37 research outputs found

    Enhanced fluid characterization in the millimeter-wave band using Gap Waveguide Technology

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    [EN] Microfluidic systems have been emerged as a promising technology for molecular analysis, biodefence and microelectronics. The properties of the microfluidic devices, such as rapid sample processing and the precise control of fluids, have made them attractive candidates to replace traditional experimental approaches. Microfluidic devices are characterized by fluidic channels with dimensions on the order of tens to hundreds of micrometers. Structures with this size enable the integration of lab-on-chip technology, which allows processing miniaturized devices for fluid control and manipulation. Fluid sensing by microwave sensors based on the RF analysis offers new possibilities for the characterization of mediums by non-invasive methods. Dielectric measurement of fluids is important because it can provide the electric or magnetic characteristics of the materials, which proved useful in many research and development fields, such as molecular biology and medical diagnosis. Several techniques are available in the frequency domain for analyzing the dielectric properties of liquids and their composition. We are focused in resonant cavity techniques for fluid characterization in the millimeter-wave range. However, these techniques are incompatible with lab-on-chip process due its dimensions in this frequency range. In this context, a new structure called gap waveguide appears as a good candidate to overcome the principal drawbacks of the classical resonant cavities. This thesis presents the development of the gap waveguide technology in the millimeter-wave band. Other conventional technologies are discussed as well, to compare them with the performance in terms of losses of the gap waveguide. We also present the resonator design based on gap waveguide with the purpose of making the gap waveguide a technology capable of working in the microfluidic sensing domain. In this context, we propose a comparative study between gap waveguide and Substrate Integrated Cavity (SIC) with the aim to characterize the fluid permittivity at 60 GHz. With this purpose, several prototypes have been manufactured with PCB ("Printed Circuit Board") and Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technologies. A work in the LTCC laboratory has been done with the purpose of validating some steps in the LTCC process which are key in the gap waveguide manufacturing, especially those related with the creation of cavities (external and internal) using LTCC materials.[ES] Los sistemas microfluídicos han emergido como una tecnología prometedora para el análisis molecular, biodefensa y microelectrónica. Las propiedades de los dispositivos microfluídicos tales como el procesamiento rápido de las muestras y el control de los fluidos, les han hecho atractivos candidatos para reemplazar los tradicionales métodos experimentales. Los dispositivos microfluídcos están caracterizados por canales fluídicos con dimensiones del orden de decenas a centenares de micrómetros. Las estructuras con estos tamaños permiten la integración de la tecnología "lab-on-chip", la cual permite el procesamiento de dispositivos miniaturizados para el control y la manipulación de fluidos. La detección de fluidos a través de sensores de microondas basados en el análisis de radiofrecuencia ofrece nuevas posibilidades para la caracterización de medios a través de métodos no invasivos. Las medidas dieléctricas de los fluidos son importantes debido a que pueden proporcionar información las características eléctricas o magnéticas de los materiales, siendo útil en muchos campos de investigación y desarrollo tales como biología molecular o para realizar diagnósticos médicos. En el dominio frecuencial, varias tecnologías están disponibles en el mercado para analizar las propiedades dieléctricas y la composición de los líquidos. En esta tesis, estamos enfocados en las técnicas basadas en cavidades resonantes para la caracterización de fluidos en el rango de las ondas milimétricas. Sin embargo, estas técnicas son incompatibles con los procesos "lab-on-chip" debido a sus dimensiones en esta banda de frecuencia. En este contexto, una nueva estructura guía onda denominada "gap waveguide" aparece como un buen candidato para solventar los principales inconvenientes de las clásicas cavidades resonantes. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado la tecnología "gap waveguide" en la banda de ondas milimétricas. Otras tecnologías convencionales serán estudiadas para comparar el rendimiento de todas ellas en términos de pérdidas. También se presenta en esta tesis, el diseño de resonadores basados en la tecnología "gap waveguide" con el propósito de hacer esta tecnología compatible con la detección microfluídica. En este contexto, proponemos un estudio comparativo entre las tecnologías "gap waveguide" y "Substrate Integrated Cavity" (SIC) con el objetivo de caracterizar la permitividad de los fluidos a 60 GHz. Con este propósito, varios prototipos han sido fabricados usando las tecnologías PCB ("Printed Circuit Board") y LTCC ("Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic". Un importante trabajo en el laboratorio LTCC se realizó para validar algunas de las etapas del proceso LTCC que eran la clave para la fabricación de prototipos basados en "gap waveguide", como la creación de cavidades (externas e internas) usando materiales LTCC.[CA] Els sistemes microfluídics han emergit com una tecnologia prometedora per a l'anàlisi molecular, biodefensa i microelectrònica. Les propietats dels dispositius microfluídics com el processament ràpid de les mostres i control dels fluids, els han fet atractius candidats per a reemplaçar les tradicionals aproximacions experimentals. Els dispositius microfluídcs estan caracteritzats per canals fluídics amb dimensions de l'orde de desenes a centenars de micròmetres. Les estructures amb estes grandàries permeten la integració de la tecnologia "lab-on-chip", la qual permet el processament de dispositius miniaturitzats per al control i la manipulació de fluids. La detecció de fluids a través de sensors de microones basats en l'anàlisi de radiofreqüència oferix noves possibilitats per a la caracterització de sistemes a través de mètodes no invasius. Les mesures dielèctriques dels fluids són importants pel fet que poden proporcionar informació sobre les característiques elèctriques o magnètiques dels materials, sent útil en molts camps d'investigació i desenvolupament com biologia molecular o per a realitzar diagnòstics. En el domini freqüencial, diverses tecnologies estan disponibles en el mercat per analitzar les propietats dielèctriques i la composició dels líquids. En aquesta tesi, estem enfocats en les tècniques basades en cavitats ressonants per a la caracterització de fluids en el rang de les ones mil·limètriques. No obstant això, aquestes tècniques són incompatibles amb els processos "lab-on-chip" a causa de les seues dimensions en aquesta banda de freqüència. En aquest context, una nova estructura guia onda denominada "gap waveguide" apareix com un bon candidat per a resoldre els principals inconvenients de les clàssiques cavitats ressonants. En aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat la tecnologia "gap waveguide" en la banda d'ones mil·limètriques. Altres tecnologies convencionals seran estudiades per a comparar el rendiment de totes elles en termes de pèrdues.També es presenta en esta tesi el disseny de ressonadors basats en la tecnologia "gap waveguide" amb el propòsit de fer esta tecnologia compatible amb la detecció microfluídica. En aquest context, proposem un estudi comparatiu entre les tecnologies "gap waveguide" i "Substrate Integrated Cavity" (SIC) amb l'objectiu de caracteritzar la permitivitat dels fluids a 60 GHz. Amb aquest propòsit, diversos prototips han sigut fabricats usant les tecnologies PCB ("Printed Circuit Board") i LTCC ("Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic". Un important treball en el laboratori LTCC es va realitzar per a validar algunes de les etapes del procés LTCC que eren la clau per a la fabricació de prototips basats en "gap waveguide", com la creació de cavitats (externes i internes) usant materials LTCC.Arenas Buendia, C. (2016). Enhanced fluid characterization in the millimeter-wave band using Gap Waveguide Technology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62781TESI


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    El cáncer de mama afecta cada vez más la vida de mujeres mayores, sobre todo en países desarrollados. En las ̼últimas tres décadas las mujeres de todos los grupos de edad han experimentado una disminución en la mortalidad secundaria a un diagnóstico más temprano y tratamientos más eficaces. Estos beneficios han sido contrarrestados por la creciente incidencia

    Le développement de la technologie LTCC dans le LabSticc pour une intégration mixte RF et optoélectronique

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    National audienceLa technologie Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) ou céramique cocuite à basse température, fait désormais partie de la filière technologie que propose le LabSticc. Nous apportons ici des précisions sur l'avancement de la mise en place de cette technologie, sur nos projets actuels et sur les pistes de développement que nous suivrons à l'avenir proche

    Impact of exercise on glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes who use a hybrid closed-loop system with the use of a temporary objective

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    Contexto: el consenso sobre el manejo del ejercicio para los pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 (DM1) no incluye recomendaciones para pacientes usuarios de sistemas híbridos de asa cerrada (SHAC). Objetivo: describir en pacientes con DM1, usuarios de SHAC con uso de objetivo temporal, el comportamiento de la glucosa intersticial durante ejercicio aeróbico (EA) y de resistencia (ER). Metodología: estudio piloto descriptivo en el cual se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años tratados con SHAC. Se registraron datos demográficos basales y se programaron sesiones de actividad física de EA de intensidad moderada y ER de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del consenso. En ambas sesiones se indicó uso del objetivo temporal 60 minutos antes y medir la glucosa capilar durante la actividad física (basal, 15, 30, 45 y 60 minutos). Al finalizar las sesiones de ejercicio se descargaron los datos del dispositivo. Resultados: se incluyeron 10 pacientes (80 % mujeres, edad promedio 41,1 ± 11,8 años) con TIR entre 70-180 mg/dl > 90 %. Durante el EA, el promedio de glucosa basal, 15, 13, 45 y 60 minutos fue de 147,1 ± 24,1 mg/dl, 131,4 ± 15,5 mg/dl, 131,4 ± 15,5 mg/dl, 107,9 ± 17 mg/dl y 101,3 ± 19,5 mg/dl, p < 0,05, respectivamente. Durante el ER no se observaron cambios significativos con respecto a la glucosa basal y 36 horas posterior a la actividad física se presentaron 2,75 eventos de hipoglucemia nivel 1, sin hipoglucemia severa. Conclusiones: el EA disminuye los niveles de glucosa de forma temprana y significativa, mientras que en el ER los niveles de glucosa permanecen estables. Los datos reportados en este estudio sugieren que el uso de SCHA es seguro si se siguen las pautas del consenso y se programa el objetivo temporal.Pacientes con Diabetes tipo 1Introduction: The consensus on exercise management for patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) does not include recommendations for patients using hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems. Objective: to describe the behavior of interstitial glucose during aerobic exercise (AE) and resistance exercise (RE) in patients with T1D users of HCL systems. Methodology: Observational pilot study. Patients >18 years of age treated with HCL system were included. Baseline demographic data was recorded and moderate intensity AE and RE physical activity sessions were scheduled according to the consensus recommendations. In both sessions, it was indicated to use a temporary goal 60 minutes before and to measure capillary glucose during physical activity (baseline, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes). At the end of the exercise sessions, the data was downloaded from the device. Results: 10 patients were included (80% women, mean age 41.1±11.8 years) with an TIR between 70-180 mg/dl >90%. During EA the mean basal glucose, 15,13,45 and 60 minutes were 147.1±24.1mg/dl, 131.4±15.5mg/dl, 131.4±15.5mg/dl, 107.9±17mg/dl and 101.3±19.5mg/dl, p <0.05, respectively. During the ER no significant changes were observed with respect to basal glucose. 36 hours after physical activity, there were 2.75 level 1 hypoglycemic events, without severe hypoglycemia. Conclusions: EA lowers glucose levels early and significantly, while ER glucose levels remain stable. The data reported in this study suggest that the use of SCHA following the consensus guidelines and programming the time goal is safe.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8907-3470https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1353-148Xhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-7807-016Xhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4498-5342https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5401-0018Revista Nacional - No indexadaN

    Feasibility and outcomes after dose reduction of immunochemotherapy in young adults with Burkitt lymphoma and leukemia: results of the BURKIMAB14 trial

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    High dose -intensive or infusional intermediate -dose immunochemotherapy is highly effective treatment for Burkitt lymphoma irrespective of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. However, toxicities of these regimens are relevant, especially in older adults and elderly patients. The prospective multicenter BURKIMAB14 trial included four to six blocks of immunochemotherapy according to stage (localized: 1 and 2 non -bulky; advanced: 2 bulky, 3, 4) and age, with dose reduction in patients >55 years old. Dose -intensity of chemotherapy was reduced in patients 55 years old had a significantly higher treatment -related mortality despite dose reduction of chemotherapy. With a median follow-up of 3.61 years the 4 -year OS probability was 73% (range, 63-81%). Age (55 years) and stage (localized vs. advanced) had prognostic significance. No significant differences in OS were observed in HIV -positive versus HIV -negative patients. The results of BURKIMAB14 are similar to those of other dose -intensive immunochemotherapy trials. Age >55 years and advanced stage, but not HIV infection, were associated with poor survival. Dose reduction of chemotherapy in young adults in CMR is safe and does not impact outcomes (clinicaltrials gov. Identifier: NCT05049473)

    Pharmaceutical intervention in the usage of inhalers with COPD patients that have an appointment in a health center to do an spirometry

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    Background: the usage of inhalers is something complex. This work with COPD patients pretends that, after the pharmacist intervention, the correct usage of these drugs is guaranteed so as to improve the quality of life.  Methods: the nurse set a date to do an spirometry to the patients. On the other hand, the pharmacist assessed the usage of the inhalers and carried out the adherence and quality of life tests. Three months after, the patients came back to the consultation and the pharmacist repeated the same procedure to detect any possible change after the intervention. Results: on those patients that attended both appointments, it was seen that there were statistically significant changes between the adherence punctuation regarding both appointments. The average of punctuation is higher in the second appointment (49.09) in respect to the first one (46.45), this is a significant difference with a p<0.05. The quality of life was the same in both appointments and the errors average in the usage of inhalators in the second appointment decreased (1773) significantly in respect to the errors average in the first appointment (4727). Conclusion: the intervention of a pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team to the following of COPD patients is advantageous to these patients, mainly in relation to the usage of inhalers and the adherence to treatment

    Pharmaceutical intervention in the usage of inhalers with COPD patients that have an appointment in a health center to do an spirometry

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    Background: the usage of inhalers is something complex. This work with COPD patients pretends that, after the pharmacist intervention, the correct usage of these drugs is guaranteed so as to improve the quality of life.  Methods: the nurse set a date to do an spirometry to the patients. On the other hand, the pharmacist assessed the usage of the inhalers and carried out the adherence and quality of life tests. Three months after, the patients came back to the consultation and the pharmacist repeated the same procedure to detect any possible change after the intervention. Results: on those patients that attended both appointments, it was seen that there were statistically significant changes between the adherence punctuation regarding both appointments. The average of punctuation is higher in the second appointment (49.09) in respect to the first one (46.45), this is a significant difference with a p<0.05. The quality of life was the same in both appointments and the errors average in the usage of inhalators in the second appointment decreased (1773) significantly in respect to the errors average in the first appointment (4727). Conclusion: the intervention of a pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team to the following of COPD patients is advantageous to these patients, mainly in relation to the usage of inhalers and the adherence to treatment

    Global, regional, and national burden of hepatitis B, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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