5,316 research outputs found

    Viral Genome Segmentation Can Result from a Trade-Off between Genetic Content and Particle Stability

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    The evolutionary benefit of viral genome segmentation is a classical, yet unsolved question in evolutionary biology and RNA genetics. Theoretical studies anticipated that replication of shorter RNA segments could provide a replicative advantage over standard size genomes. However, this question has remained elusive to experimentalists because of the lack of a proper viral model system. Here we present a study with a stable segmented bipartite RNA virus and its ancestor non-segmented counterpart, in an identical genomic nucleotide sequence context. Results of RNA replication, protein expression, competition experiments, and inactivation of infectious particles point to a non-replicative trait, the particle stability, as the main driver of fitness gain of segmented genomes. Accordingly, measurements of the volume occupation of the genome inside viral capsids indicate that packaging shorter genomes involves a relaxation of the packaging density that is energetically favourable. The empirical observations are used to design a computational model that predicts the existence of a critical multiplicity of infection for domination of segmented over standard types. Our experiments suggest that viral segmented genomes may have arisen as a molecular solution for the trade-off between genome length and particle stability. Genome segmentation allows maximizing the genetic content without the detrimental effect in stability derived from incresing genome length

    Are nursing students trained to meet the needs of cancer survivors and their families? New challenges, new opportunities

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    Current cancer treatments, along with more effective prevention measures, are producing increased cancer survival globally;(1) becoming – in many cases – a chronic disease.(2) Care of patients and families, living with a chronic disease, like cancer, constitutes one of the principal challenges for most health systems because they represent a heavy burden in terms of morbidity and mortality and carry a high percentage of the public expenditure in health.(3) Above all, the impact of cancer entails suffering and represents an important limitation in the quality of life, productivity, and functional state of the sick individuals and those living with them, that is, their family. More so, with evidence of the progressive increase of the number of older people with cancer, who are more prone to having comorbidities and other problems associated with their age, like dementia, depression, cerebrovascular accident, and diabetes

    Current status of genus Impatiens: Bioactive compounds and natural pigments with health benefits

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    The market for edible flowers has grown exponentially due to consumers demand. This has been motivated by the concern to include healthier foods in the daily diet, leading to a great interest in these natural matrices. However, and although the consumption of this type of matrices are popularly associated with health benefits, scientific studies are still scarce. The industry seeks to satisfy the consumers demands and, at the same time, seeks to launch new challenges in the sector, in order to outline new conservation and production strategies. Although there are several flowers with edible potential in nature, many are still little explored or unnoticed, so this type of study is increasingly sought after. Scope and approach: The present review intendeds to explore the context of edible flowers as well as their conditions of production and consumption. Then, focusing on the characterization of the genus Impatiens, which, although is still little explored, gathers data on its chemical and nutritional characterization, bioactivities, and the possible exploration of natural pigments and industrial application. Key findings and conclusions: Several studies have been focused on the chemical characterization of flowers, evaluation their edibility, as well as validating their bioactive potential. In particular, the genus Impatiens is characterized by presenting perennial and succulent herbs with attractive colors, normally found in tropical forests. There are countless studies on the bioactive activities present in these edible flowers. In addition, its pigmentation has a direct relationship with the presence of several compounds, especially anthocyanins and their derivatives. These bioactive compounds have a great interest to the food industry and consumers, due to their diverse health benefits that are provided by their regular consumption.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support by national funds FCT/ MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020). L. Barros would like to thank the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract. To the project AllNat for the contract of C. Caleja (Project AllNat POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030463). The authors are also grateful to the project TRANSCoLAB 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P. This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479: ValorNatural ®, Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042: Project GreenHealth. This work was also financed by ERDF, through the Incentive System to Research and Technological Development, within the Portugal2020 Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program, for the project POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046112: BIOMA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Instrumentos para la valoración de las necesidades de los familiares de pacientes ingresados en cuidados intensivos: una revisión sistemática

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    El ingreso de un familiar en una unidad de cuidados intensivos es un evento estresante para los miembros de la familia. Durante ese periodo, la familia padece situaciones de miedo, incertidumbre y cansancio, y dedica toda su atención a la evolución del familiar ingresado. En ese contexto, resulta imprescindible el apoyo y la atención por parte de los profesionales sanitarios mediante la valoración de las necesidades propias de la familia. Existen diversos instrumentos creados para la valoración de dichas necesidades. A través de esta revisión sistemática, se pretende identificar cuáles son esos cuestionarios y analizar críticamente sus características para ofrecer a los profesionales que trabajan en áreas de críticos unos cuestionarios válidos y fiables que puedan utilizar en el abordaje a las familias.The hospitalisation of a family member in an intensive care unit is a stressful event for the rest of the family members. During hospitalisation, the family suffers situations of fear, uncertainty and tiredness, and focuses on the medical evolution of their ill member. In this context, support and attention from health care professionals through the assessment of the needs of the family are crucial. There are different instruments for the assessment of a family’s needs. This systematic review aims to identify these questionnaires and to critically analyse their characteristics, so as to offer professionals valid and reliable questionnaires that they can use when caring for families in critical units

    Rol avanzado en enfermería: master en ciencias de la enfermería

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    El contexto profesional, socio sanitario y académico donde se desarrolla la profesión de enfermería, ha experimentado un profundo proceso de transformación a nivel mundial y en nuestro país. La sociedad del siglo XXI está sumida en numerosos e importantes cambios relacionados con los avances científicos y tecnológicos, el desarrollo económico, la educación de la población, el fenómeno de la globalización, aspectos demográficos, la inmigración, cambios en los patrones epidemiológicos, etc. Estos cambios están influyendo en el sistema de salud y en el ámbito donde se desarrollan los cuidados de salud. Ante estos cambios, la enfermería necesita, necesitamos, preparar a buenos líderes, buenos docentes y buenos profesionales clínicos, con capacidad crítica y de razonamiento y la habilidad de tomar decisiones en base a la mejor evidencia disponible. Es decir, la enfermería necesita desarrollar ahora más que nunca nuevas formas de trabajar que incluyan roles y perfiles innovadores, una mayor apertura de enfoques de cuidado así como la oportunidad de demostrar mayor liderazgo en el desarrollo de los servicios de salud. La enfermería de rol avanzado puede dar respuesta a estas cuestiones. Numerosos estudios internacionales han evidenciado el impacto positivo de la enfermera de rol avanzado en el ámbito hospitalario, la llamada “clinical nurse specialist” (enfermera especialista), en relación con una mayor satisfacción de los pacientes, la reducción de costes para los servicios sanitarios, así como una disminución de complicaciones al alta1. Otras investigaciones desarrolladas2-3 han evidenciado también el claro beneficio de la enfermera de rol avanzado en la atención primaria de salud, conocida en el ámbito americano y anglosajón como “nurse practitioner” (enfermera practicante). No cabe duda de que la incorporación de nuevos perfiles profesionales, como es la enfermería de práctica avanzada, tiene beneficios tanto para la atención del paciente y familia, el equipo de enfermería así como para el sistema sanitario. Pero: ¿A qué nos referimos con una enfermera de rol o práctica avanzada? Como siempre existen muchas definiciones del concepto. Por ejemplo, Bryant-Lukosious y colaboradores4 definen el concepto de práctica avanzada como “la frontera futura para la práctica de enfermería y 116 Rol avanzado y Master el desarrollo profesional. Es una forma de ver el mundo que permite cuestionar la práctica actual, la creación de nuevo conocimiento de enfermería y la mejora de los cuidados y servicios de salud” (p. 520). Por su parte, el Consejo Internacional de Enfermería (CIE) define a una enfermera de práctica avanzada como “una enfermera profesional que ha adquirido la base de conocimiento de experto, cuyas características se ajustan al contexto y/o al país en donde está autorizada para trabajar. Un título de master es el recomendado como nivel de entrada”5. A pesar de la diversidad de definiciones, todas recogen una característica común para desarrollar una práctica avanzada de enfermería: la adquisición de estudios de posgrado, bien de master o de doctorado para desarrollar las competencias de una enfermera de rol avanzado