisas brasileiras sobre projetos e programas desenvovidos no contexto das pol?ticas p?blicas de expans?o da Educa??o Superior e que tratam especificamente da forma??o de professores. Foram consideradas as produ??es acad?micas brasileiras cadastradas na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Disserta??es e Teses identificadas a partir dos descritores ?expans?o da educa??o superior? e ?forma??o de professores?, vinculados a todos os campos de busca dos trabalhos. Foram encontrados e analisados 15 estudos e, ap?s leitura dos textos na ?ntegra, o corpus anal?tico considerou informa??es sobre o contexto em que as pesquisas foram desenvolvidas, seus objetivos, referenciais te?ricos, metodologias e principais resultados apresentados pelo pesquisador. Os dados foram sistematizados em quadros-s?ntese na perspectiva de identificar tend?ncias te?rico-metodol?gicas, locus de produ??o e objetos de estudo na interface com os resultados apresentados. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam uma concentra??o de produ??o nas universidades p?blicas, apontam uma pluralidade de aportes te?ricos utilizados e uma ?nfase na utiliza??o de metodologias de an?lise documental e estudos de caso.The text aims to present the state of knowledge of the Brazilian researches that deal with projects and programs developed in the context of the public policies of expansion of Higher Education and that specifically deal with teacher education. We considered the Brazilian academic productions registered in the Brazilian Digital Library of Dissertations and Theses identified from the descriptions ?expansion of higher education? and ?training of teachers? linked to all fields of search of the works. Fifteen studies were found and analyzed, and after reading the texts in full, the analytical corpus considered information about the context in which the research was developed, its objectives, theoretical references, methodologies and main results presented by the researcher. The data were systematized in synthesis tables in order to identify theoretical and methodological trends, production locus and objects of study in the interface with the presented results. The results of this work indicate a concentration of production in public universities, point out a plurality of theoretical inputs used and an emphasis on the use of documental analysis methodologies and case studies


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    Este trabalho discute que para termos um ambiente de paz nos vários níveis da realidade psicossocial, precisamos compreender que a complexidade dos problemas sociais, políticos e ambientais contemporâneos está diretamente vinculada às dificuldades pessoais e sociais de nos relacionarmos e de fazermos escolhas. Temos que incentivar os sujeitos para o “aprender a ser” e o “aprender a viver juntos”, que vai bem além de somente “aprender a conhecer” e “aprender a fazer”. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência do módulo “resolução alternativa de conflitos” e discutir teórica e metodologicamente os conceitos e práticas da humanização e autoconhecimento inseridos numa proposta de currículo inovador que integra ensino/pesquisa e extensão. Na metodologia, os sujeitos dessa experiência didático-pedagógica são os estudantes e professores da UFPR Setor Litoral e da rede públicado município de Matinhos/PR/Brasil. Além de utilizar um conjunto de conceitos como Cuidado do Ser, Escuta Sensível, Aprender a conhecer, a fazer, a ser e a conviver juntos, aabordagem que nos inspirou foi a teoria junguiana, mais especificamente, o conceito de Sombra. As dinâmicas pedagógicas utilizadas foram teatro, filmes, dinâmicas em grupo, leitura de textos, música e atividades de  autoconhecimento. Percebemos que esse exercício permitiu aos envolvidos identificar, compreender e saber lidar com as emoções negativas numa perspectiva sistêmica

    Local delivery of thrombolytics before thrombectomy in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention — The DISSOLUTION randomized trial

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    Background: Ranolazine decreases the frequency of arrhythmias during the acute phases of ischemic heart disease (IHD), but it remains unknown if it has similar effects in the chronic phase of the disease. We performed a prospective, randomized, cross-over pilot trial to test the hypothesis that chronic treatment with ranolazine can reduce the incidence of documented arrhythmias and the related symptoms of palpitation in stable patients with IHD. Methods: We randomized 105 patients with stable IHD and symptoms of angina and palpitations already on therapy with betablockers and/or calcium antagonists to ranolazine (750 mg bid, N = 53) or placebo (N = 52) for 30 days (until T-1). After a washout period to avoid any carryover effect, cross-over was performed,and patients were switched to the other drug which was continued for 30 days (until T-2). All patients underwent symptomlimited exercise stress testing and 48-hour ECG Holter monitoring at T1 and T2. During the study period, patients were told to use a OmronN® portable ECG monitor HCG-801 device in case of symptoms of palpitations. Results: Ranolazine reduced the number of anginal episodes more commonly than placebo (5 ± 8 episodes/30 days vs. 21 ± 24 episodes/30 day, p = 0.001) and increased exercise durations at 1 mm ST-segment depression (514 ± 211 s vs. 402 ± 287 s, p = 0.025) and at onset of angina (614 ± 199 s vs. 519 ± 151 s, p = 0.007) at stress testing. These effects were coupled by significant decreases with ranolazine as compared with placebo treatment periods in the occurrence of frequent (N1000 beats) supraventricular arrhythmias (33% vs 52%, p = 0.01) and complex ventricular arrhythmias (17% vs 30%, p = 0.045). Complete resolution of symptoms of palpitations was significantly more common with ranolazine than placebo (31/53 vs 16/52 patients, p = 0.008). Also, portable ECG recordings showed that arrhythmias were less common during ranolazine vs. placebo, with significant decreases in number (7 ± 10 episodes/30 days vs. 23 ± 29 episodes/30 day, p = 0.001) and duration (10 ± 18 min/ 30 days vs. 19 ± 21 min/30 day, p = 0.021) of symptomatic arrhythmic episodes. No severe side effects were recorded during the trial period. Conclusion: The antianginal and antiischemic properties of ranolazine are paralleled by significant decreases in the occurrence of both arrhythmias and the related symptoms of palpitations in stable patients with IHD. (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01495520)

    Baseline genetic distinctiveness supports structured populations of thornback ray in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The thornback ray (Raja clavata) is the most important chondrichthyan in terms of landings in the Mediterranean Sea. Intense harvesting may induce negative genetic effects reducing the resilience of overfished species. For this reason, genetic diversity information should be considered in fisheries management and conservation policies. Microsatellite markers were used to unravel the genetic features (variability, connectivity, sex-biased dispersal) of R. clavata populations, both at the small (around the coast of Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea) and larger spatial scales (at the pan-Mediterranean level, and between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea). Individual clustering, multivariate and variance analyses rejected the hypothesis of genetic homogeneity, with significant genetic differences between Mediterranean and Atlantic rays, as well as within the Mediterranean Sea between its western and eastern basins. The data indicated that both the Strait of Gibraltar and the Sicilian Channel seem to be effective in limiting the dispersal of thornback ray individuals, but a further structuring was identified, with the significant genetic differentiation of the populations located in the Algero-Provençal and Tyrrhenian basins. Such a fine-scale arrangement suggests the occurrence of additional barriers to species dispersal. A lack of significant genetic differentiation, stable over the years, was measured at a local scale among R. clavata Sardinian samples. Several possible mechanisms, both biological and abiotic (e.g. migratory behaviour, waterfronts and oceanographic discontinuities), are discussed. Overall, the genetic data presented, both at the local and regional level, could represent the baseline information for the temporal monitoring of populations and assessing the effects of present or future fisheries-related management actions. The data obtained are information of paramount importance for minimizing the gaps in our current knowledge of the genetic diversity of thornback rays and maximizing the information needed for the correct protection of R. clavata populations

    Rapid generation of human recombinant monoclonal antibodies from antibody-secreting cells using ferrofluid-based technology

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    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are one of the most important classes of biologics with high therapeutic and diagnostic value, but traditional methods for mAbs generation, such as hybridoma screening and phage display, have limitations, including low efficiency and loss of natural chain pairing. To overcome these challenges, novel single B cell antibody technologies have emerged, but they also have limitations such as in vitro differentiation of memory B cells and expensive cell sorters. In this study, we present a rapid and efficient workflow for obtaining human recombinant monoclonal antibodies directly from single antigen-specific antibody secreting cells (ASCs) in the peripheral blood of convalescent COVID-19 patients using ferrofluid technology. This process allows the identification and expression of recombinant antigen-specific mAbs in less than 10 days, using RT-PCR to generate linear Ig heavy and light chain gene expression cassettes, called “minigenes”, for rapid expression of recombinant antibodies without cloning procedures. This approach has several advantages. First, it saves time and resources by eliminating the need for in vitro differentiation. It also allows individual antigen-specific ASCs to be screened for effector function prior to recombinant antibody cloning, enabling the selection of mAbs with desired characteristics and functional activity. In addition, the method allows comprehensive analysis of variable region repertoires in combination with functional assays to evaluate the specificity and function of the generated antigen-specific antibodies. Our approach, which rapidly generates recombinant monoclonal antibodies from single antigen-specific ASCs, could help to identify functional antibodies and deepen our understanding of antibody dynamics in the immune response through combined antibody repertoire sequence analysis and functional reactivity testing

    Call me by my name: unravelling the taxonomy of the gulper shark genus Centrophorus in the Mediterranean Sea through an integrated taxonomic approach

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    The current shift of fishery efforts towards the deep sea is raising concern about the vulnerability of deep-water sharks, which are often poorly studied and characterized by problematic taxonomy. For instance, in the Mediterranean Sea the taxonomy of genus Centrophorus has not been clearly unravelled yet. Since proper identification of the species is fundamental for their correct assessment and management, this study aims at clarifying the taxonomy of this genus in the Mediterranean Basin through an integrated taxonomic approach. We analysed a total of 281 gulper sharks (Centrophorus spp.) collected from various Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean waters. Molecular data obtained from cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) and a portion of a nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA gene region (28S) have highlighted the presence of a unique mitochondrial clade in the Mediterranean Sea. The morphometric results confirmed these findings, supporting the presence of a unique and distinct morphological group comprising all Mediterranean individuals. The data strongly indicate the occurrence of a single Centrophorus species in the Mediterranean, ascribable to C. cf. uyato, and suggest the need for a revision of the systematics of the genus in the area