984 research outputs found

    Desafíos jurídicos planteados por la guerra contra las drogas y la lucha contra el crimen organizado en Colombia

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    This article aims to highlight the evolution of crime in Colombia and how it is a drawback to the current understanding of the applicability of international humanitarian law. The peace agreement between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-FARC, the government and the emerging armed actors are a challenge to Colombian law and legal institutions. Accordingly, the article concluded that the use of force by the Colombian government against drug trafficking organizations, or socalled Criminal Gangs-BACRIM, does not seem to be the legal way to combat them since these organizations do not necessarily participate in hostilities, which means that the government has to follow a specific procedure.Este trabajo tiene como objeto exponer la evo- lución del crimen en Colombia y como esta desafía la comprensión actual de la aplicabilidad del derecho internacional humanitario. El acuerdo de paz entre las Fuerzas Arma- das Revolucionarias de Colombia-FARC, el gobierno y los actores armados emergentes son un reto para el derecho y las instituciones jurídicas colombianas. Luego del análisis de estos factores se concluye que el uso de la fuerza por parte del gobierno colombiano contra las organizaciones de narcotráfico, o las llamadas Bandas Criminales-BACRIM, no parece ser la forma legal para combatirlos, toda vez que estas organizaciones no necesariamente participan en las hostilidades, lo cual significa que el estado tiene que seguir un procedimiento específico

    Expensas necesarias como factor determinante en la aceptación de impuestos descontables

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    operaciones gravadas, exentas, o excluidas del impuesto y no fuere posible establecer su imputación directa a unas y otras, el cómputo de dicho descuento se efectuará en proporción al monto de tales operaciones del período fiscal correspondiente.(..:)” En cuanto al artículo 107 del estatuto tributario colombiano este anuncia que la deducción de las erogaciones incurridas por la empresa se debe dar en la medida en que estas se configuren como “expensas necesarias” para la producción de la renta, y que cumplan los requisitos de Causalidad, Necesidad y Proporcionalidad que establece la Ley para que estas sean procedentes como tal, requisitos ampliamente debatidos y definidos en diferentes sentencias del Consejo de Estado. Es así como a través de estas se precisa que el concepto de Causalidad debe entenderse como la conexidad que existe entre el gasto (causa) realizado en cualquier actividad generadora de renta por el contribuyente durante el año o período gravable, con la actividad generadora de renta, conexidad que se mide por la injerencia que tiene el gasto en la actividad productora de renta (efecto). Necesidad, hay que decir que el adjetivo “necesario” conforme con la acepción gramatical implica “Que [algo] se ha[ga] y ejecut[e] por obligación, como opuesto a voluntario y espontáneo.” Las expensas son necesarias cuando se requieran para el desarrollo de la actividad productora de renta. Proporcionalidad por su parte se requiere que exista conformidad o proporción de la erogación tanto con el ingreso como los costos y gastos de la empresa, como elementos relacionados entre sí.Every business should assess the development of its objects to classify and account separately for goods and services, both purchases and sales, in regard to exempt, excluded, taxed at different rates, exports and the income not subject or unencumbered, to obtain an accurate record in the calculation of VAT payable. It is necessary and important to the above assessment, to establish causation of purchases if all or part of the tax in question is attributed directly or indirectly as bankable revenue or an expense or cost, in other words, if it is recorded in a transitional VAT account in the current VAT account or accounts of costs or expenses depending on whether there are limits, all this bearing in mind that not all tax paying responsible for the common regime can be criticized in the VAT returns as bankable tax, and to do an analysis taking into account the conditions laid down in Articles 488, 490 and 107 of the ET In which lays down the conditions essential for this tax can be treated as tax bankable, as these are deductible only if they originate from operations which are cost or expense, the same relationship as required by Article 488 of the ET ibid, involves on the one hand, the cost is incorporated directly into the product taxed or exempted from VAT, or, alternatively, that spending is allocated to the taxable transaction or exempt from tax. Allowing claim not only costs but also the costs to be used for development of the transaction subject to taxation or exemption. When this direct causal relationship is not possible to establish proceed to implement Article 490 of the ET, as states that "When goods and services that entitle the discount will be used indistinctly in transactions taxable, exempt or excluded from the tax and not possible to establish a direct charge to one and the other, the computation of the discount shall be in proportion to the amount of those transactions from the relevant tax period. (.. :) " With regard to Article 107 of the Colombian tax statute announces that the deduction of expenses incurred by the company should be given to the extent that these constitute the so-called necessary expense, but they must meet the requirements of Causality, Necessity and Proportionality. Concepts widely recognized by the state rooms of the Council as follows: Causality understood this as the connectedness between spending (cause) held in any income generating activity by the taxpayer during the taxable year or period, with income generating activity, connectedness measured by the interference that is spending on income-producing activity (effect), Need, I must say that the adjective "necessary" in accordance with the grammatical meaning implies "That [something] has [ga] and EXECUTABLE [e] out of obligation, as opposed to voluntary and spontaneous. "And meanwhile proportionality requires that there is conformity or proportion of the expenditure both revenue and costs and expenses of the company, as interrelated elements. The expense is necessary when required for the development of income-producing activity

    Partidos políticos versus presidentes. Uma análise da congruência ideológica na América Latina

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    This study aims the political congruence in Latin American presidentialist democracies. It analyzes the levels of ideological congruence between parties and presidential candidates with their voters. The data used come from Americas Barometer at Vanderbilt University and Latin American Elites Project at the University of Salamanca for 11 Latin American countries between 2004 and 2014. The results conclude that the ideological links in Latin America are varied. Voters tend to be more congruent with the political parties they vote for in the legislative than with the candidates they vote for president, reinforcing the idea of dual legitimacy and dual representation in these countries. The radicalism, and the number, of parties and candidates appears as the most significant variables to explain ideological congruence.Este estudio apunta a la congruencia política en las democracias presidenciales latinoamericanas. Analiza los niveles de congruencia ideológica entre los partidos y los candidatos presidenciales con sus votantes. Los datos utilizados provienen del Barómetro de las Américas en la Universidad de Vanderbilt y del Proyecto de las Élites Latinoamericanas en la Universidad de Salamanca para 11 países latinoamericanos entre 2004 y 2014. Los resultados concluyen que los vínculos ideológicos en América Latina son variados. Los votantes tienden a ser más congruentes con los partidos políticos por los que votan en el legislativo que con los candidatos que votan por el presidente, lo que refuerza la idea de doble legitimidad y doble representación en estos países. El radicalismo y el número de partidos y candidatos aparecen como las variables más significativas para explicar la congruencia ideológica.Este estudo analisa a congruência política nas democracias presidencialistas da América Latina. Ele analisa os níveis de congruência ideológica entre partidos e candidatos à presidência com seus eleitores. Os dados utilizados são do Barômetro das Américas da Universidade de Vanderbilt e do Projeto de Elites da América Latina da Universidade de Salamanca para 11 países da América Latina entre 2004 e 2014. Os resultados concluem que os vínculos ideológicos na América Latina são variados. Os eleitores tendem a ser mais congruentes com os partidos políticos em que votam no legislativo do que com os candidatos que votam para presidente, reforçando a idéia de dupla legitimidade e dupla representação nesses países. O radicalismo e o número de partidos e candidatos aparecem como as variáveis mais significativas para explicar a congruência ideológica

    Relationships between vocational training centres and industrial SMEs in the Basque Country: a regional innovation system approach

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    Purpose: The aim of this document is to analyse the reach of the relation between vocational training (VT) centres and industrial SMEs in the Basque Country (Spain), and its influence on innovation processes developed by companies. Design/methodology/approach: We employ the conceptual framework offered by the Regional Innovation System (RIS) perspective and the information supplied, on the one hand, by relevant actors within the vocational training system, through in-depth interviews, and, on the other, by the response of industrial SMEs to a survey. Findings: The results obtained suggest that vocational training centres are an agent of significance within the RIS, contributing through its main lines of action (formal education, continuous training and company services) to improving the competitiveness of companies and to stimulating their innovation processes. Research limitations: Although this paper has described the nature of the main mechanisms of relation between VT centres and industrial SMEs, there is a need for ongoing research to analyse the contribution of the educational system to innovation processes in industrial SMEs. For this purpose it would be interesting to measure how the skills of qualified workers and technicians coming from the VT system mesh with company innovation processes. Originality/value: The results of this study highlight a positive relationship between vocational training and innovation.Peer Reviewe

    Office paper recyclability: first recycling

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    Paper recyclability implies in the paper capacity to be recycled maintaining its properties to the maximum. Four commercial papers from Argentina and Brazil were studied, including three eucalyptus kraft (A, B, C) and one sugar cane bagasse soda-AQ (D), all with different bleaching processes. Their physical and chemical properties and a first laboratory recycling were evaluated. A refining of the pulp with a PFI mill, applying two energy levels at two different intensities - measured by number of revolutions and load - was accomplished to reach the same °SR (between 30 and 40, approximately). The refining energy and the yield were registered in each case. The properties of laboratory handsheets, and the aging to 24, 48, 72 and 144 hours were evaluated. The statistical analysis of the results indicates that the properties of the initial eucalyptus papers were similar, whereas they were generally inferior in the case of the bagasse paper. The bagasse and eucalyptus papers presented similar initial whiteness, but the first one had a higher reversion than the others. Once repulped, the eucalyptus papers A, B and C required, respectively, 4, 7 and 10 times greater energy than D, to obtain the same °SR. In all cases, the required energy to achieve the same °SR is slightly greater with the smaller refining intensity. The physical properties of the handsheets from the first recycle of paper D were, in general, lower. Among eucalyptus papers, B showed a slightly higher resistance and C, a slightly lower one. The mechanical properties of pulp sheets A, and D to a lesser extension, were more affected by the refining intensity than the rest, indicating a higher sensitivity of the fibers. The whiteness of the sheets of pulp B is lower than the rest. Opacity and light scattering coefficient of the sheets of pulp C were much higher than those of the other pulps.Fil: Benitez, Julieta Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Koga, Mariza E. T.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo (ipt); BrasilFil: Otero D'Almeida, Maria L.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo (ipt); BrasilFil: Felissia, Fernando Esteban. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Park, Song W.. Escola Politecnica, Universidad de Sao Paulo (usp); BrasilFil: Area, Maria Cristina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Office paper recyclability: fibrous characteristics

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    Recyclability is the ability of a material to reacquire the same properties it had originally. The aim of this work was to verify the recyclability of three printing and writing papers, from the characteristics of their fibers after two recycles. Three ECF bleached kraft eucalyptus commercial bond papers from Argentina and Brazil were studied (A, B, C). The papers were repulped and refined using different levels and intensities of energy (1st recycle). Laboratory sheets were produced, and they were repulped and refined again (2nd recycle). The microscopic characteristics of repulped papers were obtained by automatic equipment based on image analysis. Differences found in the behavior of the different samples can be explained by fiber parameters. The fiber length was significantly different in the three papers (A > B > C) and globally decreased in the second recycle (about 6%). Sample A had the highest initial fiber length and length/width, but it largely decreased with refining conditions in the 1st recycle (length fall 12%, generating fines by cutting), whereas it fall 9% between the 1st and 2nd recycles, and nothing with refining conditions in the 2nd recycle. Sample B fall by 5% with refining conditions in the 1st recycle, and 9% between the 1st and the 2nd recycle, but suffered few alteration in the second recycle. Fiber length of sample C was unaffected by refining conditions and only decreased 9% between the 1st and 2nd recycles. In all cases, the generated fines increased lightly with refining in the first recycle, but were two-fold higher in the second recycle than in the first one. The fiber coarseness of the 3 samples was similar in the first recycle, but decreases significantly in the 2nd recycleFil: Benitez, Julieta Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Cs.exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Koga, Mariza E. T.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Otero D'Almeida, Maria L.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Felissia, Fernando Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Cs.exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Park, Song W.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Area, Maria Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Cs.exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; Argentin

    La danza como método de socialización cultural en Educación Primaria

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    El Trabajo de Fin de Grado consiste en una propuesta de socialización ante la existencia de diferentes culturas en el ámbito escolar. Para ello, hacemos hincapié en la importancia de las danzas del mundo como método de integración de nuevos conocimientos en un centro rural agrupado, en concreto en la clase de cuarto y quinto del colegio de Aguilafuente (Segovia). Para llevarlo a cabo se han realizado, además de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica de las temáticas abordadas en el trabajo, diferentes sesiones prácticas en el aula en las que se integran la búsqueda de información, la exposición y la puesta en práctica de distintas danzas de otros países. El colegio elegido participa en un proyecto cooperativo llamado evoTICvos, en cuyo blog compartirán alguna de las danzas realizadas en clase y estas podrán ser visionadas por colegios de distintos lugares de España que también colaboran.Grado en Educación Primari

    El papel del profesional de la educación social en el ámbito escolar. Investigación en centros educativos de Valladolid

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    Este trabajo pretende reflejar la necesidad que existe en los centros educativos de la presencia del/la Educador-a Social. Para ello ha sido realizada una investigación en tres centros escolares públicos de Valladolid, los cuales presentan características socioculturales similares. En primer lugar se estudia la evolución que ha tenido la Educación Social hasta el siglo XXI. A continuación, se plantea la exclusión existente acerca del ámbito formal en Educación Social. El estudio de esta exclusión se realiza de manera concreta en los centros educativos mencionados, donde, a través de unos cuestionarios y un análisis profundo de los resultados se obtienen las conclusiones que finalizan el trabajo. Como conclusión global, el estudio pretende, por tanto, recabar las opiniones de los docentes, consideradas fundamentales para analizar un campo en el que estos son protagonistas en primera línea, y a través de ellas extraer las conclusiones más certeras posibles en cuanto al conocimiento que en los colegios se tiene de la labor del/la Educador-a Social, la necesidad de incluir a este profesional en el engranaje formativo y sus posibles competencias. Además, es el propio profesorado de estos centros estudiados, el que declara la necesaria presencia de un/a Educador-a Social en el aula.Grado en Educación Socia

    Estudio del mecanismo de las reacciones de sustitución nucleófila sobre átomos de halógeno

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    Los agentes clorantes que poseen un átomo de Cl+ son moléculas importantes porque tienen alta capacidad bactericida, por lo que con frecuencia son utilizados como agentes desinfectantes de aguas para que estas puedan ser utilizadas como aguas potables. Sin embargo, su utilización en el tratamiento de aguas puede generar problemas cuando en el agua existen otros compuestos químicos. En este trabajo se han estudiado ejemplos de algunas de las reacciones que se pueden producir en el medio acuoso cuando se produce la desinfección con cloro o sus derivados: reacciones de formación de N-clorocompuestos, reacciones de oxidación de haluros y reacciones de hidrólisis de agentes clorantes


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    Abstract: Ten years after its emergence, it is now time to reflect onwhat New Theatre Forms brought to the independent theatre landscapein Madrid. This article analyses three distinctive theatrical forms Microtheatre,Immersive Theatre (La Casa de la Portera) and Theatre Series inrelation to both their context of origin characterised by the financial crisisand austerity cuts and the theatre theories behind them. This article aimsto focus, in particular, in the Theatre Series and the legacy of these NewTheatre Forms in early 21st-century Spanish theatre.Resumen: Pasados diez años desde su eclosión, parece necesarioreflexionar sobre lo que supusieron los Nuevos Formatos teatrales en laescena independiente de Madrid. En las páginas siguientes estudiaremostres formatos distintos el Microteatro, el Teatro inmersivo (La Casa de laPortera) y el Teatro en Serie atendiendo al contexto en el que aparecieronfuertemente marcado por la crisis y sus recortes pero también a partirde un análisis de sus poéticas teatrales. Prestaremos especial atención alTeatro en Serie y a la herencia dejada por los Nuevos Formatos en el teatroespañol de comienzos del siglo XXI. Abstract: Ten years after its emergence, it is now time to reflect onwhat New Theatre Forms brought to the independent theatre landscapein Madrid. This article analyses three distinctive theatrical forms Microtheatre,Immersive Theatre (La Casa de la Portera) and Theatre Series inrelation to both their context of origin characterised by the financial crisisand austerity cuts and the theatre theories behind them. This article aimsto focus, in particular, in the Theatre Series and the legacy of these NewTheatre Forms in early 21st-century Spanish theatre